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Long Paragraph

The story starts with the storyteller talking about his bad childhood alone in an old,
broken castle. Around the castle were ugly dead trees and crumbling buildings.
Obsessed with finding light and the outside world he had read about, the storyteller
climbs a ruined black tower rising above the dead forest. Emerging into what seems a
normal place with a church and village, the storyteller feels very happy at seeing the
moon and sky for the first time. However, when he steps into a bright, lively room full of
people celebrating, his appearance causes immediate, explosive terror and panic as
everyone flees screaming in horror. Alone, the storyteller senses another presence - an
indescribable, decaying monster reflecting the ugliest, most unholy aspects of
inhumanity. Fleeing this cosmic nightmare, the storyteller finds peace only by fully
embracing his otherworldly alienation alongside sinister supernatural beings in the
remote Egyptian desert.

Short Paragraph
A kid grew up all alone in an old broken castle. Wanting to see outside, they climbed a
ruined tower into a village. Their looks made people very scared and run away
screaming. The kid felt a yucky rotting monster nearby. Running from this bad dream,
the kid felt calm joining weird spooky creatures in Egypt's sandy place.

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