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Road to OSN-K Ekonomi 2024

Macroeconomics & Accounting EquationExercise

25 March 2024

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SECTION - 1 Multiple choice

1. An American firm moves a manufacturing plant from the United States to Brazil.
How will this affect gross domestic product (GDP) in the United States and in
(a) U.S. GDP falls and Brazil’s GDP falls.
(b) U.S. GDP rises and Brazil’s GDP falls.
(c) U.S. GDP falls and Brazil’s GDP remains constant.
(d) U.S. GDP falls and Brazil’s GDP rises.
(e) U.S. GDP remains constant and Brazil’s GDP rises.

2. If the consumer price index (CPI) increases by 2 percent and your nominal
income increases by 8 percent, your real income has approximately
(a) increased by 4 percent.
(b) decreased by 4 percent.
(c) increased by 6 percent.
(d) decreased by 6 percent.
(e) increased by 10 percent.

3. A stronger stock market is likely to cause which of the following changes in the
consumption function and aggregate demand?

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4. If the economy is experiencing a recession, how will a plan to decrease taxes for
consumers and increase spending on government purchases affect real gross
domestic product (GDP) and the price level?
(a) real GDP rises and the price level falls.
(b) real GDP falls and the price level rises.
(c) real GDP rises and the price level rises.
(d) real GDP falls and the price level falls.
(e) real GDP stays the same and the price level rises.

5. In a recession, expansionary monetary policy is designed to

(a) decrease aggregate demand so that real prices will decrease, which is
good for the economy.
(b) increase aggregate demand, which will increase real output and increase
(c) increase unemployment, but low prices negate this effect.
(d) keep interest rates high, which attracts foreign investment.
(e) boost the value of the dollar in foreign currency markets.

6. Which of the following is a likely effect of a higher tariff imposed by the United
States on imported automobiles?
(a) Net exports will fall and the dollar will appreciate in value.
(b) Net exports will fall and the dollar will depreciate in value.
(c) The price of automobiles in the United States will fall.
(d) Net exports will rise and the dollar will depreciate in value.
(e) Net exports will rise and the dollar will appreciate in value.

7. Suppose the Japanese economy is suffering a prolonged recession. Lower

Japanese household incomes will affect U.S. exports to Japan, demand for the
dollar, and the value of the dollar relative to the yen in which of the following

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8. If a bank has $1,000 in checking deposits and the bank is required to reserve
$250, what is the reserve ratio? How much does the bank have in excess
reserves? What is the size of the money multiplier?
(a) 25%, $750, M = ¼
(b) 75%, $250, M = 4
(c) 25%, $750, M = 4
(d) 75%, $750, M = ¼
(e) 25%, $250, M = 4

9. Assuming that households save a proportion of disposable income, which of the

following relationships between multipliers is correct?
(a) Tax multiplier > Spending multiplier > Balanced budget multiplier
(b) Spending multiplier = Tax multiplier > Balanced budget multiplier
(c) Spending multiplier > Tax multiplier = Balanced budget multiplier
(d) Spending multiplier > Tax multiplier > Balanced budget multiplier
(e) Tax multiplier > Spending multiplier = Balanced budget multiplier

10. Suppose today’s headline is that private investment has decreased as a result of
an action by the Federal Reserve. Which of the following choices is the most
likely cause?
(a) Selling Treasury securities to commercial banks
(b) Lowering of the discount rate
(c) Decreasing the reserve ratio
(d) Elimination of a corporate tax credit on investment
(e) A stronger stock market has increased investor optimism

11. Which of the following would likely contribute to faster rates of economic
(a) A more restrictive immigration policy
(b) Negative net investment
(c) Higher taxes on households and firms

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(d) Higher government funding of research on clean energy supplies
(e) Protective trade policies

12. Which of the following is a predictable consequence of import quotas?

(a) Increased competition and lower consumer prices
(b) Increased government tax revenue from imported goods
(c) Rising net exports and a rightward shift in aggregate supply
(d) An improved allocation of resources away from inefficient producers and
lower consumer prices
(e) Higher consumer prices and a misallocation of resources away from
efficient producers

13. The short-run Phillips curve depicts the ____ relationship between ____ and ____.
(a) positive, price level, interest rate
(b) negative, interest rate, private investment
(c) negative, the inflation rate, the unemployment rate
(d) positive, price level, real GDP
(e) negative, interest rate, money demand

14. A negative, or contractionary, supply shock will

(a) shift the short-run Phillips curve to the left.
(b) shift the investment demand curve to the right.
(c) shift the money demand curve to the right.
(d) shift the money supply curve to the left.
(e) shift the short-run Phillips curve to the right.

15. Raditya Dika adalah salah seorang penulis komedi best seller di Indonesia. Salah
satu bukunya, Marmut Merah Jambu, yang pertama kali terbit pada tahun 2010
lalu terus dicetak ulang hingga saat ini. Jika pada tahun 2020 lalu buku Sang
Pemimpi dicetak ulang sebanyak 10 ribu copy dan berhasil terjual sebanyak
sembilan ribu copy dengan harga Rp60.000 per bukunya, maka pernyataan di
bawah ini yang benar adalah ….
(a) Hasil penjualan buku Marmut Merah Jambu tidak masuk dalam
penghitungan PDB pada tahun 2020 karena bukunya diproduksi pada
tahun 2010
(b) Yang termasuk di dalam penghitungan PDB tahun 2020 hanyalah hasil
penjualan buku senilai sembilan ribu copy dikalikan Rp60.000, atau Rp540

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(c) Yang termasuk dalam penghitungan PDB tahun 2020 adalah nilai seluruh
produksi buku sebesar Rp600 juta, karena 1.000 kopi buku yang tak terjual
masuk ke penambahan inventory dan ikut diperhitungkan pula dalam PDB
tahun 2020
(d) Kontribusi penjualan buku terhadap PDB tidak dapat dihitung karena
informasi biaya produksi buku dan keuntungannya tidak diketahui

16. Misalkan ada tiga negara dengan perekonomian tertutup yang lokasinya
berdekatan, yaitu Hastina, Mandura, dan Ayodya. Pemerintah Hastina menarik
pajak lumpsum sebesar USD40 triliun, serta melakukan transfer sebesar USD20
triliun, dan belanja barang dan jasa sebesar USD30 trilyun. Di Mandura,
akumulasi tabungan swasta tercatat sebesar USD60 triliun, sementara
pengeluaran investasi mencapai USD40 triliun. Pada saat yang sama, PDB
Ayodya adalah sebesar USD300 triliun, sementara konsumsi agregat adalah
USD180 triliun dan investasi adalah sebesar USD90 triliun. Diketahui pula bahwa
penerimaan pajak yang terkumpul di Ayodya adalah sebesar USD60 triliun, dan
pemerintah melakukan transfer sebesar USD20 triliun. Berdasarkan informasi
tersebut, dapat disimpulkan bahwa ....
(a) Defisit anggaran belanja pemerintah terbesar adalah pada Hastina
(b) Defisit anggaran belanja pemerintah terbesar adalah pada Mandura
(c) Defisit anggaran belanja pemerintah terbesar adalah pada Ayodya
(d) Ketiga negara memiliki defisit anggaran belanja pemerintah yang sama

17. The table shows data on the Japanese balance of trade in goods.

What can be concluded from this data?

(a) The demand for Japanese exports was price inelastic.
(b) The Japanese current account was in surplus.
(c) The majority of Japanese imports were essential goods.
(d) The Marshall–Lerner condition for Japan is greater than 1.

18. Which combination of policies would be most effective in reducing a balance of

payments current account surplus?

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19. The table above shows the nominal gross domestic product (GDP) and the price
index for an economy during the period 2012 and 2013. Which of the following
would have occurred from 2012 to 2013 ?
(a) Real GDP decreased by 20%.
(b) Real GDP decreased by 10%.
(c) Real GDP increased by 20%.
(d) Real GDP increased by 10%.
(e) Real GDP did not change.

20. In an economy the marginal propensity to consume is 0.90, and gross domestic
product (GDP) is $100 billion. If gross private domestic investment declines by
$2 billion, then GDP will
(a) decrease by a maximum of $1.8 billion
(b) decrease by a maximum of $2 billion
(c) decrease by a maximum of $20 billion
(d) increase by a maximum of $1.8 billion
(e) increase by a maximum of $20 billion

21. A tenant rented space in your company's office building on November 1 at $1,800
per month, paying six months' rent in advance. The bookkeeper recognized a
current liability of $10,800. The December 31, year-end adjusting entry would be
which of the following?
(a) Unearned Rent, debit, $7,200; Rent Revenue, credit, $7,200
(b) Rent Revenue, debit, $3,600; Unearned Rent, credit, $3,600
(c) Unearned Rent, debit, $3,600; Rent Revenue, credit, $3,600
(d) Cash, debit, $10,800; Rent Rev., Credit., $7,200; Unearned Rent, credit,
(e) None of the above

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22. At the end of the accounting period, the business had $4,500 of office supplies
on hand. At the beginning of the period, the amount of supplies on hand was
$3,000. If the business purchased $12,000 of office supplies during the year,
what amount of office supplies were used during year?
(a) $16,500
(b) $14,250
(c) $10,500
(d) $ 9,750
(e) None of the above

23. At the end of the fiscal year, an adjusting entry was made for accrued salaries of
$1,500. The salaries for one week, $3,750, were paid on the first Friday of the new
fiscal period. Which of the following is the entry to record paying the salaries
expense for the week?
(a) Salaries Expense, debit, $3,750; Cash, credit, $3,750
(b) Salary Exp., debit, $1,500; Salaries Payable, debit, $2,250; Cash, credit,
(c) Salaries Expense, debit, $3,750; Salaries Payable, credit, $3,750
(d) Salary Exp., debit, $2,250; Salaries Payable, debit, $1,500; Cash, credit,
(e) None of the journal entries shown above

24. Before the closing process is performed at the end of the accounting period,
revenues and expenses should have which of the following?
(a) A balance of zero
(b) Balances of cumulative amounts of activity during the period
(c) A net balance (credits minus debits) equal to the capital account
(d) A net balance equal to assets minus liabilities
(e) None of the above

25. If during the accounting period the assets decreased by $10,000, and equity
increased by $2,000, then how did liabilities change?
(a) Increased by $12,000
(b) Increased by $8,000
(c) Decreased by $12,000
(d) Decreased by $8,000
(e) Decreased by $6,000

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26. Beginning capital was $10,000. Withdrawals were $24,000. The owner made
additional investments during year of $60,000. The ending capital balance was
$90,000. What was the net income or net loss for the period?
(a) Net income, $56,000
(b) Net loss, $44,000
(c) Net income, $44,000
(d) Net income, $30,000
(e) None of the above

27. Which of the following is not an equity account?

(a) Owner's Capital
(b) Owner's Withdrawals
(c) Revenue
(d) Unearned Revenue
(e) Expenses

28. A provider of health insurance received payment of $24,000 cash from a

customer for insurance coverage for the next two years. Recording the receipt of
this cash will require which of the following?
(a) Withdrawals to be debited, an asset to be credited
(b) A liability to be debited, an asset to be credited
(c) An asset to be debited, capital to be credited
(d) An asset to be debited, a liability to be credited
(e) One asset to be debited, another asset to be credited

29. An NBA basketball team sells season tickets worth $40 million before the
basketball season starts late in the year. Assume this $40 million is debited to
Cash and credited to Unearned Ticket Revenue. By the end of the year, 15% of the
games have been played. What adjusting journal entry should be made at the end
of the year?
(a) Unearned Ticket Revenue, debit, $6 million; Cash, credit, $6 million
(b) Ticket Revenue, debit, $6 million; Unearned Ticket Revenue, credit, $6
(c) Unearned Ticket Revenue, debit, $6 million; Ticket Revenue, credit, $6
(d) Ticket Revenue, debit, $6 million; Cash, credit, $6 million
(e) None of the above

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30. Cash $15,000
Accounts Payable $15,000
Accounts Receivable 35,000
Notes Payable 25,000
Supplies 4,000
Mortgage Payable 85,000
Prepaid Insurance 3,000
Capital, Mary Ling 195,000
Other Prepaids 1,000
Withdrawals, Mary Ling 22,000
Equipment 65,000
Revenues 190,000
Buildings 140,000
Salaries Expense 73,000
Land 40,000
Rent Expense 65,000
Patents 10,000
Utilities Expense 37,000
Assuming all of the accounts have normal balances, what is the total of the trial
(a) $532,000
(b) $508,000
(c) $488,000
(d) $510,000
(e) Does not balance

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