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August 2019
Published by Dr. Pierre Dukan
Translated by Lamice ElNaboulsi / Community Manager Of Dukan Arabia from French to Arabic and to
English; excuse any grammar mistakes.
The story of tolerance foods began in the diet in July 2004 when one of my patient who violated my weight
loss expectations looked at me and asked me lovingly if she deserved a small box of dark chocolate.
Can you imagine that my answer was yes and strongly!
The next day on social networks at that time, the news broke: "Dr. Dukan allowed me three boxes of dark
Here was born the first #tolerant #tolerated foods
Since then, from all the countries where my diet is followed, I have been asked to add new varieties. Therefore,
I know it will be difficult to save or be recorded incorrectly, so I will review them all for you under the
following conditions:
* Attack stage = No tolerant foods
* Cruise phase / phase 2 = 2 tolerant foods / a day on PV only
* Consolidation stage / Stage 3 = 3 tolerant foods / a day (except Thursday protein)
* Stabilizatio/ Stage 4 = All tolerant foods are allowed (the list of 100 types of food is preferred daily) and of
course (except for Thursday's protein)
* Stagnation / Weight Stability = Stop tolerant foods
* Staircase/ Dukan 2: 1 Tolerant food / A day from Wednesday to Friday only
* Each food from this list is counted as 1 tolerant food
* In case of plateauing, increasing or stagnation in weight, stop using tolerants and then you can resume use
them when breaking stability and stagnation.
# Tolerant_ Food List_2019 where each product is equivalent to 1 tolerant food with some special conditions
for each:
- Coconut syrup / Coconut water = 2 medium (cup table) or = 1 regular cup
- Coconut milk = 3 tablespoons
- Coconut cream or/ butter = 2 tablespoons
- Chickpeas Flour / hummus flour = 2 tablespoons filled = 30 grams
- Corn starch 2 tablespoons wiped = 20 grams
- Nesquik cocoa powder 11% fat = 2 tablespoons
- Cocoa Powder Ducan 1% fat intolerant; freely use for all phases
- Dark chocolate 70% cocoa = 2 regular squares or 3 small squares
- Charcuterie Saint-Agaûne bacon = 25 grams
- Low fat fresh cream / Extra Light or up to 4% fat as max = 2 tablespoons filled
- Probiotics yogurt (Danone) due to carbohydrates = 1 serving
- Arrowroot flour = 1 tablespoon (used as a thickener for sauces and as an alternative to flour and starch in
cake recipes)
- Avocado = small grain 100 grams or half a medium grain size of 150 grams
- Candies and / sugar-free chewing gum #max_6_pieces intolerance (allowed)// and 10 pieces equivalent to 1
tolerant taking into account not to excessive consumption may cause diarrhea
- Van Houten Cocoa Powder 21% = 1 tablespoon filled
- Whole wheat flour type T150 = 2 tablespoons wiped or 20 grams
- Pumpkin seeds flour = 25 grams
- Tapioca flour is similar to corn starch = 1 tablespoon
- Flan powder = 2 sachet or small bags
- Sugar free Custard powder = 1 tablespoon
- Whole wheat flour, which is ground with peel and everything inside it = 1 tablespoon
- Soy flour = 2 tablespoons or 30 grams
- Coconut flour = 20 grams
- Almond flour = 20 grams
- Flaxseed flour = 2 tablespoons wiped or 20 grams
-Gaul flour: wild wheat flour in the mountain slopes of Europe; rare in organic food stores = 20 grams
- Pasteurized cheese (bride) if the fat content is 3% it is allowed and not tolerant, maximum 5% = 30 grams
- Low fat Tomme de savoie cheese up to 12% = 30 grams
- President cheese up to 11% fat = 30 grams
- Low fat gruyere cheese 5% 30 = grams
-Rocroy cheese, if it is skimmed, is allowed or low-fat up to 5% = 30 grams tolerant
- Concoillote cheese (a kind of soft semi-liquid cheese) plain or low-fat garlic 7% = 40 grams about 2
- Leerdammer cheese (Dutch cheese slices) = 20 grams
Fruits 1 tolerant food of any kind is counted below:
- 100 grams of strawberries or mashed strawberries
- Currant 100 grams
- Watermelon 100 grams
- Grapefruit 100 g
- Orange or Mandarin 100 grams
- Two dates
- 4 walnuts (walnuts or pecans) or /
- 5 almonds / or
- 6 hazelnuts / or
- 10 peanuts
- Milk powder / skimmed powder: Allowed as liquid milk skim of the amount of 800 grams of milk products
allowed per day, and you should know that 1 tablespoon milk powder equivalent to 70 grams of liquid milk. If
the amount of milk derivatives allowed for 800 grams is consumed during the day, no more milk powder can
be counted as permissible food but as tolerant foods by 3 tablespoons = 1 tolerant food
- Yeast / Brewer's yeast: only 2 tablespoons are allowed, if more is used every 2 tablespoons = 1 tolerant food
- Marghaz (Moroccan sausages in a village), even if they are well cooked for removed fat, can not be allowed
freely, only 2 pieces during the day
- Ducan fat free spread chocolate/ chocolate-paste = 2 tablespoons wiped = 1 tolerant food
-Tempeh proteins: Tempeh for vegetarians are allowed to prepare vegetarian meat recipes. For non-vegetarians
50 grams = 1 tolerant food
- Soy Protein: 50 g tolerant per day to boost protein in a recipe but not consumed as an alternative to protein
food in the protein diet
- Olive and olive oil = 1 tolerant food
Since Phase 2 / Cruise, you are allowed to consume 1 tablespoon of olive oil per day:
Can be replaced with the same amount rapeseed oil (canola oil) / or
Can be replaced with 6 black olives or 8 medium green olives
They can be replaced by:
- Almonds 18 grams
- Peanuts / raw peanuts 20 grams
- Peanuts / roasted peanuts 17 g
- Hazelnut 17 grams
- Walnuts 16 grams
- Cashew 14 g
- Brazil nuts 14 grams
- Pecan 14 g
- Pine 15 g
- Sunflower seeds 17 grams
- Pumpkin seeds 18 grams
- Sesame seeds 18 grams
Conclusion: either a spoon of olive oil or one of the alternative types of olive oil and can not be combined
between them.
- Quinoa 40 grams = 1 tolerant food
- Hotdog chicken sausage is allowed by 50 grams per day
- Wheat semolina (semolina) coarse ground and not smooth 2 tablespoons wiped = 1 tolerant food
- Elderflower - Sirop 0% = 1 bottle
- Wheat bran 2 tablespoons a day/ allowed. Moreover, it becomes tolerant 4 tablespoons = 1 tolerant food
-Spanish gazpacho soup (Andalusian recipe: tomatoes, peppers, cucumbers, onions, extra virgin olive oil
(2.6%), wine vinegar, salt, garlic, lemon juice. Content in vegetables: 93%.) = 1 tolerant food
- Wheat gluten: to prepare recipes or to prepare vegetarian meat or Seitan. Gluten is fully allowed for
vegetarian cooking for vegetarians. Non-vegetarians allowed but within 50 grams per day = 1 tolerant food. It
should not be used to replace meals made from powders such as those in a liquid protein diet.
- Sesame seeds, chia, sunflower-seed , flaxseed 1 tablespoon = 1 tolerant food
- Unsweetened almond milk 30 Cel = 1 tolerant food
- Cooking wine (wine used for cooking) 2 tablespoons = 1 tolerant food
- Red or pink wine 1/2 cup = 1 tolerant food; 1 cup = 2 tolerant food
- Fruits yogurt: skimmed or plain yogurt with sweetened substitute allowed within the amount of 800 grams of
milk products per day. But skim yogurt contains compote (cooked fruit) 1 pack/cup = 1 tolerant food
- Normal soy yogurt if 0% fat is freely allowed. If it is n ot completely empty, 1 packet/box per day is
allowed; more than 2 packs/box = 1 tolerant food
- Fiber crackers (Wasa fibers - Ryvita) 2 pieces = 1 tolerant food
* Some foods may be allowed under special circumstances but are not on this list.

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