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DATE: 21/02/2024


ARTICLE: Calm assessment: On the extent of ‘deemed forest’

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1. The Supreme Court has halted the Centre's attempt to amend the Forest (Conservation) Act, 1980,
designed to prevent indiscriminate deforestation for non-forestry purposes.

2. The Act, in force since 1980, reduced the annual average forest diversion to about 22,000 hectares
from 1951-75, totaling a tenth of the previous rate.

3. The Act primarily applied to officially recognized forest tracts, but the Godavarman Thirumulpad
judgment extended protection to 'deemed forests,' not classified in government records.

4. States were directed to form committees to identify 'deemed forests,' but few have done so in the
28 years since the judgment.

5. The Centre's amendment aimed at providing clarity, especially for already diverted recorded forest
land, allowing non-forestry uses with state government permission.

6. Private citizens fear cultivating plantations or orchards due to potential forest classification,
impacting ownership. This reluctance prompted the proposed amendments.

7. India aspires to create a carbon sink of 2.5-3 billion tonnes for net zero goals, requiring dynamic
forest laws. The amendments sought to exclude 'deemed forests' from protection.

8. Public interest petitions were filed, viewing the amendments as a threat to the Act's goal of forest
protection. The final judgment is pending.

9. The Supreme Court ordered the Centre to compile and disclose States' efforts in recording
'deemed forests' by April, promoting transparency and informed debate.
10. The claim that India's carbon sink is hindered by insufficient private initiative needs unbiased
assessment of ground realities to advance the crucial environmental discussion.

The article adopts an informative and analytical tone, objectively presenting the Supreme Court's
intervention to pause the Centre's Forest (Conservation) Act amendment. It outlines the Act's
historical impact, the concept of 'deemed forests,' and the Centre's rationale for proposed changes.
The tone maintains a neutral stance while emphasizing the importance of transparency in recording
'deemed forests' and highlighting concerns over potential threats to India's carbon sink goals.

VOCABS (For English Language):

1. Impeded (Verb) ( , ) = to delay or slow down
Synonyms: Hinder, Obstruct, Deter
Antonyms: Facilitate, Aid, Promote
Example: The construction was impeded by bad weather, causing delays.

2. Wanton (Adjective) ( , हवस ) = deliberate and without restraint

Synonyms: Unrestrained, Uncontrolled, Reckless
Antonyms: Restrained, Controlled, Disciplined
Example: The wanton destruction of the ancient artifacts shocked the historians.

3. Adhering (Verb) ( , ) = to stick to or follow closely

Synonyms: Abide by, Comply with, Observe
Antonyms: Ignore, Disregard, Violate
Example: It is essential to adhere to safety regulations in the laboratory.

4. Overtly (Adverb) ( स, स) = openly or clearly

Synonyms: Clearly, Explicitly, Manifestly
Antonyms: Secretly, Covertly, Inconspicuously
Example: The company overtly expressed its commitment to sustainable practices.

5. Ambit (Noun) ( ,स ) = the scope, extent, or bounds

Synonyms: Scope, Range, Sphere
Antonyms: Limitation, Restriction, Confinement
Example: The new policy falls within the ambit of environmental conservation.
6. Reluctance (Noun) ( , ह ह ) = unwillingness or hesitation
Synonyms: Hesitation, Disinclination, Dislike
Antonyms: Eagerness, Willingness, Enthusiasm
Example: Despite her reluctance, she agreed to take on the challenging task.

7. Assail (Verb) ( , ) = to attack vigorously

Synonyms: Attack, Assault, Besiege
Antonyms: Defend, Guard, Protect
Example: The fierce storm continued to assail the coastal areas.

8. Constitute (Verb) ( , ) = to form or establish

Synonyms: Form, Comprise, Establish
Antonyms: Dissolve, Disband, Abolish
Example: The diverse cultures constitute the rich tapestry of the nation.

9. Slew (Noun) ( ,स ) = a large number or quantity

Synonyms: Abundance, Heap, Multitude
Antonyms: Few, Scarcity, Dearth
Example: The project received a slew of awards for its innovation.

10. Jurisdiction (Noun) ( , ) = the official power to make legal

Synonyms: Authority, Control, Power
Antonyms: Subordination, Obedience, Compliance
Example: The court has jurisdiction over cases involving national laws.

11. Razing (Verb) ( ,स ) = to completely destroy or demolish

Synonyms: Demolish, Destroy, Eradicate
Antonyms: Build, Construct, Preserve
Example: The old building underwent razing to make way for a modern structure.

12. Wanton (Verb) ( , हस व ) = to engage in unrestrained actions

Synonyms: Indulge, Revel, Frolic
Antonyms: Restrain, Refrain, Abstain
Example: Some individuals wanton in risky behavior without considering consequences.

13. Rationale (Noun) ( , ) = the underlying reason or logic

Synonyms: Reasoning, Justification, Explanation
Antonyms: Irrationality, Absurdity, Nonsense
Example: The scientist provided a clear rationale for the experimental approach.

14. Notwithstanding (Conjunction) ( स व , ) = in spite of, nevertheless

Synonyms: Nevertheless, Nonetheless, Despite
Antonyms: However, Yet, Still
Example: Notwithstanding the challenges, the team persevered and succeeded.

15. Pertain (Verb) (स ह , ह ) = to be relevant or related to

Synonyms: Relate, Concern, Apply
Antonyms: Exclude, Disregard, Irrelevant
Example: The rules pertain specifically to the conduct of employees.

16. Conjecture (Noun) ( , ) = an opinion or conclusion based on

incomplete information
Synonyms: Speculation, Guess, Hypothesis
Antonyms: Certainty, Fact, Reality
Example: The journalist's article was filled with unfounded conjecture.

17. Rationale (Adjective) ( स , ) = having a logical basis

Synonyms: Logical, Reasonable, Justified
Antonyms: Irrational, Unreasonable, Baseless
Example: The decision was made on a rationale and well-thought-out basis.

18. Disciplined (Adjective) ( स , ) = showing control and order

Synonyms: Controlled, Regulated, Ordered
Antonyms: Uncontrolled, Disorderly, Chaotic
Example: The disciplined approach led to the successful completion of the project.

19. Ostensibly (Adverb) ( स, स) = apparently or outwardly, but not

necessarily true
Synonyms: Seemingly, Allegedly, Apparently
Antonyms: Genuinely, Truly, Actually
Example: The meeting was ostensibly about budgeting but turned into a broader

20. Ambition (Verb) ( ह , ) = to have a strong desire or goal

Synonyms: Aspire, Strive, Seek
Antonyms: Settle, Abandon, Surrender
Example: She continues to ambition for excellence in her chosen field.

MCQS (For Current Affairs / Reading Comprehensions):

1. Why did the Supreme Court intervene in the Centre's attempt to amend the Forest
(Conservation) Act?
a) To support the amendment for more flexibility
b) Due to concerns over the Act's ambition of forest protection
c) To expedite the amendment process
d) To oppose any changes to the existing Act
e) None of these
Answer: b) Due to concerns over the Act's ambition of forest protection

2. According to the Centre, how much forest land was estimated to be diverted from
1951-75 before the Forest (Conservation) Act was implemented?
a) One million hectares
b) Two million hectares
c) Three million hectares
d) Four million hectares
e) None of these
Answer: d) Four million hectares

3. What triggered the T.N. Godavarman Thirumulpad judgment that expanded the view
of protected forest tracts?
a) Illegal mining in Jharkhand
b) Deforestation in Kerala
c) Timber-felling in Gudalur, Tamil Nadu
d) Agricultural expansion in Punjab
e) None of these
Answer: c) Timber-felling in Gudalur, Tamil Nadu

4. Why did the Centre propose amendments to the Forest (Conservation) Act?
a) To tighten regulations on forest diversion
b) To exclude 'deemed forests' for net zero carbon goals
c) To abolish the Act completely
d) To grant unrestricted access to forest resources
e) None of these
Answer: b) To exclude 'deemed forests' for net zero carbon goals

5. What is the primary reason for private citizens' reluctance to cultivate plantations and
orchards, according to the Centre?
a) Lack of interest in ecological benefits
b) Fear of forest classification impacting ownership
c) High investment costs
d) Government restrictions on cultivation
e) None of these
Answer: b) Fear of forest classification impacting ownership

6. What did the Godavarman Thirumulpad judgment introduce in relation to forest

a) Stricter penalties for illegal logging
b) Classification of forests based on ownership
c) Concept of 'deemed forests' not officially recognized in records
d) Exemption for private plantations from forest laws
e) None of these
Answer: c) Concept of 'deemed forests' not officially recognized in records

7. What did the Court order the Centre to do by April in relation to 'deemed forests'?
a) Implement the proposed amendments immediately
b) Conduct a study on forest diversion
c) Compile and make public States' efforts in recording 'deemed forests'
d) Abandon the idea of amending the Forest (Conservation) Act
e) None of these
Answer: c) Compile and make public States' efforts in recording 'deemed forests'

8. How many hectares of forest land did the Centre claim were diverted annually from
1981-2022 under the Forest (Conservation) Act?
a) 10,000 hectares
b) 15,000 hectares
c) 20,000 hectares
d) 22,000 hectares
e) None of these
Answer: d) 22,000 hectares
9. What is the significance of the Forest (Conservation) Act in reducing forest diversion
from 1951-75 to 1981-2022?
a) Increased forest diversion
b) No impact on forest diversion
c) A tenfold reduction in annual forest diversion
d) Expansion of protected forest tracts
e) None of these
Answer: c) A tenfold reduction in annual forest diversion

10. What term is introduced to denote tracts not officially classified as forests in
government records?
a) Unrecognized forests
b) Undesignated forests
c) Deemed forests
d) Hidden forests
e) None of these
Answer: c) Deemed forests

11. How many years have passed since the Godavarman Thirumulpad judgment, and
how many States have constituted committees for 'deemed forests'?
a) 28 years; All States
b) 20 years; Majority of States
c) 15 years; Only a handful of States
d) 10 years; No States
e) None of these
Answer: c) 28 years; Only a handful of States

12. Why does the Centre argue for amendments to the Forest (Conservation) Act
concerning private citizens' initiatives?
a) To restrict private initiatives for ecological balance
b) Due to a lack of interest among private citizens
c) To grant ownership rights to private initiatives
d) To encourage illegal logging by private citizens
e) None of these
Answer: b) Due to a lack of interest among private citizens
ARTICLE: Keep it wholesome: On shaping a national cervical cancer control programme

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NOTES (For English Language & Reading Comprehension):

1. Health is multi-dimensional, requiring a comprehensive government strategy for optimal results.
2. Finance Minister Nirmala Sitharaman's interim Budget announcement on cervical cancer
vaccination for girls aged 9-14 is a positive step.
3. It raises the question of the program's completeness without integrating a screening aspect.
4. Cervical cancer, linked to HPV, is the second leading cause of cancer deaths among Indian women
(77,000 annually).
5. The vaccine is available, but national cervical cancer screening is below 2%, impacting outcomes.
6. VIA and VILI tests using minimal tools can diagnose precancerous lesions, allowing early
7. Cryotherapy is a simple procedure that can be done in a public health setting to destroy abnormal
8. Despite preventability, identification, and treatment, many women still die from cervical cancer.
9. The government's vaccination program needs to mandate screening at primary health centers and
offer cryotherapy for abnormalities.
10. Vaccination alone may not have a significant impact; a national cervical cancer control program
accessible to all women is crucial.

The article adopts an informative and constructive tone, emphasizing the multi-dimensional nature
of health and the need for a comprehensive government strategy. It applauds the Finance Minister's
move to encourage cervical cancer vaccination but raises concerns about the program's
completeness without integrating screening. The tone remains objective, highlighting the urgency of
addressing cervical cancer through accessible screening and treatment options, stressing the
preventability of the disease and the importance of a national control program.

VOCABS: (For English Language):

1. Mandate (Verb) ( ) = to officially require or order
Synonyms: Command, Instruct, Direct
Antonyms: Allow, Permit, Optional
Example: The government may mandate the use of seat belts for safety.
2. Wholesome (Adjective) ( ,स ) = conducive to or suggestive of good health and physical
Synonyms: Healthy, Nutritious, Beneficial
Antonyms: Harmful, Unhealthy, Detrimental
Example: A balanced diet is essential for a wholesome lifestyle.

3. Optimum (Adjective) ( , ) = the best or most favorable

Synonyms: Best, Ideal, Peak
Antonyms: Suboptimal, Inadequate, Worst
Example: The company aims for optimum efficiency in its production process.

4. Fathom (Verb) (स , ) = to understand thoroughly or measure the depth of

Synonyms: Comprehend, Grasp, Gauge
Antonyms: Misunderstand, Confuse, Misinterpret
Example: It is challenging to fathom the complexities of quantum physics.

5. Assimilate (Verb) (स ह , ह ) = to absorb or integrate into a larger whole

Synonyms: Incorporate, Absorb, Integrate
Antonyms: Reject, Exclude, Separate
Example: Immigrants often struggle to assimilate into a new culture.

6. Prevalence (Noun) ( , स ) = the fact or condition of being widespread or common

Synonyms: Dominance, Ubiquity, Pervasiveness
Antonyms: Rarity, Uncommonness, Scarcity
Example: The prevalence of smartphones has changed communication patterns.

7. Solemn (Adjective) ( , ) = formal and dignified; not cheerful or smiling

Synonyms: Serious, Grave, Dignified
Antonyms: Cheerful, Lighthearted, Playful
Example: The ceremony had a solemn atmosphere.

8. Couched (Verb) ( ) = to express something in a particular way

Synonyms: Phrase, Express, Articulate
Antonyms: Suppress, Conceal, Silence
Example: The statement was couched in diplomatic language.

9. Sobering (Adjective) ( ,स व ) = making one more serious or thoughtful

Synonyms: Thought-provoking, Serious, Grave
Antonyms: Light-hearted, Amusing, Frivolous
Example: The documentary presented a sobering view of climate change.

10. Cytology (Noun) (स ) = the branch of biology that studies the structure and function of
Synonyms: Cell Biology, Cellular Science
Antonyms: Macrobiology, Organismal Biology
Example: Cytology plays a crucial role in understanding cell behavior.

11. Abnormalities (Noun) ( स ) = deviations from what is considered normal or usual

Synonyms: Anomalies, Irregularities, Aberrations
Antonyms: Normalcy, Regularity, Consistency
Example: The medical report revealed several abnormalities in the test results.

12. Deploy (Verb) ( ) = to organize and position strategically

Synonyms: Utilize, Position, Employ
Antonyms: Withdraw, Retire, Disband
Example: The military decided to deploy additional troops along the border.

13. Conducive (Adjective) ( ) = making a certain situation or outcome likely or possible

Synonyms: Favorable, Beneficial, Supportive
Antonyms: Unfavorable, Hindering, Detrimental
Example: A calm environment is conducive to better concentration.

14. Couched (Adjective) ( ) = expressed in a specified way

Synonyms: Phrased, Worded, Formulated
Antonyms: Unexpressed, Implied, Unstated
Example: The proposal was couched in diplomatic terms to avoid conflict.

15. Irrespective (Adverb) ( , ) = regardless; without taking into account

Synonyms: Regardless, Nevertheless, Nonetheless
Antonyms: Considering, Taking into account
Example: The decision will be made irrespective of personal opinions.

16. Detrimental (Adjective) (ह ) = causing harm or damage

Synonyms: Harmful, Damaging, Injurious
Antonyms: Beneficial, Advantageous, Helpful
Example: Lack of exercise can be detrimental to one's health.

17. Urgency (Noun) ( , ) = the state of being urgent or requiring immediate action
Synonyms: Importance, Necessity, Exigency
Antonyms: Non-urgent, Unimportant, Trivial
Example: The urgency of the situation demanded prompt decision-making.

18. Deploy (Noun) ( ) = the movement or placement of forces or

Synonyms: Assignment, Posting, Allocation
Antonyms: Withdrawal, Recall, Removal
Example: The strategic deploy of resources enhanced project efficiency.

19. Dilution (Noun) ( ) = the action of making a liquid more dilute

Synonyms: Thinning, Weakening, Reduction
Antonyms: Concentration, Strengthening, Intensification
Example: The dilution of the solution led to reduced potency.

20. Pervasiveness (Noun) ( स ) = the quality of being widespread or prevalent

Synonyms: Ubiquity, Prevalence, Universality
Antonyms: Rarity, Uncommonness, Limited Presence
Example: The pervasiveness of social media influences various aspects of our lives.

MCQS (For Current Affairs / Reading Comprehensions):

1. What announcement did Union Finance Minister Nirmala Sitharaman make during the
interim Budget presentation?
a) Encouraging vaccination for cervical cancer
b) Allocating funds for cancer research
c) Introducing a new healthcare policy
d) Promoting mental health awareness
e) None of these
Answer: a) Encouraging vaccination for cervical cancer

2. Why is cervical cancer considered unique among cancers?

a) It primarily affects men
b) It is caused by genetic factors
c) Almost all cases are linked to HPV
d) It has a high survival rate
e) None of these
Answer: c) Almost all cases are linked to HPV

3. What is the estimated annual death toll from cervical cancer among women in India?
a) 50,000
b) 60,000
c) 70,000
d) 77,000
e) None of these
Answer: d) 77,000

4. What are VIA and VILI tests used for in the context of cervical cancer?
a) Vaccination effectiveness assessment
b) Cancer staging
c) Identifying precancerous lesions
d) Treatment monitoring
e) None of these
Answer: c) Identifying precancerous lesions

5. What is cryotherapy, and how is it used in the context of cervical cancer?

a) Surgical removal of tumors
b) Chemotherapy for advanced cases
c) Freezing abnormal growth during a short procedure
d) Radiation therapy
e) None of these
Answer: c) Freezing abnormal growth during a short procedure

6. Why is the low national prevalence of cervical cancer screening concerning?

a) It affects the vaccine's effectiveness
b) Screening is not necessary for cervical cancer
c) Outcomes depend on the stage of detection
d) It leads to misdiagnosis
e) None of these
Answer: c) Outcomes depend on the stage of detection

7. What is the crucial role of cytology in the context of cervical cancer?

a) Identifying abnormal growth
b) Studying cell structure and function
c) Administering vaccines
d) Diagnosing precancerous lesions
e) None of these
Answer: b) Studying cell structure and function

8. Why is the assimilation of a screening aspect questioned in the article?

a) It may conflict with vaccination efforts
b) Screening is too expensive
c) Without screening, the program may be incomplete
d) The government opposes screening
e) None of these
Answer: c) Without screening, the program may be incomplete

9. What is the article's stance on the impact of vaccination alone in the short and medium
a) It will have a significant impact
b) It will not have a far-reaching impact
c) It depends on government support
d) It will eliminate cervical cancer entirely
e) None of these
Answer: b) It will not have a far-reaching impact

10. What is the primary call to action for the government in the context of cervical cancer
a) Promote public awareness campaigns
b) Mandate screening at primary health centers
c) Focus on advanced medical research
d) Increase funding for cancer treatment
e) None of these
Answer: b) Mandate screening at primary health centers

11. According to the article, what is the sobering fact about cervical cancer in India?
a) It primarily affects older women
b) Screening is highly prevalent
c) Many cases are linked to genetic factors
d) The average national prevalence of screening is below 2%
e) None of these
Answer: d) The average national prevalence of screening is below 2%

12. Why is a wholesome approach to cervical cancer control emphasized in the article?
a) It includes vaccination only
b) It addresses the multi-dimensional nature of health
c) It reduces the need for screening
d) It focuses solely on advanced treatment
e) None of these
Answer: b) It addresses the multi-dimensional nature of health

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