PopDev Programs and Services

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Function and Strategies Implementation Timeline Responsible

Key Programs Target Expected Outcome

(List of Actions) Agencies
2024 2025 2026
1. POPDEV 1.1 Establishment and
Services and utilization of POPDEV database
Program and information system for
evidence-based planning and
policy formulation
1.2 Formulation of POPDEV-
related policies.
1.3 Formulation, coordination
and implementation of
POPDEV plans and programs
1.4 Promotion of POPDEV
integrated issues and
1.5 Monitoring and evaluation
of POPDEV policies, plans and
1.6 Capacity development
(CapDev) and provision of
technical assistance on
POPDEV strategies.
1.7 Establishment and
utilization of Registry of
Barangay Inhabitants and
Migrants (RBIM);
1.8 Establishment of local
POPDEV database and
indicator system;
1.9 Projection of
population impact on local
1.10 POPDEV approach to
development planning and
policy formulation;
1.11 Population, Health,
Environment and
(PHEE) integrated
1.12 Attaining and
optimizing provincial and
city demographic dividend;
2. Responsible 2.1 Establishment and
Parenthood and utilization of RPFP database
Family Planning and information system for
Services/Program evidence-based program
management and
2.2 Formulation of plan,
strategies, and investment
program for RPFP services.
2.3 Demand generation,
promotion and social
behavior change
communication (SBCC) for
RPFP program.
2.3.1 Recruitment,
training and mobilization
of community-based
volunteers for the
demand generation,
identifying unmet needs
for modern family
planning, and referral for
appropriate services;
2.3.2 Conduct of RPFP
classes or sessions or
campaign among all
women of reproductive
age and men;
2.3.3 Promoting men’s
involvement in RPFP
Kalalakihang Tapat sa
Obligasyon at
Responsibilidad sa
2.3.4 Training and
mobilization of satisfied
FP users as peer
educators and motivator
for FP use;
2.3.5 Strengthening of
referral system including
setting-up and
maintenance of
database of those with
unmet need to monitor
provision of appropriate
2.3.6 Development,
production and
dissemination of IEC
materials (e.g., using
available prototypes);
2.3.7 Conduct of social
and behavior change
including use of social
media and other online
partners to reach to
target audiences.
2.4 Coordination and
implementation of Pre-
Marriage Orientation and
Counseling (PMOC) Program.
2.4.1 Continuing training
and accreditation of
PMOC facilitators and
2.4.2 Provision and
dissemination of take-
home IEC materials;
2.4.3 Development and
adoption of innovative
2.4.4 Improvement of
physical requirements
for the conduct of the
2.4.5 Ensuring adequate
supplies for the
operations of the PMOC;
2.4.6 Establishment and
maintenance of
functional and efficient
database for program
improvement; and
2.4.7 Conduct of
program review and
planning for continual
2.5 Capacity development
(CapDev) and provision of
technical assistance on RPFP
2.5.1 Effective demand
generation strategies;
2.5.2 Family planning
training at appropriate
2.5.3 FP supply chain
2.5.4 Setting-up and
operationalization of
functional and effective
integrated service
delivery network; and
2.5.5 RPFP program
management and
2.6 Delivery of RPFP Services
2.7 Monitoring and evaluation
of RPFP program.
2.8 RPRP for Labor Force
Empowerment (RPFP4LFE) or
RPFP in the workplace;
2.9 RPFP among persons with
disabilities, informal sector
(e.g., vendors, farmers,
fisherfolks) and indigenous
3. Adolescent 3.1 Establishment of AHD
Health and database and information
Development system
(AHD) 3.2 Formulation of local AHD
Program/Services policies, plan, strategies and
investment program
3.3 Promotion and SBCC
strategies for prevention of
adolescent pregnancies
and social protection of
adolescent mothers and their
3.4 Capacity development
(CapDev) and provision of
technical assistance on AHD
3.5 Delivery of AHD/ASRH
3.6 Monitoring and evaluation
of AHD program
3.7 Community-based and
school-based SBCC strategies
for the prevention of
adolescent pregnancies;
3.8 Social protection program
for adolescent mothers and
their children;
3.9 School-based and
community peer education
3.10 Parent-Teen Talk
(educating parents of
adolescent sexuality);
3.11 Local Youth Development
Planning for ASRH; and
3.12 Establishment of
Information and Service
Delivery Network
(ISDN) for AHD.

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