BAI TAP Tieng Anh Dieu Kien

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1. My aunt is a … teacher.

a. historic
b. history
c. historical
d. historian
2. I like watching TV … to the cinema.
a. more than to go
b. than going
c. more than going
d. rather than to go
3. a. happen b. many c. paradise d. family
4. “Merry Christmas!” - “...”
a. You are the same!
b. The same to you!
c. Thank you
d. That’s alright
5. I’m turning this cupboard into a dark room, I’ll … my own film.
a. build
b. manage
c. direct
d. develop
6. Many plants can be used as medicine …. fever, cough and other sicknesses.
a. for
b. with
c. against
d. by
7. I’ve made a mistake. Can you get me a clean … of paper?
a. sheet
b. piece
c. slice
d. flash
8. a. noodle b.shooting c.cooker d.afternoon
9. “Would you like coffee or dessert?” - “...”
a. Yes, I would
b. That’s alright, thanks.
c. Nothing else, thank you
d. I’d like the menu, please
10. Knowledge is … more than remembering facts - it also involves understanding the
information you learn.
a. everything
b. nothing
c. anything
d. something
11. I enjoy living in this small town …. it’s a bit quiet here.
a. just as
b. although
c. therefore
d. just when
12. a.catch b. crash c. want d. match
13. When the readers contribute funds to private libraries, they are used the libraries without
charge. (which one is the mistake?)
a. contribute
b. to
c. are used
d. without
14. “I’m sorry I haven’t finished my project yet.” - “...”
a. That’s alright. Try harder next time
b. You played again? You’re so lazy
c. No thanks. But do it next time.
d. Good luck.
15. She’s a bit nervous as this is the first time she … blood.
a. donated
b. has donated
c. donates
d. will donate
16. John has 4 brothers, two of … are working in New York.
a. them
b. who
c. those
d. whom
17. In my family, everyone has to do their .. of the housework.
a. share
b. bit
c. division
d. responsibility
18. Marie Curie was the first and only woman … two Nobel Prizes.
a. to be won
b. that wins
c. who win
d. to have won
19. Michael looked upset and surprised when … by his mother today.
a. having scolded
b. to scold
c. scolded
d. scolding
20. My dad is a … smoker.
a. serious
b. heavy
c. bad
d. severe
21. “Do you need any help with your luggage?” -”...”
a. don’t mention it
b. never mind
c. it doesn’t matter
d. I’m fine, thanks
22. Could I speak to Nancy, please?” - “Yes,...!”
a. speaking
b. I’m here
c. my pleasure
d. what do I do
23. When you come tomorrow, why not … your sister with you?
a. fetch
b. take
c. carry
d. bring
24. Do you know what made people …. their homes?
a. evacuate
b. to evacuate
c. evacuated
d. be evacuated
25. Last night, we saw a meteor … through the sky.
a. streak
b. to streak
c. streaking
d. to have streaked
26. I can make myself … pretty well in English.
a. understood
b. understand
c. understanding
d. to understand
27. Your eyes are red. ….?
a. Did you cry
b. Have you been cried
c. Have you been crying
d. Do you cry
KEYS: 1b 2c 3b 4b 5d 6a 7a 8c 9c 10d 11b 12c 13c 14a 15b 16d
17a 18d 19c 20b 21d 22a 23d 24a 25a 26a 27c
tặng em một bài tập yêu thương <33
Đề không khó nên cố gắng được 10 nhé !
bắt đầu đáp án từ câu 26 nhé vì phần trước là trắc nghiệm lịch sử =)) đây là đề thi tổ hợp
tiếng anh - lịch sử của Hải Phòng, khá là vừa sức.
1/ đề thi có một số câu đáng chú ý như “inexperienced” or “cup of tea” or “hold up” …
really should try <33
2/ inexperienced: không có kinh nghiệm, hơi non =))
it’s my cup of tea: it’s my favorite (favorite store, dish, anything…)
hold up: đợi, kiểu “hold up!” “khoan đã!”
1/ đề này có câu khó nhất là get the bit between your teeth: become enthusiasticvề
something nên không thể dừng làm việc đó. nhờ vậy mà bạn trong câu 12 đã đạt điểm cao,
with flying colors
2/ một lưu ý nữa ở câu 26 là sau “and” thì vẫn phải là tính từ (vì trước and đã có tính từ rồi)
3/ đề đáng làm =))

A suggestion for you: các em nên làm thử đề vào 10 của tp Hồ Chí Minh các năm vì hcm đề
thường khá khó, khó hơn hn và các nơi khác, nên nếu làm tốt của hcm thì chắc chắn sẽ làm
ổn tất tần tật luôn

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