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good afternoon everybody my name is

mariana today i'm going to talk to you

about respecting differences between

people because it makes me terribly

angry and terribly sad that some people

think they're less important than others

just because they're different

some people have different problems and

differences however

they deserve to be treated the same

we need to help them

we need to give them a hand

a very good way to help is just by

respecting them for example

i wouldn't laugh at them i would laugh

with them

stand up for yourself

and if you're brave enough

stand up for others

also i bet we all have abilities right

well that's the first thing you need to

recognize recognize your abilities and


working your weaknesses

i understand we all might feel very

scared or very shy to tell a super

footballer friend you're any good at

playing football but i will tell you

don't keep it secret stop comparing

compliments instead

remember we're all different

furthermore we also need to understand

their background how many of you have

been vaccinated when you were smaller

i could guess all of you

i could also guess you felt a lot of


just like i understand your background

you need to understand others background

we need to understand their culture for


indians don't eat beef

another example the emotions well if

you're nervous or shy you might sweat or

something similar right

in addition

others might have a medical situation

have you watched wonder the movie about


well he was actually born with the

problem his face

we could also have a problem of just

having one arm

or one leg

or no arms or no legs or only one ear

however we need to treat others the way

we would like to be treated

to conclude as i said before some people

have different problems abilities and

weaknesses that we need to understand as


but why do we need to respect others

in my opinion we need to respect others

because at the end we all have the same

value thank you for listening to my



thank you

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