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Name: Sherriel Ming Blake Registration #: N01601508

Date: April 3, 2024

Reflection Planning Tool A. Self-Reflection and Discovery

1. In planning your upcoming CPL portfolio year, consider and record your potential professional learning priorities,
interests, and needs.

For inspiration, consider some of the following: “RECEs are reflective and intentional professionals who engage in
 your role and responsibilities daily practice ongoing learning. They engage in critical reflection, collaborative
 experiences and opportunities inquiry and demonstrate their commitment to ongoing learning by
 challenges, concerns, or questions engaging in the Continuous Professional Learning program.”
 changes in the sector or in your work (Standard IV: A, C.1)
 leadership development
 legislation, policy and research
 College advisories and guidelines

Insert your answer here.

My potential professional learning priorities are:
Maintaining an effective collaboration with students, colleagues, parents, and the community. I am planning to participate
in volunteer work, where I will become more knowledgeable about my career, and take interest in all given opportunities
that will help to build my profession.
There are concerns like job burn out and the arising of conflict, but if dealt with professionally and confidentially, and
immediately, can help to bring about that change. As an educator I have learned over the years to accept any changes
that comes within the sector or in my work. Therefore, having that leadership skill is key, and preparing myself to lead from
the top, can make that positive mentor and educator in the learning environment. It is only by abiding to legislation, policy

College of Early Childhood Educators | CPL Portfolio Components 2022
and research that can bring about that meaningful change in the learning environment, with the guidelines given by our
supportive college advisories.

College of Early Childhood Educators | CPL Portfolio Components 2022
Name: Sherriel Ming Blake Registration # N01601508
Date: April 3, 2024

Reflection Planning Tool A. Self-Reflection and Discovery

2. What feedback have you received about your professional knowledge and practice? Reflect on feedback from others
(e.g., colleagues, supervisors, families, children) about your strengths and areas for growth.

Insert your answer here:

Sherriel I’m proud of you, you have come a long way. With hard work and much perseverance, you will reach your set

3. How do you learn best? Note the ways you like to learn. For example, reading, discussions, visuals, listening,
experiential learning.

Some prompts for your reflection:

 Consider your past portfolio learning activities and reflections.
 What makes learning meaningful to you?
 How might you adapt your learning to co-construct knowledge with other RECEs and colleagues?

Insert your answer here

I learn best through reading, discussions, listening and visuals. I use these concepts daily to enhance my learning. Which
helps me to connect and participate actively in programs with other RECEs and colleagues.

College of Early Childhood Educators | CPL Portfolio Components 2022
College of Early Childhood Educators | CPL Portfolio Components 2022
Name: Sherriel Ming Blake. Registration #: n01601508
Date: April 3, 2024

Reflection Planning Tool A. Self-Reflection and Discovery

4. Based on your reflections above, identify one topic to prioritize for this year’s CPL Portfolio.

Some questions to guide your decision-making:

 How would focusing on this topic benefit your current or future practice?
 What’s your current knowledge and experience related to this topic?
 What outcome would you like as a result of additional learning in this area?
 Do you want to focus on enhancing knowledge, skills or experience?

Insert your answer here

I would like to focus on enhancing knowledge and skills, that has benefit me significantly in my current learning on
becoming a RECE, and hopefully my future practice. It will help me to become more knowledgeable of things that must be
in place, and should remain in place, for the development of children’s learning, and the experiences gain from having
effective communication with parents and the community.

College of Early Childhood Educators | CPL Portfolio Components 2022
College of Early Childhood Educators | CPL Portfolio Components 2022
Name: Sherriel Ming Blake Registration #: N01601508
Date: April 3, 2024

Reflection Planning Tool B. Integrate the Code of Ethics and Standards of Practice

As a regulated professional, it’s important to regularly review the Code of Ethics and Standards of Practice. Identify the
Standards of Practice that relate to the learning you want to prioritize for this year’s CPL Portfolio.

Standards of Practice
 Standard I: Caring and Responsive Relationships
 Standard II: Curriculum and Pedagogy
 Standard III: Safety, Health, and Well-Being in the Learning Environment
 Standard IV: Professionalism and Leadership
 Standard V: Professional Boundaries, Dual Relationships and Conflicts of Interest
 Standard VI: Confidentiality, Release of Information and Duty to Report

Insert your answer here

Caring and Responsive Relationships, Curriculum and Pedagogy, Safety, Health, and well-being in the Learning
Environment. Professionalism and Leadership.

College of Early Childhood Educators | CPL Portfolio Components 2022
College of Early Childhood Educators | CPL Portfolio Components 2022
Name: Sherriel Ming Blake Registration #: N01601508
Date: April 3, 2024

Reflection Planning Tool C. Take Action: Learning Goal and Plan

Review your responses in sections A and B.

In the chart:
 Identify one professional learning goal based on the topic of learning that you prioritized above.
 Identify learning activities or experiences that will support you with meeting your goal.
 Indicate when you plan to engage in the learning activities or experiences during this portfolio year (optional).

Refer to the CPL Portfolio Handbook, for examples of learning activities and experiences (p. 11).

Professional I would like to increase my knowledge on the theory of provocative activities.

Learning Goal

Professional learning activities and experiences Timelines

(e.g., case study or practice scenarios, review College resources, webinars, facilitated discussions (Optional)
with colleagues, etc.)

I am going to apply my knowledge on facilitated discussions with colleagues Starting from the month of
April 2024

College of Early Childhood Educators | CPL Portfolio Components 2022
Professional learning activities and experiences Timelines
(e.g., case study or practice scenarios, review College resources, webinars, facilitated discussions (Optional)
with colleagues, etc.)

Name: Sherriel Ming blake Registration #: N01601508

Date: April 3, 2024

Record of Professional Learning A. Engagement: Document Your Learning

As you complete your professional learning activities and experiences, record them in the Record of Professional
Learning chart below. Keep all documentation (e.g., notes, reflections, samples of your work) with your portfolio.

Refer to the CPL Portfolio Handbook (p. 12) for examples of documentation.

Professional Insert your answer here:

Learning Goal To create provocative pedagogy activities and programs for the well-being of every child and their
parents to involve in.

College of Early Childhood Educators | CPL Portfolio Components 2022
Documentation of Next steps
professional learning Consider some of the following questions:
Description of professional
List the documentation that  How will you integrate your learning into your
learning activities and professional practice?
shows you have engaged in
experiences with dates your learning activities and  What are you inspired to learn next to build on your
experiences. knowledge, skills, and competencies?

The children and I discuss By making sure to that I follow my professional

Title: Indigenous Cultures Indigenous cultures, and guidelines. Share what I learn with other educators, so
Materials: Construction paper, ways of life. The children that we will become knowledgeable of the teaching we
print of Indigenous fishermen. learned how the river was a impart to the children.
Print of an Indigenous story. major source of life for the I am willing to learn more about play, and the impact it
Classroom computer and Indigenous people, they has on a child’s development.
projector, print of river scenery, depended on it for food, and
crayons. the water for all their
This learning activity took place household chores, and
in the month of March. recreation.
The teacher read an
Indigenous story for the
children. The children were
able to mimic the fishermen
by using construction paper
to make fishing boats. They
also color a print of river
scenery. The teacher helped
College of Early Childhood Educators | CPL Portfolio Components 2022
College of Early Childhood Educators | CPL Portfolio Components 2022
Name: Sherriel Ming Blake Registration #: N01601508
Date: April 3, 2024

Record of Professional Learning B. Expression: Reflect on Your Learning

Reflect on your professional learning during the past portfolio year. Generate your response in a format (e.g., writing, mind
mapping, etc.) that works for you.

Some prompts to support your reflection:

 What were your accomplishments, challenges, or unexpected outcomes?
 What new insights did you discover about yourself or your practice?
 Did you share your learning with someone else (e.g., colleague, employer)? What was the outcome?
 How did your learning activities and experiences support you with working toward your goal?
 Are there areas where you would like to extend your learning after this portfolio cycle? If so, how might you do this?
 If you are not currently practising in the sector, how will your professional learning this past year support your
readiness to practise?

My accomplishments were:
Getting the experiences about the in-depth knowledge of early childhood education.
Interacting with children through their play and learning from them.
Learning about guidelines and policy that governs an institution and maintaining them.
Challenges: Overcoming the fear of going to fail in so areas of my studies. I cannot recall any unexpected outcomes.
New insight: The putting of new perspective to collaborate effectively with children and their families, and watched it
When I shared my learning with someone, they were happy for me, and was motivated to do the course.

College of Early Childhood Educators | CPL Portfolio Components 2022
College of Early Childhood Educators | CPL Portfolio Components 2022

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