The Information Cycle

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Information Science
The study of the properties and behavior of information, the
forces that influence it, and the means of processing information for
optimal access and use.
Nature of Information Science
- Focuses on information, regardless of medium
- Includes entire information cycle, from creation to use.
- Interdisplinary
- is an interdisciplinary field primarily concerned about the
management of information in any form. Whether you are interested
in storing, retrieving, describing, organizing, representing, or
providing information to others.
• Information - Processed and communicated with meaning;
organized or classified data that has meaning; "informs "us; implies
same type of human processing or understanding ; must be true or
accurate; - processed with meaning.
• Knowledge - Further process or interrelated; cohesive body of
information integrated into a larger body of information; - further
processed and organized
• Wisdom - knowledge applied to benefit humanity
Data - raw and unprocessed; material out of which information is
created; building blocks ; often numbers, letters, symbols ; meaning
is not yet appeared or assigned( like numbers stored in a computer
file )
Transformation Process

The Process of Transforming Data to Information

1. Classification - Involves placing data to categories
2. Rearranging/Sorting - Involves organizing data so that items are grouped together or
placed into a particular order
3. Aggregating - Involves summarizing data
4. Performing calculations
5. Selection - Involves choosing or discarding items of data on the basis of a set of selection

• The way information flows in society .

• “Institutions and individuals involved in the dynamic process by
which information is created, disseminated, and used in society’
• Libraries play vital role
Libraries - Intermediary between the information user and the
information created
Information Cycle
Creators Of Information - writers, musicians, artists, researchers, database
producers, web producers.
Information Products - books, videos, magazines, CDs, web sites, etc.
Distributors of Information - Publishers, Internet Providers, Vendors, Producers

Disseminators of Information - Schools, Libraries, Colleges and Universities,

Businesses, Governments, Museums
Users Of Information - Individuals, Business Persons, Researchers, Employees
and Employers
Information Cycle
Creators Of

Information Products
Users Of Information

Distributors of
Disseminators of
The information cycle describes how information is
produced, distributed, and changes over time, i.e. from
an event covered on media to analysis in books and
journal articles. Knowledge of the information cycle can
be helpful when you are writing a research paper
because it provides a structure for thinking about how to
find and evaluate information sources for your projects.
Information Policy
Defined as "any law, regulation, rule, or practice (written or
unwritten) that affects the creation, acquisition, organization,
dissemination, or evaluation of information
• Generally, discussed in terms of government legislation
• Includes information technologies for educational and
industrial uses; telecommunications; privacy issues;
computer regulations and crimes; copyright and intellectual
freedom; and government information system

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