03.18.2022 MC On Policy On Strategic Planning On Jail Infrastructure Projects

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MEMORANDUM CIRCULAR eour-ocae 3S Tore TssUENO, POLICY ON STRATEGIC PLANNING ON JAIL 2 at INFRASTRUCTURE PROJECTS REMSION WO,” ueone crrectveoxre | CONDUCT OF DETAILED ASSESSMENT, 18 wR 2022 | PRIORITIZATION, AND PLANNING UsING THe (| ASSESSMENT TOOL AS REQUIREMENT BEFORE PAGE | ‘SUBMISSION OF PROJECT PROPOSAL FOR NEW JAIL 1 CONSTRUCTION OR EXPANSION 4.0 REFERENCES a. BJMP-DL-SOP-26 dated January 23, 2019; b. BIMP-DL-SOP-89 dated January 7, 2020; c. Handbook on Minimum Standards for the Design of BJMP Jails; d. NEDA Philippine Development Plan 2017-2022; and e. GPPB Circular 06-2019 dated July 17, 2019. 2.0 RATIONALE/BACKGROUND The expansion of existing jails and the construction of new jail facilities are seen by the Bureau as the most feasible response to congestion that most BJMP-manned jails are experiencing, In CY 2015, the Bureau started to receive an increase in budget to fund the expansion and construction projects, but it was from CY 2016-2019 when they started receiving a budget allocation approved by the Department of Budget and Management (DBM). However, with the overwhelming increase of budget and the number of projects that had to be implemented the Bureau was taken aback in the preparation which led to delays in the implementation and poor budget utilization. Due to these difficulties and issues, it was realized that a strategic jail construction planning will be more beneficial and may offer long-term positive impacts to the Bureau instead of leaning on opportunistic approach. With this, the Bureau, in partnership with the International Committee of the Red Cross (ICRC) initiated to develop and elaborate the strategic planning for construction outlay, both for the regional and national levels. IPSOS Inc, an external international consultancy service provider was tapped in achieving the strategic plans. IPSOS conducted research and analysis on the current practices and existing policies of the Bureau related to planning of its infrastructure projects which led to the development of the detailed guideline (See Annex “C") and assessment (prioritization) tool (See Annexes “A” and “B"). Another issue hampering the Bureau's efforts in decongestion is DBM's indispensable requirement in the granting of budget for infrastructure projects, the proof of lot ownership on the proposed locations of the jail extension or new building construction. The Bureau does not prioritize direct purchase or Prepared By: ALBERTO MARIANO. Jail Chief Inspector Reviewed By: DENNIS U ROCAMORA, CESE Approved By: ALLAN S IRAL, CESE Chief, Real Property Division, DL Jail Chief Superintendent Jail Director Deputy Chief for Operations of | Chief, BMP Noted by: the Jail Bureau/QMR Rus: Jail Chief Suj Director, Dit TANGERES, CESE indent rate for Logistics “Changing Lives, Building a Safer Nation” MEMORANDUM CIRCULAR Saeoune 13S ToPIC re POLICY ON STRATEGIC PLANNING ON JAIL INFRASTRUCTURE PROJECTS. REVISION WO, ‘SUB-TOPIC [EFFECTIVE DATE CONDUCT OF DETAILED ASSESSMENT, 4.8 MAR 2022 PRIORITIZATION, AND PLANNING USING THE ASSESSMENT TOOL AS REQUIREMENT BEFORE | PAGE ‘SUBMISSION OF PROJECT PROPOSAL FOR NEW JAIL 2ottz CONSTRUCTION OR EXPANSION acquisition of lots but relies on lot donation or usufruct agreements with Local Government Units (LGUs), private entities, and individuals. Other LGUs cannot accommodate the request lot donations of the Bureau while, the donated or proposed lots are at times not the ideal of jail location but are accepted due to various limitations both at LGU and Bureau's level. Given this situation it is found necessary to equip personnel of jail units, especially the wardens, the right tools and process in lobbying and requesting for lots from various entities, mostly with LGUs. The same team that developed the strategic planning came up with lot request/acquisition strategies (See Annex “E”) that will be beneficial to the jail Both the strategic planning and lot acquisition guidelines are designed to be aligned with the newly established project management cycle of the BUMP, the Facility Development Process (FDP) 3.0 OBJECTIVES: 3.1 To institutionalize a systematic and objective process of priority selections for infrastructure projects at the National Headquarters and Regional Offices; and 3.2 To involve and capacitate jail and regional personnel in planning of new jail facilities and in establishing relationship with LGUs, specifically. 3.2.1. To guide and assist jail personnel in acquiring or requesting for lots needed in the proposed new jail; 3.2.2 To guide and assist the wardens and jail personnel in producing their Jail Assessment Report (JAR); and 3.2.3 To guide and assist the Regional Office in the preparation of the Project Proposal and in checking the JAR submitted by jail units. 4.0 SCOPE AND APPLICATION This policy shall be applicable to all proposed jail infrastructure projects of the Jail Bureau, including construction of new jails and expansion of existing facilities, but shall exclude repair of facilities 5.0 DEFINITION OF TERMS Assessment Tool - it is a tool designed to objectively and automatically provide ratings/scores to jail facilities and rank them accordingly. The TWG will be able to get the data needed for this tool from FDP specifically from Project Proposal, “Changing Lives, Building a Safer Nation” DOCUMENT NO, MEMORANDUM CIRCULAR Docume NO. ac ToPIC POLICY ON STRATEGIC PLANNING ON JAIL INFRASTRUCTURE PROJECTS SUB-TOPIC EFFECTIVE DATE CONDUCT OF DETAILED ASSESSMENT, 18 MAR 2072 PRIORITIZATION, AND PLANNING USING THE ASSESSMENT TOOL AS REQUIREMENT BEFORE vase SUBMISSION OF PROJECT PROPOSAL FOR NEW JAIL sorte ‘CONSTRUCTION OR EXPANSION Example: including Jail Assessment Report, Jail Brief, Feasibility Study, experiences and knowledge about the jails in the region. Compound Annual Growth Rate (CAGR) — a formula that will be used to compute for the average PDL population growth rate in n years. This formula, as illustrated below, calculates and determines returns for anything that can rise or fall in value over time: Xn = (¥n/¥4)4(1/n) = 1 Where: Xn = Projected PDL Population growth rate at nth number of PDL population at nth year PDL population at year 1 n= number of years Year 2017 2018 2019 Population | 112,356 | 114,851 | 119,867 Xn = Projected PDL Population growth rate within nth number of years Yn = 119,867 Sample Computation: —_X1 112,356 3 years ((119,867 / 112,356)"1/3) - 1 0.0218 = 2.18% x Early Procurement Activities (EPA) — refer to the conduct of procurement activities for goods to be delivered, infrastructure projects to be implemented, and consulting service to be rendered in the following fiscal year, pending approval of the General Appropriations Act (GAA), Corporate Budget or Appropriations Ordinance, as the case may be. Facility Development Process (FDP) — is a step-by-step procedure based on Project Management Cycle. The process was introduced to guide the engineers, wardens and other personnel in proposing a new jail construction, projects or ‘expansion of an existing facility. “Changing Lives, Building a Safer Nation” MEMORANDUM CIRCULAR DOCUMENT NO a = = POLICY ON STRATEGIC PLANNING ON JAIL 2 pl INFRASTRUCTURE PROJECTS won J eer 4 CONDUCT OF DETAILED ASSESSMENT, 18 MAR 2022 PRIORITIZATION, AND PLANNING USING THE ASSESSMENT TOOL AS REQUIREMENT BEFORE | PAGE ‘SUBMISSION OF PROJECT PROPOSAL FOR NEW JAIL ot i} ‘CONSTRUCTION OR EXPANSION Infrastructure Projects — for purposes of this circular, infrastructure projects shall include only the construction and/or improvement! expansion of jail facilities, including the construction and/or improvementlexpansion of facilities under administration, visitation, commitment, security, health, accommodation, food services, development program and livelihood activities, essential services, utilities and solid waste management areas identified in the handbook on Minimum Standards for the Design of BJMP Jails. Jail Facility Status — a criterion in the selection process involving the condition of the facility as to completeness of functional areas based on the Handbook on Minimum Standards for the Design of BJMP Jails. This criterion is divided into three sub-categories namely, Basic, Intermediate and Compliant. * Basic — classification of jail facility that are still for construction or existing but only contain the basic functional components of a jail to have it operational. (See Annex “H’) ‘+ Intermediate — classification of jail facility that are already existing and contains functional components exceeding the requirements of a basic facility but below the requirement of a compliant facility. (See Annex “H’). ‘* Compliant — classification of jail facility that contains and complies all the functional components mentioned in the handbook on Minimum Standards for the Design of BUMP Jails. (See Annex “H’), Jail Profile — a criterion in the selection process comprises of congestion rate, number of PDL occupying the facility and average jail population growth for the last three (3) years. Lot Status — a criterion in the selection process which involves the status of ownership of the lot whether titled, donated, under Usufruct Agreement and Memorandum of Agreement (MOA) Project Management — is the application of knowledge, skills, tools and techniques in project activities to meet the project requirements. “Changing Lives, Building a Safer Nation” ‘DOCUMENT NO. MEMORANDUM CIRCULAR ence 3s Topic ISSUE NO. POLICY ON STRATEGIC PLANNING ON JAIL a4 INFRASTRUCTURE PROJECTS REWSIOW WO SuB-TOPIC EFFECTIVE DATE CONDUCT OF DETAILED ASSESSMENT, 18 MAR 7022 PRIORITIZATION, AND PLANNING USING THE = ASSESSMENT TOOL AS REQUIREMENT BEFORE PAGE ‘SUBMISSION OF PROJECT PROPOSAL FOR NEW JAIL soa CONSTRUCTION OR EXPANSION 6.0 GENERAL GUIDELINES 64 62. 63 64 ‘Submission of Jail Assessment Report (JAR) to Region All jails will be required by the Regional Office to submit their JARs by month of August for the inclusion in the budget after two fiscal years (See Annex “F"). Submission of Project Proposals (PP), Project Brief (PB), and Feasibility Study (FS). Regional offices will be required to prepare, review, and submit Project Proposal, Project Brief, and Feasibility Study to NHQ for all the proposed projects by month of October for the succeeding calendar year for inclusion in the budget after two fiscal years. Jails which are yet to secure a lot can make use of the Lot Acquisition Strategy (See Annex “E”) in requesting/lobbying lots to LGU. ‘Submission of Budget Proposals to DBM through DILG 63.4 632 63.3 The Directorate for Logistics will consolidate all the submitted proposal from the regions. All jails without secured and complete lot ‘ownership documents by the month of January will be automatically excluded in the final list for the proposed construction outlay to be submitted to the Chief BMP. Once approved by the Chief, the final list will be submitted to the DBM through the DILG for inclusion in the National Expenditure Program (NEP) for the given year. If the requested budget is approved by DBM, all the projects will push through and shall conform to the requirements stipulated in the Facility Development Process (FOP). If the budget approved by DBM is lower than the requested amount, jails will be prioritized according to the outcome of the regional and national strategic planning session Regional Strategic Planning 641 A Technical Working Group (TWG) comprised of the following members must be established: Regional Directors; Chief, Logistics Division; Chief, Community Relations Section; “Changing Lives, Building a Safer Nation” MEMORANDUM CIRCULAR DOCUMENT NO. ine ‘TOPIC ISSUE NO. POLICY ON STRATEGIC PLANNING ON JAIL = INFRASTRUCTURE PROJECTS cee ‘SUB-TOPIC. EFFECTIVE DATE CONDUCT OF DETAILED ASSESSMENT, 18 MAR 2022 PRIORITIZATION, AND PLANNING USING THE ASSESSMENT TOOL AS REQUIREMENT BEFORE —_| PAGE ‘SUBMISSION OF PROJECT PROPOSAL FOR NEW JAIL elcaia) ‘CONSTRUCTION OR EXPANSION 6.4.2 The Regional Office shall prepare all the needed data such as current jail congestion rates by the month of May, jail population for the past three (3) years, lot acquisition status, and jail Zfacility status (See Annex “F”) 6.4.3 Regional Logistics Office shall use the regional assessment tool with the following criteria: Dimension A - Jail Profile (40%) A. Congestion Rate ‘40% - Congestion Rate (CR, %) CR > 2000% 4000% < CR = 2000% ‘500% < CR = 1000% 200% < CR = 500% CRs 200% B. Current Number of PDLs (PDL Population) 40% - Current number of PDLs ‘more than 1000 PDL ‘501 to 1000 PDL 101 to 500 PDL 100 and below PDL C. Average PDL Population Growth for the last 3 years 20% - Ave. PDL Population Growth ; Rate for last 3yre (GR, %6) Wear GR > 20% ~ 20% 10% < GR < 20% 15% 5% 2000% 1000% < CRs 500% < CR = 1000% 200% < CR < 500% CRs 200% 2. Number of PDLs (PDL Population) ‘40% - Current number of PDLs Weight ‘more than 1000 PDL 40% ‘501 to 1000 PDL 30% 101 to 500 PDL 20% 100 and below PDL 10% 3. Average PDL Growth Rate for the last 3 years B. Status of 20% - Ave. PDL Population Growth ae Rate for last 3 yre (GR, %) vege GR > 20% 20% 10% 2000% 50% 000% < ACR = 2000% 40% 500% < ACR 5 1000% 30% 200% < ACR 5 500% 20% ‘GR = 200% 10% ‘50% - Average Number of PDLs for past 3years | Weight more than 20000 PDL 50% 10001 to 20000 PDL 40% 5001 to 10000 PDL. 30% 5000 and below PDL 20% D. Performance of Region (10%) 1. Completed Projects in the past 3 years (10%) 10% - Ave. Completed Project Rate a for last 3 yrs (CPR %) we CPR > 80% [10% 60% < CPR < 80% 8% 40% < CPR < 60% 6% 20% < CPR = 40% 4% 0% < CPR = 20% 2% 2. Budget Utilization in the past 3 years (10%) 10% - Ave. Budget Utilization Rate ‘ forlat 38 (GOR. 5) eet BUR > 80% 10% 60% < BUR s 80% 8% 40% < BUR = 60% 6% 20% < BUR = 40% 4% (0% < BUR s 20% 2% 6.5.4 The assessment tool will automatically rank all jails according to priority starting from the most priority to least priority and the cumulative cost should not exceed the approved budget set by DBM. In case it exceeds the approved budget, the least priority jails in the “Changing Lives, Building a Safer Nati ion” DOCUMENT NO. MEMORANDUM CIRCULAR Lele Toric ISSUE No. POLICY ON STRATEGIC PLANNING ON JAIL 2 INFRASTRUCTURE PROJECTS REWSIONNO, sue-ToPie EFFECTIVE DATE ‘CONDUCT OF DETAILED ASSESSMENT, 1.8 MAR 2099» PRIORITIZATION, AND PLANNING USING THE ASSESSMENT TOOL AS REQUIREMENT BEFORE PAGE ‘SUBMISSION OF PROJECT PROPOSAL FOR NEW JAIL wai ‘CONSTRUCTION OR EXPANSION 7.0 66 67 final list will be implemented in Multi-Year Obligational Authority (MYOA), 6.5.5. In case of a tie, the Directorate for Logistics shall recommend to the Chief, BJMP the order of priority of jails, from the most priority to least priority. 6.5.6 Based on the result of the national assessment tool and the provided budget ceiling by DBM, the Directorate for Logistics will resubmit the revised final list for Construction Outlay together with the complete documents to the Chief, BJMP through the Directorate for Comptroliership. Resubmission to DBM 6.6.1 Once approved by the Chief, BJMP the final list will be resubmitted to. the DBM through the DILG for inclusion in the National Expenditure Program (NEP) for the given year. Project Implementation 6.7.1. Once the National Expenditure Program (NEP) is approved by the President and endorsed to both houses (Senate and Congress), the Directorate for Logistics will direct all regional offices to have their proposal included in the NEP to conduct Early Procurement Activity (EPA) but short of award. 67.2 Upon the approval of the General Appropriations Act (GAA), all infrastructure projects that undergone the EPA shall issue the Notice of ‘Award to the winning bidder to complete the entire procurement process until the issuance of the Notice to Proceed (NTP). 6.7.3 Once the NTP has been issued to the contractor, the building permit, fencing permit or other permits necessary for the project shall be first ‘secured prior to the commencement of construction activities. MONITORING CLAUSE The Directorate for Logistics shall be responsible for the monitoring of Regional Offices’ compliance with this policy. All proposals for construction or expansion of facilities shall contain complete documents such as Project Proposal, Project Brief, Feasibility Study and Design Development. No proposed project shall be endorsed for funding to the Department of Budget and Management (DBM) unless it has gone through the process herein stipulated, “Changing Lives, Building a Safer Nation” MEMORANDUM CIRCULAR DOCUMENT NO. ‘SUBMISSION OF PROJECT PROPOSAL FOR NEW JAIL ‘CONSTRUCTION OR EXPANSION eUMP.OL-MC Toc ISSUE NO. POLICY ON STRATEGIC PLANNING ON JAIL A INFRASTRUCTURE PROJECTS REVISION NO ‘SUB-TOPIC EFFECTIVE DATE. CONDUCT OF DETAILED ASSESSMENT, 18 MAR 2022 PRIORITIZATION, AND PLANNING USING THE ASSESSMENT TOOL AS REQUIREMENT BEFORE PAGE Peer ‘Also, this policy has to be reviewed two (2) years after the date of approval and has to be continuously updated depending on the need and situation. 8.0 FINANCIAL CLAUSE Funding requirements shall be allocated for the conduct of trainings which will be participated by the TWG from the Regional Offices together with the transfer of knowledge from the Region to jail units. 9.0 SEPARABILITY CLAUSE If any provision of this guideline is rescinded or modified accordingly by subsequent rule, any section not affected by such rescission, modification or declaration shall remain in force and in effect. 10.0 REPEALING CLAUSE All other existing issuances which are inconsistent with this guideline are hereby rescinded or modified accordingly. 11.0 EFFECTIVITY This Policy shall take effect upon the approval of the Chief, BUMP. “Changing Lives, Building a Safer Nation” DOCUMENT NO. MEMORANDUM CIRCULAR Cowacane (as Toric TS8UE NO. av | POLICY ON STRATEGIC PLANNING ON JAIL. wh INFRASTRUCTURE PROJECTS REVSION NO] 3uB-TORIC EFFECTIVE DATE CONDUCT OF DETAILED ASSESSMENT, 8 2022 PRIORITIZATION, AND PLANNING USING THE if = WAR, ‘ASSESSMENT TOOL AS REQUIREMENT BEFORE PAGE SUBMISSION OF PROJECT PROPOSAL FOR NEW JAIL uae ‘CONSTRUCTION OR EXPANSION 12.0 ANNEXES ANNEX “A” Regional Assessment Tool ANNEX “B" - National Assessment Tool ANNEX"C” - Guidelines on Strategic Planning for Construction Outlay ANNEX“D" - SWOT ANNEX “E" - Lot Acquisition Strategy ANNEX “F” - Projected Timeline for FDP ANNEX “G" - Process of Strategic Plan ANNEX“H’ - Jail Facility (Basic, Intermediate, Compliant) ANNEX ‘I” - Endorsement Template Prepared By: Reviewed By: Approved By: ALBERTO M MARIANO Jail Chief Inspector Chief, Real Pioperty Division, DL DENNIS U/ROCAMORA, CESE| ALLAN S IRAL, CESE Jail Chief Superintendent Jail Director, Deputy Chief for Operations | Chief, BUMI of the Jail Bureau/QMR “Changing Lives, Building a Safer Nation” 0 cy eae Ec a oe ee En 30 [womens | 0 | omens | 99_| Permnmvone@m | 89 | Pormnavonwm | x0¢_| amram snnnes wea wos fT wares for ware fer OS eT NOD VRP EDA ea a oe TeacoseTor fr Sag oR IRD ooo wea fr arora fee | enera>cont_ fot gv) % o cd wa wae onto es ep as ono es en 95 ° ° ert omteg er ug woroND eran omg NOI93¥ 42 “SMYRIS JO) “BIyoud Wer = SUOISUEWIP 2@u4) 24) UO JuOWIS “ad uojansjsuod oy (4) ‘2442898 mt no exaym sax0q unop-doup61e N33US UI SIO IY "BLON Joo juawssessy jeuo|Bay v X3NNV ‘aaoane aanousay W101 BOLTON “BOL oT BOL aT sl -|-]-1-] )-]-]-]4 ane se oT SN a DOSE TO J00] Jusuissassy |euoNeN @ X3NNV NOT eU YR | YJUOW e ynoge aye, ‘sse00id uomsinboe | Ae Bunum yodes | obs jesodoies 10} pue voRenoBau 0} —_pue oKeP OSU polorg oun ‘onp oun aw08s a4] Aew ssa001d Siu, ‘uonoayjoo wep 20} vone}dwoo eu | Isanbes | 40140)N}D7 01 yovoxdde isaq uo azi6aiens, 91 Woy uorievog jo paeq Ayedounus eunboe — vonsinboe fonig | 10 Kip | 1010) $890014 ——Aaiseay OWA vere | | phine puss | sse001d vonenoBau sno, | ‘84 Bue JO] a4N JO panreoax/pasodosd nor ‘snyeis 243 Uo 20yj0 uo iuowssosse | yw diysuonejal jeuoiBay aepdr, Buuayies eeQ ssassy | sjwawasinbas joafosd SIIE}OQ - SSED01g JUBUIdOJaNeq Ay9e4 peyesoge|z se Auea se eis | uonepyosuos ‘uon29)09 leo ssaooid auy | eB) 10) uona|di0D au, uivow! e ynoge eye Aew Bunum yoda: pue J9vg wo0!01g OM auyeW soedg pue ‘wes6eig yo uoneasa ‘ssa00ig jeonkieuy = sissjeue e1eQ (6uwwesboig) ‘sjuawauinboy, er jo uoneoynvep| (2090 jeuoiBey/OHN, jo woronajsut Burpuedap yenuue-iq s0 ‘Auayenb) Ayen6os ‘2uop aq pinoys: uve eu Aieepi | jesodorg a!o1g BUA cave) uodoy juowssassy er ~ Buoyed e1eg ‘Ayipoe) posodosd ‘u j0 UOISiA, AeNE UoVONAsUOD Joy BulUUe|q 9159}e.4$ UO seU|epiND O XSNNV somanoy 241 jo uonIuysg — $@AR9/G0. ‘aieydsouNe jeomOd Ul aBUeUD “a weisks Bunebpng, peseg YseD oy} JUsWILUEAOB ou) ‘DOI! 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BIMP-DL-SOP-26 dated January 23, 2019 2. BIMP-DL-SOP-8S dated January 7, 2020 3. BJMP-DL-SOP- 4 Handbook on Minimum Standards for the Design of BIMP Ja! ACTION REQUESTEI 5. For the Chief, BUMP to approve the inclusion of proposed construction project amounting to__Amount in Word _ only (P 0,000,000.00). JUSTIFICATION: 6. _In response to the effort of the BJMP to improve its implementation and utilization of funds for infrastructure, BJMPRO __ had undergone the FDP process of the most priority projects listed below for inclusion in the FY ‘Construction Outlay | Name of Jails Description Project Amount ail A Construction of Jail Facilities '® 0,000,000.00 Jail 8. ‘Construction of Jail Facilities ‘© 0,000,000.00 Jail C ‘Construction of Jail Facilities ‘© 0.000.000-00 ‘Total Amount P0,000,000.00 7. Attached are the FOP documents supported with plan and estimate for your reference. RECOMMENDATION: 8. Approval of action requested, RD Rank Regional Director of the Jail Bureau

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