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Thermal Radiation:

Properties and Processes

12.1. Theories of Radiation—Maxwell’s theory—Max Planck’s theory. 12.2. Spectrum of Electromagnetic Radiation. 12.3. Black body
Radiation. 12.4. Spectral and Total Emissive Power. 12.5. Surface Absorption, Reflection and Transmission. 12.6. Black body
Radiation Laws—Black body spectral emissive power—Wien’s displacement law—Stefan Boltzmann law—Radiation function and band
emission. 12.7. Emissivity—Hemispherical and total emissivity—Spectral emissivity—Directional emissivity—Kirchhoff’s law—Gray and
diffuse surfaces : Gray Lambert body approximation. 12.8. Radiation From a Surface—Solid angle—Spectral intensity of radiation (Ibλ)—
Radiation intensity (Ib). 12.9. Radiosity. 12.10. Solar Radiation—Solar radiation on the earth—Atmospheric emission—Green house effect—
Selective surfaces. 12.11. Summary—Review Questions—Problems—References and Suggested Reading.

Thermal radiation or radiation heat transfer is a distinct 12.1. THEORIES OF RADIATION

separate mechanism from conduction and convection for
transfer of heat energy. It refers to the heat energy The actual mechanism of radiation propagation is not
emitted by the bodies because of their temperatures. All fully understood, but two theories; Maxwell theory and
bodies at a temperature above absolute zero tempera- Max Planck’s theory are in use. Both concepts are used
ture emit energy by a process of electromagnetic in study of thermal radiation.
radiation. The intensity of such radiation depends upon
the temperature and nature of the surface. The energy 12.1.1. Maxwell’s Theory
transfer by radiation does not require any medium According to Maxwell electromagnetic theory, the energy
between hot and cold surfaces. The energy transfer by is transferred from a hot body to cold body in the form
radiation is the fastest (at the speed of light) and it does of electromagnetic waves. The electromagnetic waves
not suffer any attenuation even in the vacuum. In fact, possess the energy emitted by a body as a result of the
the heat transfer through an evacuated space can occur change in electronic configuration of atoms or molecules.
only by radiation. When a person sits infront of a fire, These electromagnetic waves transport energy like other
he gets most of the heat energy by radiation as shown waves and these electromagnetic waves travel with the
in Fig. 12.1. Further, it is also interesting that the speed of light.
radiation heat transfer can also occur between two bodies The electromagnetic waves are characterised by
separated by a medium that is colder than the both their frequency ν and wavelength λ, in a medium as:
bodies. For an example, the energy emitted by sun
reaches the earth surface after travelling through space λ= ...(12.1)
and extremely cold air layers at high altitudes. ν
Fire at where c is the speed of light in the medium. In vacuum,
Air at 5°C
500°C c = c0 = 2.998 × 108 m/s. This concept is useful in studies
Body for the prediction of the radiation properties of the
at surfaces and materials.
Radiation 12.1.2. Max Planck’s Theory
According to Max Planck’s concept, the propagation of
thermal radiation takes place in form of discrete quanta
called photons, each quantum having an energy of
Fig. 12.1. Radiation heat transfer between two bodies E = hν = ...(12.2)
separated by a colder medium

Where h is Planck’s constant = 6.6256 × 10–34 J-s, portion of radiation spectrum is shown in Fig. 12.2. The
ν is frequency of photons, and c is a constant. It is also bulk of thermal energy emitted by a body lies in wave-
revealed that the energy of the photons is inversely length between λ ≈ 0.1 and λ ≈ 100 µm. For this reason,
proportional to its wavelength. Therefore, the shorter this portion of the spectrum is generally referred as
wavelength radiation possesses the larger photon thermal radiation. The sun emits thermal radiation at
energy. This theory is used to predict the magnitude of an effective surface temperature of 5760 K and bulk of
emitted energy by a body at a given temperature under this energy lies between λ = 0.1 to λ = 3 µm, therefore,
ideal conditions. this spectrum is referred as the solar radiation. The
radiation energy emitted by the sun is in wavelength
12.2. SPECTRUM OF ELECTROMAGNETIC between λ = 0.4 to λ = 0.76 µm, is visible to human eye,
therefore, this spectrum is referred as the visible radia-
tion (light). Almost half of the solar radiation is light,
The radiation energy in form of electromagnetic waves, falls in the visible range and remaining being ultraviolet
is emitted at all wave length from λ = 0 to λ = ∞. A and infrared.

Thermal radiation
Infrared Solar
Visible (0.4 – 0.76 m)
0.76 – 100 m 0.1 – 3 m –2
Ultraviolet (0.4 – 10 m)

X rays
Microwave  rays

 (m) 5 4 3 2 1 0 –1 –2 –3 –4
10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10

 (s ) 10

Fig. 12.2. Typical spectrum of electromagnetic radiation

The visible spectrum (light) consists of narrow The radiation emitted by bodies at atmospheric
bands of colour from violet (0.40–0.44 µm) to red (0.63– temperature falls into infrared region, (0.76 ≤ λ
0.76 µm) as shown in Table 12.1 below : ≤ 100 µm). The bodies emit radiation in the visible range
TABLE 12.1. Wavelength ranges of usually at temperature above 800 K. The ultraviolet
different colours in light radiation is low wavelength (0.1 ≤ λ ≤ 0.4 µm) radiation
in the thermal radiation range. These rays are harmful,
Colour Wavelength band since they can kill micro-organisms and cause serious
Violet 0.40–0.44 µm damage to human, and other living beings. The solar
Blue 0.44–0.49 µm radiation contains about 12% ultraviolet rays and it
Green 0.49–0.54 µm would be extremely harmful, if it will reach to earth’s
surface. Fortunately, the ozone (O3) layer in the
Yellow 0.54–0.60 µm
atmosphere absorbs most of the ultraviolet solar
Orange 0.60–0.63 µm
radiation. Ultraviolet rays remaining in the sunlight is
Red 0.63–0.76 µm still sufficient to cause sun burn, skin cancer etc.
The colour of a surface depends on its ability to
reflect the radiation in certain wavelength. For an 12.3. BLACK BODY RADIATION
example, a surface that reflects a fraction of radiation
in the wavelength ranges from 0.63 µm to 0.76 µm, while A black body is defined as a body which is a perfect
absorbing rest of the visible radiation appears red to emitter and absorber of radiation. It has an ideal surface
human eye. Similarly, if a surface reflects all the with the following properties :
radiation in the visible range (0.4 µm to 0.76 µm) appears
1. A black body absorbs all incident radiation
white and a surface that absorbs all the light incident
from all directions at all wavelengths.
on it, appears black.

2. At a specified temperature and wavelength, where ε = emissivity, a surface characteristics,

nobody can emit energy more than a black λ = wavelength of radiation, µm,
T = absolute temperature of the surface, K.
3. Although the radiation emitted by a
blackbody depends upon wavelength and tem- Spectral or monochromatic emissive power.
perature, but it is independent of direction. The amount of radiation energy emitted from a surface
4. A black body neither reflects nor transmits at a given temperature also varies with the wavelength.
any amount of incident radiation. The spectral or monochromatic emissive power is
In actual, no surface has all the properties defined as amount of radiation energy emitted by a
mentioned above for a blackbody. The term black is surface at an absolute temperature T, per unit time,
different from visual observations. A surface is coated per unit surface area and per unit wavelength dλ about
with lampblack appears to be black-in colour to the the wavelength λ. It is designated as Eλ and measured
human eye in visible range of spectrum, but turns out in W/m2. µm.
to be black for thermal radiation in certain range of
wavelength. On the other hand, the ice and snow appear
quite bright to human eye but almost black to thermal E(T)
radiation at all wavelength from λ = 0 to λ = ∞.
Consider a radiation beam enters the cavity of
an enclosure as shown in Fig. 12.3. It experiences many
reflections within the enclosure and almost entire beam
is absorbed by the cavity and the black body behaviour
is experienced. d

Fig. 12.4. Area under the curve for a given temperature

Fourth reflection and represents the total emissive power of the surface
partial absorption Radiation beam
The radiation is emitted over the wavelength
ranges from λ = 0 to λ = ∞. The emissive power of surface
over the wavelength ranges from λ to λ + d λ is given by
Third reflection and
partial absorption Isothermal dE = Eλdλ
where dE = emissive power in given wave band
between λ to λ + dλ, (W/m2)
First reflection and Eλ = monochromatic emissive power,
Second reflection and partial absorption (W/m2.µm).
partial absorption
The total emissive power of a surface over entire
Fig. 12.3. The concept of a blackbody radiation spectrum of wavelength is


E= z

Eλdλ ...(12.4)

All surfaces at a temperature above absolute zero 12.5. SURFACE ABSORPTION, REFLECTION AND
temperature emit energy in all directions over a wide
range of wavelength. At a given temperature, the total
amount of heat energy emitted by a surface in all The irradiation is the total radiation energy incident
direction over entire wavelength per unit area, per unit per unit area per unit time over entire wave length from
time is called the emissive power. The emissive power all directions. It is denoted by G and measured in W/m2.
depends on characteristics and temperature of the For most of the surfaces, when the radiation
surface. It is designated as E and measured in W/m2, incidents on a body, part of it is absorbed, part of it is
and reflected and remaining part is transmitted as shown
E = f(ε, λ, T) ...(12.3) in Fig. 12.5.
Incident radiation Normal
2 Incident
G, W/m Reflected Reflected
ray  rays

Semitransparent Absorbed
material G

Transmitted, G
(c) Reflection which is between
diffuse and specular
Fig. 12.5. Reflection, Absorption and transmission
(a real surface).
of incident radiation
Absorptivity. The total or average or hemispheri- Fig. 12.6. Types of reflections from a surface
cal absorptivity α is defined as fraction of radiation If the surface has some roughness, the incident
energy incident on the surface from all directions, over radiation is scattered in all directions after reflection,
entire wavelength spectrum, that is absorbed by the such reflection is called the diffuse reflection as shown
surface. Mathematically in Fig. 12.6 (b).
Gα The reflection from real surfaces is neither
α= ...(12.5) specular nor diffuse but combination of diffuse and
where, Gα = energy absorbed by the surface, W/m2, and specular behaviour as shown in Fig. 12.6 (c).
G = irradiation, W/m2. Transmissivity. When radiation is incident on
a semi-transparent surface, a part is reflected, a part is
A blackbody absorbs all incident radiation, hence
absorbed and remaining is transmitted. Hence the
its absorptivity is considered unity. But real surfaces
transmissivity, τ is the fraction of incident energy
do not absorb all energy incident on it.
transmitted through the surface. Mathematically
Reflectivity. When radiation is incident on a non
black surface, a fraction is always reflected by the Gτ
τ= ...(12.7)
surface. The reflectivity of a surface is defined as the G
fraction of radiation energy incident on a surface from where Gτ is energy transmitted by the surface.
all directions over entire wavelengths, that is reflected. With above considerations, for a surface, the sum
It is designated as ρ and is expressed as : of absorbed, reflected and transmitted radiation energy
is equal to the radiation energy incident on the surface;

ρ= ...(12.6) Gα + Gρ + Gτ = G ...(12.8)
Dividing each term in above relation by G, we
where Gρ is energy reflected by the surface. If the surface
is perfectly smooth and the angle θ of incident and
reflected rays is equal, then the reflection is called the α+ρ+τ=1 ...(12.9)
specular (or mirror like) reflection as shown in Monochromatic irradiation. The irradiation
Fig. 12.6 (a). G defined above is total hemispherical property. Thus
α, ρ, and τ are average properties of a surface for all
Normal directions and all wavelengths. However, for a specific
 wavelength or direction, the irradiation is referred as
ray monochromatic irradiation. It is also called spectral
Reflected irradiation and is defined as the radiant heat flux
ray rays incident on a surface per unit wavelength about a
wavelength λ from all directions. It is denoted by Gλ
q q and measured in W/m2.µm. Mathematically it is
expressed as :
Gλ = ...(12.10)
(a) Specular or mirror-like (b) Diffuse reflection dλ
reflection of incoming ray. Total hemispherical irradiation may be evaluated

G= z

Gλ dλ
The spectral absorptivity, reflectivity and
Example 12.1. The spectral distribution of surface
irradiation is shown in Fig. 12.7.

transmissivity of a surface are defined in a similar

manner as
1. Spectral absorptivity αλ is the fraction of

G W/m . m
monochromatic irradiation absorbed.

2. Spectral reflectivity ρλ is the fraction of
monochromatic irradiation reflected.
3. Spectral transmissivity τλ is the fraction of 0 5 10 15 20 25
monochromatic energy transmitted. , m

G λ, α G λ, ρ G λ, τ Fig. 12.7. Spectral distribution of irradiation

αλ = ρλ = αλ = ...(12.12)
Gλ Gλ Gλ What is the total irradiation ?
where Gλ,α, Gλ,ρ and Gλ,τ are the absorbed, reflected and Solution
transmitted portion of spectral irradiation Gλ. Similar Given : Spectral distribution of the surface
to average properties, the sum of spectral properties is irradiation.
always equal to unity as : G λ 1 = 0, G λ 2 = 1000 W/m2.µm, G λ 3 = 0.
αλ + ρλ + τλ = 1 ...(12.13) To find : Total irradiation on the surface.
The average absorptivity, reflectivity and Analysis : Total irradiation on the surface may
transmissivity of a surface can also be expressed in terms be obtained by using eqn. (12.11).

of their spectral counterparts as :

z z

∞ ∞ G= Gλdλ
α λ G λ dλ ρ λ G λ dλ 0

z z
0 0 Evaluating the integral into parts
α= , ρ=

z z
∞ ∞
G λ dλ G λ dλ 5 µm 20 µm
0 0

G= Gλdλ + Gλ dλ
0 5 µm

z z

τ λ G λ dλ

25 µm ∞
τ= ∞ ...(12.14) + Gλ dλ + Gλ dλ
20 µm 25 µm
G λ dλ
0 Each integral represents area under the curve,
Opaque body. For an opaque surface, there is first and third integral has trapezoid and its area
no transmission thus the reflectivity and absorptivity 1
= × height × width.
are : 2
α+ρ=1 ...(12.15) 1
Thus, G = × 1000 × (5 – 0) + 1000 × (20 – 5)
and αλ + ρλ = 1 ...(12.16) 2
White body. A body is called white body which 1
× 1000 × (25 – 20) + 0
reflects almost all radiation incident upon it and does 2
not absorb or transmit any part of it. For white body : = 2500 + 15000 + 2500
α=0; τ=0 ...(12.17) = 20,000 W/m2. Ans.
thus ρ≡1
Black body. A black body neither reflects nor
transmits any part of the incident radiation but it 12.6.1. Black body Spectral Emissive Power
absorbs all of it, i.e.,
The spectral or monochromatic emissive power for a
ρ = 0 ; τ = 0 and α = 1 ...(12.18) black surface is highest at every wavelength at any given

temperature and it is given by Max Planck’s distribution 3. Each curve has a peak value of emissive
law, based on quantum theory, as : power.
C1 4. As temperature increases the peaks shift
Ebλ(T) = 5 ...(12.19) toward smaller wavelengths.
λ {exp [C 2 /(λT)] − 1}
5. The peak of the solar radiation (a black body
where C1 and C2 are constant ;
radiation) at T ≈ 5800 K reaches in visible range of the
C1 = 2πhc02 = 3.742 × 108 W.µm4/m2, and spectrum. Therefore, the sun is in tune with our eye.
C2 = hc0/kB = 1.438 × 104 µm.K ; On the other hand, the surfaces at temperatures
kB = 1.3805 × 10–23, Boltzmann constant. T ≤ 800 K emit almost entirely in the infrared region
and thus the radiation is not visible to eye.
T = absolute temperature, K
λ = wavelength, µm ; 12.6.2. Wien’s Displacement Law
Ebλ(T) = spectral black body emissive power at Fig. 12.8 shows spectral blackbody emissive power
absolute temperature T, W/m2.µm. distribution over a certain range of wavelength. It is
observed that, for a given temperature, there is a definite
This relation is valid for black body spectral
peak, at a particular wavelength. The relationship
emission in a vacuum or a gas. For other mediums, the
between the wavelength λmax and absolute temperature
constant C1 should be replaced by C1/n2, where n is the
T at which Ebλ reaches a maximum value is given by
index of refraction of the medium.
the Wien’s displacement law. “It can be derived from
The Fig. 12.8 is a plot of black body spectral Planck’s distribution law by applying the condition of
emissive power Ebλ(T) against the wavelength λ of maxima, i.e., differentiating Ebλ with respect to λ and
radiation for some selected temperatures. setting it to zero ;
9 dE bλ (T)
d LM C 1λ−5
8 Visible spectral region dλ dλ exp [C 2 /(λT)] − 1
lmax T = 2898 mm.K
H λT K FG − C IJ = 0
Spectral emissive power, Eb W/m . mm

Solar radiation −6 C1λ−5 exp 2
5C λ
F IJ − 1 L F C I O H λ T K
1 2
10 – –

exp G
C 2 2

H λT K MNexp GH λT JK − 1PQ
5800 K 2
10 2

2000 K
10 1000 K
Simplifying and rearranging, we get
exp 2
λT 5λT
800 K
10 C C2
exp 2 − 1
–1 C2
Using x = , we get
–2 300 K λT
50 K ex 5
100 K
= or x = 5(1 – e–x)
–4 e −1 x
0.1 0.2 0.4 0.6 1 2 4 6 10 20 40 60 100 It is a transcendental equation and its solution
Wavelength, l, mm by trial and error method converges to
Fig. 12.8. Spectral black body emissive power C2
x= = 4.9651
The plot indicates the following facts. λ max T
1. The spectral emissive power of a blackbody Substituting constant C2 = 1.438 × 104 µm, we
is continuous function of wavelength. At any given get
temperature, it increases with wavelength, reaches a λmaxT = 2897.6 µm.K. ...(12.20)
maximum value and then decreases with increasing where λmax represents wavelength corresponding to
wavelength. maximum spectral black body emissive power at a given
2. At any given wavelength, the emissive power temperature T. The eqn. (12.20) is valid for entire
increases with increase in absolute temperature. spectrum of wavelength for black body.

Substituting λmax as 2897.6/T in eqn. (12.19) to between the plate and ambient air is 10 W/m2.K. The
obtain maximum spectral emissive power at surface emissivity of the plate is 0.8. The surrounding
temperature T, and ambient air are at 27°C. Determine the temperature
C 1T 5 of the plate under steady state conditions.
Ebλ(T) =
LM F C I − 1OP Solution
(2897.6) 5 × exp
N H 2897.6 K Q
Given : qr = 900 W/m2, hc = 10 W/m2.K
Using C1 and C2 ; ε = 0.8, T∞ = 27°C = 300 K.
3.742 × 10 8 T 5 To find : The temperature of the plate.
Ebλ(T) =
LM F 1.438 × 10 I − 1OP 4

MN GH 2897.6 JK PQ
(2897.6) 5 exp Assumptions :
1. Steady state conditions.
Ebλ max = 12.87 × 10–10 T5 (W/m2.µm) 2. One side of the plate is adiabatic.
...(12.21) 3. Constant properties.
12.6.3. Stefan Boltzmann Law Analysis : The radiant heat flux absorbed by the
The total emissive power of a blackbody Eb may be plate, will be dissipated by convection and radiation.
obtained by integrating Planck’s distribution

Thus, qr = hc(Ts – T∞) + ε σ (Ts4 – T∞4)

eqn. (12.19) over entire wavelength as Eb = Ebλ dλ Using the numerical values,

900 = 10 × (Ts – 300) + 0.8 × 5.67 × 10–8
∞ C1
or Eb = 5 dλ ...(12.22) × (Ts4 – 3004)
0 λ [exp (C2 /λT) − 1]

It gives, Ts = 354.8 K. Ans.
∞ C1Tdλ
= T4 Example 12.3. A hot water radiator of overall
(λT) 5 [exp (C2 /λT) − 1]

Put λT = x, Tdλ = dx, then dimensions 2 × 1 × 0.2 m is used to heat the room at

18°C. The surface temperature of radiator is 60°C and
∞ dx
Eb = C1T4 its surface is black. The actual surface of the radiator is
0 x [exp (C2 / x) − 1] 2.5 times the area of its envelope for convection for which
dy the convection coefficient is given by hc = 1.3(∆T)1/3
Using C2/x = y, and dx = – C2 . , then
y2 W/m2.K.

Eb = –
C 1T 4
C2 4 z ∞

y 3 dy
ey − 1
Calculate the rate of heat loss from the radiator
by convection and radiation.
Its integration yields to :
∞ Given : Radiation and convection heat transfer
C1 1
Eb =
C2 4
T4 × 6 ∑
from a radiator.
Radiator Dimensions :
∞ 4
1 π
We have ∑
n 4 90
H = 2 m, L = 1 m,
Ts = 60°C = 333 K,
w = 0.2 m
T∞ = 18°C = 291 K
C1 6π 4 For convection As = 2.5 Arad
which gives Eb = 4
C2 90 hc = 1.3(∆T)1/3.
Eb = σ T4 ...(12.23) To find : Rate of heat transfer by convection and
C1 π 4
3.742 × 10 π4 8 radiation.
where σ= × = × Assumptions :
C2 4 15 (1.438 × 10 4 ) 4 15
= 5.672 × 10–8 W/m2.K4 ...(12.24) (i) The radiator as a blackbody.
The constant σ is called the Stefan Boltzmann (ii) Steady state conditions.
constant. (iii) Uniform heat transfer coefficient.
Example 12.2. One side of metallic plate is insulated, Analysis : The area of the radiator ;
while the other side absorbs a radiant heat flux of Arad = 2 × {2 × 1 + 2 × 0.2 + 1 × 0.2} = 5.2 m2
900 W/m2. The convective heat transfer coefficient

Radiation heat transfer rate ; Substituting the values,

Qrad = Arad σ (Ts4 – T∞4)
3.742 × 10 8
= 5.2 × 5.67 × 10–8 × (3334 – 2914) Ebλ =
LM F 1.438 × 10 I − 1OP

MN GH 1.2 × 2923 JK PQ
= 1511.2 W (1.2) 5 × exp
The convection heat transfer coefficient,
hc = 1.3(∆T)1/3 = 2.53 × 106 W/m2.µ
µm. Ans.
= 1.3 × (60 – 18)1/3 (ii) The wavelength at which the emissive power
= 4.51 W/m2.K is maximum :
The convection heat transfer area, Using Wien’s displacement law, eqn.(12.20)
As = 2.5 × Arad = 2.5 × 5.2 = 13 m2 λmax T = 2897.6 µm.K
The convection heat transfer rate ; 2897.6
λmax = = 0.9913 µm. Ans.
Qconv = hc As(Ts – T∞) 2923
= 4.51 × 13 × (60 – 18) = 2462.24 W (iii) Maximum spectral emissive power, by
The total heat transfer rate from the radiator, eqn.(12.21)
Q = Qrad + Qconv Ebλ max = 12.87 × 10–10 T5 W/m2.µm
= 1511.2 + 2462.24 = 12.87 × 10–10 × (2923)5
= 2.746 × 108 W/m2.µ µm. Ans.
= 3973.67 W. Ans.
(iv) Total emissive power

Example 12.4. Calculate the following quantities for

an industrial furnace (black body) emitting radiation at Eb = Ebλ dλ = σ T4
2650°C. 0

(i) Spectral emissive power at λ = 1.2 µm, = 5.67 × 10–8 × (2923)4

(ii) Wavelength at which the emissive power is = 4.139 × 106 W/m2. Ans.
maximum, (v) Total emissive power with ε = 0.9
(iii) Maximum spectral emissive power, E = εEb = ε σ T4
(iv) Total emissive power, = 0.9 × 4.139 × 106
(v) Total emissive power of the furnace, if it is = 3.725 × 106 W/m2. Ans.
treated as gray and diffuse body with an emissivity of
0.9. Example 12.5. The average solar radiation flux on the
earth’s atmosphere is 1353 W/m2 and it is known as solar
Solution constant. Calculate the temperature of sun (a black body),
Given : An industrial furnace as black body 1.392 × 106 km in diameter, when it has mean distance
radiating at of 1.496 × 108 km from the earth’s atmosphere.
T = 2650°C = 2923 K. Solution
To find : Given : Average solar constant for determination
(i) Ebλ at λ = 1.2 µm of temperature of sun
(ii) λmax (Q/A)sun = 1353 W/m2
(iii) Ebλ max D = 1.392 × 109 m
(iv) Eb (Total emissive power) s = 1.496 × 1011 m
(v) ε Eb.
Analysis : (i) The spectral emissive power at 6 n2
D = 1.392 × 10 km
λ = 1.2 µm : dA2
The Planck’s distribution law, eqn. (12.19)
C1 s
Ebλ = 5
λ [exp (C2 /λT) − 1] f1

where C1 = 3.742 × 108 W.µm4/m2 dA1 n1

C2 = 1.438 × 104 µm.K. Fig. 12.9

To find : The temperature of sun. = Convection flux + Radiation flux

Assumptions : (Emissive power)
(i) The negligible emissive power of earth in Q
αsun sun = h(T – T∞) + ε σ (T4 – T∞4) ...(1)
comparison of sun. A
(ii) Due to large distance, all rays of sun falling (a) When the plate is coated with white paint :
on the earth’s surface. αsun = 0.12 ; αplate = 0.9 or εplate = 0.9
(iii) Sun has spherical surface. (By Kirchhoff ’s law)
Analysis : The energy radiated by sun (black body) 0.12 × 700 = 10 × (T – 298) + 0.9 × 5.67
4 4 × 10–8 × (T4 – 2984)
Qsun = Asun σ Tsun = π (Dsun)2 σ Tsun
4 84 = 10 T – 2980 + 5.103
= π × (1.392 × 109 m)2 × 5.67 × 10–8 Tsun
× 10–8 T4– 402.43
= 3.45 × 1011 Tsun ...(1) or T4 + 195.963 × 106 T – 67.929 × 109 = 0
The sun is considered as source at a distance It is a non linear equation and its numerical
s = 1.496 × 1011 m from earth’s surface.
(Newton Raphson method) solution gives ;
Mean area, which receives solar radiation
T = 303.40 K or 30.4°C. Ans.
A = 4πs2 = 4π × (1.496 × 1011)2
(b) When plate is coated with black paint :
= 2.812 × 1023 m2
αsun = 0.96 ; αplate = 0.95
The solar flux incidence on the earth is :
Using these values in eqn. (1) ;
Q sun 3.45 × 10 11 Tsun
q= or 1353 = 0.96 × 700 =10 × (T – 298) + 0.95 × 5.67
A 2.812 × 10 23 × 10–8 × (T4 – 2984)
or 4
Tsun = 1.102 × 1015 672 = 10 T – 2980 + 5.3865
or Tsun = 5762.2 K. Ans. × 10–8 T4 – 424.787
or T4 + 185.65 ×106 T – 75.6852 × 109 = 0
Example 12.6. Calculate the equilibrium temperature
It is a non linear equation and its numerical
for a plate, exposed to a solar flux of 700 W/m2 and
convection environment at 25°C, with convection (Newton Raphson method) solution gives ;
coefficient of 10 W/m2.K. If the plate is coated with T = 337.65 K or 64.65°C. Ans.
(a) White paint : αsun = 0.12 ; αplate = 0.9. 12.6.4. Radiation Function and Band Emission
(b) Flat black paint : αsun = 0.96 ; αplate = 0.95. Eqn. (12.23) gives the total amount of radiant energy
(N.M.U., Nov. 2000) emitted by a blackbody at temperature T over
Solution wavelength λ = 0 to λ = ∞. There are often situations,
Given : A plate exposed to solar flux and (Fig. 12.10) when it is necessary to evaluate the energy
convection environment ; over certain wavelength band, like 0 to λ or λ1 to λ2.
Solar flux = 700 W/m2,
T∞ = 25°C = 298 K, h = 10 W/m2.K,
(a) αsun = 0.12 ; αplate = 0.9
Ebl dl

(b) αsun = 0.96 ; αplate = 0.95.

To find : The equilibrium temperature in above
two cases.
Assumptions :
1. Steady state conditions.
2. Plate surface is gray, opaque and diffused.
Analysis : Making the energy balance for the
plate : 0 1 l
Considering T is the temperature of plate, then Fig. 12.10. Radiation emission from a black body
Solar flux on the plate in spectral band of 0 to λ1

The radiation energy emitted by a blackbody per 3000 0.273248 7700 0.843671 50000 0.998994
unit area, over a wavelength band from λ = 0 to λ is 3100 0.295797 7800 0.848042 55000 0.999259
determined as : 3200 0.318120 7900 0.852258 60000 0.999444

3300 0.340130 8000 0.856325 65000 0.999579
E b, 0 − λ 1 = Ebλ dλ (W/m2) ...(12.25) 3400 0.361755 8100 0.860251 70000 0.999678
0 3500 0.382937 8200 0.864040 75000 0.999754
The eqn. (12.25) is evaluated numerically by using 3600 0.403628 8300 0.867699 80000 0.999812
3700 0.423794 8400 0.871232 85000 0.999857
eqn. (12.19). But the integration does not have simple
3800 0.443406 8500 0.874645 90000 0.999893
closed form solution and therefore, performing 3900 0.462446 8600 0.877943 95000 0.999922
integration is not practical solution. Therefore, a 4000 0.480902 8700 0.881129 100000 0.999946
dimensionless quantity f0 – λ called the black body 4100 0.498767 8800 0.884210
radiation function is used, which is defined as : 4200 0.516040 8900 0.887188

4300 0.532723 9000 0.890068
λ 4400 0.548823 9100 0.892853
Ebλ dλ 4500 0.564348 9200 0.895548
f0 – λ = ...(12.26) 4600 0.579309 9300 0.898156
σ T4
4700 0.593718 9400 0.900680
The function f0 – λ represents fraction of radia-
tion energy emitted from a black body at temperature T The fraction of radiation energy emitted by a
in the wavelength band from λ = 0 to λ. A table of black body at a temperature T over a finite wavelength
band from λ = λ1 to λ = λ2 (Fig. 12.11) is evaluated as :

computed black body radiation function f0 – λ as a
function of λT is given in Table 12.2. λ2
E bλ 1 − λ = Ebλ dλ
2 λ1
TABLE 12.2. Black body radiation functions

(µm K)
f0–λ λT
(µm K)
f0–λ λT
(µm K)
f0–λ = z
E bλ dλ − z
E bλ dλ ...(12.27)

òl E
bl dl

300 0.000000 5000 0.633777 9700 0.907782

400 0.000000 5100 0.646127 9800 0.910002
500 0.000000 5200 0.658001 9900 0.912153
600 0.000000 5300 0.669417 10000 0.914238
700 0.000002 5400 0.680392 11000 0.931929
800 0.000016 5500 0.690940 12000 0.945138
900 0.000087 5600 0.701079 13000 0.955179
1000 0.000321 5700 0.710824 14000 0.962938
1100 0.000911 5800 0.720192 15000 0.969021
1200 0.002134 5900 0.729196 16000 0.973855 l1 l2 l
1300 0.004317 6000 0.737852 17000 0.977741
1400 0.007791 6100 0.746173 18000 0.980901 Fig. 12.11. Black body radiation in wavelength band
1500 0.012850 6200 0.754174 19000 0.983494 λ = λ1 to λ = λ2
1600 0.019720 6300 0.761869 20000 0.985643 In terms of black body radiation function

z z
1700 0.028535 6400 0.769268 21000 0.987437
λ2 λ1
1800 0.039344 6500 0.776386 22000 0.988947 Ebλ dλ − E bλ dy
1900 0.052111 6600 0.783234 23000 0.990227 fλ 1 − λ 2 = 0 0
2000 0.066733 6700 0.789823 24000 0.991319 σ T4

z z
2100 0.083058 6800 0.796164 25000 0.992256
λ2 λ1
2200 0.100895 6900 0.802268 26000 0.993064
Ebλ dλ Ebλ dλ
2300 0.120037 7000 0.808144 27000 0.993765 0 0
= −
2400 0.140266 7100 0.813803 28000 0.994376 σT 4
σ T4
2500 0.161366 7200 0.819253 29000 0.994911
2600 0.183132 7300 0.824504 30000 0.995381 or fλ 1 − λ 2 = f0 − λ 2 − f0 – λ 1 ...(12.28)
2700 0.205370 7400 0.829563 35000 0.997044
2800 0.227904 7500 0.834439 40000 0.998008 where f0 − λ 1 and f0 − λ 2 are the black body radiation func-
2900 0.250577 7600 0.839139 45000 0.998605 tions corresponding to λ1T and λ2 T, respectively.

Example 12.7. The temperature of a filament of an Analysis : The total radiation emitted from the
incandescent light bulb (a black body) is maintained at sun in visible spectrum
2500 K. Calculate the fraction of radiant energy emitted
by the filament in the visible spectrum. Also calculate
the wavelength at which the emission from the filament
z 0.7 µm

0.4 µm
Ebλdλ = σ T4[f0 – 0.7 – f0 – 0.4]
= 5.67 × 10–8 × (5800)4
reaches a maximum value.
× [0.4914 – 0.1245]
Solution = 23.54 × 10 W/m2. Ans.

Given : Radiation from a filament of an incan-

Example 12.9. Determine (a) the wavelength at which
descent light bulb in visible range.
the spectral emissive power of a tungsten filament
T = 2500 K  at 1400 K is maximum, (b) the spectral emissive power

λ1 = 0.4 µm  For visible range. at that wavelength, and (c) the spectral emissive power
 at 5 µm.
λ2 = 0.76 µm 
To find : Solution
(i) Fraction of radiation energy emitted in visible Given : For a radiating surface
range. Ts = 1400 K.
(ii) Wavelength corresponding to maximum To find :
emissive power. (a) λmax corresponds to peak emissive power,
Analysis : (i) The black body radiation function (b) Peak spectral emissive power corresponding
corresponds to λ1T and λ2T are : to λmax
λ1T = (0.4 µm) × (2500 K) (c) Spectral emissive power at λ = 5 µm.
= 1000 µm.K → f0 − λ 1 = 0.000321 Assumption : Black body radiation and σ = 5.67
λ2T = (0.76 µm) × (2500 K) × 10–8 W/m2. K4.
Analysis : (a) The wavelength corresponds to
= 1900 µm K → f0 − λ 2 = 0.052111
maximum emissive power.
fλ 1 − λ 2 = f0 − λ 2 − f0 − λ 1 λmaxT = 2897.6 µm.K
= 0.052111 – 0.000321 = 0.05179 2897.6
or λmax = = 2.07 µm. Ans.
It indicates that only 5.18% of the radiation 1400
energy emitted falls in the visible range. Ans. (b) Spectral emissive power at λ = λmax can be
(ii) Wavelength corresponding to maximum obtained from eqn. (12.21) ;
emissive power is obtained by using Wien’s Ebλ, max = 12.87 × 10–10 T5
displacement law = 12.87 × 10–10 × (1400)5
λmaxT = 2897.8 µm.K = 69.23 × 103 W/m2.µ µm. Ans.
2897.8 (c) Monochromatic emissive power at 5 µm.
or λmax = µm = 1.16 µm. Ans. λT = 5 × 1400
= 7000 µm.K → f0 – λ = 0.808144
Example 12.8. Solar radiation has approximately same
spectral distribution as an ideal radiating body at Ebλ = σ T4 . f0 – λ
temperature of 5800 K. Determine the amount of solar = 5.67 × 10–8 × (1400)4 × 0.808144
radiation, which is in the visible range of 0.4 µm to = 1.76 × 105 W/m2.µ µm. Ans.
0.7 µm, use following data : Example 12.10. A window glass 0.3 cm thick has a
Range Black body radiation function monochromatic transmissivity of 0.9 in the range of
0 ≤ λ ≤ 0.4 f0 – 0.4 = 0.1245 0.3 µm to 2.5 µm and nearly zero elsewhere. Estimate
0 ≤ λ ≤ 0.7 f0 – 0.7 = 0.4914. the total transmissivity of the window for (a) near black
(Pune Univ., Dec. 1999) solar radiation at 5800 K, and (b) black room radiation
at 300 K.
Given : Solar radiation at Ts = 5800 K, and
blackbody radiation functions with wavelengths. Given : Transmission through a glass window
To find : Amount of solar radiation in visible τλ = 0.9, λ1 = 0.3 µm, λ2 = 2.5 µm
spectrum. (a) T = 5800 K, (b) T = 300 K.

To find : Transmissivity in range of λ1 = 0.3 µm To find : The effective absorptivity of the surface
to λ2 = 2.5 µm for (i) T = 5800 K, and (ii) T = 300 K. for
Assumptions : (i) Solar radiation, and
(i) Black body behaviour, (ii) Source radiation.
(ii) Stefan Boltzmann constant, Anslysis : (i) For solar radiation
λ1T = 3 µm × 5800 K
σ = 5.67 × 10–8 W/m2. K4.
Analysis : The transmissivity of a surface is = 17400 µm.K → f0 − λ 1 = 0.98
defined as : and fλ 1 – ∞ = 1 – f0 − λ 1 = 1 – 0.98 = 0.02
Energy transmitted through body Thus 98% solar radiation falls below 3 µm and
Energy incident on the body the remaining 2% between λ = 3 µm to λ = ∞.
The effective absorptivity of the surface

z z
For a black body

3 µm ∞
τ λ Ebλ dλ α λ 1 G λ dλ + α λ 2 G λ dλ

0 3 µm
= 0.9 × [ f0 − λ 2 – f0 − λ 1 ] αsolar = ∞
σ T4 G λ dλ
(i) At 5800 K For black surface (sun)
λ1T = 0.3 × 5800
= 1740 µm.K → f0 − λ 1 = 0.03285 αsolar =
α λ1 z
σ T4

Ebλ dλ
α λ2 z
3 µm

σ T4
Ebλ dλ

λ2T = 2.5 × 5800

= α λ 1 f0 − λ 1 + α λ 2 f λ 1 − ∞
= 14500 µm.K → f0 − λ 2 = 0.96597
= 0.4 × 0.98 + 0.8 × 0.02 = 0.408. Ans.
∴ τ = 0.9 × [0.96597 – 0.03285] = 0.834. Ans. (ii) Source condition, Tsource = 527°C = 800 K
(ii) At T = 300 K λ1T = 3 µm × 800 K
λ1T = 0.3 × 300 = 90 µm.K → f0 − λ 1 = 0.000 = 2400 µm.K → f0 − λ 1 = 0.140266
λ2T = 2.5 × 300 and fλ 1 − ∞ = 1 – f0 − λ 1 = 1 – 0.140266 = 0.859734
= 750 µm.K → f0 − λ 2 = 0.000005 Absorptivity of the surface for source
∴ τ = 0.9 × (0.000005 – 0) αsource = α λ 1 f0 − λ 1 + α λ 2 f λ 1 − ∞
≈ 4.5 × 10–6 ≈ 0.0. Ans. = 0.4 × 0.140266 + 0.8 × 0.859734
= 0.7439. Ans.
Example 12.11. The aluminium paint is used to cover
the surface of a body that is maintained at 27°C. In one
installation this body is irradiated by the sun, in another 12.7. EMISSIVITY
by a source at 527°C. Calculate the effective absorptance
The radiation emitted by a real surface at temperature
of the surface for both conditions, assuming the sun is a
T is always less than that of blackbody. Therefore, the
black body at 5800 K. blackbody emission is considered as reference. The
Take α = 0.4 for 0 ≤ λ < 3 µm. emissivity is defined as the ratio of the radiation energy
α = 0.8 for 3µ ≤ λ < ∞. emitted by a surface to that emitted by a black body at
the same temperature. It is a dimensionless quantity, a
Solution property of a radiating surface to measure of how closely
Given : Irradiation on a aluminium painted cover a surface approximates a black surface for which ε = 1.
surface. It is designated as ε and varies between 0 and 1.
Ts = 27°C = 300 K, Tsun = 5800 K The emissivity of a real surfaces is not constant.
Tsource = 527°C = 800 K It varies with temperature of the surface, as well as
α λ 1 = 0.4 for 0 ≤ λ < 3 µm wavelength and direction of the emission. Therefore,
different emissivities may be defined for a surface,
α λ 2 = 0.8 for 3 µm ≤ λ < ∞. depending upon the effect considered.

12.7.1. Hemispherical and Total Emissivity The total, normal emissivities for some selected
The emissivity of a surface that is averaged over all materials are shown in Figs. 12.12 and 12.13. and listed
directions is called the hemispherical emissivity and the in Table 12.3. The following observations are listed
emissivity averaged over all wavelengths is called the below :
total emissivity. Thus the total hemispherical emissivity 1. The emissivity of the metallic surfaces is very
ε(T) of a surface is defined as ratio of the radiation heat small having the values as low as 0.02 for
flux emitted over all wavelengths into a hemispherical highly polished gold and silver.
space (all directions) to that which would have been 2. The presence of oxide layers may improve the
emitted by a blackbody at same temperature. emissivity of metallic surfaces.
Mathematically 3. The non conductors have the large value of

E(T) E(T) E(T) emissivity, generally exceeding 0.6.
ε(T) = ∞ = = ...(12.29)
E b (T) σ T 4 4. The emissivity of conducting materials
E (T) dλ

increase with increase in temperature, but
For a given value of emissivity, the emissive power
emissivity of non-conducting materials may
of a real surface at a temperature T is determined by either increase or decrease with increasing
E(T) = ε Eb(T) = ε σ T4 ...(12.30) temperature.

Highly polished metals like gold, silver, foils, and films

Polished metals
Metals as received

0 0.05 0.10 0.15

Metals as received and unpolished
Metals oxides
Oxides ceramics
Carbon, graphite
Minerals, glasses
Vegetation, water, skin
Special paints, anodised finishes

0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0

Fig. 12.12. Total, normal emissivity of selected materials
The value of emissivity strongly depends on the nature of the surface, which can be influenced by the method
of fabrication, thermal cycling and chemical reaction with the environment.
Silicon carbide

Total, normal emissivity, en

Stainless steel
heavily oxidized
Aluminium oxide

Stainless steel
lightly oxidized


300 700 1100 1500 1900 2300 2700 3100
Temperature (K)
Fig. 12.13. Temperature dependence of the total, normal emissivity εn of selected materials

12.7.2. Spectral Emissivity

ε λ E bλ ( T ) d λ

The emissivity of a surface at a specified wavelength is ε=

called the spectral emissivity. It is the ratio of spectral E bλ dλ

z z
emissive power of a real surface to that of black surface 0
∞ ∞
at the same temperature. It is denoted by ελ and ε λ Ebλ (T) dλ ε λ E bλ (T) dλ
0 0
expressed as : = =
Eb σ T4
E (T) The spectral emissivity from a real surface
ελ(T) = λ or Eλ(T) = ελ Ebλ(T) ...(12.31)
E bλ (T) depends upon temperature and wavelength. The
Average value or hemispherical emissivity : spectral distribution of the emissivity against
wavelength is shown in Fig. 12.14.
Spectral, normal emissivity, el,n

Silicon oxide,
carbide 1400 K
0.6 1000 K

Stainless steel,
1200 K heavily
Stainless steel, 800 K
2800 K
lightly oxidized
1600 K
0.1 0.2 0.4 0.6 1 2 4 6 10 20 40 60 100
Wavelength, l(mm)

Fig. 12.14. Spectral dependence of the spectral, normal emissivity ελ, n of selected materials

TABLE 12.3. Total emissivity for a variety of surfaces

Metals Nonmetals
Surface Temp. (°C) ε Surface Temp. (°C) ε
Aluminium Asbestos 40 0.93–0.97
Polished, 98% pure 200–600 0.04–0.06 Brick
Commercial sheet 90 0.09 Red, rough 40 0.93
Heavily oxidized 90–540 0.20–0.33 Silica 980 0.80–0.85
Brass Fireclay 980 0.75
Highly polished 260 0.03 Ordinary refractory 1090 0.59
Dull plate 40–260 0.22 Magnesite refractory 980 0.38
Oxidized 40–260 0.46–0.56 White refractory 1090 0.29
Copper Carbon
Highly polished 90 0.02 Filament 1040–1430 0.53
Slightly polished 40 0.12–0.15 Lampsoot 40 0.95
to dull
Black oxidized 40 0.76 Concrete, rough 40 0.94
Gold : Pure, polished 90–600 0.02–0.035 Glass
Iron and steel Smooth 40 0.94

Mild steel, polished 150–480 0.14–0.32

Steel, polished 40–260 0.07–0.10 Gypsum 40 0.80–0.90
Sheet steel, rolled 40 0.66 Ice 0 0.97–0.98
Sheet steel, strong 40 0.80 Limestone 40–260 0.92–0.95
rough oxide
Cast iron, oxidized 40–260 0.57–0.66 Marble 40 0.93–0.95
Iron, rusted 40 0.61–0.85 Mica 40 0.75
Wrought iron, smooth 40 0.35 Paints 40
Wrought iron, dull 20–360 0.94 Black glass 40 0.90
Stainless, polished 40 0.07–0.17 White paint 40 0.89–0.97
Lead Various oil paints 40 0.92–0.96
Polished 40–260 0.05–0.08 Red lead 90 0.93
Oxidized 40–200 0.63 Paper
White 40 0.95–0.98
Mercury : pure, clean 40–90 0.10–0.12 Other colours 40 0.92–0.94
Platinum Roofing 40 0.91
Pure, polished plate 200–590 0.05–0.10 Plaster, rough lime 40–260 0.92
Oxidized at 590°C 260–590 0.07–0.11 Quartz 100–1000 0.89–0.93
Silver 200 0.01–0.04 Rubber 40 0.86–0.94
Tin 40–90 0.05 Snow 10–20 0.82
Tungsten Water, thickness ≥ 0.1 mm 40 0.96
Filament 540–1090 0.11–0.16 Wood 40 0.80–0.90
Filament 2760 0.39 Oak, planed 20 0.90

12.7.3. Directional Emissivity directional emissivity εθ of a surface in normal direction

The emissivity in a specified direction is called the (θ = 0) represents the hemispherical emissivity of the
directional emissivity. It is denoted by εθ, where θ is the surface.
angle between the direction of radiation and normal of
the surface. The variation of emissivity with direction 12.7.4. Kirchhoff’s Law
for conductors and non conductors is shown in Fig. 12.15. It states that at thermal equilibrium, the ratio of the
It is observed that the directional emissivity εθ is almost total emissive power to the total absorptivity is constant
constant for about θ < 40° for conductors such as metals, for all bodies.
and for θ < 70° for non conductors such as plastics. The
1 a2 G
Nonconductor , e 2,
A 2 T
A1, e1, a1 e 3, a3
A 3,
0.5 E3
G = Eb E1

Fig. 12.16. Radiation exchange by small bodies in

0° 15° 30° 45° 60° 75° 90°
an isothermal enclosure
q Consider a small body 1 of surface area A1,
emissivity ε1 and absorptivity α1 at temperature T
Fig. 12.15. Variations of emissivity with direction for
within a large radiating (black) enclosure at the same
electrical conductors and nonconductors
temperature as shown in Fig. 12.16. The energy incident

on the small body is Eb (= σ T4) and of this energy, the It differs from Planck’s distribution and it has large
radiation absorbed by the small body per unit surface variation with wavelength and consists of several peaks
area at temperature T is : and valleys. Further, the spectral emissivity also varies
Gabs = α1Eb = α1 σ T4 ...(12.33) with temperature. Thus, its evaluation to average
The radiation emitted by the small body is : emissivity becomes very complicated. A useful
E1 = ε1 σ T4 ...(12.34) simplification is to replace the wiggly line by an average
Thus at thermal equilibrium, the radiation emissivity line as shown by dashed line in Fig. 12.17. It
emitted by the body must be equal to the radiation is the gray body approximation. The effect of
absorbed by it, or approximation on emissive power is shown in Fig. 12.18.
A gray surface should emit same radiation as the real
E1 = α1Eb
surface. That is :
Similarly, if small body 1 is replaced by a small
body 2 with absorptivity α2 in the enclosure, then energy el
incident on the body is again Eb, energy absorbed is α2Eb
and at thermal equilibrium, the energy emitted E2 is :
E2 = α2Eb Black body eb = e = 1
Similarly, for other bodies, it can be shown that at Gray surface el = e = const.
thermal equilibrium, the energy emitted by a surface
must be equal to energy absorbed by the surface. There-
fore, we may write 0.6

E1 E2 E3 Real surface, el
= = = Eb ...(12.35)
α1 α2 α3
E1 T = const.
or = α 1 or ε1 = α1 ...(12.36) 0
Eb l
Thus the total emissivity of a surface at
Fig. 12.17. Comparison of the emissivity of a real surface, a
temperature T is always equal to its total absorptivity gray surface and a black body at the same temperature
for radiation coming from a blackbody at the same
temperature. This relation simplifies the radiation
analysis and is developed by Gaustav Kirchhoff in 1860, 1.0 T = 2000 K
and thus known as Kirchhoff’s law.
Hence it is also true at a specific wavelength that Black body
the spectral emissivity is equal to spectral absorptivity 0.8
(e = el =1)
at thermal equilibrium for all bodies. This law is
applicable when the radiation properties are
Spectral emissive power, el

independent of wavelength i.e., for graybodies or when

Gray body
incident and emitted radiation have same spectral 0.6
(e = el = 0.6)
12.7.5. Gray and Diffuse Surfaces : Gray Lambert Body Real
0.4 surface
The radiation properties of a real surface such as
absorptivity, emissivity etc. depend on wavelength and
direction of radiation. Most emissivity data are either 0.2
averaged over direction or over wavelength. But for some
real surfaces, the spectral emissivity ελ is a complex func-
tion of wavelength λ and its calculation for all wave-
lengths becomes very tedious. Therefore, the gray and 1 2 3 4 5 6
diffuse approximations are commonly used in radiation Wavelength, l, mm
calculations. A surface is called to be diffuse surface, if Fig. 12.18. Comparison of hemispherical spectral emission
its properties are independent of directions, and a gray for black, gray and real surfaces

surface, if its properties are independent of wavelength.

Consider the spectral emissivity of a real surface ε(T) σ T4 = ελ(T) Ebλ(T) dλ ...(12.37)
is represented by a wiggly line as shown in Fig. 12.17. 0

Then the average emissivity for a gray surface Example 12.12. In an isothermal enclosure at uniform

can be expressed as : temperature, two small surfaces A and B are placed. The
∞ irradiation to the surface by the enclosure is 6200 W/m2.
ε λ (T) E bλ (T) dλ
0 The absorption rates by the surfaces A, and B are
ε(T) = ...(12.38)
σ T4 5500 W/m2 and 620 W/m2. When steady state is estab-
If the variation of spectral emissivity is quite lished, calculate the following :
large, but it is constant over certain wavelength as (i) What are the heat fluxes to each surfaces ?
shown in Fig. 12.19, then ε(T) is expressed as step What are their temperatures ?
function and eqn. (12.38) is integrated by dividing the (ii) Absorptivity of both surfaces,
spectrum into a number of wavelength bands and (iii) Emissive power of each surface, and
assuming the emissivity ε(T) remains constant over each
wavelength band. Then the average emissivity can be (iv) Emissivity of each surface.
determined as : Solution
Given : Two small body A, and B are placed in an
G = 6200 W/m2
Actual GαA = 5500 W/m2
GαB = 620 W/m2.
e1 To find :
(i) Heat flux to each surface and surface
e3 temperatures.
(ii) αA and αB
(iii) EA and EB
(iv) εA and εB.
0 l1 l2 l Analysis : (i) At steady state, the net heat flux is
zero. The enclosure is considered to be a black body and
ε 1 = constant ; 0 ≤ λ < λ1 isothermal, thus TA = TB = T
ε λ = ε 2 = constant ; λ1 ≤ λ < λ2 Irradiation to the surface = Emission from the
ε 3 = constant ; λ2 ≤ λ < ∞ surface
Fig. 12.19. Approximation of actual variation of spectral 6200 = σ T4 = 5.67 × 10–8(T)4
emissivity with wavelength by a step function or T = 575 K. Ans.

ε(T) =
ε λ (T) E bλ (T) dλ

σ T4
qA = 0, qB = 0. Ans.
(ii) Absorptivity of surface, A,
G αA 5500

z z
αA = = = 0.887. Ans.
λ2 ∞ G 6200
ε λ (T) E bλ (T) dλ ε λ (T) Ebλ (T) dλ Absorptivity of surface B,
λ1 λ2
+ + G 620
σ T4 σ T4 αB = αB = = 0.1. Ans.
G 6200
or ε(T) = ε1 f0 −λ (T) + ε2 fλ 1 − λ 2 (T) + ε3 fλ −∞ (T) (iii) Emissive power of each surface
1 2
...(12.39) According to Kirchhoff ’s law, at thermal
Thus a gray surface is considered for which the Energy absorbed = Energy emitted
spectral emissivity ελ is independent of the wavelength
∴ EA = αAG = 5500 W/m2. Ans.
and the spectral emissivity is equal to total emissivity ε
EB = αBG = 620 W/m2. Ans.
ε(T) = ελ(T) ...(12.40) (iv) Emissivity of each surface
Further, for a gray surface, the absorptivity, According to Kirchhoff ’s law
reflectivity and transmissivity are also independent of ε=α
wavelength. For such a surface ; ∴ εA = αA = 0.887. Ans.
ε(T) = α(T) ...(12.41) εB = αB = 0.1. Ans.

Example 12.13. A solar collector surface has an 12.8.1. Solid Angle

absorptivity of 0.85 for wavelength 0 ≤ λ < 3 µm and a A solid angle is defined as a ratio of area of spherical
value of 0.15 for wavelength λ > 3 µm. (i) Calculate the surface enclosed by a conical surface with the vertex of
energy absorbed from the source at 5000 K, (ii) If the the cone at the centre of the sphere to the square of
flux is 800 W/m2, calculate the energy radiated by the radius of the sphere. Consider the emission from the
body, if its temperature was 350 K. differential area dA1 towards the normal area dAn as
Solution shown in Fig. 12.20. The differential area dAn, through
Given : A solar collector which the emission passes, subtends an angle called the
solid angle when viewed from dA1. Mathematically it is
(i) α λ 1 = α1 = 0.85 for 0 ≤ λ ≤ 3 µm expressed as :
α λ 2 = α2 = 0.15 for λ > 3 µm dA n
dω = ...(12.42)
Ts = 5000 K. r2
(ii) Ts = 350 K, G = q = 800 W/m2 where An = normal area
To find : r = radius of sphere
(i) Energy absorbed by solar collector surface.
(ii) Emissive power, if surface at 350 K. Normal, n Emitted
Assumptions : radiation
(i) Diffuse, gray surfaces. dAn
(ii) Kirchhoff’s law holds good.
Analysis : (i) At temperature 5000 K, from
Table 12.2. q
λ1T = 3 µm × 5000 r
= 15000 µm.K → f0 −λ 1 = 0.969 dA1 dw
The average absorptivity is
α = α 1 f0 − λ 1 + α 2 (1 − f0 − λ 1 ) dA1 dAn dAn
dw = ——
= 0.85 × 0.969 + 0.15 × (1 – 0.969) f

= 0.8283
For flux of 800 W/m2. (a) Emission from a differential area dA1 (b) Definition of solid angle
The energy absorbed into a solid angle subtended by dAn
= α G = 0.8283 × 800
= 662.64 W/m2. Ans. Fig. 12.20
(ii) When surface temperature is 350 K The solid angle is measured in steradian (sr). The
λ1T = 3 µm × 350 K solid angle subtended by hemisphere from its centre is
= 1050 µm → f0 −λ 1 = 0.00057 2πr 2
= 2π
From Kirchhoff ’s law r2
α1 = ε1 and α2 = ε2 F as 4πr I .2
Energy radiated and by full sphere is 4π GH r JK 2
= [ ε 1 f0 − λ 1 + ε 2 (1 − f0 − λ 1 ) ] σ T4
12.8.2. Spectral Intensity of Radiation (Ibλλ)
= [0.85 × 0.00057 + 0.15
× (1 – 0.00057)] × 5.67 × 10–8 × (350)4 It is the radiant energy emitted by a black body at a
temperature T, streaming through a unit area normal
= 128 W/m2. Ans.
to direction of propagation per unit wavelength about a
wavelength per unit solid angle about the direction of
12.8. RADIATION FROM A SURFACE propagation of beam. It is denoted by Ibλ and can be
expressed as :
The radiation emitted from a surface propagates in all
possible direction. Similarly, the radiation incident on
a surface may come from different directions. In both
Ibλ =
Energy emitted
(Projected area) × (Wavelength)
GH m . µ JK

cases, effect of radiation on the surface depends on the

(Solid angle)
directional distribution. Such directional effect may be ...(12.43)
treated by introducing the concept of radiation intensity.

12.8.3. Radiation Intensity (Ib) The spectral intensity of radiation according to

It is the radiation emitted by a blackbody at temperature its definition eqn. (12.43).
T over all wavelength per unit projected area per unit (dQ/dλ)
Ibλ = ...(12.46)
solid angle. Mathematically, dA

dA1 cos θ 2 n
∞ r
Ib = Ibλ dλ [W/(] ...(12.44) dQ
where = dQλ is the rate of spectral radiation energy
Consider the emission from an elemental area dA1 dλ
located at the centre of the hemisphere as shown in emitted by the surface dA1 and passes through dAn = r2
Fig. 12.21. Let this emission is absorbed by elemental sin θ dθ dφ.
area dAn, a portion of hemisphere. The area dAn Rearranging eqn. (12.46), we get
subtends an angle dθ from the perpendicular line joining dQλ = Ibλ dA1cos θ (sin θ dθ dφ) (W/µm) ...(12.47)
dA1. The spectral emissive power associated with dA1
The solid angle subtended by dAn is
dA n dQ λ
dω = 2 dEλ = = Ibλ sin θ cos θ dθ dφ ...(12.48)
r dA 1
where the normal area, dAn = r2 sin θ dθ dφ If spectral and directional distribution of Ibλ is
∴ dω = sin θ dθ dφ known, then the spectral emissive power associated with
...(12.45) the emission into a hemisphere shown in Fig. 12.21 (b)
is given by

z z
The element dAn subtends
dw = dq df sin q φ =2π θ= π / 2
Its area is Ebλ = Ibλ sin θ cos θ dθ dφ (W/m2.µm)
φ =0 θ=0
(r) sin q dq df q r
The total hemispherical emissive power Eb(W/m2)
is given by

Eb =
z λ=∞

Ebλ dλ

Eb = z z z

φ = 2π

θ = π/2

Ibλ (λ, φ, θ)
sin θ cos θ dθ dφ dλ ...(12.50)
(a) Radiation intensity through a unit sphere For a diffuse surface, the intensity of radiation is
independent of direction for such a surface
n Ibλ (λ, φ, θ) = Ibλ(λ),
dAn = r sin q dq df Then eqn. (12.50) is rearranged as
θ=π/2 θ = 2π λ=∞
dAn Eb = ∫θ = 0 ∫θ = 0 sin θ cos θ d θ dφ × ∫λ = 0 Ibλ ( λ ) dλ
r sin q r The total intensity of blackbody radiation is
r defined as
q r sin q df λ=∞

Ib = ∫λ = 0 Ibλ ( λ ) dλ

dq dAn and integration of remaining part of eqn. (12.51), yields

dw = 2 to
r θ=π/2 φ = 2π
df ∫θ = 0 ∫φ = 0 sin θ cos θ dθ dφ
= π ∫θ = 0 2 sin θ cos θ dθ = π
(b) Solid angle subtended by dAn at a point on dA1
Fig. 12.21 using in eqn. (12.51), we get
Eb = πIb ...(12.52)
The projected area on a plane normal to the line Thus the total emissive power of a black body is
joining dA1 and dAn = dA1 cos θ equal to π times the intensity of radiation (Ib).
12.8.4. Lambert Cosine Law
It states that the total emission from a surface in any
direction is directly proportional to the cosine of the q = 60
angle of the emission.
The angle of emission θ is the angle subtended
by the normal to the radiating surface and the direction
vector of emission of the receiving surface.
If En is total emissive power in normal direction,
then the emissive power is : Black body
at 1500 K
E = En cos θ ...(12.53)
It is true only for diffuse radiating surfaces. For Fig. 12.22. Schematic
the surfaces, obey Lambert cosine law, the intensity of From Table 12.2.
radiation in any direction is same, i.e.,
λ1T = 2 µm × 1500 K
In = I = const. ...(12.54)
= 3000 µm K → f0–2 = 0.273
Example 12.14. A surface emits as a blackbody at
λ2T = 4 µm × 1500 K
1500 K. Calculate the rate of emission per unit area, if
radiation corresponds to 0° ≤ θ ≤ 60° and wavelength = 6000 µm K → f0–4 = 0.738
interval 2 µm ≤ λ ≤ 4 µm. ∆Eb = 0.75 × 5.67 × 10–8 × (1500)4
Solution × (0.738 – 0.273)
Given : Black body emission = 100.16 × 103 W/m2. Ans.
Ts = 1500 K
λ1 = 2 µm, λ2 = 4 µm 12.9. RADIOSITY
φ1 = 0° and φ2 = 60° = Radiosity, J, is the total radiant energy leaving a surface
To find : Rate of emission per unit area. per unit area per unit time. The total radiant energy
leaving a surface consists of the emitted energy and the
Analysis : The emission from the black surface
reflected part of the incident energy shown in Fig. 12.23.
may be obtained by using eqn. (12.50) within limits
Thus, radiosity is defined by the relation.
λ1 = 2 µm to λ2 = 4 µm, θ = 0° to 2π, and φ = 0 to π/3.

∆Eb = z zz
4 µm

2 µm

For diffuse black body

2π π /3

Ibλ cos θ sin θ dθ dφ dλ
J = eEb + rG

z zz

de G

4 µm 2π π /3
itte d r

∆Eb = I bλ dλ cos θ sin θ dθ dφ

Em lecte

2 µm 0 0


4 µm
I bλ d λ 2 π
sin 2 θ OP π /3

2 µm 2 Q 0

Fig. 12.23. Definition of radiosity of a surface (specular
4 µm reflection not implied)
= 0.75 π I bλ dλ
2 µm J = ε Eb + ρG ...(12.55)
We know Ebλ = πIbλ . Thus where J = radiosity of the surface (W/m2),

∆Eb = 0.75 z 4 µm

2 µm
Ebλ dλ
ε = emissivity of the surface,
Eb = black body emissive power at the

= 0.75 Eb
4 µm

2 µm
E bλ d λ
temperature of the surface (W/m2),
ρ = reflectivity of the surface,
G = incident radiant flux (W/m2),
= 0.75 Eb (f0–4 – f0–2 )

For a gray, diffuse opaque surface (τ = 0), Analysis : (i) The radiosity of the surface
α + ρ = 1 or ρ = 1 – α J = εEb + ρG
and at thermal equilibrium For a gray, diffuse and opaque surface, α = ε
α=ε τ = 0, α + ρ = 1
Thus J = ε Eb + (1 – ε)G or ρ = 1 – α = 1 – 0.8 = 0.2
J − εEb ∴ J = α σ T4 + ρG
or G= ...(12.56)
1− ε = 0.8 × 5.67 × 10–8 × (373)4 + 0.2 × 1000
The total rate of energy leaving the surface = AJ
= 1078 W/m2. Ans.
The total rate of energy incident on the surface
(ii) The net heat transfer rate using eqn. (12.58)
= AG
Thus the net radiant energy leaving the surface Qnet = A(J – G)
Q = AJ – AG = A(J – G) = 0.1 × (1078 – 1000)
= 7.8 W/m2. Ans.
J − εEb
=A J− =
Aε(Eb − J) Alternatively using eqn. (12.57)
1− ε Q
1− ε
...(12.57) Qnet =
Aε(Eb − J)
1− ε
This equation is not valid for black surface for
which ε = α = 1 ; ρ = 0 [5.67 × 10 −8 × (373) 4 − 1078]
= 0.1 × 0.8 ×
For a black surface, J = Eb 1 − 0.8
Q = A(Eb – G) ...(12.58) 2
= 7.81 W/m . Ans.
Example 12.15. A gray, diffuse opaque surface (α = 0.8) (iii) For black surface ε = α = 1
is at 100°C and receives an irradiation 1000 W/m2. If (a) Radiosity J = Eb = σ T4
the surface area is 0.1 m2. Calculate
= 5.67 × 10–8 × (373)4
(i) Radiosity of the surface, and = 1097.5 W/m2. Ans.
(ii) Net radiative heat transfer rate from the (b) The heat transfer rate, eqn. (12.58)
Q = A(Eb – G)
(iii) Calculate above quantities, if surface is black.
= 0.1 × (1097.5 – 1000)
Solution = 9.753 W/m2. Ans.
Given : A gray, diffuse opaque surface Example 12.16. A plane , gray, diffuse and, opaque
α = 0.8, G = 1000 W/m2 surface (absorptivity = 0.7) with a surface area of 0.5 m2,
is maintained at 500°C and receives radiant energy at a
Ts = 100°C = 373 K, As = 0.1 m2.
rate of 10,000 W/m2. Determine per unit time
(i) The energy absorbed.
J (ii) The radiant energy emitted.
(iii) The total energy leaving the surface per unit

(iv) The radiant energy emitted by the surface in

the wave band 0.2 µm to 4 µm.


(v) The net radiative heat transfer from the

Fig. 12.24. Surface energy balance with radiant energy
Given : Plane, gray, diffuse, opaque surface
To find : α = 0.7
(i) Radiosity J, As(surface area) = 0.5 m2
(ii) Net heat transfer rate, G = 10000 W/m2
(iii) For black surface J and Qnet. Ts = 500°C = 773 K
λ2T = 4.0 × 773

= 3092 µm.K → f0 −λ 2 = 0.294

nt Eλ 1 − λ 2 = 0.7 × [0.294 – 0] × 5.67 × 10–8 × (773)4



er = 4166.2 W/m2.


Rate of radiant energy on surface area As = 0.5


m2 is :



= AEλ 1 − λ 2 = 0.5 × 4166.2


Energy absorbed = 3500 W = 2083.13 W. Ans.
(v) From an energy balance on the surface
from an external source

Net radiative heat transfer rate from the surface

= Total energy leaving the surface
3591 W

– Energy reaching the surface

= 0.5 × 17182 – 0.5 ×10000 = 3591 W. Ans.


Fig. 12.25. Schematic for energy transactions on the surface The sun is our primary source of energy. The energy
coming out the sun is called solar energy and it reaches
To find :
to earth in the form of electromagnetic waves. The sun
(i) Rate of energy absorbed, is considered as a nuclear reactor, where the heat being
(ii) Emitted radiant energy, generated due to continuous fusion reaction of hydro-
(iii) Total radiant energy leaving the surface per gen atoms to form helium. The sun experiences very
unit area large temperature in its core region, but its tempera-
(iv) Emitted radiant energy in the wave band ture drops to approximately 5800 K in its outer region,
0.2 µm–4 µm due to continuous dissipation of energy by radiation.
(v) Q(net radiative heat transfer rate from the
surface). Normal

Analysis : (i) Rate of energy absorbed = αAG

= 0.7 × 0.5 × 10000 = 3500 W. Ans. Earth’s Go = Gs cos q ra
atmosphere un
(ii) Rate of radiant energy emitted = A ε σ T4 S
(For a gray surface, ε = α = 0.7) Earth's
= 0.5 × 0.7 × 5.67 × 10–8 × (773)4 surface
= 7091 W. Ans.
(iii) Total energy flux leaving the surface is the
sum of the emitted energy flux and the reflected en-
ergy flux
J = εEb + ρG
where ρ = 1 – α = 1 – 0.7 = 0.3 Fig. 12.26. Solar radiation reaching the earth’s atmosphere,
solar constant Gs, and extraterrestrial solar irradiation G0
∴ Radiosity,
J = 0.7 × 5.67 × 10–8 × (773)4 + 0.3 × 10000 The sun is nearly spherical body of diameter of
1.392 × 106 km and a mass of 2 × 1030 kg. It is located at
= 17182 W/m2. Ans.
a mean distance of 1.496 × 108 km from the earth. The
(iv) Rate of radiant energy emitted in the wave
earth has its mean diameter of 1.27 × 104 km and its
band 0.2 µm to 4 µm is given by
surface gets only small fraction of sun’s energy, because,
E λ 1 − λ 2 = ε[ f0 − λ 2 − f0 − λ 1 ]Eb W/m2 the sun subtends only an angle of 32 minute at the
At λ1 and λ2, T = 773, from Table 12.2 earth’s surface. The intensity of solar radiation reaches
λ1T = 0.2 × 773 outside the earth’s atmosphere is almost constant. The
= 154.6 µm.K → f0 −λ 1 = 0.0 solar constant Gs is the rate at which the solar radiation

flux is received on a surface normal to the sun rays just 2500 Ultra-Visible
outside the earth’s atmosphere, when the earth is its mean violet range
5800 K Black body
distance from the sun. The radiation coming from the
Solar irradiation
sun is equivalent to blackbody radiation. Using the
Stefan Boltzmann law, the solar constant can be calcu-
lated as :
L r OP

Spectral irradiation, W/m .mm


G = M

sun Extraterrestrial solar radiation
σ Ts4 = 1353 W/m2 ...(12.59)
Nr Qorbit

where, rsun = radius of sun = 6.9598 × 108 m. O3

rorbit = distance between sun and earth O2

= 1.496 × 1011 m. 1000
σ = 5.67 × 10–8 W/m2-K4, Stefan Boltzmann Earth’s surface
constant. H2O
Ts = effective temperature of sun = 5762 K
Due to very small eccentricity in the earth, the H2O H2O
distance between the earth and sun varies throughout CO2
the year. Therefore, solar constant also varies from its
maximum value of 1399 W/m2 on December 21 to a H2O
minimum of 1310 W/m2 on June 21 and on any day of 0
0 0.5 1.0 1.5 2.0 2.5 3.0
year, it can be calculated as : Wavelength, mm
LM 360n OP Fig. 12.27. Spectral distribution of solar radiation
Gs = 1367 1 + 0.033 cos
365 Q
The solar energy reaching the earth’s surface is
where n is the day of year. also weakened by scattering or reflection when it passes
The extraterrestrial solar irradiation G0 incident through the atmosphere. The scattering or reflection
normal to the outer surface of the earth’s atmosphere is occurs due to all gaseous molecules as well as particulate
calculated as : matter in the atmosphere. The radiation at wavelength
G0 = Gs cos θ (W/m2) ...(12.61) corresponding to violet and blue colours is scattered
most. These scattered radiation is redistributed in all
The spectral distribution of solar radiation on the
directions and gives bluish colour sky. The same
earth’s atmosphere and physical significance of Gs and
phenomenon is responsible for red sunrise and sunset.
G0 are illustrated in Fig. 12.27. The solar radiation
Early in the morning and late in evening, the sun rays
travels in atmosphere about 30 km outside the earth’s
pass through a larger thickness of atmosphere.
surface. As solar radiation passes through this
Therefore, the violet and blue colours of light experi-
atmosphere, it is absorbed and scattered by atmospheric
ence a large number of scattering and thus do not reach
material. The absorption occurs mainly due to presence
the earth’s surface. While the colours correspond to
of ozone, water vapours, CO2, NO2, CO, O2 and CH4 etc.
longer wavelength such as yellow, orange and red reach
The ozone absorbs complete ultraviolet radiation at
the earth’s atmosphere and making sunset and sunrise
wavelength below 0.3 µm and considerably in the range
as reddish. Similarly, the red traffic light can be seen
of 0.3 to 0.4 µm and some radiation in the visible range.
from longer distance as compared to green light.
Thus the ozone layer in the upper regions of atmosphere
guards biological systems on the earth from the harmful 12.10.1. Solar Radiation on the Earth
ultraviolet radiation. In turn the ozone layer must be The Fig. 12.28 shows the distribution of solar energy on
protected from the destructive chemicals commonly used the earth’s surface. Actually 45% of sun’s energy reaches
as refrigerants, cleaning agents and propellants in the the earth’s surface. The lower left hand figure shows
aerosol cans. The carbon dioxide and water vapour how this sun energy is in turn returned to atmosphere
absorb mainly longer wavelength radiation (infrared and space.
The solar energy reaches the earth surface is sum
As a results of these absorption, the solar energy of direct and scattered (diffused) components. The part
reaching the earth surface is weakened considerably. of solar radiation that reaches the earth’s surface
Its absorption is large as 950 W/m2 on a clear day and without being scattered or absorbed is called the direct
much less on cloudy or smoggy days. solar radiation GD. The scattered part (diffuse solar

radiation Gd) reaches the earth surface uniformly from 4

Gsky = σ Tsky W/m2.K ...(12.63)
all directions and it varies from about 10% of total on
clear day to almost 100% on totally cloudy day. Then where Tsky = effective atmospheric temperature. It
the total solar radiation that reaches the horizontal ranges from 230 K for cold, clear sky conditions to a
earth’s surface per unit area is shown in Fig. 12.29 and high of 285 K for warm, cloudy-sky conditions.
is expressed as :
12.10.3. Green House Effect
Sensible heat transfer The surface of the earth warms up during the day as
to atmosphere
a result of absorption of solar radiation and cools down
during night by radiating its energy back into deep
45% is 33% is atmosphere as infrared radiation. The sun emits most
the earth’s
transmitted reflected of its energy in shorter wavelength (λ = 0.3 – 3 µm),
back to
Net Evaporation surface
to the earth
directly and space while earth’s surface and other objects are relatively
radiation by diffuse at much lower temperature, and thus emit radiation
from radiation 22% is
surface absorbed in in longer wavelength infrared regions (λ > 5 µm). The
atmosphere constituents of atmosphere, carbon dioxide, water
vapour, methane, and pollutants are practically
The flow of energy from the earth’s Radiation that reaches the transparent for shorter wavelength radiation, while
surface back to and through the outer atmosphere from the sun
earth’s atmosphere they are opaque for longer wavelength radiation.
Therefore, they easily pass on the short wavelength
Fig. 12.28. The approximate distribution of sun’s radiation that the earth receives from the sun, but
energy to the earth’s surface
they absorb the longer wavelength radiation remitted
Gsolar = GD cos θ + Gd ...(12.62) by the surface of the earth, when it cools. This absorbed
where θ is the angle of incidence of direct solar radiation. energy is once again reradiated to the earth surface
Further, the quantity of solar energy reaching a Fig. 12.30. In this process an additional amount of
surface on the earth depends on its orientation angle in heat energy is retained within the lower atmosphere,
relation to sun, the hour of the day, the day of year and thus causing a slight temperature increase of the earth.
latitude of the place and atmospheric conditions. In the Such warming up and remission of radiation is called
early morning and late afternoon, the solar radiation the green house effect and these effects eventually
reaches the earth surface follows an oblique, longer path resulting in global warming.
through atmosphere thus reduces the intensity of
radiation. Solar
en h
Diffuse Gre
solar ct
re r
radiation Di la Infrared radiation
so n
io Fig. 12.30. Green house traps energy by allowing solar
di radiation to enter but not allowing infrared
2 radiation to leave
Gd W/m
2 q GD W/m
The coastal areas are humid and therefore, there
is no drastic change between day and night temperature,
Fig. 12.29. Direct and diffuse radiation incident because the humidity acts as a barrier in the path of
on horizontal earth’s surface infrared radiation coming from the earth’s surface. A
similar trend is also followed for large pollutant places,
12.10.2. Atmospheric Emission where CO2 affects the natural cooling process. In clean
Since the solar radiation passes through the atmosphere areas with clear sky such as deserts, there is large
undergoes through absorption and scattering, thus the variation in day and night temperature, because absence
atmospheric emission is due to temperature of gas of such barriers for infrared radiation. The causes of
constituents like CO2 and H2O molecules and suspended green house effect are :
particle in atmospheric. The emission of atmosphere to 1. Excessive deforestation,
the earth surface Gsky can be obtained as: 2. Industrialisation and burning of fuel.

The average global temperature has been risen (ii) Flat reflector. It has low absorptivity and
up by about 0.3°C to 0.6°C over last 100 years due to transmissivity over entire spectrum of wavelength, such
green house effect (Fig. 12.31) as a result of a surface reflects most of irradiation and is obtained by
concentration of CO2, methane, CFCs etc. in the bare or polished metals and foils, electroplated or
atmosphere and the rate of rise is increasing alarmingly vacuum deposited metal coatings, aluminium films and
due to increasing atmospheric pollution. In this metallic paints.
directions, some corrective measures are taken seriously. (iii) Solar absorber. It is a truly selective
The production of CFCs has been banned worldwide. surface, and it absorbs low wavelength solar irradiation
Pollution norms are set to automobiles, and industries. but highly reflective (with low emission) in the infrared
However, the efforts put for normal climatic conditions range. Such surfaces are commonly used in solar
are not sufficient and need to be more effective enhance, collector surfaces and for satellite temperature control.
because a small increase in global temperature may lead The typical designs use thin oxide coatings, sprayed or
to series of catastrophic consequences. baked on finishes and vacuum deposited films.
(iv) Solar reflector. It has high absorptivity and
0.8 emission in infrared range, but reflects most of the low
wavelength solar irradiation. It is obtained by white or
light coloured paints, enamels, or ceramic coatings or
Temperature anomaly, °C

0.4 anodised aluminium. Such surfaces cool the exterior

structure such as building, a fuel tanks or cryogenic
0.2 containers by reflecting solar irradiation and emitting
low temperature heat from within.

– 0.2
1.0 1.0
– 0.4
Annual mean
5-year mean
– 0.6
1880 1900 1920 1940 1960 1980 2000 al al

Fig. 12.31. Global surface temperature over last 120 years

0 3 mm l 0 3 mm l
12.10.4. Selective Surfaces
(a) Flat absorber (b) Flat reflector
Most of the sun’s energy lies at wavelength near the
visible region of electromagnetic spectrum and most of
the radiation from the objects and earth’s surface is
1.0 1.0
coming on much longer infrared wavelength. Thus
engineers are often interested to use a selective radiating
surface to promote specific spectral or directional
characteristics. The Table 12.4 shows some infrared al al
emittance and solar absorptance for several materials. Solar infrared
There are four basic types of selective surfaces. region

(i) Flat absorber, (ii) flat reflector, (iii) solar 0 3 mm l 0 3 mm

absorber, and (iv) solar reflector.
(c) Solar absorber (d) Solar reflector
(i) Flat absorber. It has high absorptivity over
entire spectrum of wavelength. It is intended to capture Fig. 12.32. Selective radiating surfaces
all incident radiation. The black paints, enamels and The surface shown in Fig. 12.32 are assumed to
black or dark oxides or black anodised coating are some be opaque. Transparent or semitransparent material can
flat absorber. also be selective with somewhat different designs.

TABLE 12.4. Solar absorbance and infrared To find :

emittance for several surfaces near 300 K (i) Useful heat removal rate per unit area, W/m2.
Surface αsolar ε
(ii) Efficiency of the collector.
Assumptions :
Aluminium, pure 0.09 0.1 (i) Steady state conditions.
Carbon black in acrylic binder 0.94 0.83
(ii) Bottom of the collector is well insulated.
Copper, polished 0.3 0.04
Selective solar absorbers (iii) Diffuse absorber surface.
Black Cr on Ni plate 0.95 0.09 (iv) Sky radiation is in approximately same
CuO on Cu (Ebanol C) 0.90 0.16 spectral region that of surface emission i.e.,
Nickel black on steel 0.81 0.17 ε = αsky = 0.1.
Sputtered cermet on steel 0.96 0.16 Analysis : (i) The rate of incoming energy on the
Selective solar reflectors absorber surface/m2
Magnesium oxide 0.14 0.7
Snow 0.2–0.35 0.82 E′in
= αsGs + αsky Gsky
White paint A
Acrylic 0.26 0.90 = 0.95 × 750 + 0.1 × 5.67 × 10–8 × (263)4
Zinc oxide 0.12–0.18 0.93 = 739.62 W/m2
The energy outgoing the absorber surface per unit
Example 12.17. A flat plate solar collector with no cover area
has a selective absorber surface with ε = 0.1 and αs = 0.95.
At a particular time of the day, the absorber surface E ′out
= qconv + qrad + quse
temperature Ts is 120°C, when the solar irradiation is A
750 W/m2, the effective sky temperature is – 10°C and = h(Ts – T∞) + E + quse
ambient air temperature T∞ is 30°C. Assume the natural = 0.22 × (Ts – T∞)4/3 + ε σ Ts4 + quse
convection is given by = 0.22 × (120 – 30)4/3 + 0.1 × 5.67
q = 0.22(Ts – T∞ )4/3 W/m2. K.
× 10–8 × (393 K)4 + quse
Calculate the useful heat removal rate (W/m2)
= 88.73 + 135.25 + quse = 223.98 + quse
from the collector for these conditions. What is the
corresponding efficiency of the collector ? In steady state conditions,

Solution E′in E′
= out
Given: A flat plate solar collector with its A A
operating conditions. or 739.62 = 223.98 + quse
ε = 0.1, αs = 0.95 or quse = 515.65 W/m2. Ans.
Ts = 120°C = 393 K, T∞ = 30°C (ii) The collector efficiency is defined as the
Tsky = – 10°C = 263 K, Gs = 750 W/m2 fraction solar radiation extracted as useful energy.
and relation for calculation of h.
quse 515.65
η= = = 0.687
Gs 750
Gs = 750 W/m
− 68.7%.
~ Ans.
Tsky = – 10°C
Gsky Sky
Example 12.18. The white paint on a roof as a selective
solar absorber (αs = 0.26). Consider now a bare roof under
= 0.1 Air
s = 0.95 T = 30°C a sunlight sky. The solar radiation on the plane of the
Ts = 120°C h = 0.22 (Ts – T )
4/3 roof is 600 W/m2, the air temperature is 35°C, and a
light breeze produces a convective heat transfer coeffi-
cient of h = 8 W/m2.K. The sky temperature is 18°C.
Find the temperature of the roof, if it is painted with
quse W/m either white acrylic paint or a non-selective black paint
Fig. 12.33. Schematic having ε = 0.9.

Solution Solution
Given : A roof surface with operating condition Given : A satellite around the earth ;
Gs = 600 W/m2, T∞ = 35°C = 308 K Gs = 1500 W/m2,
h = 8 W/m2.K, αs = 0.26 To find : Satellite surface temperature if
Tsky = 18°C = 291 K, ε = 0.9 (i) αs = 0.2 and ε = 0.1
for non-selective black or white acrylic paint. (ii) Surface of the satellite is gray, and
To find : The surface temperature of roof with (iii) αs/ε ratio for Ts = 30°C.
(i) White acrylic paint, and
Analysis : For steady state conditions, the energy
(ii) Non-selective black paint. balance
Assumptions : Heat gain by incident radiation = Heat lost by
(i) Steady state conditions. emission
(ii) No heat transfer to interior of roof. αs Aproj G = εAs σ Ts4
(iii) For non-selective black paint αs = ε. where Aproj = projected area of satellite for solar
Analysis : In steady state condition, the energy irradiation = πr2
balance yields to As = surface area of satellite for emission = 4πr2
Incident (solar + sky radiation) energy on the roof
surface = Heat loss by (convection + radiation) from the
(i) 0.2 × πr2 × 1500 =0.1 × 4πr2 × 5.67 × 10–8 Ts4
roof surface
or Ts4 = 1.3227 × 1010
For 1 m2 surface area
4 = h(T – T ) + ε σ T 4 or Ts = 339.13 K = 66.13°C. Ans.
αsGs + ε σ Tsky s ∞ s
(ii) For gray surface α = ε = 0.2
(i) For white acrylic paint αs = 0.26, ε = 0.9
0.2 × πr2 × 1500 = 0.2 × 4πr2 × 5.67
0.26 × 600 + 0.9 × 5.67 × 10–8 × (291)4
× 10–8 Ts4
= 8 × (Ts – 308) + 0.9 × 5.67 × 10–8 × Ts4 4 9
or Ts = 6.6137 × 10
or 5.103 × 10–8 Ts4 + 8Ts – 2986 = 0
or Ts = 285.17 K
or Ts4 + 156.77 × 106 Ts – 5.851 × 1010 = 0
= 12.17°C. Ans.
It is a transcendental equation and its solution
(iii) For given temperature
by iterative technique converge to
Ts = 30°C = 303 K
Ts = 312 K = 39°C. Ans.
αs × πr × 1500 = ε × 4πr2 × 5.67 × 10–8 × (303)4
(ii) For non-selective black paint, αs = ε = 0.9 and
then above equation leads to or αs/ε = 1.27. Ans.
Ts4 + 156.77 × 106 Ts – 6.6038 × 1010 = 0 Example 12.20. In the process of estimating the emission
Its solution converges to from the sun, it may be treated as blackbody with the
surface temperature of 5800 K at a mean distance of
Ts = 338K = 65°C. Ans. 15 × 1010 m from the earth. The diameter of the sun is
Example 12.19. An artificial spherical satellite flies 1.4 × 109 m and that of the earth is 12.8 × 106 m.
around the earth. Calculate the temperature of the Estimate the following :
satellite surface, assuming that there is no heat sources (i) The total energy emitted by the sun.
and surface temperature is uniform all over the surface. (ii) The emission received per m2 just outside the
The solar radiation reflected from the earth and earth’s surface.
radiation emitted from the earth should also be ignored. (iii) The total energy received by the earth, if no
(i) If αs = 0.2 and ε = 0.1 ; radiation is blocked by the earth’s atmosphere.
(ii) If surface of the satellite is gray ; (iv) The energy received by a 1.5 m × 1.5 m, solar
collector, whose normal is inclined at 45° to the sun.
(iii) Find the ratio αs/ε , when the temperature of
The energy loss through the atmosphere is 40% and the
the satellite surface becomes 30°C.
diffused radiation is 20% of the direct radiation.
The incident solar radiation is 1500 W/m2. (N.M.U., Nov. 1999)

Solution = 4π × (15 × 1010 m)2 = 2.8274 × 1023 m2

Given : Average solar constant for determination The radiation received per m2 outside the earth’s
of temperature of sun surface
Tsun = 5800 K, Dsun = 1.4 × 109 m
10 Q 3.95 × 10 26
rorbit = 15 × 10 m, Dearth = 12.8 × 106 m Gs = =
A orbit 2.8274 × 10 23
A = 1.5 × 1.5 = 2.25 m2, φ 2 = 45°,
Energy loss through the atmosphere = 40% = 1397 W/m2. Ans.
Diffuse radiation = 20% of direct radiation. (iii) The earth may be assumed as a spherical body
To find : and energy received by the earth will be proportional
to the projected area i.e., area of the earth ;
(i) Total energy emitted by the sun.
(ii) Emission received by the earth per m2, just Energy received by the earth
outside the earth surface. = Gs × Aearth
(iii) Total energy received by the earth, if no = 1397 × (π/4) × (12.8 × 106 m)2
radiation is blocked by the earth’s atmosphere. = 1.797 × 1017 W. Ans.
(iv) Energy received by solar collector.
(iv) Energy received by a solar collector :
Assumptions :
The direct energy blocked by atmosphere = 40%
(i) The negligible emissive power of earth in
comparison of sun. Hence, the direct energy reaching the earth
surface = 60% = 0.6 Gs
(ii) No convection and conduction effects.
= 0.6 × 1397 = 838.2 W/m2
Dsun = 1.4 × 10 m
n2 Dearth The diffuse radiation
= 12.8
6 = 0.2 × 838.2 = 167.64 W/m2
f2 × 10 m
The total radiation energy reaching the collector
rorbit = 15 × 10
m = Projected area of collector (cos φ2)
× (838.2 + 197.64) W/m2
dA1 = 1.5 × 1.5 cos (45°) × (1005.84)
Fig. 12.34 = 1600.28 W. Ans.
Analysis : (i) Total energy emitted by the sun :
Surface area of the sun = 4 π rsun 2
= π D sun 12.11. SUMMARY
= π × (1.4 × 109 m)2 = 6.1575 × 1018 m2 The radiation refers to the energy emitted in form of
The energy emitted by the sun, electromagnetic waves by the bodies because of their
temperature.The radiation energy emitted in
Q = σATsun = 5.67 × 10–8 × 6.1575 wavelength between λ ≈ 0.1 and λ ≈ 100 µm is referred
× 1018 × (5800)4 thermal radiation. The sun emits thermal radiation at
= 3.95 × 1026 W. Ans. an effective surface temperature of 5760 K and bulk of
this energy lies between λ = 0.1 to λ = 3 µm, therefore
(ii) Emission received by 1 m2, just outside the
earth’s atmosphere : this spectrum is referred as the solar radiation. The
radiation emitted by the sun is in wavelength between
The sun emits radiation in all direction over a
λ = 0.4 to λ = 0.76 µm, is visible to human eye, therefore,
distance of 15 × 1010 m from the earth. The orbit area,
this spectrum is referred as the visible radiation (light).
just out side the earth’s atmosphere :
The glossary of radiation terms and their
Aorbit = 4π (rorbit)2
definition are given in Table 12.5.

TABLE 12.5. Glossary of the radiation terms

Terms Definition

Absorption The process of converting the radiation intercepted by the matter to internal thermal energy.
Absorptivity, α Fraction of the incident radiation absorbed by the surface.
Black body An ideal body which absorbs all incident radiation and emits maximum energy.
Black body radiation Fraction of radiation energy emitted by a black body at temperature T in
function wavelength band λ = 0 to λ.
Diffuse A surface, whose properties are independent of directions.
Directional The property pertains to a particular direction, denoted by θ.
Emission The process of radiation production by the surface at a finite temperature.
Emissive power, E The rate of radiant energy emitted by a surface in all direction per unit area of the surface. It
is measured in W/m2.
Emissivity, ε Ratio of the emissive power of a surface to the emissive power of the blackbody at the same
Gray surface A surface for which the spectral absorptivity and emissivity are independent of the wavelength
over the spectral region of the surface irradiation and emission.
Green house effect The warming up process due to remission between earth’s surface and atmosphere.
Hemispherical The quantity pertains to all directions above the surface.
Irradiation The rate at which the radiation is incident on a surface from all direction per unit area of the
surface, G(W/m2).
Kirchhoff ’s law Relation between emission and absorption properties of a surface at thermal equilibrium.
Planck’s law It is associated with spectral distribution of emission from a black body.
Radiation intensity The rate of radiation energy propagation in a particular direction, per unit area normal to the
direction, per unit solid angle about the direction, I (W/
Radiosity Rate at which energy leaving the surface due to emission and reflection in all directions per
unit area per unit time, J (W/m2).
Reflection The process of redirection of radiation energy incident on a surface.
Reflectivity, ρ The fraction of incident radiation energy reflected by the surface.
Semitransparent It is a medium in which radiation absorption is the volumetric process.
Solar energy It is energy coming out the sun.
Solar constant Rate at which the solar radiation flux is received on a surface normal to sun’s rays just outside
the earth’s atmosphere, Gs(W/m2).
Solid angle, ω Ratio of area of spherical surface enclosed by a conical surface with vertex of the cone at the
centre of sphere to square of radius of sphere. It is measured in straradian (sr).
Spectral It refers to a single wavelength (monochromatic) radiation. The quantity is denoted by subscript
Spectral distribution It refers to properties variation with wavelength.
Specular It refers to the surface for which the angle of reflected radiation is equal to the angle of incident
Stefan Boltzmann law The emissive power of the blackbody is directly proportional to fourth power of the absolute
temperature ; Eb = σ T4, where σ = 5.67 × 10–8 W/m2.K4, is Stefan Boltzmann constant, and T is
an absolute temperature in K.
Thermal radiation It is the electromagnetic energy emitted by a matter at a finite temperature in the spectral
region from approximately from 0.1 to 100 µm.
Total solar radiation Sum of direct and diffuse solar radiation.
Transmission It is process of the thermal radiation passing through the matter.
Transmissivity It is the fraction of radiation energy transmitted by the matter.
Wien’s displacement Relation between wavelength λmax and absolute temperature T at
law which Ebλ reaches a maximum ; λmax T = 2897.6 µm.K.

REVIEW QUESTIONS 26. Explain why sky is blue in the day and sunset is
yellow orange ?
1. What is an electromagnetic wave ? How does it differs 27. What is an effective sky temperature ?
from a sound wave ?
28. What is a green house effect ? Discuss its importance.
2. What are the ranges of wavelengths of
electromagnetic waves covering ultraviolet, visible, 29. Why the ozone layer in the atmosphere must be
infrared and thermal radiation ? protected ?
3. What is the speed of energy propagation between 30. How does solar radiation attenuate as it passes
two bodies when the space between them is through the atmosphere ?
evacuated ?
4. What do you mean by ultraviolet, visible and infrared PROBLEMS
radiation ?
1. Calculate the heat flux emitted due to thermal
5. What is a black body ? What are its properties ? Why
radiation from a black surface at 6000°C. At what
does a cavity with a small hole behave as a black
wavelength is the monochromatic emissive power
body ?
maximum and what is the maximum value ?
6. Why are microwave oven suitable for cooking ? [Ans. 87, 798 kW/µ2 ; 0.462 µm ; 1.25 × 1014 W/m2]
7. What are the total and spectral emissive power of a 2. A 10 cm diameter peephole in the side of a furnace
black body ? acts as a blackbody. The furnace interior is at 500°C,
and the surrounding temperature is 25°C, what is
8. What do you mean by spectral, terms used in thermal
the net radiant heat loss from the furnace through
radiation ?
the peephole ? [Ans. 155.2 W]
9. State Planck’s distribution law and list down its
3. Estimate the rate at which the sun emits the radiant
energy. What fraction of this energy is absorbed by
10. What is Wien’s displacement law ? Derive an the earth and in what amount ? If effective
expression for its relation. What is a diffuse body ? temperature of the sun is 560 K and surface of the
sun is treated black. The diameter of the sun is
11. State and explain Stefan Boltzmann law. Derive an
1.39 × 10 6 km. The diameter of the earth is
expression for total emissive power of a black body.
1.27 × 104 km and the distance between sun and
12. What is radiation intensity ? How do you distinguish earth is 1.5 × 108 km.
between spectral emissive power and spectral
[Ans. 3.81 × 1026 W ; 4.48 × 10–10 ; 1.71 × 1017 W]
radiation intensity ?
4. A cubical body of 20 cm side at 1200 K is suspended
13. What do you mean by spectral, total emissivity ?
in air. Assuming body closely approximates a
14. Discuss the effect of temperature on emissivity of blackbody, Calculate (a) rate of radiation energy
surfaces. emitted from the body, in W, (b) spectral black body
15. What is directional emissivity ? emissive power at a wavelength of 4 µm.
16. Explain Kirchhoff ’s law. [Ans. (a) 28.21 × 103 W, (b) 19.23 × 103 W/m2.µm]
17. What do you mean by gray body approximation ? 5. The sun can be treated as a blackbody at an effective
surface temperature of 5762 K. Determine the
18. What is a blackbody radiation function ? Why is it fraction of radiation energy emitted by sun that
important ? falls in
19. Define the terms irradiation and radiosity. Establish (a) ultraviolet range (λ = 0.01 mm–0.4 mm), and
a relationship between them.
(b) visible range (λ = 0.4 µm–0.76 µm). Also calculate
20. Define solid angle. the wavelength at which the emission of radiation
21. Define total emissive power and intensity of from the sun reaches a maximum value.
radiation and show that E = πI. [Ans. (a) 0.121, (b) 0.425, 0.503 µm]
22. State and explain Lambert cosine law. 6. A balck body at 727°C emits radiation. Calculate the
wavelength at which the radiation from the body
23. Define absorptivity, reflectivity and transmissivity.
becomes maximum. [Ans. 2.897 µm]
24. What do you mean by opaque body and white body ?
7. The sun is located at 150 × 106 km from the earth
25. What is solar constant ? How is it used to determine and it has radius of 0.7 × 106 km and its temperature
effective temperature of sun ? How would the value of 6000 K. Calculate the mean temperature of earth.
of solar constant change, if the distance between the Assume that the rate of radiative heat transfer from
earth and sun doubled ?

the sun to the earth is equal to rate of radiant R| ε = 0.3 0 ≤ λ < 1.5 µm
S| ε
transfer from earth to outer space at 0°C. Consider = 0.5 1.5 ≤ λ < 4 µm
ελ = 2
earth and sun as black body. [Ans. 289.82 K]
Tε 3 = 0.4 4 µm ≤ λ < ∞
8. A gray body at 2500 K has total emissive power of
2.0 × 106 W/m2. What is maximum spectral emissive
power and at what wavelength does it occur ? (i) Total hemispherical emissivity,
(ii) Total hemispherical emissive power,
[Ans. 1.145 × 107 W/m2, 1.16 µm]
(iii) The average wavelength at which the body has
9. Radiant energy with an intensity of 700 W/m2 strikes maximum emissive power.
a flat plate normally. The absorptivity is twice the [Ans. (i) 0.445, (ii) 2.523 W/m2, (iii) 2.898 µm]
transmissivity and 2.9 times its reflectivity. 14. A pipe carrying steam runs in a large room and exposed
Determine the rate of absorption, transmission and to air at 30°C. The pipe surface temperature is 200°C.
reflection of energy in W/m2. Diameter of the pipe is 20 cm. If the total heat loss per
[Ans. 379.5 W/m2, 189.7 W/m2, 130.8 W/m2] metre length of the pipe is 1.9193 kW/m, determine
the emissivity of the pipe surface.
10. A black body is at 1000°C ; calculate
Given that
(a) The wavelength at which the body has the
NuD = 0.53(GrD Pr)1/4
maximum spectral emissive power, and the cor-
responding emissive power. and air properties at 115°C are

(b) The total emissive power of the black body. kf = 0.03306 W/m.K, ν = 24.93 × 10–6 m2/s,
Pr = 0.687. [Ans. 0.8]
(c) The fraction of total radiant energy emission
15. The emissivity of a tungsten filament can be
between the wavelength 2.0 and 4.5 µm.
approximated to be 0.5 for radiation at wavelength
(d) The percentage reduction in the emissive power less than, 1 µm and 0.15 for radiation at greater than
when the temperature of the body falls down to 1 µm. Calculate the average emissivity of the
900°C. filament at (a) 1500 K, and (b) 3000 K. Also deter-
(e) Hemispherical emissive power. mine the absorptivity and reflectivity of the filament
at both temperature.
[Ans. (a) 2.276 µm, (b) 1.489 × 105 W/m2,
16. Solar irradiation of 1100 W/m2 is incident on a large
(c) 0.5422, (d) 28%, (e) 1.489 × 105 W/m2]
flat horizontal metal roof on a day when air flowing
11. A black body has a total emissive power of over the roof causing a heat transfer coefficient of
1000 W/m2, calculate 25 W/m2.K. The outside air temperature is 27°C, the
(a) Its surface temperature metal surface absorptivity for solar radiation is 0.6,
and the metal surface emissivity is 0.2. If roof is well
(b) The wavelength above which (i) 50% (ii) 75%
insulated from below, calculate the roof temperature
radiant energy occurs, and
under steady state condition. [Ans. 48.5°C]
(c) The wavelength at which the body has maximum
17. Consider an opaque, horizontal flat plate, that is well
spectral emissive power.
insulated on its backside. The irradiation on the plate
[Ans. (a) 364.4 K, (b) (i) 9.45 µm, (ii) 11.24 µm, is 2500 W/m2, of which 500 W/m2 is reflected. The
(c) 7.95 µm] plate is at 227°C and has an emissive power of
12. The spectral emissivity function of an opaque surface 1200 W/m2. Air at 127°C flow over the plate with
at 1000 K is approximated by h = 15 Wm2.K. Calculate emissivity, absorptivity, re-
flectivity and radiosity of the plate. What is the net
R| ε = 0.4 0 ≤ λ < 2 µm heat transfer rate per unit area ?
S| ε
ελ = 2 = 0.7 2 µm ≤ λ < 6 µm
Tε 3 = 0.3 6 µm ≤ λ < ∞ [Ans. ε = 0.338, α = 0.80, ρ = 0.2,
J = 1700 W/m2, q = – 700 W/m2 ]
Calculate average emissivity and the emissive power
18. A 10 cm diameter spherical ball emits radiation at a
of the surface. [Ans. 0.575, 32.6 kW/m2]
rate of 30 W when its surface temperature is 400 K.
13. The spectral emissivity for a gray surface at 1000 K Calculate the average emissivity of the ball at this
is approximated as temperature. [Ans. 0.658]

19. A surface at 365 K has an absorptivity of αs = 0.85 REFERENCES AND SUGGESTED READING
for solar radiation and an emissivity 0.5 at room
temperature. The direct and diffuse components of 1. J.A. Duffy and W.A. Backman, ‘‘Solar Energy
solar radiation are 350 and 400 W/m2, respectively. Thermal Process’’ Wiley, New York, 1974.
The direct radiation makes and angle of 30° with 2. Rehsenow W.M, J.P. Harnett and E.N. Ganic, eds.
normal of the surface. Taking the effective sky tem- ‘‘Handbook of Heat Transfer’’, 2/e, McGraw Hill,
perature of 280 K, calculate the net rate of radiation NewYork, 1985.
to the surface at that time. 3. F. Krieth and M.S. Bohn, ‘‘Principles of Heat
20. Solar radiation is incident on the outer surface of a Transfer’’, 5th ed. PWS Pub. Company, 1997.
spaceship at a rate of 1320 W/m2. The surface has 4. J.P. Holman, ‘‘Heat Transfer’’, 7th ed. McGraw Hill,
an absorptivity of 0.1 for solar radiation and an New York, 1990.
emissivity of 0.8 at room temperature. The outer 5. F.P. Incropera and D.P. DeWitt, ‘‘Introduction to
surface radiates heat into a space at 0 K. If there is Heat Transfer’’, 2/e, John Wiley & Sons, 1990.
no heat transfer to the spaceship, calculate the 6. M.N. Ozisik, ‘‘Heat Transfer–A Basic Approach’’,
equilibrium temperature of the surface. McGraw Hill, New York, 1985.
7. Y. Bayazitoglu and M.N. Ozisik, ‘‘Elements of Heat
[Ans. 232.3 K]
Transfer’’, McGraw Hill, New York, 1988.
21. A central heating radiator has a surface temperature 8. Suryanarayana N.V., ‘‘Engineering Heat Transfer’’,
of 70°C and heats a room maintained at 20°C. West Pub. Co. New York, 1998.
Calculate the contribution of convection and 9. F.M. White, ‘‘Heat and Mass Transfer’’, Addison-
radiation to heat transfer from the radiator. Wesley, Reading, MA, 1998.
Use following correlation for determination of 10. M. Jacob, ‘‘Heat Transfer’’, Vol. 1, Wiley, New York,
natural convection coefficient. 1949.
NuL = 0.118(GrL Pr)1/3 11. L.C. Thomas, ‘‘Heat Transfer’’, Prentice-Hall,
Englewood Cliffs, NJ, 1982.
The properties of fluid in the room are
12. Chapman Alan. J., ‘‘Fundamentals of Heat Transfer’’,
ρ = 1.2 kg/m3, µ = 1.8 × 10–5 kg/ms
Macmillan, New York.
kf = 0.026 W/m.K, Pr = 0.71
13. Christopher Long, ‘‘Essential Heat Transfer’’,
[Ans. 634 W/m2] Addison Wesley Longman, 2001.
22. The spectral emissivity as a function of an opaque 14. McAdams W.M., ‘‘Heat Transmission’’, 3rd ed.
surface at 800 K is approximated by step function McGraw Hill, New York, 1954.
and is given below :
15. Jacob M. and G.A. Hawkins, ‘‘Elements of Heat
ε1 = 0.3 for 0 ≤ λ ≤ 3 µm
Transfer’’, 3rd ed. Wiley, New York, 1957.
ελ = ε2 = 0.8 for 3 µm ≤ λ ≤ 7 µm
16. John H. Lienhard IV and J.H. Lienhard, ‘‘A Heat
ε3 = 0.1 for 7 µm ≤ λ ≤ ∞ . Transfer Textbook’’, 3/e, Phlogiston Press, 2003.
Calculate the average emissivity of the surface and
17. Robert Siegel and John R. Howell, ‘‘Thermal
the emissive power.
Radiation Heat Transfer’’, 3/e, Hemisphere Pub.
[Ans. 0.5206, 12.09 × 103 W/m2] Corporation, 1992.

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