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1- They lie in the same time zone.

2- It causes fire outbreak.
3- Shelter, food, water
4- The way how people are spread in an area.
5- They get jobs, they get market for their raw materials, they buy goods at a cheaper
6- There are many jobs.
- There are many jobs.
- There are many better social services.
- There are many economic activities.
7- Sixth thermometer, barometer, hygrometer
8- Gambia
9- Provides security in a school.
10- Poaching reduces the number of animals which would attract tourists.
11- Judiciary
12- Notice board
13- For reading, revising

15- Africa has the longest river in the world.

- Africa has the hottest desert in the world.
- Africa has the shortest people in the world.
16- Egypt
17- Most people in urban centres have electricity unlike rural areas.
- Most people in urban centres can afford to buy unlike in rural areas.
18- Africa
19- Mount Kilimanjaro was formed by volcanicity yet mount Uluguru by faulting.
20- Speaker of parliament
21- They promote order
- They promote peace
22- Equator
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23- It supplies water to people
- It manages wastes
- It repairs broken water pipes
24- Crowding of pupils in classes
- Shortage of funds.
- Shortage of labour
- Shortage of scholastic materials
25- They catch pre mature fish.
26- Explorers wanted to find out its source.
27- Abuja was centrally located than Lagos.
- Lagos could easily be affected by floods unlike Abuja.
28- Uganda, Zambia, Rwanda, Burundi, Zimbabwe, Ethiopia, Malawi, South Sudan
29- By watering/ irrigation, adding fertilizers, by pruning , weeding, thinning, etc
30- It hold the vehicle users in one position incase of collision
31- They have hard rocks which make road construction difficult.
- They have step slopes which make road construction difficult.
32- It leads to destruction of property.
- It leads to death of people.
33- Drainage of a swamp causes rainfall shortage.
- It causes global warming.
34- Making crafts
- Grazing animals
- Rearing chicken
35- He declared to take control of Western Kenya.
36- Either: The body of Jesus Christ Or: Removing the shoes.
37- Garden of Eden Or: the same
38- They officiate marriage , They lead prayers, They baptize people
Or: They lead prayers in Mosques
39- We learn to forgive those who do wrong to us Or: The same
40- Jesus went to heaven. Or: Ismail
41- The estimation of income and expenditure.
b) deficit budget surplus budget, balanced budget

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c) income, expenditure.
d) To prevent unnecessary expenditure, to spend according to priorities
42- Australia / Oceania
b) Africa had thick forests
- Africa had dangerous wild animals
- Africa had hot deserts
43- Uganda is nearer to Mombasa, There is the Uganda railway which links Mombasa.
b) South Sudan
c) Lack of privacy on goods, delay of goods, high taxation, smuggling of goods
44- Ngoni
b) They were tired of fighting endless wars.
c) Shortage of water and food
- Poor transport
- Diseases
- Dangerous wild animals.
d) Ethiopian highlands
45- Bricks, sand, nails, iron sheets, stones, cement, iron bars.
b) Due to poverty, They are expensive to build
c) It can easily catch fire, it can easily leak, it can easily be destroyed by bad weather.
46- (i) lake Ngoni (ii) Lake Kanyaboli (iii) Lake Piso (iv) Lake Albert
47- Resident City Commissioner / RCC
b) To monitor government programs in a city.
- To chair security meetings in a city.
c) They guide people, they promote peace, they settle disputes, they provide social
48- Royal Geographical Society / RGS
b)It is a source of jobs , it attracts tourists
c) He trained Portuguese sailors.
49- Water, vegetation, animals, land
b) Using them sparingly
c) National Forestry Authority
50- Child abuse

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b) Physical abuse, emotional abuse, sexual abuse/
51- Either: a) Catholicism , Anglicanism, Born Again Faith, Pentecostalism, SDA
b) church, cross, rosary
Or: a) Tabligh, Sunnis, Ahmadiyya, Shia
b) Mosque, crescent, star
52- Either: It pleases God, They live longer
b) By watering plants, feeding animals Or: the same
53- A friend is a person whom you know and love.
b) kindness, faithfulness, prayerfulness, loving
c) Lack of kindness, not trustworthy, not honest.
54- Either: preached about repentance
(ii) Thomas
(iii) Brought good news about the birth of Jesus
(iv) Judas Iscariot
Or: (i)Adam
(ii) Was going to sacrifice his son for Allah
(iii) Prophet Ayub
(iv)first Caliph in Islam
55- Either: Uganda Joint Christian Council (UJCC)
- Mothers Union
- Adventist Development Relief Agency (ADRA)
b) kindness, being helpful
Or: Uganda Muslim Supreme Council (UMSC)
- Islamic Relief Agency (IRA)
b) To feed the hungry
- To pray for the sick.

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