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I. Fill in the blanks by choosing the correct preposition.

1. The man climbed __________ the table. (above/up)
2. The letter was kept ___________ the drawer. (in/under)
3. She learned Russian __________ the age of 45. (during/at)
4. You will have to wait. He will be with you ________ a minute. (by/in)
5. Rakesh waited for her _________ the theatre. (at/on)
6. The children were hiding __________ the bush. (over/behind)
7. The eagle soared high ___________ the river. (in/above)
8. The horse galloped __________ the field. (under/across)
9. My friend’s house is _____________ my house. (near/over)
10. The cow is struck ____________ two vehicles. (in/between)
11. Are you good __________ cooking? (about/at)
12. Dogs are usually loyal __________ their owners. (to/at)
13. Our school cafeteria is open for lunch __________ noon. (in/at)
14. I will be done with my work ___________ an hour. (at/in)
15. The moon is shining __________ our head. (on/above)
16. The hurt __________ my knee is still hurting. (over/below)
17. The napkin is placed _____________ the plate. (beside/above)
18. The temperature dropped __________ freezing. (under/below)
19. Kitty, the cat hid _________ the curtains. (behind/under)
20. The movie starts at three __________ the afternoon. (about/in)

II. Fill in the blanks with correct prepositions in the passage given

I was born ____ Seattle, Washington _____ the 23rd of May _____ 1984.
Seattle is ______ the state of Washington _____ the United States. That
was many years ago. Now, I live _____ Istanbul _____ Turkey. I work
______ the American school. I sometimes go _____ a movie _______
the weekend. I met my friends ______ the movie theater 10 o’clock or
later. _______ the summer, I go home to visit my family _____ America.
I. Identify the adverbs in the given lines below and place them in correct
1. We have been going to this university since 2020.
2. I went to hospital yesterday.
3. Oliver coughed loudly to attract her attention.
4. Rahul went somewhere in Delhi for his business meetings.
5. I wanted to say thank you for greeting us out there.
6. I am very happy to see you.
7. The boy has always spoken the truth.
8. Anna usually spends her summer holidays in Canada.
9. The morning air blew gently in the morning.
10. Put your volume down when you stand here.
11. The trains are generally on time.
12. Renu already did her homework.
13. I occasionally like to do shopping with my friends.
14. What time do you think it is over there now?
15. The girl is wearing the necklace around her neck.
16. The soldiers fought the war valiantly.
17. We looked for the lost puppy everywhere.
18. I have heard this story before.
19. The mountains are completely covered with snow.
20. The little girl cheerfully picked up the flower and gave it to her friend.

II. Fill in the blanks with the correct option given below:
1. Such a tall tree. It looks very __________.
a) short b) healthy c) dry
2. Sophie was on a call with Mark. She calls him ____________.
a) regularly b) never c) always
3. The winners were given prize money. It was ___________ distributed among the
a) partially b) half c) equally
4. The manager _____________ discussed the new assignment.
a) halfly b) enjoyingly c) briefly
5. You can use the software ___________. There are no bugs.
a) eagerly b) loudly c) safely

6. Peter will help you __________ if you ask him for assistance. He is a kind person.
a) Eagerly b) sadly c) kindly
7. The beautiful lady smiled ___________ when she saw us.
a) softly b) angrily c) soundly
8. I __________ get home at around 6 but today I was a little later than usual.
a) luckily b) occasionally c) practically
9. On hearing the news, Ali left the party __________.
a) slowly b) cleverly c) hurriedly
10. There was a lot of traffic but after some time I __________ got here.
a) almost b) finally c) never


I. Join and rewrite the sentences using conjunctions.

1. Kriti is honest. Kriti is kind.
2. I trust him. He speaks the truth.
3. Its Jane’s birthday. We bought her flowers.
4. James was not invited. He will not be at the party.
5. Everyone danced. The music was great.
6. Mary wants to call Rosy. Mary does not have her number.
7. We gave Jane flowers on her birthday. We gave Jane chocolate for her birthday.
8. Social media expands our world. We should use it wisely.
9. Teacher gave us an easy test. We all passed.
10. She watched a movie. She lost track of time.
11. Will you go shopping? Will you go camping?
12. The suitcase will not lock. It is too full.
13. I am very hungry. The fridge is empty.
14. She usually eats at home. She likes cooking.
15. Do you want to come with us? Do you want to stay here?
16. My daughter is smart. Everybody likes her.
17. Radhika is a beautiful girl. She is very intelligent.
18. The room was checked thoroughly. The mouse was nowhere in the room.
19. I like swimming. I must go to yoga classes.
20. Robing is good at trekking. Jenny is good at trekking.


I. Replace the underlined Interjections with the correct ones in the sentences.

1. Yippee! I cannot hear what she is saying.

2. Hurray! I dropped my phone down.
3. Oh no! That is a surprise.
4. Alas! You hit me on leg.
5. Hmm! Your performance was amazing.
6. Oops! The cake is delicious.
7. Hey! Your writing is flawless.
8. Alas! Alen has become the highest scorer.
9. Oh! That is exactly what we were looking for.
10. Hurray! I am not sure this color is the best for this room.
11. Yummy! The show is about to start.
12. Oh no! look at that cute kitten.
13. Yippee! I just stepped on a pin.
14. Alas! I finished that long essay at last.
15. Oh no! Its summer holidays.



I. Fill in the blanks by choosing the correct preposition.

1. The man climbed __________ the table. (above/up)
2. The letter was kept ___________ the drawer. (in/under)
3. She learned Russian __________ the age of 45. (during/at)
4. You will have to wait. He will be with you ________ a minute. (by/in)
5. Rakesh waited for her _________ the theatre. (at/on)
6. The children were hiding __________ the bush. (over/behind)
7. The eagle soared high ___________ the river. (in/above)
8. The horse galloped __________ the field. (under/across)
9. My friend’s house is _____________ my house. (near/over)
10. The cow is struck ____________ two vehicles. (in/between)
11. Are you good __________ cooking? (about/at)
12. Dogs are usually loyal __________ their owners. (to/at)
13. Our school cafeteria is open for lunch __________ noon. (in/at)
14. I will be done with my work ___________ an hour. (at/in)
15. The moon is shining __________ our head. (on/above)
16. The hurt __________ my knee is still hurting. (over/below)
17. The napkin is placed _____________ the plate. (beside/above)
18. The temperature dropped __________ freezing. (under/below)
19. Kitty, the cat hid _________ the curtains. (behind/under)
20. The movie starts at three __________ the afternoon. (about/in)

II. Fill in the blanks with correct prepositions in the passage given

I was born in Seattle, Washington on the 23rd of May in

1984. Seattle is in the state of Washington in the United
States. That was many years ago. Now, I live in Istanbul in
Turkey. I work at the American school. I sometimes go for
a movie in the weekend. I met my friends at the movie
theater 10 o’clock or later. In the summer, I go home to visit my
family in America.

I. Identify the adverbs in the given lines below and place them in correct column.
1. We have been going to this university since 2020.
2. I went to hospital yesterday.
3. Oliver coughed loudly to attract her attention.
4. Rahul went somewhere in Delhi for his business meetings.
5. I wanted to say thank you for greeting us out there.
6. I am very happy to see you.
7. The boy usually spoken the truth.
8. Anna normally spends her summer holidays in Canada.
9. The morning air blew gently in the morning.
10.Put your volume down when you stand here.
11.The trains are generally on time.
12.Renu already did her homework.
13.I occasionally like to do shopping with my friends.
14.What time do you think it is over there now?
15.The girl is wearing the necklace around her neck.
16.The soldiers fought the war valiantly.
17.We looked for the lost puppy everywhere.
18.I have heard this story before.
19.The mountains are completely covered with snow.
20.The little girl cheerfully picked up the flower and gave it to her friend.

Adverbs of Manner Adverbs of Place Adverbs of Time

loudly somewhere since 2020
very there yesterday
usually down before
normally there already
gently, cheerfully everywhere
generally, completely around her neck
occasionally, valiantly
III. Fill in the blanks with the correct option given below:
1. Such a tall tree. It looks very __________.
a) short b) healthy c) dry
2. Sophie was on a call with Mark. She calls him ____________.
a) regularly b) never c) always
3. The winners were given prize money. It was ___________ distributed among the
a) partially b) half c) equally
4. The manager _____________ discussed the new assignment.
a) halfly b) enjoyingly c) briefly
5. You can use the software ___________. There are no bugs.
a) eagerly b) loudly c) safely
6. Peter will help you __________ if you ask him for assistance. He is a kind person.
a) eagerly b) sadly c) kindly
7. The beautiful lady smiled ___________ when she saw us.
a) softly b) angrily c) soundly
8. I __________ get home at around 6 but today I was a little later than usual.
a) luckily b) occasionally c) normally
9. On hearing the news, Ali left the party __________.
a) slowly b) cleverly c) hurriedly
10. There was a lot of traffic but after some time I __________ got here.
a) almost b) finally c) never


II. Join and rewrite the sentences using conjunctions.

1. Kriti is honest and kind.
2. I trust him because he speaks the truth.
3. Its Jane’s birthday so we bought her flowers.
4. James was not invited so he will not be at the party.
5. Everyone danced because the music was great.
6. Mary wants to call Rosy but she does not have her number.
7. We gave Jane flowers and chocolates on her birthday.
8. Social media expands our world but we should use it wisely.
9. Teacher gave us an easy test so we all passed.
10. She watched a movie and she lost track of time.
11. Will you go shopping or camping?
12. The suitcase will not lock because it is too full.
13. I am very hungry but the fridge is empty.
14. She usually eats at home because she likes cooking.
15. Do you want to come with us or stay here?
16. My daughter is smart so everybody like her.
17. Radhika is a beautiful and intelligent girl.
18. The room was checked thoroughly but the mouse was nowhere in the room.
19. I like swimming but I must go to yoga classes.
20. Robing and Jenny are good at trekking.


I. Replace the underlined Interjections with the correct ones in the sentences.

1. Shh! I cannot hear what she is saying.

2. Oops! I dropped my phone down.
3. Wow! That is a surprise.
4. Alas! You hit me on leg.
5. Bravo! Your performance was amazing.
6. Yummy! The cake is delicious.
7. Brilliant! Your writing is flawless.
8. Bravo! Alen has become the highest scorer.
9. Bingo! That is exactly what we were looking for.
10. Hmm! I am not sure this color is the best for this room.
11. Shh! The show is about to start.
12. Aww! look at that cute kitten.
13. Ouch! I just stepped on a pin.
14. Phew! I finished that long essay at last.
15. Hurray! Its summer holidays.

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