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Unit 7 Vocabulary Short Test 1 Unit 7 Vocabulary Short Test 1

Group A Group B
Name: _____________________ Class: ____ Name: _____________________ Class: ____

1 Choose the correct options. 1 Choose the correct options.

1 Hotel amenities / residents / shacks include an outdoor swimming pool, 1 I’d rather opt for a fully tenement / furnished / hideous apartment.
a public hot tub, and a gym. 2 I wish I could spend some time with you in a cosy amenity / chalet / hustle,
2 A(n) tenement / rural / estate agent is a person whose job it is to arrange somewhere off the beaten / affordable / rustic track in the Alps.
the sale, renting or management of the chalet / amenities / property 3 We received a complaint from a resident / shack / run-down who is annoyed
for the owners. with the level of noise in his hustle / property / tenement building.
3 I wish I could live in a beautiful rural / hideous / furnished area, somewhere ___ / 5
in the French countryside preferably. I’m fed up with the hassle / hustle /
haste and bustle of Paris.
2 Translate into English.
___ / 5
1 Leo is looking for _________________________ (przystępny cenowo)
2 Translate into English.
accommodation somewhere in town.
1 Sonya’s grandparents own a lovely _________________________ (domek 2 The hostel is located in an ugly _________________________ (zaniedbany)
letniskowy) in the Alps. building that has not been renovated for ages.
2 I wouldn’t choose this _________________________ (ohydny) wallpaper 3 A(n) _________________________ (pośrednik w handlu nieruchomościami)
for my bedroom even if it was given out for free. has valued their house at 65,000 pounds.
3 We found a great holiday spot, quiet and ___________________ (na uboczu). 4 I wish we could get away from the _________________________ (zgiełk
4 OFF Piotrkowska is the best hangout spot in Łódź, with a collection of bars, i zamęt) of the city and spend some time at the lake.
businesses, restaurants and stores that have sprung up in a former 5 When we reached the peak, we found a(n) _________________________
_________________________ (podupadły) area. szopa, chałupa) where we could buy water, chocolate and biscuits.
5 My grandmother is a real fan of the _________________________ ___ / 5
(rustykalny, wiejski) style.
___ / 5
3 Complete the words in the sentences. The first letters are given.
3 Complete the words in the sentences. The first letters are given.
1 The furniture in that countryside house was simple and r _ _ _ _ _ in style.
1 I need a fully f _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ apartment to rent. I won’t be staying long so
2 You call this h _ _ _ _ _ _ building an architectural masterpiece? It’s as ugly
I’m not bringing my own stuff.
as sin, if you ask me.
2 The family lived in a simple s _ _ _ _, a sort of house made just to shelter
3 People living in r _ _ _ _ areas seem to live a much more peaceful life than
people in cities.
3 Lucy didn’t find a place on campus so she’s looking for a _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
4 What kind of a _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ does the hotel offer? Is there a swimming pool?
accommodation somewhere in town. Let me know if you hear of something
A gym? A restaurant?
5 If you own a house, it is your p _ _ _ _ _ _ _.
4 The swimming pool is free for the r _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ of the hotel.
___ / 5
5 Daria is doing research on the t _ _ _ _ _ _ _ buildings that used
to accommodate poor families in Victorian London.
___ / 5

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