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Industrial Revolution

 The industrial revolution happened between 1760

till 1840.
 The industrial revolution was a period when
societies were changed from agrarian economy to
manufacturing economy.
 During the industrial revolution communities
moved from rural areas to urban areas. Factories
were expanding and needed more workers so most
of the people moved because of jobs and better life
 The first modern factory was a water-powered
cotton spinning mill.
 It began in Britain.
 Many people began to move from
an agricultural based life in the country to the
towns where the factories offered more and better
paid work.
 human population grew exponentially during the
industrial revolution.
 Businesspeople invested in new technologies and
with them dramatically increased production.
 The greatest change was in the creation of energy.
 The industrial revolution had affects on the
environment as the countryside was transforming
into industrial.
 One of the worst problems was the use of child
labour. By law a child wasn’t allowed to work by
the age of 6 but some factories didn’t obey it.
Children were employed for long hours and those
who would take a little nap would get whipped and
some would get killed.
 During the industrial revolution cities transformed
and kept on improvising throughout the years.
 Some people’s reaction to the industrial revolution
was farmers were scared of the railways they said
that the cows will be frightened and won’t give
 During the industrial revolution trade increased and
more connections were built between different
 After the introduction of steam engine, the demand
for coal increased rapidly.
 People were moving to cities for better jobs but
most of the machines were doing to works so
people were unemployed which led to
 Wolds first railway line opened in 1930
 In the last finishing years of the industrial
revolution World War 1 had taken place (1914 –
 The Industrial revolution led to a great demand for
raw materials for European factories.
 Thousands of convicts were migrated to Australia.

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