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We want to create an application that allows you to manipulate cars.

• Each car is defined by a registration number, a brand, quantity of fuel

and its speed.
• All cars are assumed to have the same tank capacity equal to 50.
Pratical Work 1 Mr. Mahrane Said •

To create a car, you need to know his registration number.
The operations you want to perform on the car are:
Course/Module: Object Oriented o addFuel (int c): adds a quantity of fuel "c" to the current
Programming JAVA quantity
o start(): displays a message indicating that the car is starting by
Exercise n°1 : displaying the registration number, the brand and the quantity
A student will be modeled here by the class Student of a package named of fuel of this car. Before this message, the fuel quantity must
gestionStudent, as follows. be reduced by 1.
The class Student has three attributes: o Accelerate(): displays a message that indicates that the car is
accelerating by displaying the registration number, the brand,
 His name named name, of type String, the quantity of fuel and the speed of the car. Before displaying
 a first name named first name, of String type, this message, it is necessary to reduce the amount of fuel by 2
 his age type int and add more 4 to the speed.
 and the class of type String o Stop(): indicates that the car is stopped, by initializing the
speed to 0.
The student class has:
o toString(): method that returns a character string of the type
• a public constructor which has four parameters used to initialize the “Car registration number =…, brand=…, Fuel=…, Speed=…. »
• a public constructor without parameters. Required work :
• a public String toString() method which returns a description of the 1. Make a UML representation of the Car class.
student considered (for example: "Ali Abdi 22 years old Engineering") 2. Create a TestVoiture class belonging to the default package:
You are then going to create alongside the class Student a class TestStudent a) Create a car with serial number 1
(also in the package gestionStudent) containing a main method which: b) Add 30 to the amount of fuel.
c) Display the status of this car
• creates two student objects (instance of class Student). d) Start the car
• Display student status using the toString() method; e) Accelerate the car
f) Show car status again
g) Stop the car
Exercise n°2: h) Show car status again

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