P6 Eng SA2 2010 ACS

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Anglo-Chinese School (Funior)/ Angle -Chinese School (Primary) PRELIMINARY EXAMINATION 2010 ENGLISH LANGUAGE PAPER 2 (BOOKLET A) PRIMARY SIX Name: (cE: Class: Primary 6 _ Date: 24 August 2010 Duration of paper: 1h 50 min Parent’s/Guardian’ INSTRUCTIONS TO CANDIDATES This question paper consists of 11 printed pages. Do not tuen this page until you are told to do so. Follow all instructions carefully. Shade your answer on the Optical Answer Sheet (OAS) S) provided. aye Read the advertisement caretully and tnen answer questions 1 10 9. (2 Hiatnsy FASRA Club Playground at The Canopy FASRA Club Family Day Sat & Sun, 25 & 26 Sept 2010 + 10am to 6pm Now you & your whole family can join FASRA at only $60" a year! “Tenis and condifons apply. Free goodie bags for the frst $00 FASRA member FAMILY ADVENTURE WONDERLAND: Come celebrate FASRA Club's 1* Anniversary with your family! Join us and our amazing mascots on fun-filled adventures, held in conjunction with National Family Celebrations 2010! The Enchanted Tree iver of Adventure ‘Spine Walkway ‘The Magical Gireus Interactive Play ‘Time: 10.30am — 6pm Time: 10.30am — 5pm_ Time: 10.30am — Time: 10am - 6pm Venus: Swimering Pool Venue! Letsure Wing Venue: Miull-Purpose Venue: Indoor Playground Outdoor Court Join us for the adventure of a | See FASRA mascots come to lifetime! Challenge yourself | lifel Grab the opportunity to | Visit the Magical Circus and Enjoy a 20-minute play and help fend off the vilains who | by crossing hurdles and by_ | take photos with them and win attractive prizes while have invaded the monkeys’ | mainiining yourbalance on | receive altractive goodies. _| enjoying yourself at the home, which is known as The | Stepping boards. Also, games stalls! Also, be Enchanted Tree. engage in intefacive play by | Meet-the-Mascots Sessions gntertained by a 30-minu 2 plunging into the pool, ‘Biteus performance that padding boats and more! ‘comprises a magic show, ‘re jugalers, downs and Piease collect your entry tickets at Kidz Amaz FASRA members can collect ‘a maximum of 4 FREE? entry tickets permembership card. Non FASRA members can purchase lickels at $1 each "While stocks ls Show Times | 10,.30am_| 2.30pm 12.30pm_| 4.30pm, Visit us @ FASRA Club: $21 Sunray Avenue Singapore 123456 call 66778899. visi www. fasra,com.sq or email fasraclub @ fasta.com.sq for more information. 2010 ACS(/)BACS(P) EL Prelim A-2 For each question from 1 to 5, four options are given. One of them is the correct answer. Make your choice (1, 2, 3 or 4). Shade the correct oval (1, 2, 3 or 4) on the Optical Answer Sheet. 1 ‘The purpose of this advertisement is to QZ_. attract at least 500 people to join FASRA Club UBT allow peopte to participate in National Family Celebrations 2010 Sr get more people to bring their families to FASRA Club on weekends invite FASRA members and non-members to enjoy the programmes at FASRA Club 2 ‘The Enchanted Tree interactive Play __ J will be held at the Indoor Playground requires entry tickets which are free for all allows you to play with monkeys for half an hour needs you to fend off the invaders of the villains’ home 3 In how many way(s) can you find out more about the FASRA event? 2 ey, 3 4 or 4 Which of the following statements is true? 8 FASRA Club has celebrated Family Day more than once. You may get wet and win a prize at the River of Adventure./ Game stalls are located at the Multi-Purpose Outdoor Court. 7 ‘DK The FASRA mascots will be placed on display at the Spine Walkway. 5 At the Magical Circus, you can watch clowns perform from 10.0 am to 12.90 SA S* . be entertained by the FASRA mascots win attractive przes by playing games leam to become a fire juggler EREK 2010 ACSW)BACS(P) EL Preline A-3 BLANK PAGE 2010 ACS{N)RACSIP) EL Prelim And For each question from 6 to 12, four options are given. One of them is the correct answer. Make your choice (1, 2, 8 or 4). Shade the correct oval (1, 2, 3 or 4) on the Optical Answer Sheet. (7 marks) 6 Last week, the children go a 427° gone went LA going to Universal Studios. Ww 7 The weather forecast stated that it _for the whole of the following day. iY rained “27° had rained \3} would be raining AP had been raining 8 going for Pete's birthday party this gxaing. AT is : vices ie 4 were we 9 The football players train very hard before the start of the season, a T_- do they 27 don't they 45} would they 4a) wouldn't they ‘K 10 The conman was sentenced x Ay in ae e with 44 against ‘six months in prison for cheating an old woman. 2010 ACSWBACSIP) EL Prelim A- Wt of achieving his dreams if he works hard enough for it,” said Adame WAT iscapable 223, ate capable ‘7 was capable Jar were capable 12 Ourmusic teacher often says that musie the savage beast. kV. soothe soothes ) soothed 2 Br soothing 2010 ACS(BACSIP) EL Prelim A-6 For.each question from 13 to 18, choose the correct punctuation to complete the passage. Shade the correct oval (1, 2, 3 or 4) on the Optical Answer Sheet. (3 marks) A couple of dog owners are arguing about whose pet is smarter, with my morning coffee.” “I know,” says the second owner. “How do you know (15) “My dog told me." “My dog is so smart,” says the first owner (13) that every morning he waits for the newspaper boy to come around (14) He tips the kid and then brings the newspaper to me, along Adapted fram Reader's Digest SERA SAGA BEER 3 a comma full-stop ‘comma and inverted commas full stop and inverted commas comma full-stop comma and inverted commas full-stop and inverted commas comma and inverted commas full-stop and inverted commas question mark and inverted commas exclamation mark and inverted commas 2010 ACSW)}&ACS(P) EL Prelim A-T * For'each question 16 to 20, four options are given. One of them is the correct answer. Make your choice (1, 2, 3or 4). Shade the oval (1, 2, 3 or 4) on the Optical Answer Sheet. (6 marks) 16 Abanana tree producing blue fruits is _ _the villagers who cannot understand the reason for the strange phenomenon. battling amusing delighting entertaining aage 17 Emil had the task of confessing to the Discipline Master that rae been guilty of releasing the air from his car tyres on April Fool's Day. vA daring ‘fae dreary $a) dashing ay daunting a 18 Sam sat at his desk listening to his history teacher witha took in his. ‘eyes, wishing he was somewhere else, & 1 % serious 19 Mr Snape was not liked by his students as he punished them for the most cffences. trivial absurd 49 ay ke serious L accidental 20 ‘The Jackal is a renowned terrorist who has managed to capture We years. resist evade refuse escape 2010 ACS(J)RACS(P) EL Prelim A-8 For each question from 21 to 25, choose the words(s) closest in meaning to the underlined words. Shade the correct oval (1, 2, 3 of 4) on the Optical Answer Sheet. (5 marks) Like most parents, my father has always tried to protect his children. As a doctor who specialises in public health issues, he is especially conscious of the seemingly innocuous (21) situations surrounding us. Restaurants, Father warmed, presented myriad risks, from careless waiters who might (22) drop coffee on your head to employees who did not wash their hands. If we scoffed, he would (23) cite examples from his days as the city’s commissioner of health. The weather wes only one of the. many natural menaces from which we had to guard (24) ourselves. To this day, when I walk near tree branches, | hear his voice , "Watch your eyes!” Of course as children, my brothers and sisters and | did not always listen to Father. When we reminisce these days, we recall Father's admonitions and find ourselves (25) uttering similar ones to our own children. ‘Adapted fam Reader's Digest 2 benign passive innocent harmless & many minute miniscule maximum derided deferred objected protested 22. 23, weed ged ERS ERER SARS 24, ills dangers accidents phenomena 25. relax regret repent remember ye 2010 ACS(J)BACS(P) EL Prelim A-9 Read the passage below and answer the questions that follow it ‘One coat April afternoon, Sean Redden.i2, got off the school bus and slowly lugged his book bag to his family's small house in Denton, Texas. “Hi, Mother,” he said, squeezing around the kitchen table to sit at the computer. Sharon Redden smiled as Sean navigated from one web site to another, the small kitchen echoing with electronic beeps. She and her husband lived on a, tight budget but they had scrimped and saved to buy the ‘grey monster’ because they understood that for Sean, computer skills were as vital as literacy. “What are you playing?" Sharon asked. "Oh," Sean shrugged, "I guess I'll go to the Tavern.” Glenshadow's Tavern is a popular role-playing chat room that combines Gothic fantasy and science fiction. Sean logged in with the name. of Meegosh, There were no new players in the chat room so he clicked on the icon of a cyber pal and chatted about school. As he was about to sign off just before 6 p.m., he saw an unfamiliar name, Susan Hicks, blink onto the screen. Her brief message was ‘shouted’ in bold letters: “Would someone help me!” A ‘newbie! who doesn't know the ules," Sean muttered. “What's wrong?” he typed. A moment later she replied, sti shouting, “I can’t breathe. Help me!” Type continued to appear on his screen. “Help me. I'm having trouble breathing. | can’t feel my left side_I can’t get out of my che “Oh, man," Sean moaned. Pretending to be paralysed was a crummy joke. This Susan Hicks would not play this game if she had ever seen real kids in wheelchairs. Scanning the screen, Sean saw other players were ignoring her. He was about to click onto another icon when he paused. What if she’s not fooling? If she's really sick, I've got to help. ‘Hey, Mother,” he called, “There's a kid in here who's sick or something.” Adapted from Reader's Digest 40 18 20 25 2010 ACSW)BACS(P) EL Prelim A-10 Anglo -Chinese 2 School (Funior)/ Z Anglo -Chinese School (Brimary) 7 . PRELIMINARY EXAMINATION 2010 ENGLISH LANGUAGE : PAPER 2 (BOOKLET B) PRIMARY SIX Nan. Hee Ca) Class: Primary 6 _. Date: 24 August 2010 Duration of paper: 1h 50 min Parent’s/Guardian’s signature INSTRUCTIONS TO CANDIDATES 1. This question paper consists of 8 printed pages, 2. Do not turn this page until you are told to do so. 3. Follow all instructions carefully. 4, Answer all questions. 1. Composition 58 2, Language Use & Comprehension 9s Zi_ OAS (Booklet Ay 30 z 2.2 Grammar Cloze ‘0 2.3, Editing (Spelling & Grammar) 10 3.4_Comprehension Clore 15 25" Synthesis & Transformation 0 2.6 Comprehension 20 3. Listening Comprehension 20 290 4, Oral Communication 30 2. c Total 200 WS. For each question trom 26 to 30, tour options are given. Une of them is ine correct answer, MaKe your choice (1, 2, 3 or 4). Shade the correct oval (1, 2, 3 or 4) on the Optical Answer Sheet. (6 marks) 26. Sean had difficulty ‘ BR finding cyber pals to talk to Bereasing on to Glenshadow’'s Tavern carrying his book bag into his house {4)p getting his mother’s permission to play on the computer 72 2 27. The ‘grey monster in line refers to the : name of Sean's cyber pal computer in the Reddens’ kitchen (@ Gothic characters in Glenshadow's Tavern (name Sean used to log into Glenshadow’s Tavern 28. Susan Hicks ‘shouted’ for help by be telling everyone she was in pain wae writ her messages in thick, dark font g repeating her message over and over again refusing to sign off from Glenshadow's Tavern 29. Sean decided to help Susan because 6 his mother told him to help her ‘2 _ the other players were all ignoring her he sympathised with people on wheelchairs \-44J\ he thought there was a possibility she was really sick 30. Asuitable title for this passage would be : ve (8) Practising Cyber Safety How Sean Helped Susan A Cry for Help on the Internet WY Role-playing and Chat Rooms 2010 ACS()BACS(P) EL Pretim A-l There are 10 blanks, numbered 31 to 40, in the passage below. From the list of words given, choose the most suitable word for each blank. Write its letter (A to Q) in the blank. The letters (I) and (O) have been omitted to avoid confusion during marking. (10 marks) EACH WORD CAN BE USED ONLY ONCE. Ont {D) despite Kine in oe CR Dany Ser (P) which am Reflexology gsarted thousands of years ago, perhaps as early as 4000 BC. Certainly ins used it in 2300 BC . 61 In madem times, American doctors in particular, have bgen jntergsted in reflexology and have used it to treat sports injuries. Dr William Fitgerald, _~ fample, developed "oy (32) "zone therapy’ in 1917. He divided the bod) zones of energy and massaged his (33) patiepits' fingers to reduce pain. More recently, other Amexican dopt6rs have found that the feet are +b et have become the most Aesponsive to pressure than the hands. (34) ea & important part of treatment. = Reflexologists believe that there are points (reflexes) OS feefand hands (36) that connect to each part of the body. jrassaging these rete¥és, the reflexologist, & helps people to feel less tension in thelybody. Touch is rtant in reflexology. The reflexologist uses fingers 39) MLiyFon is to value them. in fact, touch is « > fanguage of massage, both (40) Easter and Wester. ‘ lod tom Tho Book of Message, Gala 2010 ACS(I}BACS(P) EL Prelim B-2 \ For each word in bold, write the correct spelling of the word in the box. For each underlined word, write the correct grammatical form of the word in the box. (10 marks) ‘Two of the most extraordinary tricksters of all time were Count Victor Lustig and Daniel (ay Collins. Together they managed to sell the Eiffel Tower — not once, and twicel Firs Invited five businessmen to meet him in a Paris hotel. When they arrived, he made (42) Nios & (43) & them take vaos of secrécy. lesen the Eiffel Tower was in a danger; (44) (48) was perchaysed. Within 24hours, the conmen were out of the country and waited for the 4 oie. story to be parbliched. HoweVerthawpolice were never informed as the men were too (a7) Oona (ae) ashame to report titat they hagt€en cheated. So the two conmen returned: setae ana (49) fed. repeated the trick! This time, the scrap merchant did go to the police and the conmapyfe. i} ‘They were never brought to justice, and they never revealed how much money they had (60) Ben, and Nelson's Column! 2010 ACSWJ)BACS(P) EL Prelim B-3 Fill in each blank with a suitable word. (45 marks) Every time a child consumes a soft drink, he is laying the groundwork for a dangerous bone disease: osteoporosis. Fizzy and sugaty drinks do not cause osteoporosis, but because they are often a Hen _ for a glass of milk, children are coming up (81 __ of the calcium and vitamin D they need to build a strong (52) sketeton. Many of them. aco a sedentary lifestyle, so they are (54) These children are not just in jeopardy for brittie boi a ZZ and fraotures Ze decades down the road: they could be at oe _.__ of osteoporosis ata ea younger age than before. ‘Thetis cause for___ CONC 4 \ osteoporosis is actualy a chitdhood (57) \- disease that manifests itself later in WZ The condition : (8) ~~ ___ Conn. bones to become riddled With holes. That can lead to broken (59) . bones, aR ASL OMS may cause deformity, chronic pain or disability. (60) Osteoporosis can even be - fal 20 per cent of older people who (61) suffer a broken hip die within a year. 7 as eaily as age 25, yet many people are it is an epidemic in the making. Awareness is the best ; = prevention (63) There is new understanding of the best ways to protect__ OAL SELIES _// (64) and our children, Simple lifestyle changes can save your bones and your life, and it is wt Z t00 soon to take action. Osteoporosis is preventable. (65) Bone loss can q not Adepted trom Building Better Bones by Lisa Collier Coot 20.10 AGS()}RACS(P) EL Pret B-4 ‘Synthesis/Transformation For each of the items 66 to 70, rewrite the’given sentence(s).using the word(s) provided. Your answer must be in one sentence. The meaning of your senterice must, be the'same as the given one(s). (10 marks) 66 My sister, who is eighteen, is too young to vote during the National Elections. My sister Lino 3S Ct gyteen is pot ee ona ont ‘The soccer team must train hard for the World Cup. They will not qualify for it, the. cerces 14 nck polity for the. ee me ‘they etn head Beit & 68 Uncle Rahim said don't like going he casino.” Ursteretin Sol that he lcd put he gotnh, to the. CASIn»- . 39 : 69 My father raiely shows any sadness. 67 Rarely 70 late too much for supper. | was unable to sleep well. Hayra’ Cblan £09 pallch Loc Supper, FT: uses ~rble + Sleep iz etree 2010 ACS(J}RACS(P) EL Prin B-5 Read the passage carefully and answer the questions that follow. , (20 marks) It was not fong before | received the unwelcome news that yet another tutor had been found for me. This time, it was a ogyfain individual named Kralevsky, a person descended from an intricate tangle of nationalities but[predominantly]English. The family informed me that he was @ yery nige man and one who was, moreover, interested in birds, so we should got on together. | was not, however, the least impressed by this last bit of information, | felt certain 5 that the family had invented this bird-loving tutor simply in an effort to make me feel happier about having to start work once again. | set off for town to my first lesson in:the gloomiest possible frame of mind, ererereererereere eee Kralevsky lived in the top two storeys of a square, mildewed old mansion that stood on, the outskirts of fown. | climbed the wide staircase and rapped om the knocker that decorated * 10 the front door. | waited, glowering to myself and digging the heel of my shoe into the wine-red carpet with considerable violence. Just 4s Was about to knock again, there came the soft pad of footsteps, and the front door was flung wide to reveal my new tutor “Gerry Durrell?” he asked, bobbing like a sparrow and flapping his large, bony hands at me. “Come in, my dear boy.” He beckoned me with a long forefinger, and | walked past him 15 Ihto te’ dark hal, Ihe floorboards creaking protostindy ender Tei’ mangy skin of carpet, room we shall work in,” fluted Kralevsky, throwing open a door and “Through here; this is the Ushéring me into a small, sparsely Tumnished room. | put my Books on the table and sat down in the chair he indicated. He leaned over the table and smiled at me in a vague way. | smiled back, not Knowing quite what he expected. “Friends!” he exclaimed. “It is most important that 20 we are friends. | am quite certain we will becorie fiends, arei't you?” g | nodded seriously, biting the inside of my cheeks to prevent myself from smiling. “Yes, yes, that's it," he said firmly. “fm sure we shall be friends. Your mother telis me you have a great love of natural history. This, you see, gives us something in common straight away... a bond as it were, eh? | thought perhaps you might care to See my collection, Half an hour or so. 25, with the feathered creatures will do us no harm before we start work. Besides, | was a little late this morning and one or two of them need fresh water.” He led the way up a creaking staircase to the top of t louse and paused in front of a green door. He produced an immense bunch of keys that jangled musically as‘he searched for the right one. As he opened the heavy door, a dazzie of sunlight poured out of the room, 30 blinding me, and with it came a deafening chorus of bird-song. The walls were linked, from {16670 ceiling, with row upon row of big, aity cages containing dozens of fluttering, chirtuping rds. The floor of the room was covered with a fine layer of bird’ Seed, So That as you walked, Your feet scrunched pleasantly, as though you were on a shingle beach. | edged slowly round the room, pausing To gaze at each cage, while Kralevsky seized a large watering-can from the 35 table and danced nimbly from Cage to cage, filing water-pots. “I wonder if you care to assist?" he asked, staring at me with vacant eyes. “A task like this is much easier if two pairs of hands work at it, Talways think. Now, if you hold the watering- will hold out the pot to be filled. Excellent] We shall accomplish this in no time at all.” Eventually, the watering was done and Kralevsky stood surveying the birds fora moment 40 oF So, smiling to himself and wiping his hands carefully on a smail towel. We were examining a fat, flushed, bullfinch, when”suddefily, a loud, tremulous ringing sound rose above the clamour of bird-song. To my astonishment, the noise seemed to emanate from somewhere Inside Kralevsky’s stomach. 2010 ACSUW)BACS(P) EL Prelim B-6 “My goodness!” he exclaimed in horror. He inserted finger and thumb into his waistcoat 45 and drew out his pocket watch. He depressed a tiny lever and the ringing sound ceased. Kralevsky peered eagerly at his watch and then Scowled in disgust. "Twelve o'clock already. dear me, and you leave at half past, don't you He slipped his watch back into his pocket and smoothed his bald patch. “Well,” he said at last, “we cannot achieve ‘any scholastic advancement in half an hour. Therefore, if it would 50 pass the time pleaSantly for you, | suggest we go into the garden below. Moments later, we heard a car honk like a wounded duck. “Your car, | believe,” observed Kralevsky politely. ‘We may consider the moming not wasted. It was a form of intraduation; a measuring up of each other, | hope a chofd of friendship has been struck.” When I'got home, the family asked me how | liked my new tutgr. Without going Into 55 details, | said that | found hima tan nee ahd fice and that | was Sure we Should become firm friends. As to what we had studied that morning,-1 replied, witha certain amount of honestly, that the ame mag est Ber devoted to the study ol animals jie fernly seemed salletlec: Adapied trom My Family and Other Animals by Gerald Ourtel ALL ANSWERS MUST, BE IN'COMPLETE SENTENCES. 71 Which word in the first paragraph has the same meaping as ‘mainly’? 72 What two things did the author’s family say about the tutor to make him feel happier about having to go for tuition? 73 Why was the author digging the heel of his shoe into the carpet ‘with considerable violence’ (line 12)? 74 Which of Kralevsky's actions in paragraph 3 were similar to that of a bird? 2010 ACS(J)&ACSIP) El. Prelim B-7 75 — Inparagraph 4, why dic Gerry bite tngnsice of his cheeks to stop himself from smiling? 76 What did Gerry and Kralevsky have in common? 77 How did Kralevsky and the author divide theask of filling the water pots? 78 What was the ‘loud, tremulous ringing sound’ (line 42)? 79 Why4id Kralevsiy consider the morning not wasted? 80 Do you think Gerry will look forward to going for tuition classéS? Why? END-OF PAPER 2010 ACS{J)BACS(P) EL Prelim B-8 PPL gel Answer Sheets ACS Pri 6 $A2/2010 ENGLISH QaeRe RAPED: © 9 ors = 72.They-said that hw was a very nice man and that he had an interest in birds, 73.The writers was not happy to go for tuition. T4.Kralevsky’s was bobbing like a sparrow and flopping his large bony hands. 75,He found kralevsky very funny. 76.They both haved natural history. 77.Kralevsky held out the pots and the writer would fill them. 78.It was the sound of Kralevsley’s pocket watch ringing. 79,They used the time to get to know each other. 80.Kralevsky was a very nice man and they were sure to be firm friends.

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