Devang Projectreport

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A Project Report Submitted

DEVANG CHUDASAMA (214520309011)

A partial fulfillment for the award of the degree of

Guide By
Prof. Dhanush Khasiya

Gyanmanjari Institute of Technology, Bhavnagar

Gujarat Technological University, Ahmedabad
Gujarat Technological University, Ahmedabad
Gyanmanjari Institute of Technology, Bhavnagar


is is to certify that Mr. Devang Chudasama from Gyanmanjari

Institute of Technology, Bhavnagar having Enrollment No:
214520309011 has completed Project Report having title Smart
Classroom . Individually/ in a group Consisting of 4 person under the
guidance of the faculty guide Prof. Dhanush Khasiya.

Institute Guide-UDP Head of Department

Chudasama Devang Vipulbhai

Name of Student Surname Name Father’s Name

Enrollment 214520309011


Contact Numbers Mob:6353126909 Land Line:

Email ID

College Name Gyanmanjari Institute of Technology , College Code: 452


Branch Electrical Engineering Semester : V


I would like to express my sincere gratitude and appreciation for the successful completion of the
Energy Management for Smart Classroom project. This endeavor would not have been possible
without the collaborative efforts of an exceptional team. Each team member's dedication,
expertise, and commitment to excellence played a pivotal role in the development and
implementation of innovative energy-efficient solutions within the classroom environment.

Furthermore, I extend my thanks to the stakeholders, mentors, and contributors who supported
this project. Their guidance and valuable insights significantly contributed to the project's success.
This achievement marks a significant step toward creating sustainable and technologically
advanced learning spaces, and I am truly thankful for the collective effort that made this vision a


The Energy Management for Smart Classroom project focuses on implementing

intelligent and sustainable solutions to optimize energy consumption within
educational environments. Through the integration of cutting-edge technologies, such
as smart sensors, automated controls, and energy-efficient devices, the project aims to
create an environmentally conscious and cost-effective model for classroom spaces.
The system monitors and adjusts lighting, heating, ventilation, and electronic
equipment based on occupancy and usage patterns, ensuring optimal energy utilization.
By employing data analytics and real-time monitoring, the project not only enhances
energy efficiency but also provides valuable insights for continuous improvement. This
initiative signifies a step towards smart and eco-friendly educational facilities, aligning
with the broader goals of sustainable technology integration..


1. Introduction ______________________________________________ 7
1.1 Project Introduction
1.2 Purpose
1.3 Scope

2. System Design ___________________________________________ 11

2.1 Hardware Design
2.2 Circuit Design

3. Testing _________________________________________________ 18
3.1 Testing
3.2 Working

4. Future Enhancement and

Limitation Conclusion ____________________________________ 20

5. Conclusion _____________________________________________ 22

Chapter :1
 Introduction
1.1 Project Introduction
1.2 Purpose
1.3 Scope

1.1 Project introduction
The introduction of the Energy Management for Smart Classroom project marks a significant
stride towards enhancing the efficiency and sustainability of educational spaces. In response to
the increasing demand for eco-friendly solutions and the growing integration of technology in
classrooms, this initiative seeks to leverage advanced systems to manage and optimize energy
consumption. The project revolves around the incorporation of intelligent sensors, automated
controls, and data analytics to create a smart ecosystem that adapts to the dynamic needs of a
classroom environment. By focusing on real-time monitoring and responsive adjustments, the
goal is to not only reduce energy waste but also provide a conducive and technologically
advanced learning environment. This introduction sets the stage for a transformative approach to
energy management within educational settings, aligning with the broader global objectives of
sustainability and smart infrastructure integration

1.2 Purpose

The purpose of the Energy Management for Smart Classroom project is to introduce an intelligent
and sustainable framework that optimizes energy consumption within educational spaces. By
integrating advanced technologies such as smart sensors, automated controls, and energy-efficient
devices, the project aims to achieve several key objectives. Firstly, it seeks to enhance energy
efficiency by dynamically adjusting lighting, heating, ventilation, and electronic equipment based
on real-time occupancy and usage patterns. This not only reduces energy waste but also
contributes to cost savings for educational institutions.

Secondly, the project aims to create a technologically advanced and comfortable learning
environment for students and educators. Through smart systems that respond to the specific needs
of a classroom, it endeavors to improve the overall educational experience. Lastly, the Energy
Management for Smart Classroom project aligns with broader environmental sustainability goals
by promoting the adoption of eco-friendly practices within educational facilities. Ultimately, the
purpose is to establish a scalable and replicable model for smart energy management in
classrooms, setting a precedent for sustainable infrastructure integration in educational institution

1.3 Scope
The scope of the Energy Management for Smart Classroom project encompasses a comprehensive
range of objectives and outcomes. Primarily, the project aims to implement and demonstrate the
feasibility of intelligent energy management systems within the educational sector. This includes
the integration of smart sensors, automated controls, and energy-efficient devices to optimize
resource consumption.

Furthermore, the scope extends to the development of a scalable and adaptable framework that
can be implemented in diverse educational settings. The project intends to address the unique
challenges and requirements of various classroom environments, ensuring broad applicability.

Additionally, the scope involves the collection and analysis of data to provide valuable insights
into energy usage patterns, contributing to ongoing improvements and refinements in the system.
This data-driven approach enhances the project's sustainability and effectiveness over time.

Ultimately, the Energy Management for Smart Classroom project aspires to serve as a pioneering
example, encouraging the widespread adoption of intelligent energy management practices in
educational institutions globally, fostering a more sustainable and technologically advanced
learning environment.

Chapter 2.

 System Design
2.1 Hardware Tools Design
2.2 Circuit Design

2.1 Hardware Design

1. Arduino Nano

The Arduino Nano is a small, programmable board with a microcontroller at its core. It has
input/output pins for connecting to sensors and devices, a USB connection for programming, and
can be powered via USB or an external source. You write code in the Arduino programming
language to control its behavior, making it a versatile tool for creating electronic projects.

2. Relay

An Arduino Nano relay is a setup that uses an Arduino Nano board to control a relay. A relay is
like a switch that can be controlled by the Arduino. When you send a signal from the Arduino
Nano, the relay either opens or closes, allowing you to control high-power devices like lights,
motors, or other electrical appliances. It's a simple way to use the Arduino Nano to automate and
control various electrical devices in your projects.

3. Led Stript

An external display is like a second screen for your computer or laptop. Instead of using only the
built-in monitor, you connect an additional display to expand your workspace. This larger screen
helps you see more content at once, making it useful for tasks like multitasking, presentations, or
simply giving you a bigger and more comfortable view of your computer's display. Connecting an
external display is often as easy as plugging in a cable, and it can enhance your computing
experience by providing more screen real estate.

4. Testing Board

A testing board is a platform for quickly and efficiently testing electronic components and
circuits. It includes connectors, labeled points for measurements, and sometimes a built-in power
supply, making it valuable for prototyping and troubleshooting

5. Jumper Wire

Jumper wires are flexible connectors used in electronics to create temporary connections between
components on a breadboard. They come in various colors, lengths, and have male or female
connectors, making it easy to prototype and test circuits.

2.2 Circuit Design

1. Circuit

Chapter 3

 Testing
3.1 Testing
3.2 Working

1. Project Testing

2. Working

The energy management system in a smart classroom involves the use of technology to efficiently
control and monitor energy consumption.

Chapter 4

 Future Enhancement and Limitation Conclusion

4.1 Future Enhancement

Advanced Analytics: Utilization of sophisticated data analytics and machine learning for
predictive and continuous optimization.

Renewable Integration: Integration with renewable energy sources like solar panels for more
sustainable power.

Occupancy Analytics: Enhanced technology for real-time occupancy detection and dynamic
energy adjustments.

Human-Centric Lighting: Implementation of lighting systems that mimic natural light

conditions for a healthier environment.

Adaptive Learning Environments: Integration with educational technology for personalized

energy settings based on learning activities.

User Engagement: Increased user participation through mobile apps, gamification, and

4.2 Limitations:

Initial Cost: High upfront costs for installation may be a barrier for some institutions.

Complexity: Sophisticated systems may be complex to install and maintain, requiring training for

Compatibility Issues: Challenges in integrating with existing infrastructure and technologies.

Dependency on Sensors: Accuracy of sensor data is crucial; malfunctioning sensors can lead to
suboptimal performance.

Human Behavior Factors: System effectiveness may be influenced by human behavior, such as
manual overrides or leaving equipment on.

Upkeep and Maintenance: Regular maintenance is essential; neglect can lead to performance
degradation over time.

Chapter 5

 Conclusion

In conclusion, energy management systems in smart classrooms are pivotal for sustainability and
efficiency. They use advanced tech to optimize resource use, cut costs, and enhance the learning
environment. Future enhancements like predictive analytics and renewable integration hold
promise, but challenges such as initial costs and system complexity exist. Despite hurdles, smart
classrooms exemplify innovation's positive impact on education and global energy efficiency


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