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Classic Higher Mathematics 339

338 Chapter Nine: Exponential & Logarithmic Functions

2* +2. 2"
or, 8.
L.H.S a-". b'P, P- or, 10.
2*= 320 abc k". k. k*=k**y*z Now, L.H.S = m(n - 2) +n(m - 2)
(xy . (xy°-*P.(xyp-9 320 Given that abc m n - 2m+mn-2n
= x . yP= Dq-), xP. y-1)(r-p), xp-4, or, 2-10 or, k**y*= K° 2 mn-2 (m+n)
- 1) (p-4)
or, X * y + z = 0 2mn 2mn [putting mtn= mn]
x . x*. yP-pr*q*. y-P-t*P, or, 2 - 2
x yPqr9+9
x+y+z Lproved] = 0 R.H.S
yPP9**9r-pq-r*p*pr p+q
5 7. Given that, a a " = (a"n m(n-2)+ n(m -
2) =
0 [proved]
Required solution x or, a " =amn
y or, m tn=mn
.I 3. (1) Va) VaVa
1=R.H.S [Showed] Solution ofexercise-9.1(2)
4. (1) 4-3*i=3***-2x-
-VVa)a7 G.
or, 4+2-' =3**i+3*-i Prove that, \ a where m, p e Z and
n|3. Prove
that, (ab)" =a"b", where Z, n N
or, (2)* +22*.2 = 3*. 32+3".3T
-VaVa.*3 1.
Solution: Let, x
m e e
Solution: Let, an = x
or,2+2 Now, L.H.S = (ab)"
- a ya or, (a")n=x
(ab)"[ : n-x]
-r -Vaha and,

a "


=a.b = a".bn
- = ýaa = a 7 or, (a =y 4. Show that,
=R.H.S [proved]
or, a = y"
or, (a"P = y
(a *)12= Ans.
or, (x"P= y" [from (i) a" = x']
(2) -11-(1-x'y'}lT' or, x=y"
-11 or, (x°=y
or, x =y Solution:
- a"
('x=a" and y =a"] [proved] LHS-- s+
or, 2x = 3
2. Prove that,
\a""-awhere m, ne Z, m+0,|

Solution: ---b
= R.H.S [showed)
let, amX (b) L.H.S=ta'+1
Required solution:x=5
(2) 9*=3**I -1 . a = x"..
a a 2
or, (35)**=3** and, a =y
or, 3 = 3** or, a = ymm +
or, 4x =x+1
or, 4x x = |
or, 3x =I
-T-t-1}-* or,
x"=(y"" [from equation (1)]
or, x=y
Ans. x* or, x= y
i. Required solution, x=3 Let. Va 6- Fe =k x-fmdy- X =a and y = a
(3) 2 * + 2 * *
= 320
+2. 2' = 320
Then, a = k", b =k',c =k*
Proved] a2+a 2+1
340 Classic HigherMathematics Chapter Nine: Exponential & Logarithmic Functions 341
Ans) 4b+c"++*++
ab+1 ab-1
(+1) Ans.
a a a
a2+a 2-1 =R.H.S (Showed) bc a1,b
5. Simplify:
- 9/
(1) (ab + (ab +a
b{a-b) ya-b
afa+b) Ja
b{va-b} ya-b
avat+ b a 6. Show that,
bya +b) (ya-b) ya-b (1) Ifx a*"b°, y = a'* Pb', z = aP* "b', then
a brc* a'c*
x y z * = 1.
= x xx
(2) If aP=b, b=c and c'= a, then pqr=1.
41+a+a T+b+6a -bya x b* 3) Ifa'-P a'=qand a* =(p'q), then xyz= 1.
1+CPa+CPB bva-b) a-)+bab'c)+¢d-b) 1) aGiven,
x =a bP 6
a ya-byva X
Z= aPb
beva-b) ab-afe+ b'c-ab+a'c?- b' L.H.S. = x y P : z P -
(5) abc
bfVa-b) (Ans.)
= (a "b°)*(a"Pb")-P-(aP""b)P
(6) b - a (b+a
abc= x=1 Putting value of x, y, z
= a*-.bP-P-a*pXr-P).4r-P.apkp-9).Pr-qr
.a-.aP-.bP-Pr br-qp bPr-
( a-b +r-p° +p-9.Pq- pr+qr-9P* pr-gr
at bXa-b)a+b
b) =1.1=1 =R.H.S (Showed)
(2) Given, a=b
c a
Here, aP = b
= xa=x! or, (cP= b [: c'=a]
or, cP = b
x (Ans.)
or, (b
bP= b [: b=a]
( 1+a+a +be+6a *b-a
Pqr (Showed)
(3) Given that, a* = p
a= (p' q*
las Here,
a* (p'q)*
or, a= {(a" (a'}*
or, a(a", a*"*
or, a (a* * *y2
- - or, a a 2 * y z
or, 2= 2xyz
or, 1 = xyz [dividing by 21
xyz=1 [showed]
per Nine: Exponential & Logarithmic Functions 34
7. (1) If xya+ yb+ zc =0 and a =
be, then or, x= a+ b+a-b*3 {(a + b) (a- bu a'+ 3a [taking square root)
show that, ax +
by'+ cz' 3axyz. =
(2) If x =
(a + b)3 +
(a -
b)3 and a -
Lx= (a+b?+(a-b [: a20 so, taking only positive value]
or, 3a +9a =8 [Showed]
then show that, x* -3cx 2a =
0 or, x =2a+ 3x (a- b3 (5) Given, that, a =b
+x+ +*+*T+
(3) Ifa= 2+2 then show that, 2a- 6a=5
(4) If a+2 33 +3 3 and a 2 0, then show
or, x= 2a+ 3x (c) [a* - b=
or, x= 2 a + 3x. c
-- + T= 1 R.H.Ss =
or, x* = 2a +3cx
that,3a+9a =8
x-3cx -2a= 0 [showed]
(5) If a = b, then show that,
(3) Given that, a =
23+ 23
-- 8. (1) If a = b, b' = c and c* = 1, then find the
value of xyz.
(2) If x* =y° = z and xyz = 1, then find the
[cubing both sides] value of ab + be + ca.
(6) Ifb 1 +33+33, then show that, b°
-3 -.)-3.2.)
-6b-4=0 (3) If 9"= 27", then find the value of
(7) Ifa
+b+c=0,then show that, +T or, a' 2 +2 + 3.23 alr a-g,i =a +(b
|(1) Given that, a* = b
or, a = 2 + 5 + 3 . 2°.a b'=c
=+b3 = R.H.S [Showed] Here c= 1
or, a'-23.1.a (6) Given that b= 1+33+33 or, (b = 1[: b=c]
(1) Given that, xiya
+y6+zie =o or, a= 2 +5+3a or,b-1 =33+3
or, b = 11
or, (a I : a* =b]
or,xia y6--z or, (b-1-(35+35Cubing both sidel or, a 1
or, or, a = a° [. a'= 1]
[cubing both sides] or, 2a 5 +6a
or, '363b-1 -+3.G+3 Xyz= 0
Ans. 0
.. 2a- 6a 5 [showed]
i.G3 |(2) Given that, x* = y*
4) Given that, a?+2 = 33+ or, b'-3b+3b-I =9+3. 3isiai+3$)+ x= ya
GG+»6)-- ?e or, (a2'= [cubingboth sides] or, b-3b+3b-1 12+3.3 3 (b-1)
Again, z'=y°
or, x'a
+y'b+3xyiab.z)--z or, (a +3. (a*). 2 +3. a.2 +2 or, b- 3b +3b- 1 =
12 +3.3 (b- 1) . Z=yo
or, b-3b+3b 1 =12+9(b-1) .'.
Now, xyz= 1|
or, x'a +yb - 3xyz Vabc = - z'c
G.G3-sisi3.)| or, b-3b +3b - 1 = 12+9b-9
or, b- 3b +3b -1-3-9b
or, b - 3 b - 6b - 4 = 0 (Showed)
=0 or, y.y. y=1
or, a'+6a+12a+8-3+3?-3'*3i.a+2 (7) Given that +1 c =|
or, x'a +y'b +z'c
=3xyz Vabc
a + b+c=0 Or,ya
ra+2 =3a,sj LH.S +I +T+ or, y
be+ac +ab
or, ax'+ by+ cz'
3xyzýa.a [(: be a
a+6a+ 12a + bc+ ca Ta =0
or, ax by+cz' 3xyza =

or, 8 =
9+3(a +2) ac
x+x+1x+x+1 ..bc + ca + ab = 0
ax +by' +cz'= 3axyz [Showed] or, a+6a' + 12a +8 =9++3a +6
Ans. 0
(2) Given that, (3) Given that, 9 = (27Y
x =(a +b) 3 + (a -
b)3 or, a+6a + 12a- 3a'=9++6-8 1++7*++* or, (3)=(3*Y
or, 3 3 P
or, x l(a +b}3
+ (a -
b}3/ [cubing both sides] or, a +6a' +9a 7+ =
[a+btc=0.. btcs-a]| or, 2x = 3y
or, x=(a +b3 -\(a b3 +3(a +b) 3 -
or, (a'+2.a'3a +
(3a)* - 3 9 1+x+XTt++ +1+
(a-b l(a +bya+ (a- b}| or, (a3a)- Ans.
344 Classic Higher Mathenmatics
Chapter Nine: Exponential & Logarithmic Functions 345
9. Solve
or, 5
or, 5" = 5
(1) 3*+ 273*= 36 X=I
(1, 1) ngarithm origna m
Logarif arithm
wo Greek Word Logos and arithmas. Logos means discussion and arithmas
Required solution: (X, y)
(2) 5+3=8, 5 ' + 3 '=2 =
(3) 4 =16*y,3*2y 9211 =
16 ..1) s number. hat is discussion about special number.
(3) 4 =
(4) 22x*.2+' =8,2**2.2*2= 16 3x = 9** . . . . . inition: If a
is positive but not equal to 1. then Graphs of Exponential. Logarithmic and AbsoIute
Solution: = From, equation (1)
we get, logb means a D . X Calied the S
logarithm ofb Value Function.
(1) 34 +27** 36
++ (3*'50 b a s e a.
4 ( to
Observe that, by definition a b : =log, b Observe the following three tables of corresponding
or, 3.3+33 * = 36 or, 3y-2 2 x + 2y r example l o g :6 4 = 6 because 2" = 64 and log.64 es o X and y
64 ble | I:
or, (3*)*3+3* 3-36 =0 or, 2x + 2y-3y
+ 2 0 - 2 because 8
or, 9.3)+27-(3*)-36 0 or, 2x-y+ 2=0 ..(11) the same number nas different
or, 9a+ 27a- 36 =0 [3*= a] different bases.
logarithm with
From, equation (11) we get, respect
Table 2:x
log, b >a'
or, 27a +9as-36 =0 3or, 3 * 2 = 342 Conversly, if x b
or, 3a + a - 4 0 [Dividing by 9 both sides] 42
tnthis case the number b is the anti
logarithm of x
or, 3a'-3 +a-I =0 or, X+ 2)y
4x + 2 with respect to base a and we write b = anti log,x Tablex
2|34S|67 8 9 10
or, 3(a -1)+as-1 =0 or, 4x+ 2 - x - 2y = 0 v 24816 32 64128 256s12 1024
or, 3(a-1Ma +a+ 1) +(a- 1a + 1) =0
a =n, so a is the
antilogarithm of n,
log a
In table 1. We notice that as x takes
or, 3x - 2y +2 =0. V)
that is a anti
log n. on the values
or, (a- 1)(3a + 3a+ 3+a+ 1)=0 Multiplying equation (i1) by 2 and equation (iv Note: Since x is positive for every x E ... 2, corresponding values
3. the are of y
or, (a - 1)3a* + 4a +4) = 0 R, no such that the
by I we gel, difference between two succeeding
a - 1 =0 or, 3a +4a +4 =0 negative number nas a logarntnm wtn respect to any values is the same, viz. 2. This means that the sIx
l1 3x -2y +2 -0 base. Since a= l, we have log,I =0.
a-1=0then, a =
4X-2y +4=0_ other points (-2, 4). (-1, -2), ..... (2, 4), (3, 6). lie on a
or, 3" = On the hand, every real number
x. positive or straight line. So Table l describes a linear function.
Or, 3=3o (subtracting) - x -
2=0 negative, is the
logarithm or Some
positive number. In table 2 we notice that as takes on the values
or, -x=2 viz. of a b, say. We then isb say the
antilogarithm 2, 3, 4, 5, the corresponding values of y are0,the
.. 0 'x-2
Again, 3a+4a+ 4 0 then, Putting value of x in equation (ii) we get, of a to 0;the base a
and write b anti log,
Ifa> >l and respective square of 0, 1, 2.3. 4. 5.
-4t4-4:3.4 2(-2)-y +2=0 a
b:0 logaritim otb with base
a Thus table I represent the equation y 2x
0 can be denoted by log,b
or,-4-y +2
2 3 Thus, Table 2 lists the values of the exponential
b x if and only ifa'
There fore log
or,-y 4 2 b =
function y =x*.
EVl6-48 (a) log. =x
or, a =
or, - y=2 Similarly, Table 3 lists the values of the exponential
or, y 2 (b)a=bb functiony =2.
or,, a = - y-2 Laws oflogarithms: For exponentials function
Required solution (x, y) = (-2, -2) 1. log, a l and log, I =0 f (x) a' is defined for all
Here, real number x when, a>0 and a 1
32 Imaginary.
So, it is not
acceptable.(4) 2* .2 2. log, (M x N) = log, M + log. N
The functions.
Required solution: x=0. ) y 2', 10', x, e are exponential
2**.2*2= 16. M
(2) 5* +3=8.. (1) 3.logN log, M - log.N functi
S + 3 ' =2..... (ii) From e
ge 4. log (M)" = N log. M
Write the exponential function
From, equation (11) we get,
5"5. "+ 3.37' =2 or, 2x + 1 +3y + 1 =3 5. log, M
Work Solution: described in following in table 1.
log, M log, b
value of cross pair (x, y) can be described by y = 2".
or, 2x +3y =3 -2 roof of these laws will be found in General Here 2 is fixed Positive real number and value of y
. 2x + 3y =1 .
111) Mathematics. be got for different value ofx.
From (1 we get,
or, 15
-2 2x2yt2=24 Xponential,
Logarithmic and Absolute Value In by y = 2. value of cross pair (x, y)
3x. Here 3 is a positive
be described
number and
or, x +2 +y+2=4
or, 3 5+5 3 30. (i) oen a positive real number a # 1, the function fx)above value of y are for different value of x.
or, x * y = 4 - 4
Multiplying equation (ii) by 1 and equation (i)|
by 3
Or, X * y =0 s called the exponential function to the base a.ntable 5. value ofcross pair (x. y) can be described
3.5+5 3=30
we ge, or, y - X ....(IV) unction f (x) = log," is called the logarithmicby =*. Here 4is a tixed positive real number and
Putting value of y from equation (iv) in equation Onto the base a. The function defined by f («)|above value oty isditferent for different values of x.
3.5*+33=24 (111) we get,
tha n table4 byvalue
y =xof+3.
that {x} called
the absolute value function. We recall cross pair (x, y) can be
2x +3(-x) =1| described
2.3=6 (subtracting) or, 2x - 3x = 1 | In al
hm to the base
base 10 are eresa tixed positive number and real above
Used erical work, logarithm for
these are common logarithms. In all value ory difterent different vales ofx.
or, 3= or,X =I
or, 3"=3 X-1 deetical work, the base is an irrational number ape aue orcross pair(x, y) can be described
Putting value of x in (iv) we get, noted
led by
by e.
e. It
It is
is defined as the
the sum of theinfiniteby y Here is fixed positive real number. The
defined as sum or nc
Putting value of y in equation (i) we get,
y-(-1) value of y is for different value of x.
y |In table 6. value or cross pair (x, y) can be described
S+3'8 ls va
Required solution: (x, y) (-1, =
1) by y 5x. The value of y is different for different
or, 5°= 8-3 S approximately 2.71. value of x.
ClassicHigher Mathematics Chapter Nine: Exponential & Logarithmic Functions
XOX and y-axis
(4) Let, y Mx) = ewhere, 2 <e<3 we list the Let, x-axis be along be
YOY' and O be origin. 1aking the onglength
of five
value ofx and yto draw thegraph. mall square as unit along X-axis and
one Smal
x-3 -21 squares as unit along Y-axis we plot the n l
(-2, 0.11), (- 1, 0.33), (0, 1), (1, 3). points on squared paper,
we draw the X-axis along
y 20.087.4 2.71136|14 draw thegraph by free hand.
(2,9) and XOX and y-axis along YOY'. Taking
the length
of each small square as unit along x axis and ten
The given function 1s detined for all real
plot the
axXiS we
values small squares as unit along y
of x.
function D= R
points (0.5,-7), (1, 0), (2, 0.7), (3, 1.1), (4, 1.4),
(5, 1.6), (10, 2.3), (12, 2.48) we draw the graph
.. Domain of
when x co thenf(x) > 0 of y = loge x with free hand.
and, if value of X increaSes, JX) is
.. Range of function R,= (0, »)
Sketch the graph of y =
logiox using values ofx
andy from these data.
x0.5 1 2 3 4 10
Solution ofexercise-9,.2 (2
Which is the simplest form of the
1. expression
Let x-axis is along XOX' and y-axis along YOY'|2.

lo sketch

0.3 0.5|0.6 0.711

the graph or y = logex, make a table

2) log (ab)log log (be) log(+log

like it was done for (A) using values of x and y,
(ca) log(-o
and O be origin. Taking the length of five small (1) 0 (2) 1 (3)
squares as unit along x-axis and one small and then sketch the graph.
square as unit along x-axis we plot the points (-Solution: (3) a (4) x
logabx log/be loEa8 x
2. If a, b, p> 0 and a # 1, b#1 then
3, 20.08), (-2, 7.4). (-1, 2.71), (0, 1). (1, 0.36),|1. Given table i. log.P logsP
xlog,b 4) log.log. log, la )=b
(2,.14) we draw the graph by free hand. x5 2 3 45 1012 |Solution:
Again the given function is defined for all real y 3 00.3 0.50 0.7 1 10 ii. logaya xlogVbx logeVc's value is 2
value of x. HH
iii. x ° = y°E*
) LHS-log+log( log
Domain of function, D= R Which combination ofthesestatements is correct?
when x o then f(x) >0 (1) i and ii (2) ii and ii
log a"- log b" +
log b- logc" + log.c"
(3) i and iii logka
and, when toward in infinity (4) i, ii and iii =0
Answer questions 3 -5 when X, y, Z # 0 and a" =| = R.H.S [Showed
Range of function, R=(0, co)
(5) Let, y =f(x) = 3
3. Which is correct ?
we list the value of x and y to draw the graph of
(2) LH.S Ioge(ab) log(+ loge (be) log
given function. (1) a =b (2) a=c
2 log& (ca) log
| 0.11 0.33 (3) a=c
(log.a + log.b) (loga- logb) +(log.b +
4. Which of the following is equal to ac. logc) (log.b- logkc) +(logkC+ logka)

(loga)-(log.b) + (log1b) - (logc)*
(1) b.b (2) ,
- R.H.S [Showed]
zth (3) b* y (4) bY 2
and y-axis along YOY'. Taking the d ten 5. Ifb= ac, which one is correct ? (3) L.H.S= logab* log&E°* loEE
each small square as unit along X-axis the log aVb x los/givox log/[Va}
Small squares as unit along y-axis we
points (0.5, - 3), (1, 0), (2, 0.3), (3, 0.5),rao
5, 0.7), (10, 1), (12, 1.07), and draw tne 2
logvbx 2l0g pve 2log va x
by free hand of y = logio X.
Given function y= 6. Show that,
( -8
losvbx (los 6 Ve xlos ava)
: loge Xx and
To draw the graph we list the valucoT2
() log l o o 0
log aVbx log pVa
x51|2 3 4 510
y F0.7 0 0.7 1.11.4 .6|2.
360 Classic Higher MathematicsS
Chapter Nine: Exponential & Logarithmic 361
8 log avNa
. logb° = x(bc - ab) **********""***** {11)
iag. a *7
p (y
and, x or, x V
Again logb
=8 - b or, x =
8 R.H.S [Showed] or, loga x(a - b) z-x 2
or, c log = xc (a - b)
or, log.b P(Z- x) Here. x = is not acceptable as for negative
(4) L.H.S = log loga log. la"
logc= x (ca - b c ) .
multiplying both sidesby c
or, (z+ +**) logk =p (z-x) (7+xy x')
value of x there is no value of log x.
loga loga log,(a)" Adding equation (1), (1) and (ii) we get,
multiplying both sides by (z zx+x*)] +
a.b **= p{z -x) . . .
(a log.a + logk b + lo8k x (ab ca)+x .x= (Showed]
= log.log. log a (bc ab) + x
(ca - be)
and, =
and,x-yP X-yx-1
log, log. (a)" x 1 [loga = 1]
log (a. b c)=x (ab -ca +be-ab + ca- bc) (4) L.H.S
4) =
loga (a) log,a
or, log. (a b°c) = x. 0 or, log&c =p{x-y) -1
or, (x +xy
or, logk (a" b° c°) =0 *y) log c px-y) (x*+ xy log x-=D
loga (a).1
=b loga or, log (a'b'c) = log. 1 [ : log k ' = 0] [multiplying both sides by (x*+ xy +y)
y)]| + log (xk-i)«-V«-1,
b.1 = b
a b c* =1 (Showed) log.c =p (x -Y).. ) multiplying numerator and denominator by x - - 1 )
=R. H.S Showed] log,b_lo Adding equ (1). (11) and (i1i) we get
let, S = log, = x - I
7. (1) Ir _ogkb_log, c. show that abes
() y - Z Z-xX-y =p log.a y * 7 + log,b7 *zx*x x* - (Vx* - )
a-b nen
a Then, OLa
Then, y-Z p logc*+xy *y p (y z)+p(7 -x)
= -
log,4 -i
a lOg _
O then show that
log -( 1) -
(1) ab*** ¢** = 1
X-y or, loga =p(y-z) p(x- y
or, log (a y* . b*a**.c-y- log,
log X -Ix-12
or, y + z) logia = p (y + z) (y -z)
(2) a T.b * a * . n 2 = x*+1
1. multiplyng by (y * z) both sidel
P ?+?-x'+x-y)
(3) 1f t), then show that x = S
or, log.a *=p (y" -z)..1) or, log (a *.b*a**¢*y*Y)=pxo log, Yx-1
Again =p or, log. (a *y*7.b*a**.*xy*)=0o
or, log& (a *y*7.bF *a *y log (x-Vx-1
(4) Show that, logk 21og(x or, log.b = p ( z - x)
x+-1 or, (z+ x) logibp (z+x) (z-x) l o g I [log.l = 0]|
2log (x - Vx* - 1)
x-1) multiplying both sides by (z + x)] ayz*7.T*a*x. x *xy +y R.H.S [Showed]
(5) If ab" =
a**b", then show that log
or, log.c *=
p (z"- x")... (11) (Showed)
(5) Given that, a- *b" a**b =
l D a
log a and,X-y =p (3) Given that, Og+X)_,
(6) Ifxy-' =p, xy>-' =q, xy*' =r, then show or, log.c =p(x-y) or, logk (1 +x) 2
that, (b-c)log.p + (c-a) logg+(a- b) logr| Or, (X *Y) logc p (x + y) (z-x) pr,
= 0
or, log(1 +x)= logX
multiplying both sides by (x +y or, a
or, 1+x =x* [eliminating log from both sides
(7) If Ogk (ab)_ be log, (bc) logc*
calog (ca) =p (x* -y)....(1) or, X"- x = 1 |
b+c C+a Adding equation (i), (ii) and (i1i) we get, ,
then show that a = b' = c* loga""* +log,b"* + logkç* p (y;Z or,(x)-2.x.
P(z- x*)+ p(x-y) or, log =
log.a'[taking log in both sides
I Z ) _YZ+x-y) z{X+y-2| or, log(a"+ log,b**+ log*)=py-7),
logx logky logk Z
then show that, x" y" =y¥z=z'x or, log(a7 b * * ) . c * * = ( , 4
or, 2x
log -2 loga
Solution: x*+ x-y) or, x log loga [dividing both sides by 2]
(1) Let,bOEk2_log,b log.c or, log& (a"*. b**. c*}) =
-c Ca a b or, logk (a "*. b°**. c**) =0
Then, 0ta
or, loge (ab"*.¢**y) = log, 1 [logk 1 =0 slog log.a (Showed]
a*.b**,c**Y =1[Showed
b -c
or, loga =x (b- c) (2) Let, E _logb-loge_P - (6) Given that, xy
or, log xy' log.p [taking loga in both sides]

or, a logka xa(b - c) [multiplying both sides by a] y-z Z-X X-Y . logix + logk y* = logip
.. logka"=x (ab ca)... logx + (a 1)logy= logp. -
..(1) Then, Z =p Again y ()
Again, c -a x
or, x t or, log xy' loguq [taking log in both =
or, loga P(y-z)
or, logX + side]
logy logq
or, logb x(c - a) or,
+yz +z)loga= p(y -2)0+yz +7
both sides by (y* + yz*a
log t (-)lOgA= logi . )
or, blog,b =xb (c- a) [multiplying by b both sides]| 2 Again xy
or, log xy -' =
logr [taking log in both sides]
Classic Higher Mathematics
362 Chapter Nine: Exponential & Logarithmic Functions 363
p(ab +bct ca)
or, logkx+ logy*'=log1r or, (loga + log1b + logc) =
abc (iv) x (y+z-X_YZ+X=)_ZXty-2-p
(8) Let, l o g X pzlog,x tpxlog,z
log y or, 2y s
*(C-1) logKy logkr..(11) [dividing both sides by2 log
or, logkX
Now L.H.S
(b-c) logkP+(c a) log9+(a- log1r
b) Now substracting (i) from (iv) we get by2 Then,
X (y-
2--p or, 2xyz = plog& x* +plog z
(b-c) {logsx + (a- 1) logAy} +(c - a) {log1x (loga +
logb + logic)-(log1a
log.b) or, x(y * Z-x) =p logu x or, 2xyz p(log x* +log z)
+(b-Dlogky +(a-b) {logx +(c- logy|
1) p(ab +be+ ca) pla b)
putting the value from eqn (1), (11) and
(i1)J abc
abc or. y +z -
=* X ()
or. =log, x log z +
(b-c) logx +(b-c) (a- 1) logy +(c-a) logx or. log.a + log1b + logC- loga - log,b
+(C-a)b-1)l0gy+(a-b)logx +(a-b)(C-1)logy
pab +bc + ca)-pca +be Again, Y(ZX ) P P
= log. (x z). (vi)
+ (a-b) logx +(5-c)
(-clogx +(Ca) logx abc log
Again substracting (ii) from (iv) we get
(a-1)logy+(c-a) (6-1)logy +(C-1) logY| p(ab +bc+ ca-ca- bc)
or, y(z * X - y) p log.y
(b-c+C-a+ a- b) logx +(ab -b-ac *C =2OA,Plog X
b) logy or, log1c abc . z + X - y= p logkY x+y+z x -y +z
ab +a + ac bc +
+bc- c a
* * * * *
=0x logy +0 x loguyy pab P log2_plog2
or, logC abc
and z(x*y2-p
log z
0 R.H.S [Showed] or, logc
or, Z ( x * y - z) = p log, z
22 ogL Plogy
loL(Ca) FP
(71 et ab logi(ab)_ belogi(be)_ca
b+c c+a Xy-z= Plogz y
a or, c logc =p (i1)
ab a+b
logi(ab) logc=p. (v) or, 2z = OX * pxlog, y
then, *p Again, subtracting (ii) from (iv) we get Adding equation (1). (11) and (i1) we get.
or, ab log (ab) = p (a + b) (loga + log.b + logic) -(log1b+ log1c) y + z - x + z+ x + - y + x +y -z or, 2xyz =
plog& x+ plog y*
Pla*t p(ab +bC+ ca)_plb+9 p log, x p logY p log 2 or. 2xyz =
p(log x +loga y)
or, log(ab) =
ab abc 2xyz
or, = log, x + log« y
pla+ b) or, ( l o g a + log,b + log.c - logic - logia)
+z =lXo g plog.y plog,z P
loga+ log1b= ab . Or, X *y .
p{ab +bct ca)- p(ab +ca) l o g (x". y). (V11)
be log(bc)-p
abc ..(iv) P
P(ab + bc +ca-ab-ca) Subtracting (i) from (iv) we get, Now comparing equ (v) (vi) and (vii) we get,
or, bc loga (bc) = p (b + c ) log (y". ? ) = log.(x. z ) = loge ( x . y )
or, log.a abc
(x +y + z) - (y + z - x )
=POgX P logY p log 2 p log x [eliminating loga]
Or, log (bc) bc
or, logkaabc
pbe x'y'-y't -z'x* [Showed]
Sketch the graphs:
logb+logc = bc
or, (x+y +z - y - z + x) =PO , PIOS&Y
Or, loga = a (1)y 3°(2) y
5) y 3 ' (6) y =3
= -
3* 3)y 3* -
()y-- 3*'
and Ca10gC3)=
c+a or, a loga = p
p log 2 PiO Solution:
or, ca l o g (ca) = p(c + a)
log.a =p.. (vi) (1) Given function y - 3*
Again substracting (iii) from (iv) we get, or, 2x =OAY p log 2
or, log (ca) =
ca (loga+ log,b + log.c) - (logic + logia) To draw the graph we list the value of xand y
pc+a) Plab +bct ca) ple * or, 2x =PaOgk YF py log, 2 0.11 0.33
logic + log.a = * .
(ii) abc
aC 9
ca or, 2xyz = plog. y + plog. z
Adding equation (i), (ii) and (iii) we get, or, log.a + log.b + log.c - log1a - log1c
loga+log.b + l o g b + l o g C + logc + logia or, 2xyz = p(loga y* + log z')
P(ab+ bc +ca)-p(bc A
pla + b) Pb +c) PC +a) abe 2xZ
Or,D log. y° + log1 z
ab bc ca
or, log,b = Plab + bc + ca- bc-ab)
or, 2(log.a+ logeb + log.c) abc
pca +be+píab +ca) +p{bc t ab)| pca
P (.2).. (V)
abc or, logb abc
Again Substracting (ii) from (iv) we get
or, 2(logia + log.b + log1c)
- p(ca +bc +ab +ca +bc +ab)| or, log.b = **Ytz-z-N+y=plOg, PlogY , plo2
or, b
Pab + 2bc t 2ca) log.b =p log x
Or, 2(log.a + log1b + log,c) =
abc logb=p. . (vii) wC
bc t ca) NOW comparing eqn. (v), (vi) and (vii)
logc) =2p[ab+ log.c log.a" logb or, 2y =Plog,s , p log,2
= =
or, (log.a + log.b +
a=b°=c [eliminating loga] [Showc
Classic Higher Mathematics Chapter Nine: Exponential & Logarithmic FunctionsS 365
364 mall square as unit along y-axis we plot
five small squares as unit along x-axis ane the|
On squared paper, we draw x-axis along XOX| small square as unit along
y-axis we ni Onhe noints (- 2, 2/), (- ,9), (0, 3), (1,
and y-axis along YOY". Taking the length of e 0.33) and draw the graph by free hand.
1), -
1), (0, 3), (1, 9)., (2.27)
points (-2, 0.33), ( free
five small squares along x axis and three small and draw the graph by
hand. function y =3*-1
squares as unit along y-axis, we plot the points(4) Given function: y*
To draw the grapn we Iist the value of x and y
-2, 0.11), (-1, 0.33), (0, 1), (1, 3), (2, 9), and To draw the graph We list the value ofx and y - 1
draw the graph with free hand. -1 0 1T 1 2
y 0.33 0.11 0.33
(2) Given function: y =-3*
Todraw the graph we list the value of Xand y
X 0
-0.33 - -9
H Y'
On squared paper we draw x-axis along AOX
and y-axis alongYOY. Taking the length of
small squares as unit along x-axis and one
small square as3),unit
points(- 2, -
along y-axis we plot the
(-1, - 1), (0, 0), (1, 0.5), (2,
0.75) and draw the graph by free hand.
rom graph it is seen that,
HH when, x = 0 then y = I - 2 " = 1- 1 = 0 so the
graph will pass through point (0, 0)
when x o then y |
when x t h e n y>o
On squared paper we draw x-axis along
On squared paper we draw x-axis along XOX XOX'| .'. Domain D,= (-o, o)
and y-axis along YOY. Taking the length
and y-axis along YOY. Taking the length of of| Range, R,= (1, co) -
five small squares as unit along x-axis and one fivesmall squares as unit along x-axis and one (2) Given function y logio x
small square as unit along y-axis we plot
On squared paper, we draw x-axis along XOX|
small square as unit along y-axis we plot the the X10P
.. Inverse function of given function is x = 10
and y-axis along YOY'. Taking the length of|
points (-2, - 0.33), (- 1 , - 1), (0, -3), (1,-9).
points (- 1, 0.11), (0, 0.33), (1, 1), (2, 3) and
five small square as unit along x-axis and three draw the graph by free hand. To draw the graph we list the value of x and y
small squares as unit along y-axis we plot the| (2,- 27) and draw the graph by free hand. 9. Write down the inverse function i each case, A 0.51 2|3 4 5 101
ponts ( - 1 , - 0.33), (0, - 1). ( 1 , - 3 ) , (2, - 9 ) and (5) Given function: y = 37**
mention the domain and range and sketch
the| y-0.3 0 0.3 0.5 0.6 0.7 1
draw the graph by free hand. To draw the graph we list the value of x and y graph:
(3) Given function: y =3*** 2 x, x>0
To draw the graph we list the value of x and y_ 0.33 (1)y=1-2" (2) y
log10 x (3) y =
033 (1) Given function: y = 1-2*
or, 2 =1 -y
or, 1 -y = 2-*
or, log (I -y)= -x
or,x =
log (1 - y)
or, x - log (1 -
Or, log
X 1- log: -y) [log:1 0
(1 =
or, x los()
or,f 6)-log() Let, X-axis be along XOX' and y-axis be
YOY and O be origin. Taking length ofalong each
)-log( small square as unit along x-axis and ten
araw the graph welistthe value of x and y squares as unit along y-axis we plot the
On squared paper we draw x-axis along
(0.5, 0.3). (1, 0), (2, 0.3), (3, 0.5), (4, points
0.7). (10, 1) and draw the graph by free hand. (5,
On squared paper we draw X-axis along XOX| and y-axis along YOY'. Taking the leng 0.75
and y-axis along YOY". Taking the length of| five small
squares as unit along X-axi
n d one
0 0.5
Classic Higher Mathematics
366 Chapter Nine: Exponential & Logarithmic Functions 367
As, logarithm is defined only for real positive11, Determine x ) = In i + function's don
numbers and undefined at zero.
function's domain nge: with in limit
5 SxSS
value of f (x) is| To draw the graph we list the value of x and y.
. Domain, D,= (0, o) and range. sitive for both positive and negative value of|
Again from graph it is seen that, Solution:
Since logarithm is defined only for real
Ifx 0 then f =
(0) 0 . So Range of function, 4
when x 0then y > positive R [0, 5] Let x-axis be along XOX' and y-axis be along
numbers Graph of f (x)
]x|: YOY' and O be origin in a squared paper.
. Range. R=(-o,) to draw separate graph for two parts.
0 if . We have In
(3) Given function, y =x*
let, y = fx) = x*
T-X part 0 x S S ,J x ) = X, and in p a r t 5 Sx so Taking the length of four small squares as unit in
both axex we plot the points (-2, 0). (-1, 0), (0,
or, xVy (x > 0 negative value is not acceptable) 1 x>0 and 1 +x>0
- Ax)= -x graph.
or, (i) 1 - x <0 and 1 +x <0... i) 0), (1, 2), (2, 4) and draw the graph.
) In part 0 S x SS, Joining the points (0, 0).|
f=y or, 1> x and x - |
f()VX or, x < l and x > | (1, 1). (2, 3, (4, 4). (5, 5) by
line we get the graph of that part.
3), straight|(3) Given function. fx) =
x wnen x
To draw the graph we list the value of x and y_ X>-1 and 1 x <
O when x = 0
or, (ii) In part - $S x S 0 Joining the points ( - 5 , 5).,|
_ . Domain = {x:x >-1}n{x < 1} Here x) has image for all real value of x so
y (-4,4. 3 , 3), (- 2, 2) and (- 1, 1) by| domain is set of all real number R.
(-1, co)n-o, 1) straight line we get the graph of that part. Domain, D=R
when 0
(11)1<x and x <-1
then f(x)=0
x - 1 and x > 1
Domain = {x : x<-1}n{x:x> 1}
when x>0 then fx) ==1
when x < 0 then fx) = = - 1
Domain of given function, 1. 0.1} where
D= union of domain of (i) and (ii) So, Range of function, R {-
only three elements are present.
- 1 , 1)UØ
=-1, 1) Graph of tunction
x 0
Range:y (n j+ when
Let y =x) x
0 when x =0
or, ei+% To drawthe graph we listthe value of xand y.
or, 1-x =e+xe" X 3 -2 -11
or, xe' + e =1 -x (2)Within limit 2 s x$2 for all real value
of x.| - 1 I-10
Let, x-axis be along XOX' and y-axis be along fx) has image.
YOY and O be origin. Taking length of smal or, xe+x=l-e
or,x(e +1)=1-e Domain of function, D,= [-2, 2] when x
. =
square as unit along x-axis and ten small squares
as unit along y-axis we plot the points (1, 1),
(2,| thenf(0) =0+|0|=0
4), 3, 9), (4, 2), (4, 16) and draw the graph by Or,x1+e when x - 2
free hanG 1-e thenf-2)=-2 +|-2|
As y-x* x>0 except 0 the function is defined
for all real values.
x1+ e 2+2
value of x is real for all real values of y. when x 2 then f(2) =2 +|2|=4
. Domain, Dy=(0, o) and Range of given function is Ry= R
Range of function, R, [0, 5] =
Range, R=(0, o) Graph of function:
10. Determine Ax) =
In(x -
2) function's domain Sketch the graph mentioning domain and range:
D, and range R (1) Sx) x| when 5 SxSS
= -
(2) x)=x + x| when, - 2 s x s 2
We know, logarithm is defined only for positive
real number.
(3) x)=
when x#0
Ax)= Cn (x-2) value of it will be real if when x =0 Let, on squared graph paper, X-axiS be along
XOX' and y-axis be
x -2>0=x>2 Solution: along YOY and
O be origin.
Taking the length of three small squares as unit
. Domain D,=
{x:x>2} =(2, co) (1) Sx) = x| when- 5 <x<S we plot the
Again, let y=j(x) Un (x 2)
= -
points -3, -1), -2, -1). (-I, -),
or, e = X-2 (0,0). (1. 1), (2, 2). (3, 3) and
draw the graph.
or, X - 2 = e
={X,0sxss 13. Given, 2**.2= 64 (i) and 6'. 72.. (ii)
X, 5 S
e +2
or, X
e is real for all real value of y Domain: here within limit 5 S xS5or (1) Convert (1) and (ii) into linear equation of x
real values of the function fx) has imag and y.
. Range, R=R x
(2) Solve the equations and verify them.
Ans: Dy=(2, o) and R=R Domain of function D=[-5, 5]
J)=x +|x| when -2sxs2
Classic Higher Mathematics Chapter Nine: Exponential & Logarithmic Functions 369
Let, x ER and x2 e R
(3) Should x and y be lengths of two adjacent|14. Given y and ofthe f
range or, 9.3)+27(3*-36-0
sides of a quadrilateral and the angle included (1) Mention the domain the function, and function Then, (x1) = logx or, 9a+27a -360 [3*=a]
(2) Draw the graph ot menn
them be 90°, state whether the quadrilateral| its salient features. and (x2) log1 X2 or, 27a +9a-36=0
would be a rectangle or a square; find its or, log?XI| log2X2 or, 3a t a - 4 = 0 [Dividing by 9 both sides]
State whether the given function has
(3) inverse or, X X2
area and the lengths of the diagonals. function. f so, is it one an or, 3a'-3+a- 1 =0
one? Inverse function is one one. or, 3(a - 1 ) + a *- 1 = 0
Sketch thee graph of the inverse function,
Solution: We have to draw the graph of inverse
function or, 3(a- 1)(a +a + 1) +(a-1(a + 1) =0
(1) Given that, 2 . 2 - ' = 64 ... .. (i)
Solution: that is, y = 10g?x g r a p h is enough.
or, (a- 1)(3a; +3a +3+a+l)=0
(1) Given that, y
2 With respect to line or, (a- 1(3a* + 4a +4)=0
When x = 0 then y =2" 1 =
y x reflection of
and 6 = 72 . . (i) exponential function in a-1 = 0 or, 3 a + 4a + 4 0
Again, for any negative value ot X, the value of logarithm function is a-1=0 then, a
which is similar with
From (i) we get y goes very near to Zero but not Zero that is. respect to line or,
yX or, 3= 3o
2 - =2 - ,y-0. Similarly as xincreases towards Again, 2= I So, y = log, = 0
or, 2x +y - 1 =6 right (up) and y tends to infinity. So, when x * - then y - 0
x = 0
2x +y =7 That is x * - 0 , y* o y = log2X line is: Again, 3a +4a+4 0then,
Again, from (ii) we get, So, Domain, D = (--0, )
and Range, Ry= (0, 0o)
6*Y- =72 x3
Given function y =
or, 6*-?= 216 (2) or, a = -416-48
or, 6 *i=6' To draw the graph welistthe value of xand y.
or, x +y-2=3
Or, a =
x+y=5 Here, V-32 Imaginary. So, it is not acceptable.
The simplified equations are,
2x + y = 7
Required solution:x =0.
X+y =5 (3) Given, f{x) = 3x*2
(2) From (a) we get S(x) = 27*!
2x +y=7 ...(11)
x+y =5 .. (iv) and q(x)
Subtracting (iv) from (ii) we get, t(x)
3 x *3
2x+y-x-y =7-5
Putting the value of x in (iv) we get
15. f(x) =3** and g(x) 27* =
= 3x*3-x-1|
(1) Find the domain of f(x) 9(x) =3**
2+y =5 (2) If f(x) + g(x) = 36 then find the value of x. Let, q(x) y
or, y = 5-2
y 3**1
or, y =3
3) If, q(x) then draw the graph
of q(x)
Required solution:(x,y) =(2,3) To draw the graph we list the value of x and y.
Verification: ifx = 2, y =3 in equation (ii)
L.H.S 2x 2+3 7 R. H.S
Let, x-axis be along XOX' and y-axis be along
YOY ando be origin. Taking the length ot four Solution:
and determine domain and range. Io 05 .5
small squares as unit along both axes we plot tne () Given, f(x) 32** =
Again in equation (iv) L.H.S=2+3=5 =R.H.S
points(-3, 0.125), (- 2, 0.25), (-1, 0.5). (0, , When x= 0, f{x) = 3* = 9
The required value is correct. ,2), (2, 4) and draw the graph of y =
2° by rec
(3) Here, the corresponding sides are not equal. And
hand negative value of x, the value of t{x)|
included angle is 90°. So the quadrilateral Boes very near to zero but not zero, that is,
is Characteristics of graph y = 2*
X-o, y 0.
rectangle. The graph is not passing through origin (0,
Area of rectangle = xy
The graph is upward. The value or 2 Similarly as x increase to words right so, y
to infinity.
=2 x3 sq. unit increase with the value of
6 sq. unit (ii) If x - o then, y = 2*-0 That is, x 0o, y00.
and (3) Given that y = 2* So, domain, Df=
length of diagonal of rectangle
=Vx* + y
or, x = log2y
Ans. Df= (-o,0) (-o,0)
We know, if y = f(x) then f (y) =x 2)
=V2+3 f(y)= log:y Given,
Or 39x)+g(x)
+27** 36
y4 +9-V3
= . x)= log2X J***+27x*|=
Ans. 6 sq. unit, V13 unit. Inverse function of given function, or, 32x+2,
x ) = log2x Or334 36
or, (3*)33 +3%.33-36 0 On graph paper, we draw x-axis
along XOX
Classic Higher Mathematics Chapter Nine: Exponential&Logarithmic Functions 371
370 =3. for all
when, x 0 then y 22. Ifa>0 then, xe Rwhich one is correct? 37. log. y=x if and only
and y-axis along YOY". Taking squares
10 small when x , y
a " <0 &a'>0 a =y a 1
as unit along x
axis and 2 small squares
unit andwhen x > -
0o, y-> as0 none ax none
along y axis we plot the points. (0,
3), (1, 9), (0,| Domain Df= (-0,co) 23. a 0 and a * 1 then for every y>0 if unique x|38. logs ?
and draw the (0, »)
5), 5.2) (-0.5, 1.7) and (- 1, 1)
Range, ERisspecified then which one is correct?
graph with free hand.
From graph it is seen that,
a*y ay 5
24. Ifx <y then for a>1 which one is correct? 39. What will be the magnitude of log 644°?
Multiple Choice Questions 4
a a a 3
of- 27? a' a
1 2 . What is the qubic root a+a
25. Ifx<y, so for 0 <a<l which one is correct? 4
-3 a>a aa' 40. What will be the magnitude of logio1000?
1. In a" symbol a is known a s - 9
Base Exponent number
I t willbe a complex of 0? a2 a aS a 10
Power a and b 13. What will be the n" root 3 5
2. In a symbol m is known as
2 26. Ifa- b=c and abc -1, then x+y+z= ? 41. ifa 1 then a'- a so, log,a =?
Base logarithm -4 0
14. Every positive real number has a unique -2 0
orderT exponent d a
denotes the set of natural numbers? positive root. By which symbol this unique
3. Which one
root is denoted?
42. Iflogbxlog,a =1 then log p =
N positive 27. Ifa° =
b' then what ill be the magnitude of logb" JOgb
4. Ifa e R then a' =?
Vn logb loga
log P log a
ya a l l ofthem
15. Ifa> 0 then which relation is correctforn eN?
b-1 43. log px log ,q x
log,r xlog.b -
none loga logb
5. Ifa e N and n e N then a"*' = ? yn>0 Vn0
( - ) (
a+b a-b
What will be the magnitude of
O loga
a+a a". a a>0 1 a
16. Ifa <0 and n e N, n>1 and n is odd then a=? 50. log.(abc) logs(abc) "log.(abc)
be the
a =q and ofaf =
(p x
q then what will 0
6. If a EN and m, n e N then a". a"=? magnitude xyz?
-Vla 2
0 |45. What is the value of e ofe based logarithm?
tVlal a"
2.7182.... 2.628.
am* a+a T7.
1 a >0 and a #1 then a' =
a' if and only I1 31.Who invented the
general logarithms?
46. If 10" and =
0 then what is the
7. Which one is known as functional law of x= y Xy y y
Henry Brigs John nephiere general
x>y x y logarithm
exponents? 18. I f a > 0, b > 0 and x * 0 then a = b° i l and De Morgan John william xlogioy y=logioX
a' a ama".a" S4.
a> 0 and
a # 1 if a"= y
called-of y then x is x log y y=log x
a.a = am*n a". a a
onlyif- elogarithm base 47. Who is the inventor of normal logarithm?
a>b 233, Exponent none a Nepiar Henry
8. If a, b eNand n eN then (a. b)" =? a bb a<b If a> 0 so for all x e R O Brigshian nonne
a.b (a+ b" 19. Which one is correct? Which one is correct? 48. By which symbol nornmal
logarithm log.y is
a>l expressed?
n(ab) 42 V4=2 4. Ir
tny logy
V27--3 none If' a> 0
and a # 1 then for every
positive y we
9. Ifa e
R and m, n eN then (a")" =? 20. If a> 0 and=where m, p e Z anu n,9¬
unique x e R then which one is correct? none
49. is natural number and n is a real
an a" a aa. a
where 1 s
N,n>1,q>1 then- 35. Which quantity m < 10 so what is the
amn am-n
10. Ifn e N, n>1 and a e R then x will be called| Only
has loga sitive
a-ya Va-a negative Only positive a=nx 10" & a m x 10"
the nth root of a, i f
and negative a = m + 10"
a n x=1 a-a none f a>and a #10 for
a 10"
x=a 21. Which and y > 0 then unique a 50.
one is correct? sed logarithm ofy which one is correct? If a> 0 and a =
m x 10° then log a =?
11. 2 and-2 are the-root of 16.
3V 11.665 5 =2.236 loga a log a
n+logm n-log m
qubic root square root 3450= 11.6639 all loga y
4 root o'th root of them y log a log m loSm

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