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English - 1st Batxillerat 2022-23 MARK:

Grammar-Vocabulary Test 2nd Term


1. Complete the text with the words below. There are more words than you

regret ■ everyday ■ for a change ■ in time ■ reject ■ label ■ out of date ■ prevent ■ display ■ by far

Is it really dangerous to eat food that is past its sell-by date? Probably not, but it is important to
pay attention to what it says on the 1. ....................................... of a food product. ‘Sell-by’ dates
indicate if food can be kept on 2. .............................................. in the store or not. By contrast, a
‘best-before’ date simply means that the food isn’t as tasty after a certain date. However, it is
still perfectly safe to eat. The really important one 3. ..................................... is the ‘use-by’ date.
If you don’t eat the food 4. .............................. , throw it away. Food that is 5.
may cause food poisoning and you may 6. .................................. eating it. Food producers
know people ignore this advice and eat the food anyway, so they make these dates a bit earlier
than they need to be in order to 7. ........................................... unpleasant and sometimes
dangerous situations!

2. Complete the sentences with a suitable word. Pay attention to the words in
1 Try on the dress in the ......................................................... room to see if it’s the right size.
2 Walmart is a ................................ store. They have shops in almost every town in America.
3 I saw at a ............................................................ that these sunglasses were perfect for me.
4 I can lend you £10 on .............................. that you pay me back before the end of the week.
5 It’s going to be hot today, so wear a short-.......................................................................
6 Most websites use online ............................................ to follow people’s shopping patterns.
7 Can you determine a person’s social .............................................. just by looking at them?
8 You cannot borrow the car tonight. It’s out of the ................................................................ !
9 An advertising ................................................... informs people about a product or service.
10 That shop only sells high-..................................... clothing. Let’s look somewhere
3.Complete the sentences with one of the words below and a prefix.
behaved ■ built ■ crowded ■ estimated ■ heard ■ byte ■ paid

1 I .......................................................... you. I thought you said ‘13’, not ‘30’.

2 They .............................................. the cinema after it was destroyed in the fire.
3 The train was so ............................................. that I had to stand the whole way home!
4 We .................................................... her. We thought she wouldn’t win.
5 My mum is ................................ A male colleague does the same job and he gets more money!
6 A least one ....................................................... of space is needed to download the song.
7 The children ................................................... because they were bored.

4.Complete the text with the words below. There are more words than you
appeals to ■ audience ■ hit the big time ■ venue ■ catchy ■ debate ■ need to ■ performance
recording ■ stunning ■ subject ■ compose

Spanish singer Rosalía astonished her British fans with an outstanding live 1............................... .
The 2. ................................................... for the concert was an old building very different from the
stadiums where she usually performs. Like Shakira, she is a Spanish-speaking singer whose
music 3. ............................................................. fans in Britain and the United States. Now she
has 4. ...................................................... , as she is on a world tour. Her success is well-deserved.
She is a great entertainer who wears 5. .............................................................................
costumes, but she is also a very talented singer. When she performs, she sometimes asks
the 6. ...................................................... to be as quiet as possible. You leave the concert singing
her 7. ....................................................... tunes, but Rosalía’s music has a serious message too.
The 8. ..................................................... of her song, De aquí no sales, is about the threats a man
makes to a woman and her 9. ............................................................. escape from the situation.
Through songs like this, she is making a major impact on the 10. ....................................... about.

1. Complete the text with a suitable relative pronoun.
YouTube star Luke Korns, 1. .................................. channel has over 2.2 million followers,
completed a challenge to live off $2.50 a day! This amount of money is the daily budget
............................... over half the world’s population lives off. He decided to see if he could do
the same. Luke discovered that life this way was not easy. He could only go to stores
..................................... were close to his house because he didn’t have enough money for the
bus. When he went to Ralphs, 4. ........................................ he usually did his shopping, he
discovered there was nothing 5. ...................................... he could afford. Fortunately, he found a
99 cents shop 6. …………………................ he bought five packages of noodles for 99 cents.
Unsurprisingly, he soon grew tired of eating these noodles. Luke, 7. ................................... main
aim was to challenge himself, concluded it was almost impossible to live off such a small sum of
2. Complete the second sentence so that it has a similar meaning to the
original. Use a suitable relative pronoun.

1 My neighbour Adam is a manager of a chain store.

Adam, .................................................................................................. , is a manager of a
chain store.
2 Vegan restaurants are very popular today, but once weren’t common.
Vegan restaurants, ......................................................................................... , are very popular
3 Ann used to have a local company, but she now has an international chain.
Ann, ...................................................................................... be local, now has an
international chain.
4 MGM is one of the world’s most well-known film studios.Its symbol is a roaring lion.
MGM, ……………………………………………………………………., is one of the world’s
most well-known film studios.
5 I save a lot of money by shopping at this supermarket.
The supermarket ................................................................................ saves me a lot of money.

3. Combine the sentences using a suitable relative pronoun.

Make any necessary changes.

1 That is the shop. It sells role-playing games.


2 This is the flat. I used to live there.


3 Helga speaks German at home. Her parents come from Berlin.


4 Do you know the name of the actor? He was in the film we saw last night.

5 My computer has already got a virus. It’s brand-new!


4. Choose the best answer.

1 Sorry, but I could not / won’t be able to / must not fix your computer before
the end of the week.
2 We don’t have to / might not / must not study French. It’s not compulsory.
3 I’m not sure who sent me this message, but it must have / should have / might have
been Dave.
4 You couldn’t have / shouldn’t have / must not have said that about her. She’s very
5 There are no more tickets left! We could have / should have / would have bought some
6 You can’t / mustn’t / shouldn’t be serious! No one will agree to that.
7 You couldn’t have / might not have / shouldn’t have seen this film in 2019 – it didn’t come
out till 2020!
8 In my opinion, Madison could / ought to / might take part in the school play.

5. Complete the sentences with the verbs in brackets and modals or modal
perfects, affirmative or negative.

1 You .................................................................. (spot) Louise in town. She’s away in Scotland.

2 I don’t envy him. It ....................................................................... (be) easy having three
3 I’m sorry, but ........................................ you .................................................... (repeat) that?
4 I ......................................................................... (introduce) you to her but I forgot her
5 It ......................................................................................... (rain) last night. The street’s wet.
6 You ........................................................................... (drive) me home. I could have walked.
7 He ........................................................... (forget) about the meeting. It happens all the time.

6. Rewrite the sentences using the words in brackets.

1 Do you mind helping me, please? (could)

2 I think it would be a good idea if we took a break now. (should)
3 I’m sure the shop is closed now. (must)
4 Perhaps it won’t rain tonight. (might)
5 I decided not to drive even though I had the car. (could)


English - 1st Batxillerat 2022-23 MARK:

Writing Test 2nd Term

Choose one topic:

a) Write a for and against essay of about 150 words on the pros and
cons of school uniforms.
b) Write a for and against essay of about 150 words on the advantages and
disadvantages of living at home or moving away while studying at university.

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