Groups Notes - by Trockers

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Compiled by: Nyasha P. Tarakino (Trockers)


26 APRIL 2020

Tarakino N.P. (Trockers) ~ 0772978155/ 0717267175

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 define a binary operation

 define closure, commutation, association,
distribution, identity and inverse element
 define a group
 use the basic properties to show that a
given structure is, or is not, a group
 solve problems involving binary operations
and properties of a group

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Definition: Binary operations on the set are calculations that combine two elements of the
set (called operands) to produce another element of the same set.

Algebraic Definition
If G is a nonempty set, a binary operation on is a function


o A binary operation is represented by

o Binary operations are:
o The properties of a binary operation are: Closure, Commutative, Associative, Identity
Inverse and Distributive.
o A binary operation can be represented on a table called Cayley table/ Latin square

Modular Arithmetic

o It is a form of arithmetic which deals with remainders/residues after integers are divided
by a positive integer.
o Division of an integer by a positive integer produces a quotient and a remainder. These
remainders will lead to modular arithmetic


o For any integer and positive integer , we write to denote the remainder
when is divided by .

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o If then

So in this case, the answer is the remainder when it is divided by the modulo number e.g.

o The set of remainders/residues when dividing two integers together ( is called

the residue class [ ] and is denoted i.e.

Worked Problem


Find the value of:

Suggested Solution



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Properties of a Binary Operation

A binary operation has the following properties: Closure, Associativity, Distribution,

Commutative, Identity and Inverse.

Property 1: Closure
A set is said to be closed under a binary operation if for any two members from the set,
the result of the binary operation returns a member of the same set.
Algebraically we define closure property as follows: If is a set with elements then

Worked Problems

Question 1
Show that addition is closed under the set of real numbers.

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Suggested Solution

Let and .

This is true for all real numbers addition is closed under the set of real numbers.

Question 2
If and . Is closed under ?

Suggested Solution

Now and one would say it is closed.

NOTE: When attempting these types of questions it is advisable to make use of Cayley table.
If there are no new values in the table then the set is said to be closed under a
binary ( ) operation, otherwise it is not closed.

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How to find the elements of the table?
Remember that
Let .

Members in blue are not contained in is not closed under

Question 3

If and . Is closed under ?

Suggested Solution

How to find the elements of the table?

Remember that .

Let .

All values in the table are contained in is closed under

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Property 2: Commutative
A binary operation defined on set of real numbers is commutative if
for all

NB: Common binary operations which are commutative are (i) addition
(ii) multiplication .


Worked Problems

Question 1
Is commutative for all ?

Suggested Solution

Since addition and multiplication are commutative then:

Since is commutative.

NB: If a binary operation is commutative and when given a table, the elements must reflect
each other along the leading diagonal (symmetric).

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Question 2
Is the following binary operation commutative?

Suggested Solution
The elements are reflecting along the leading diagonal therefore it is commutative.

Question 3
Is the following binary operation commutative?

Suggested Solution
The elements are not reflecting along the leading diagonal therefore it is not commutative.

Question 4
Given that the Cayley table below represents a Binary operation which is commutative, copy
and complete it.

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Suggested Solution
Members should reflect along the leading diagonal. Therefore the table is given by:

Property 3: Associative
A closed binary operation defined on set of real numbers is associative if
for all

NB: Common binary operations which are associative are (i) addition
(ii) multiplication .


Worked Problems

Question 1
If , is associative.
Suggested Solution
Since is not associative.

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Question 2
If , is associative.
Suggested Solution

Since is associative.

Property 4: Distributive
A closed binary operation and are defined on set of real numbers if
: Left Distributive (LD) and
: Right Distributive (RD).
Then the operator is said to be distributive over the operator .
NB: The common binary operation multiplication is distributive over addition .

and (LD).
and (RD).
Since both LD and RD hold the operation of multiplication is distributive over addition.

Worked Problem

Given the binary operation and where and . Is the operation
distributive over ?
Suggested Solution
We have to show that and if they agree then it is distributive.


Since it is LD

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Since it is RD

Since both LD and RD hold the operation distributive over .

Property 5: Identity Element

For a binary operation , if there exist just one unique element such that:

then is called an identity element for the operation

Common Identity Elements

The binary operation addition has an identity element and the binary operation
multiplication has an identity element .

For addition,

For multiplication,

Identifying/finding the identity element using a Cayley Table

Identify the elements which match the outer elements i.e. the row that matches the top upper
row in green and the column that matches the outside column in green. The intersection of
the two lines (red) gives the identity element.

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The identity element, .

Finding the identity using a binary definition

Worked Problem

If , where , find the identity element .
Suggested Solution
We know that
Now and replacing we have:


The identity element is .

Property 6: Inverse Element

An element is called an inverse of under the binary operation if:

where is the identity element under the operation

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Common Inverse Elements
For a binary operation addition , where the identity element , the inverse any real
number, say , is the negative of that particular number i.e. –


Thus the inverse of is under addition.


For a binary operation multiplication where the identity element , the inverse of

any real number, say , is the reciprocal of that particular number i.e. .


Thus the inverse of is under multiplication.

NB: does not have an inverse under multiplication.

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Identifying/finding the inverse element using a Cayley Table

To find the inverse identify the cell in every row/column which contains the identity element
and in this case the identity is . Thus the element in the first row is the inverse of the
element in the corresponding first column.

Since thus in our case:

where the elements are .


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Finding the inverse using a binary definition

Worked Problem

If , where , find , the inverse of .
Suggested Solution
NB: We have to find the identity element first.
We know that
Now and replacing we have:

The identity element is .

Let the inverse be .
Since then:

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Definition: A group is a non-empty set with a binary operation which satisfies the
following properties: (i) Closure
(ii) Associativity
(iii) Identity
(iv) Inverse

Properties of a Group
o A group has properties which are: Closure, Associativity, Identity and Inverse.
o If the group is Commutative then it is called an Abelian group.

Property 1: Closure
For every elements and in , the result must also lie in i.e
where .

Worked Problem

Given that then suppose , . Show that is closed under
multiplication modulo .
Suggested Solution

Since therefore that is closed under multiplication modulo .

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Property 2: Associative
For every

Worked Problem

Show that , under multiplication modulo is associative.
Suggested Solution
The Cayley table for is given by:

Checking for Associativity:

Let .


Since LHS RHS the associative axiom/property holds.

Property 3: Identity element

An element , for all is called an identity element for .

Worked Problem

Find the identity element for , under multiplication modulo

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Suggested Solution
The Cayley table for is given by:

NB: When finding the identity element using the Cayley table find where the elements match
the outer elements i.e. the row that matches the top upper row (in green) and the column
that matches the outside column (in blue). The intersection of that column and row gives
the identity element.

The identity element is .

Property 4: Inverse
Every element has its own inverse.
For every in there exists such that .

Worked Problem

Find the inverse element for , under multiplication modulo
Suggested Solution
The Cayley table for is given by:

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NB: When finding the inverse element using the Cayley table first find the identity element.
Now identify the identity element (in blue) for each element. The number or element on
the 1st row of that column or 1st column of that row is the inverse of that element.

The inverse of:

How to show that a given set is a group?

If you are asked to show whether or not something is a group in an exam you must tick off
each of the above criteria one-by-one i.e. it has to satisfy all the above properties. If one of
the properties is not met then it is not a group. Also there must be no duplication of elements
in rows and columns

Special Property: Commutative

A commutative group is called an Abelian group.

Definition: A group is abelian if for all elements .

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NB: When using a Latin Square/ Cayley table, a group is Abelian when it is symmetrical
along the leading diagonal or simply when the elements reflect along the leading

How to observe symmetry along the leading diagonal?

(i) The elements on the leading diagonal are the same

The elements on the leading diagonal are the symmetric


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How to identify commutation using the leading diagonal?

The elements are reflecting along the leading diagonal


Definition: If is a nonempty subset of a group , then is a subgroup of if is a

group under the same operation as .

Properties of a Subgroup

If the following three points are met then we say is subgroup

1. is a nonempty subset of a group of

2. is a group itself
3. and use the same binary operation.

Types of Subgroups

1. Trivial subgroup
A subgroup includes the subset containing just the identity set

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2. Improper subgroup
The group itself since is a subset itself.

3. A proper subgroup
It is any subgroup with order not one or the same as the original group.

The order of a group

The order of a group is the number of elements the group contains. If a group contains an
infinite number of elements it is said to be of infinite order.

The order of an Element

The order of an element, say is the smallest positive integer ( ) in which we raise the
element to get the identity element i.e. and it is denoted: . If there is no
such an element then has an infinite order.

Worked Problem

Find all the subgroups for the set , under multiplication modulo .
Suggested Solution
The Cayley table for is given by:

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NB: A subgroup has to satisfy the following properties:
1. is a nonempty subset of a group of
2. is a group itself
3. and use the same binary operation.

For the set , the subgroups are:

(i) the identity - trivial subgroup

(ii) the group itself - improper subgroup

NB: For each proper Subgroup we have to check if the closure property holds since a

subgroup is also a Group under the same binary operation as the main set.

(iii) The proper subgroups are:


There are now new elements it is closed

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There are now new elements it is closed


There are now new elements it is closed

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Question 1
The set of matrices

under matrix multiplication. Construct its Cayley table/Latin square.

Suggested Solution
The Cayley table for this group is given by:

NB: The elements are obtained as follows:

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Question 2
The set of complex numbers forms a group under complex number
(i) Construct its Cayley table/Latin square.
(ii) Hence show that is a group
(iii)Write down all subgroups of .
Suggested Solution
(i) The Cayley table for this group is given by:

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NB: The elements are determined as follows:

(ii) Checking if it is a group or not

(a) Checking for closure:
There are no new elements in the Cayley table i.e. all values in set are there. Hence
it is closed.

(b) Checking for Associativity


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Since LHS RHS the associative axiom holds.

(c) The identity element is .

(d) The inverse of:

o is –
o is (self inverse)
o is (self inverse)
o is
Since all properties hold is a group.

(iii)For the set , the subgroups are:

a. the identity - trivial subgroup

b. the group itself - improper subgroup

c. The only proper subgroup is

There are a new elements it is closed.

 and are not a proper subgroups because they do not satisfy the

There is a new element it is not closed.

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There is a new element it is not closed.

Question 3
(i) Show that the set of numbers , under multiplication , does not form a
(ii) The set of numbers , under multiplication , forms a group. Write
down the value of .
Suggested Solution

(i) The Cayley table for this set is given by:

NB: The elements are calculated as follows:

We then write down these remainders in the table.

The leading diagonal contains ’s which are not in the original set. Hence the closure
property does not hold and therefore it does not form a group.

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(ii) The Cayley table for this set is given by:

There is a new element so if the closure property will hold and the set will
form a group.

Question 4
The set S consists of all non-singular real numbers such that , where

(i) Prove that each matrix A must be of the form .

(ii) State clearly the restrictions on the value of such that is in

Suggested Solution

(i) Let and .


Comparing corresponding elements

(a) (b)
(c) (d)

(Matrix conforms to the required form).

(ii) Since is non-singular .

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Question 5
The set S consists of the numbers , where . ( denotes the set of integers
). Prove that the element of S, under multiplication forms a commutative group
G. (You may assume that addition of integers is associative and commutative.)

Suggested Solution
Checking for Closure:

Since it is closed under multiplication

Checking for Associativity:



Since LHS = RHS it is associative.

The identity element is

The inverse element is

Checking for Commutative:

Let .


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Since LHS RHS element of S, under multiplication forms a commutative group G.


Since it is commutative

Since all four group properties hold and it is also commutative it is a commutative group

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Question 6
A group G of order 6 has the combination table shown below.

(i) State, with a reason, whether or not is commutative.

(ii) Write down the inverse of each element
Suggested Solution
(i) It is not commutative because:
 the leading diagonal elements (in red) are not symmetric
 elements are not reflecting along the leading diagonal
 More formally we can use the following:
Commutative property
Let :
(in blue)
(in green)
Since LHS RHS is not commutative

(ii) The identity element is

NB: To find the identity you look for the intersection of the row which is identical to the
outside row and column which is identical to the outside column.

The inverse of:

 is
 is

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 is
 is (self inverse)
 is (self inverse)
 is (self inverse).

NB: To find the inverse identify the cell in every row/column which contains the identity
element and in this case the identity is . Thus the element in the first row is the
inverse of the element in the corresponding first column.

Question 7

For the group of matrices of the form under matrix addition, where , state the

identity element and the inverse of

Suggested Solution

(i) The identity element is

(ii) The inverse of

Question 8
consists of the set with the operation of multiplication .
Write down the operation table and, assuming Associativity, show that is a group.
Suggested Solution
(i) The Cayley table for is given by:

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Checking for closure:

Since there no new elements in the Cayley table and all values in set are contained in the
table it is closed.

Checking for Associativity:

The associative property holds (from the assumption)


Let ;


Since LHS RHS the associative axiom holds.

The identity element is .

The inverse of:

 is (self inverse)
 is (self inverse)
 is (self inverse)
 is (self inverse).
Since all properties hold is a group.

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Question 9
The group G consists of the set combined under multiplication
. Find the inverse of each element.
Suggested Solution
The Cayley table for set G is given by:

The identity element is .

The inverse of:

 is (self inverse)
 is
 is
 is (self inverse)
 is (self inverse)
 is
 is
 is (self inverse).

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Question 10
Elements of the set are combined according to the operation table shown below.

(i) Verify that .

(ii) Assuming that the associative property holds for all elements, prove that the set
, with the operation table shown, forms a group .
Suggested Solution
(i) LHS
NB: in red and in green
NB: in blue and in purple
Since LHS = RHS .

(ii) Checking for basic axioms of a group.

Checking for closure:
Since there no new elements in the Cayley table and all values in set are contained in
the table it is closed.

Checking for Associative:

The associative property holds – check in (i)

The identity element is .

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The inverse of:
 is
 is
 is (self inverse)
 is (self inverse).
 is (self inverse).
Since all properties hold is a group.

Question 11

If is the set of all matrices of the form :{ and },

(i) Prove that forms a group under matrix multiplication.

[Assume matrix multiplication is associative]
(ii) Determine whether is
1. Abelian,
2. closed under matrix addition.

Suggested Solution

If is the set of all matrices of the form :{ and },

(i) Checking for Closure:

Let :{ and }

{ and }
is closed under matrix multiplication

Checking for Association:

is associative (from the assumption)

Checking for Identity:

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Let the identity element be where { and }

has an identity

Checking for Inverse:

Let the inverse element be where { and }

has an inverse

Alternatively, since the identity is we can find the inverse using the formal

procedure of finding an inverse of a matrix.

Since all four properties/ axioms hold forms a group under matrix multiplication.

(ii) Determining whether is

1. Abelian,
Let :{ and }

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{ and }


{ and }

Since and is Abelian.

2. closed under matrix addition.

Checking for Closure:
Let :{ and }

{ , } and also conforms to

is closed under matrix addition

Question 12

consists of the set of matrices of the form where and are real and

, combined under operation of matrix multiplication.

(i) Prove that is a group. You may assume that matrix multiplication is associative.
(ii) Determine whether is commutative.

Suggested Solution

(i) consists of the set of matrices of the form

Checking for closure

Let and

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Hence is closed under matrix multiplication

Checking for association

is associative under matrix multiplication (Assumption)

Checking for identity

Let be the identity element of .
Since , is invertible

Checking for inverse

Since is invertible therefore its inverse is given by:

Since all the four properties hold is a group.

(ii) Checking for commutation

Let and



Since is commutative under matrix multiplication

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Question 13

The function is defined by for . The

function g is defined by .

(i) Show that and that .

It is given that are elements of a group under the operation of composition of


The element is the identity, where for .

(ii) The inverse of the element is denoted by h. Find .

(iii)Construct the operation table for the elements of the group .
Suggested Solution

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(iii) Constructing the Cayley table:

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Question 14
A set has its elements defined using elements of a minute hand of a clock as

turn of or multiples of minutes

turn of minutes
turn of minutes
turn of minutes

The multiplication rule means “when turn is followed by turn ” the result is
equivalent to a single turn of .

(i) Construct a multiplication table for the elements.

Show that the table forms a group.
(ii) Find the order of each element.
(iii) Write down a subset of which forms a group on its own.
Suggested Solution

(i) The multiplication table is given by:

Elements are calculated as follows:

turn of or multiples of minutes
turn of minutes
turn of minutes
turn of minutes

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Checking for basic axioms of a group
Checking for closure:
Since there no new elements in the Cayley table and all values in set are contained in
the table it is closed.

Checking for Associative:


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Since LHS RHS it is associative
The identity element is .
The inverse of:
 is (self inverse)
 is
 is (self inverse)
 is .
Since all properties hold is a group.

(ii) The multiplication table is given by:

The order of an element, say is the smallest positive integer ( ) in which we raise the
element to get the identity element i.e. and it is denoted . If there is
no such an element then has an infinite order.

REMEMBER that turn of or multiples of minutes

Powers of will never give a multiple of

Since is a multiple of

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Powers of will never give a multiple of

(iii)For the set , the subgroups are:

a. the identity - trivial subgroup

b. the group itself - improper subgroup

c. The only proper subgroup is

There are a new elements it is closed.

 and are not a proper subgroups because they do not satisfy the

There is a new element it is not closed.

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There is a new element it is not closed.

The subset of which forms a group on its own is any subgroup of i.e. or or

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Past Examination Questions

Question 1
Given that under addition .

a) Show that
i. forms a group,
ii. is an Abelian group.
b) Find all subgroups of

Question 2
(i) The operation is defined by , where and are real numbers and
is a real constant.
(a) Prove that the set of real numbers, together with the operation , forms a group.
(b) State with a reason, whether the group is commutative.
(ii) The operation by , where and are positive real numbers. By giving
a numerical example in each case, show that two of the basic groups properties are not
necessarily satisfied.

Question 3
(i) on ,a set of rational numbers. Is commutative?
(ii) If and , find .
(iii) Find the values of such that if .

Question 4

The set M consists of the six matrices , where . It is given that

forms a group under matrix multiplication, with numerical addition and

multiplication both being carried out .

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(i) Determine whether is a commutative group, justifying your answer.

(ii) Write down the identity element of the group and find the inverse of

Question 5
Find all Latin squares of side in standard form with respect to the sequence . For
each square found determine whether or not it is the multiplication table of a group.

Question 6
The set of polynomials , where and , is denoted by . Assuming the
Associativity property holds, prove that , under addition, is a group.

Question 7

Show that the Latin square given above is not the multiplication table of a group.

Question 8
Groups A, B, C and D are defined as follows:
A: The set under multiplication modulo .
B: The set under multiplication modulo .
C: The set under multiplication modulo .

D: The set under multiplication.

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(i) Write the identity element for each of groups A, B, C and D
(ii) Prove the closure property for D

(iii) Elements of the set are combined under

addition. State which of the four basics group properties are not satisfied.
(Justification is not required.)

Question 9

consist of the set of matrices of the form , where and are real and

, combined under the operation of matrix multiplication.

(i) Prove that is a group. You may assume that the matrix is associative.
(ii) Determine whether is commutative.

Question 10
Given that .
(a) Show that
(i) is a group under multiplication modulo .
(ii) is an abelian group.
(b) Find all subgroups of .

Question 11

(i) If , where , addition . Determine whether forms a

group or not.
(ii) Find the value of
(a) .
(iii) If , evaluate .

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Question 12
(a) Is the binary operation closed on .
(b) If where , find the identity element .
(c) Show that does not form a group under multiplication .

Question 13

Consider the set of all matrices of the form , where is a non-zero rational

number. Show that , under operation of matrix multiplication, forms a group, (You may
assume that matrix multiplication is associative).

Question 14
A group has distinct elements , where is the identity element and is the
binary operation.

(i) Prove that if and , the set of elements forms a subgroup

of .
(ii) Prove that if , and , the set elements does not
form a subgroup of .

Question 15
The group consists of the set combined under
multiplication modulo . Find the inverse of each element.

Question 16

If , where , multiplication . Show that is not a group.

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Question 1

Let be the set of matrices of the form where .

Show that

(i) does not form a group under matrix addition. [4]

(ii) forms an Abelian group under matrix multiplication. [6]
[Assume associativity.]

Question 2

a)(i) Show that the set of integers

under multiplication forms a group. [7]

(ii) Write down any three subgroups. [3]

b) The set under the operation of composition of functions forms a group H,


Show the operation table for . [6]

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Question 3

Show that the set forms a group under multiplication. [6]

Question 4

(i) If is a set of all matrices of the form where , show that forms

a group under addition of matrices. [7]

(ii) Verify if the set forms a group under addition modulo . [9]

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IS THERE*******




Nyasha P. Tarakino (Trockers)


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