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Tips and Tricks Listening

1. Read the question before listening

2. Try to read all section
3. If they tell you that you have time to review your answers, do not do that.
immediately go read the next questions
4. Keep an eye on two question
5. Pay attention to the keywords in each option which are long options to locate easily
6. If you don’t know the answer -> make a guess, do not lose a point
7. What kind of word? Noun, verb, adjective? -> Try to guess
8. Singular and plural nouns
9. Grammatically correct
10. Spelling weird
11. Telephone number Oh = zero, double, triple is 3 numbers, address with numbers
and letters
12. Multiple choice questions have 1 question and 4 options (usually options are quite
long) / have 1 question and 6 options (choose 2 which are correct)
13. Read everything before the recording starts - Find keywords
14. Map ( buildings, library, town ... ) - Remember about directions North-South-
West-East, always find a starting point before recording starts.
15. Paper-based exam: 10 minutes check your answers
16. Computer-based exam: 2 minutes check your answers
17. Check all the words written down are spelled correctly, and grammatically, do not
leave any questions unanswered.

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