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Class Activity:

A. Read the quote below. Write an Essay describing the quote in relation to the opinion of Rizal to the Katipunan’s plan.
In a section of the essay, express your own opinion about the Katipunan’s plan and Rizal objection. The rubric below will
serve as the general guide for scoring the answers. In accordance to academic freedom, the teacher reserves the right to
change the scoring as he /she pleases.

In my own point of view the goals of the Katipunan were to forge a solid alliance with each and every Katipunero
to make Filipinos into a cohesive country and to achieve Philippine independence by war or a revolution. Why did Rizal
object to Bonifacio's bold plan to incite a violent revolution in the nation? Because of our Katipunan’s revolution is
lacked of weapons necessary to wage an armed uprising against the Spaniards. The Filipino people weren't prepared to
rule themselves. Armed revolutions by themselves are insufficient to secure freedom. Although both Rizal and the
Katipuneros are on the same page they’ve wanted to free all Filipinos.

B. Below are parts of a letter written by Blumentritt while in Dapitan. In five sentences, express a reflection on Rizal’s Life
in Dapitan.

Jose Rizal is a guy with great achievements. We can all draw inspiration from Jose Rizal in all we do. He
motivates us to work hard and be conscientious, which is something that most of us lack.
I find it amazing that Rizal managed to achieve so much while living in exile and didn't object to being transported to
Dapitan to live like a prisoner. In the sense that he established a cooperative even while in exile, he has taught the
underprivileged people of Mindanao how to band together for trade in order to become independent, liberate
themselves from the Chinese, and become less exploited. Jose Rizal remained to serve his nation whereas many others
would panic, despair, or abandon hope for any achievement in their life as a result of being banished. This is what set
Jose Rizal apart from the others and made him a national hero. He was a man who took real action. He never placed
himself before his compatriots.

C. Answer the following questions intelligently

1. Describe the trial of Rizal

He was accused of being the instigator of the revolution and a traitor to Spain. Despite his claims of innocence,
he was found guilty on all three counts of rebellion, sedition, and conspiracy and given the death penalty.
2. Do you think there was a fair trial conducted by the military tribunal?
3. What were the charges against Rizal whom he considered as baseless accusations?
He pleaded his innocence but he was still convicted on all three charges of rebellion, sedition and conspiracy and
sentenced to death.

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