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PERIODIZATION is the process of categorizing the

past into discrete, quantified, and named span of

time for the purpose of study or analysis.

❖It clarifies the focus of the study

❖Turning points are identified
❖Useful in determining the scope of the study
❖Basis in organizing the topic
❖Provides coherence
Periodization of Philippine History

I - Pre-colonial or Pre-Hispanic (0-1521)

a. Museums
b. Chinese archives
c. Early Spanish accounts

II – Spanish Period (1521-1896)b.

a. Spanish Archives
b. Mexican Archives
c. National Archives of the Phils.
d. Private collections
Periodization of Philippine History

III – Propaganda Period (1872-1896)

IV - Philippine Revolution I (1896-


VI - Philippine Revolution II (1899-


VII – American Period (1901-1935)

VIII – Commonwealth Period (1935-

Periodization of Philippine History

IX – Japanese Period (1941-1945)

X - Post War Period (1946-1972)

XI – Martial Law years (1972-1986)

XII – Post-EDSA Period (1986-present)

Types of History:
❖ Political history is the narrative and
analysis of political events, ideas,
movements, and leaders.
❖ Economic history refers to the
systematic use of economic theory and
econometric techniques to study
economic history.
❖ Quantitative History is an approach
to historical research that makes use of
quantitative, statistical and computer
Types of History:
❖ Diplomatic history is the study of the
conduct of international relations
between states
❖ History of Great man aims to explain
history by the impact of "Great men",
or heroes: highly influential individuals,
either from personal charisma, genius
intellects, or great political impact.
❖ Social history deals with the story of
social institutions and organizations
Types of History:
❖ Cultural history looks at popular
cultural traditions and cultural
interpretations of historical experience.
❖ Local History: the focus is a specific
locality like province, city or town.

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