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What training issues should I consider when

implementing an ERP system?

When considering training for your new ERP system you can be faced with many issues
and questions. Here are a few questions for you to consider:

1. Is the training curriculum designed for the new organizational roles and

Dozens of new tasks will be defined during the ERP implementation process. These
tasks will be assigned to redesigned roles within the organization. Training should be
designed to develop new skills for people who will be taking on new roles and tasks.

2. Are the training materials tailored to different learning styles?

Each organization acquires ways of learning that are unique to its operations and
culture. Training standards should be designed up front that optimize learning within
your organization. These standards form the foundation for how training will be
developed, delivered and perceived by the end-users.

3. Is the training customized for your specific business?

Seradex provides "off-the-shelf" ERP training materials, and in general, they offer an
excellent overview of the Seradex system and its modules. However, they are not
designed to address your unique business needs and processes. Seradex can work
with your implementation team to develop effective, successful customized training
for your organization: customization that is ultimately crucial for your employees'
and organization's productivity.

4. Are the learning materials developed by experienced instructional


Adult have different learning styles, and Seradex offers you skilled and experienced
adult learning experts to develop training that will address the learning styles within
your organization. Studies have shown that this approach is significantly more
effective than using technical experts and consultants to develop end user training.

5. Is delivery of end-user training planned for a date close to the 'go-live'


Seradex delivers training on a Just-In-Time basis to minimize the time span between
training and application of training to daily tasks. Other ERP companies can schedule
end-user training on an ad-hoc basis reducing the effectivity and increasing training

6. How is end-user training delivered?

Seradex offers a mix of delivery methods including: Train the Trainer, Classroom, Self
Study manuals and Computer Based Training as well as Web based training. Web
based interactive delivery is becoming a highly cost effective method to be added to
the delivery mix.

7. What about end-user support after the Go-Live?

Considerable knowledge transfer happens after you Go Live. We recommend you

schedule follow-up reinforcement aids and communication.

8. How do we assess end-user training levels?

Prior to the Go Live a conference room pilot is conducted to assess end user
effectiveness and readiness to go live.
Formal assessments can also be conducted after the Go Live to addresses knowledge
transfer and skills retention.

9. How is on going training addressed?

Training should continue beyond the Go Live to accommodate employee turnover,

system changes and more sophisticated use of the new system.

10. What approach and tools will you use to make sure successful
knowledge transfer between Seradex and our personnel occurs?

An approach that emphasizes instructional design will translate knowledge from the
system and project experts to your personnel. Proper design of the training project
identify requirements that exist after system implementation.

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