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Module 2:

Question: Information categorized as digital text, images, audio, video, animations,

interactive and simulations which can be accessed from repositories & web portals
like NROER, e-Pathshala, Olabs etc. or through any digital device is called ___

Answer: An eContent

Question: When a child do not open the video during online class, what should a
teacher do

Answer: Separately enquire the reason why the child is not able to open the video

Question: Which is an example of ICT?

Answer: Smart phone with internet connectivity

Question: ISRO has developed a portal providing map- based learning which can
also be used for teaching-learning of geography. The name of the portal is:

Answer: Bhuvan

Question: Which of the following is NOT a true statement?

Answer: ICT just means working with computers.

Question: A Open Educational interactive program for learning ‘Periodic Table of

Elements’ is

Answer: Kalzium

Question: What are the ICT Initiatives of NCERT?

Answer: DIKSHA, e-Pathshala, NROER, ICT in Education curriculum

Question: _____ can be both online and offline to harness non- internet users to
reach out to the learners to support their education.

Answer: Digital Education

Question: The following is an example of platform having simulation for learning

various subjects

Answer: PhET
Question: One of the following CANNOT be considered an digital tool

Answer: Textbook

Question: Which portal is projects as ONE NATION ONE PLATFORM

Answer: DIKSHA

Question: _____ defines the way the resources can be used

Answer: License

Question: Knowledge for integrating ICT in teaching, learning and assessment is

described by:

Answer: TPACK

Question: As per NEP 2020, which among the following statements is true about the
thrust of technology interventions in education?

Answer: Improving educational access, teaching-learning, evaluation and teacher preparation

Question: Which of the following is a telecasting programme-

Answer: PMeVidya

Question: What is not true? An interactive computer simulation

Answer: Does not allow the user to manipulate any parameters

Question: Which is the most appropriate resource type for teaching procedure of
conducting an experiment for the first time

Answer: Demonstration video

Question: Which is the most appropriate approach to teach mathematics to students

having low bandwidth internet connectivity

Answer: Video lessons through TVchannels

Question: NROER refers to-

Answer: National Repository of Open Educational Resources

Question: A Multi-sensory learning experience ensures providing a learner with

Answer: Visual, auditory, kinesthetic and tactile stimulus

Question: Which of the following is NOT a free and open source software-

Answer: Microsoft Word

Question: What does DIKSHA refers to-

Answer: Digital Infrastructure for Knowledge Sharing

Question: What is Cyberbullying?

Answer: Bullying or harassment using electronic, internet and other cyber mean

Question: To ensure the creation of user friendly and quality eContent what
recommendation has been made in NEP 2020

Answer: Rating and reviews by the users

Question: Which of the following statements about Telegram mobile app is


Answer: It is expensive to use

Question: Which of following statement is NOT correct

Answer: Openshot video editor is free programming online software for creating games, and

Question: ICT does NOT refer to

Answer: Imagine

Question: A digital quiz is useful for the following purpose:

Answer: Providing immediate feedback on mastery of content

Question: ePathshala portal is for-

Answer: Showcasing and disseminating all types of educational e-resources including textbooks,
audio, video, periodicals etc.

Question: Which of the following does SWAYAM refers to-

Answer: Study Webs of Active-Learning for Young Aspiring Minds

Question: The responsible rules and behaviours designed to keep individuals safe
whenever connected to the Internet are categorised as

Answer: Cyber Safety

Question: Which parameter covers diversity in terms of cultural context and

geographical location?

Answer: Demographic

Question: Which of the following statements about SMS technology is TRUE?

Answer: Learners can send an SMS for help and support

Question: Which organization offers courses for school students-

Answer: The National Institute of Open Schooling (NIOS)

Question: A very useful ICT tool for learning mathematics is

Answer: GeoGebra

Question: The abbreviation of TPACK

Answer: Technological Pedagogy and Content Knowledge

Question: Structure of the knowledge dimensions as per bloom's taxonomy are ____

Answer: Factual, Conceptual, Procedural, and Metacognitive

Question: What makes a good password

Answer: Easy for you to remember but difficult for others to figure it out

Question: How can one decide a website is a reliable source?

Answer: Author and its information can be verified

Question: Which of the following is the safe practice to remove a USB?

Answer: Eject and remove

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