Nishitha Module 8

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Nishitha Module 8 Answers:

1. Leadership for learning does not draw special features from..

Answer – autocratic leadership

2. Which of these is not a model of school leadership.

Answer – negative leadership

3. Effective leadership at secondary level is aimed at

Answer: developing learner competencies among students.

4. Leadership skills for secondary school leader does not include :

Answer: positive attitude

5. When a school leader mediates in a conflict situation between teachers, he/she must ideally :

Answer: problem – solve


Answer: act as a peacemaker

6. Values leadership comprises of :

Answer: beliefs, values, knowledge and experience

7. One of the most important role of a secondary school leader is to :

Answer: lead continuous professional development of self and teachers.

8. Techniques of academic supervision do not include :

Answer: dominating teachers


Answer: demotivating teachers and staff.

9. Which one is not a function of an academic supervisor?

Answer: demotivating teachers and staff.

10. Leadership for learning does not focus on:

Answer : delaying taking decisions.

11. Learning rounds is most helpful in :

Answer : building teachers capacities for effective transaction of learning – teaching processes.

12. Leadership for learning framework does not include

Answer: Creating conflict

13. The basic purpose of providing feedback to teachers is :

Answer: – to dialogue with teacher for improving learning teaching processes

14. Stress Management strategy would be based on :

Answer: – Developing human connect.

15. Which of these is not a correct attitude during mentoring a teacher ?

Answer: Criticizing teacher for lack of ability to solve the problem.

16. Teacher leadership does not imply:

Answer: Continuing with lecture method at all times.

17. An effective way to deal with conflict resolution is :

Answer: use effective communication skills.

18. Academic leadership does not include:

Answer: – Knowledge of rules and regulations.

19. Vision building is important for:

Answer: setting a futuristic direction for transformation of a school.

20. Which of these cannot be characterized as a leadership practice?

Answer: – Mismanaging school functions

21. The overall responsibilities of the school leader is to?

Answer: Prepare school development plan in collaboration with stakeholders.

22. Teams in schools must not promote?

Answer: Conflicting situations

28. Which of these is not an attribute of a leader by action?

Answer: biased attitude

29. School development plan needs to be based on?

Answer: A diagnostic exercise of the school covering all aspects.

30. A transformational leader is one who is a:

Answer: Visionary

31. Developing self for a school leader is important for?

Answer: enhancing self-confidence which equips one to take up challenges.

32. A secondary school leader needs to be a

Answer: Leader by action


Answer: Thorough leader

33. Teacher can enhance competencies among students from low socio – economic background by?

Answer: Identifying their learning needs and collaboratively planning for improving their countries

34. The two most important attributes of self for becoming an effective leader is?

Answer: An initiator and a positive outlook

35. why is school based data is important?

Answer: As a set of evidence to be used for school transformation

36. National education policy 2020 provides weightage to both:

Answer: Vocational and academic education

37. One of the most important roles of a secondary school teacher is to?

Answer: lead continuous professional development of self and teachers

38. How do you relate learner outcomes with learning-teaching processes?

Answer: Learner outcome depend on effective learning-teaching process.

39. An effective behavioral strategy for conflict resolution is?

Answer: Constructive-active

40. Which decisions can yield positive outcome?

Answer: Ones which are bases on evidence

41. Which of these is not a strategy for non-violent communication?

Answer: Becoming aggressive

42. Leadership for learning does not focus on?

Answer: Delaying taking decisions.

43. Reflective thinking is?

Answer: Analyzing and evaluating thoughts and actions.

44. Secondary level is an important stage of education because

Answer: it is a roadway for higher education and world of work

45. The objective of professional learning communities is:

Answer: To share knowledge, skills and experiences in the field

46. What is the full form of SGOC?

Answer: Strengths, Gaps, Opportunities and Challenges

47. Why school-based data important?

Answer: As a set of evidence to be used for school transformation

48. The central idea of leadership for learning is?

Answer: Every stakeholder of the school is a continuous and lifelong learner

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