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Nowadays, more and more people choose to move abroad to study. Many people
think that studying overseas brings students many benefits, others believe that
students have to face a lot of challenges. My essay will discuss both sides of this
On the one hand, there are advantages of studying in another country. First of all,
foreign countries often offer students better courses than their home country.
Therefore, they can learn with better teachers and more modern equipment.
Besides, they can gain foreign degrees and have more chances to get a good job
with high salary. It also means that they have a higher quality of life. Secondly,
studying abroad helps students become more independent. When living overseas,
they have to do everything by themselves such as cooking, cleaning houses and
getting money. Finally, students can broaden their mind and relationships. They
can make new friends and visit new places in a foreign country.
On the other hand, studying abroad has some drawbacks. Firstly, living abroad
causes homesickness. When living far from home, students may feel lonely and
bored, which affects their health badly and makes them not focus on study.
Moreover, learning a foreign language is usually difficult, so if students do not
speak the target language well, they cannot communicate with other people.
Finally, studying abroad is very expensive. Many students have to work part time
to pay for living costs; as a result, their study is badly affected.
In conclusion, studying in a foreign country has both benefits and drawbacks. I
believe that people should be encouraged to study abroad to have a better life in the
These days, there has been an increasing number of students who opt to study
abroad. It is believed that studying overseas offers students a life-changing
opportunity; however, they have to face a variety of obstacles when taking
overseas courses. This essay will examine both sides of this tendency.
On the one hand, studying abroad is beneficial to students in several ways. First
and foremost, foreign educational institutions provide students with better courses
compared to those in their homeland. Obviously, students are taught by excellent
teachers from well-known universities, which allows them to acquire the best
skills. Besides, when obtaining an international qualification, students can seek for
better job opportunities which contribute to a higher standard of living in the
future. Another benefit is that students are able to develop independence. More
specifically, living in another country requires students to do everything on their
own such as doing housework, managing time and money, etc. Therefore, they will
become more mature and gain more valuable skills. Last but not least, students
have more chances to widen their knowledge and relationships. To illustrate, they
can build more new friendships and explore new destinations in a new country.
On the other hand, overseas students have to encounter plenty of challenges. One
of the most obvious drawbacks is that living alone in a strange country results in
homesickness and culture shock. Living far away from home might make students
feel so lonely and depressed that they cannot concentrate on study. In addition,
they find it hard to adapt to a new culture, which leaves negative effects on their
mental and physical health. Language barrier is another detrimental side of
overseas life. Mastering a foreign language is a challenging task; therefore, many
students have difficulty in communicating with foreigners. The final demerit is that
studying abroad costs a great deal of money. Because the high cost of living and
expensive tuition fees in a foreign country, many students have to get a part-time
job after school to earn more money, which influences their academic performance
All in all, it is clear that studying overseas has its own merits and demerits.
Although drawbacks of learning overseas are various, students should learn abroad
to build a brighter future.

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