Helen Basturkmen

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Questionnaire on English for Academic Purposes (EAP)

Comprehension Questions
What is the difference between English for General Academic Purposes (EGAP) and English
for Specific Academic Purposes (ESAP)?
Why is needs analysis crucial in developing EAP courses?
How does the motivation of EAP learners differ from learners of general English language
Critical Thinking Questions
Discuss the significance of the "deep end" strategy in EAP teaching. Provide examples of how
this strategy might be applied in a subject you are familiar with.
How can real-world tasks improve the learning experience for EAP students? Give examples
based on the video summary.
Application Questions
Imagine you are tasked with designing an EAP course for students in your discipline. Based
on the video's insights, what key elements would you include in your course design to ensure
it meets the specific academic needs of your students?
Reflect on the example of using student writing samples within specific disciplines as a
learning tool. How could you implement a similar approach in your area of study to enhance
language learning?
Discussion Questions
The video mentioned the use of materials from the learner's discipline as authentic texts.
Discuss the benefits and potential challenges of this approach.
How can teachers balance the need for discipline-specific language instruction with the
diversity of student backgrounds in an EAP classroom?
Project Idea
Inspired by the box kite project mentioned in the video, propose a project for an EAP class
that integrates language learning with practical skills relevant to your field of study. Outline
the objectives, tasks, and expected outcomes of the project.
This questionnaire is designed to engage students on multiple levels, from understanding
basic concepts to applying these ideas in their own academic and disciplinary contexts. Feel
free to modify or expand upon these questions to better suit your specific teaching goals and
the needs of your students.
Sure, I'll provide general answers based on the summary you've given, tailored to what might
be expected from students who have watched the video and engaged with the content.
Comprehension Answers
1. **EGAP vs. ESAP**: EGAP focuses on teaching general academic English skills
applicable across disciplines, while ESAP is tailored to meet the specific linguistic needs of
students in particular fields of study.
2. **Importance of Needs Analysis**: Needs analysis helps in identifying the precise
language needs of students, enabling the development of more targeted and effective EAP
3. **Motivation of EAP Learners**: EAP learners are often more motivated than general
English learners because they recognize the direct relevance of their learning to their
academic and professional goals.

#### Critical Thinking Answers

4. **Significance of the "Deep End" Strategy**: This strategy is significant because it
immerses students in practical language use from the start, encouraging active learning and
problem-solving. In disciplines like law, it could involve drafting legal documents or
participating in mock trials.
5. **Improvement Through Real-World Tasks**: Real-world tasks simulate the actual
academic and professional activities students will engage in, thus making the learning process
more meaningful and applicable. For example, engineering students could work on designing
a simple structure, integrating language learning with engineering principles.

#### Application Answers

6. **Key Elements in Course Design**: An EAP course for a specific discipline, say
environmental science, might include vocabulary development focused on environmental
issues, reading scientific papers, writing research proposals, and giving presentations on
environmental topics.
7. **Using Student Writing Samples**: In a business studies context, this could involve
analyzing and critiquing real business plans or marketing proposals written by past students to
identify effective communication strategies and common linguistic pitfalls.

#### Discussion Answers

8. **Benefits and Challenges of Discipline-Specific Texts**: Benefits include relevance and
engagement, helping students see the direct application of language skills. Challenges might
involve finding accessible texts for all language levels and ensuring a broad enough selection
to cover diverse interests within a discipline.
9. **Balancing Discipline-Specific Instruction**: Teachers can use a mix of general academic
language instruction and discipline-specific examples, encourage peer learning where students
share knowledge from their fields, and use project-based learning to cater to diverse

#### Project Idea Answer

10. **Project Proposal for an EAP Class**: For a class of computer science students, a
project could involve developing a simple software application or website. The language
component would include writing technical documentation, user guides in English, and
presenting the project to the class, integrating language skills with coding and software

These answers serve as a template for what might be expected from students, demonstrating
comprehension of the material and the ability to apply concepts from the video to broader
contexts and their own fields of study.

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