Word Form - Grade 9 (Old Textbooks - Unit 1-10)

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1. You should pay ________________ to your study to pass the exam. (attend)
2. You should not have your paper _________________ hurriedly, so go over it. (publish)
3. You realize how ______________ incredible the natural environment is. (true)
4. You always remember to switch off all the household….………….….…………. that are not in use. (apply)
5. White walls give a feeling of ……………....………….. ( space )
6. When hearing the alarm, I ……………......… got up and dressed. ( hurry )
7. We’ll ________________ our room with some roses. (beauty)
8. We will make this beach clean and ……………......… again. (beauty)
9. We really had an ………..…....….. day on the beach. ( enjoy )
10. We often take part in many ______________ activities at school. (culture)
11. We need further details but we are ______________ about anything. (inform)
12. We meet ___________________each morning for coffee. (regular)
13. We have many well- _______________________ teachers in our school. (qualify)
14. We had to wait months for the council to approve our plans ….………….….…… the house. (extension)
15. We find advertising on TV very ____________________. (effect)
16. We can save electricity by the ________________of ordinary 100-watt light bulbs with energy-saving bulbs. (replace)
17. We are trying to have a(n) _____________________ world. (pollute)
18. We are talking about the ………….......…… of natural resources. (preserve)
19. We are studying how these two chemicals ___________________ (act)
20. We ………………. go out for dinner but we cook our meal most of the time. ( occasion )
21. Water ______________ should be mitigated by preventing people from littering onto the water. (pollute)
22. Water _________ is increasing this summer. (consume)
23. Vo Thi Sau and Nguyen Thi Minh Khai are …………........…….. who are much loved and respected by their people
for their courage and great qualities. ( hero )
24. Viet Nam is interested in saving __________________ resources (nature)
25. UFOs stand for __________________ Flying Objects. (identify)
26. Traditional ___________________ are a good source of fun and entertainment. (celebrate)
27. Ton works for an ______________ bank in Ho Chi Minh City. (nation)
28. Tom was very excellent. He ______________ answered all the questions. (exact)
29. To keep the air unpolluted, people ought to use ___________ energy to create electricity. (sun)
30. This product is commercially acceptable, but ……………….. inacceptable. ( educate )
31. This athlete has had …………………... achievements. ( admire )
32. They spent all their money and made no ____________ for their future. (provide)
33. They spent a ___________________ weekend at a country hotel. (luxury)
34. They said that UFOs existed only in films for …………………… ( entertain)
35. They enjoy talking to ……………. ..in English. ( foreign )
36. They are studying hard for their coming ______________. (examine)
37. There’s a ______________ of food and shelter in the refugee camps. (short)
38. There's not _______________ enough food for all these people. (near)
39. There were many ____________ at the party. (celebrate)
40. There is something……………………………..on here. ( mystery)
41. There is a …………….. lot near my house. ( park )
42. There is a _______________ faucet in your kitchen. (drip)
43. There have been many ___________________ in the field of electrical engineering. (innovate)
44. There are many people who find Judo ___________________ as means of relaxation in their spare time (enjoy)
45. There are lots of ___________________ at tourist destinations in Ho Chi Minh City. (sight)
46. Their stated aim was to free women from domestic ____________________. (slave)
47. The weather continued to be ….………….….………….. (rain)
48. The Vietnamese welcomed Mr. Barrack Obama ____________ .( joy)
49. The victim was required to……………… the thief. ( identity )
50. The tallest buildings in London are small in __________________ with New York's skyscrapers. (compare)
51. The story about UFOs caught the ………………….. of the whole class. ( imagine)
52. The song seemed _____________ to me, so I turned off the hi-fi system. (interest)
53. The sky was dark and ….………….….………….. (storm)
54. The scheme has been set up to help ….………….….…………. people. (home)
55. The restaurant is ______________ for its Western meals. (fame)
56. The President’s speech was broadcast ___________________ on TV yesterday. (lively)
57. The post-war decline in beer ___________________ was practically halted last year. (CONSUME)
58. The museum has an ______________ computer network that explains basic scientific themes. (act)
59. The motorcyclist was ….………….….…………. on arrival at the hospital. (die)
60. The male bird is easily ____________ from the female.( distinguish)
61. The interview ended ….………….….………….. (abrupt)
62. The government has plans to _____________________ this city. (modern)
63. The film was _______________ for an Academy Award. (nominate)
64. The evening was ……………… spent talking and dancing. ( enjoy )
65. The entrance exam is ___________________ difficult. (increase)
66. The entire organization is funded by ____________ donations. (charity)
67. The design of the map provided a very clear representation of highly complex network of _________ (communicate)
68. The Democratic Republic of Viet Nam came into ……………on September 2nd ,1945. ( exist )
69. The course is suitable for both ______________ and advanced students. (begin)
70. The class will be _____________ into four groups. (division)
71. The building was _________________ damaged by the fire. (extend)
72. The bridge is closed because it’s ….………….….………….. (safety)
73. The bridge collapsed without any ….………….….………….. (warn)
74. The ….………….….…………. of the water was just right for swimming. (temperate)
75. The ……………… have to move away because of a huge storm. ( village )
76. The ___________________ of football returned it from a sport into business. (commerce)
77. The _______________ in employment and wages gives consumers some spending power to absorb the higher cost of
energy. (grow)
78. The ______________ of people use their mobile phone for a wide range of purposes. (major)
79. The ______________ asked her a lot of questions. (examine)
80. That’s great news – give her my ________________________. (congratulate)
81. Some people have very firm __________________ in the appearance UFOs. (believe)
82. Since the world’s energy resources are limited, we must ______________ them. (conservation)
83. She was able to provide a ____________ of the robbery.( describe)
84. She was __________________ that I did badly in the exam. (disappoint)
85. She wants to go abroad, so she studies English very ______________. (good)
86. She used to be forced to work as a ____________ in a rich family. (slavery)
87. She treated them with great ____________ . (generous)
88. She studied ….………….….…………. psychology in college. (behavior)
89. She spent years touring Europe with her ….………….….…………. old camera. (trust)
90. She often behaves very ____________ to us and never allow us to pay for anything. (generous)
91. She likes this machine because it works ____________________. (effect)
92. she left school at sixteen and became a ___________________ (journal)
93. She has many …………………………. projects. ( science)
94. She has just got some ______________ about her family. (inform)
95. She has a kitchen full of electrical_____________________. (apply)
96. She does a lot of work for _____________________. (charitable)
97. She ___________________ refused his invitation. (polite)
98. Scientists have spent years _________________ information about UFOs. (collect)
99. Scientists are looking for an _______________ way reduce energy consumption. (effect)
100. Recently health foods have increased in ___________________ (popular)
101. Pompeii was ___________________ destroyed in AD 79 by a volcanic eruption (complete)
102. Please stand at the ………………… to the museum. I’ll be there in 5 minutes. ( enter )
103. Please don't ask me to make any ….………….….…………. about tomorrow's meeting. (predict)
104. Peter’s opinion wasn’t practical so we were in ………………. with him. ( agree )
105. People who catch fish by ……………… must receive heavy fine. (electric)
106. Our wedding was a joyous ____________. (celebrate)
107. Our friends are very interested in visiting some ………………. resort. ( mountain )
108. Our boys play ________________ today. (disappoint)
109. On Easter Day, people crowd the street to watch ______________ parades. (color)
110. Nowadays ….………….….…………. can give us about the volcanic eruption. (science)
111. My uncle experienced a lot of ……….. things when he was in England. (marvel)
112. My teacher always gives me lots of __________________ to better my knowledge. (courage)
113. My mother was ………… worried when I went home late last night. (extreme)
114. My first ____________ is to pass the 10th grade entrance exam. (prior)
115. My father has a large ………………. of coins. ( collect )
116. My bedroom needs ______________________ for Tet. (beauty)
117. My ………………….card must be renewed. ( identify )
118. Mrs. Brown has ……………… provided a picnic lunch for us. (kind)
119. Most writers are very ……………………………..( imagine)
120. More research is needed to improve the ….………….….…………. value of the tests. (predict)
121. Modern civilization is heavily _________________ on energy. (depend)
122. Mary had no ………………… getting up early in the morning. ( difficult )
123. Many people still refuse to believe that smoking is ____________ (harm)
124. Many people often go _________________ and go ____________________ on their vacation. (sight – picnic)
125. Many chemicals have a ….………….….…………. effect on the environment. (damage)
126. Many accidents are caused by young or ….………….….…………. drivers. (experience)
127. Many _______________ are worried and anxious when they are waiting for the results. (exam)
128. Loose clothing gives you greater freedom of ….………….….………….. (move)
129. Listen to the teacher’s instructions ___________________ or you can make mistakes. (care)
130. Light __________________ will be available at the back of the hall. (refresh)
131. Let me congratulate you on your _________________ as chairman. (nominate)
132. LED TVs are ___________________ enough for ordinary people to buy (cost)
133. Jogging is a very _________________ form of exercise. (energy)
134. Jean cloth was made .………………..from cotton. ( complete )
135. Janet has earned a good ______________ for herself in school. (repute)
136. Jackson appeared two hours ago, then…………….disappeared. (mystery )
137. It’s time-_____________ to play online games. (consume)
138. It would be a ….………….….…………. for me if I lost my job. (disastrous)
139. It wasn't very ____________ of you to drink all the milk.(consider)
140. It was ___________________ that I did badly in the exam. (disappoint)
141. It is believed that they have kept the _________________ family values for years. (tradition)
142. It is an ___________________ fact that the search will go on for another couple of months. (DENY)
143. It is a …………………..fact that fluoride strengthens growing teeth. (prove)
144. Is there too much sex and ___________________ on TV nowadays? (violent)
145. If you are _________________ with the service, just complain it to the manager. (satisfy)
146. If there is sometimes wrong with the light, ask an ________________ to look at it. (electric)
147. If __________________, you should go over the paper. (need)
148. I’m very ________________ because they use electricity to catch fish. (worry)
149. I’m personally ____________ with the new rules in this city. (acquaint)
150. I wonder if this morning is _________________ for you to make a speech at our school. (convenience)
151. I watch the news every day because it’s very ___________________. (inform)
152. I was surprised to find my name on the list of ____________________ . (nominate)
153. I try to keep meat ___________________ from other food in the fridge (separation)
154. I think the careless drivers should be fined ___________________. (heavy)
155. I think ___________________ countries need help from ___________________ ones. (develop)
156. I need only one volume to ___________________ my set of Dicken’s novels (completion)
157. I have _______________ in leaning another foreign language, so I have to practice it every day. (difficult)
158. I had high ….………….….…………. for this book. (expect)
159. I gladly accepted their ……………… to open the festival. ( invite )
160. I ___________________ finished the task on time. (succeed)
161. I _______________ think that the disadvantaged children should be taught free of charge. (person)
162. Hurricanes are one of the most ….………….….…………. powerful forces of nature. (destroy)
163. How can we do to keep the environment ………………?. (pollute)
164. His writings reveal an unattractive ……………………….of style. (precious)
165. His boss told him off because he had behaved _________________. (responsible)
166. Her disappearance has never been ________________explained. ( satisfy)
167. He will ______________ his spoken test next week. (completion)
168. He tried to make his speech more ………………… ( entertain )
169. He treated them ____________ , letting them each work their own way. .(consider)
170. He received ____________ hugs and handshakes from friends and family.( congratulate)
171. He really takes ____________ in his talent for cooking. (proud)
172. He often treated him ____________. (charity)
173. He lost the game because of his ______________ (care)
174. He is learning how to think ….………….….………….. (science)
175. He is an ______________ of this newspaper office. (edit)
176. He is a young teacher, but he is very ______________. (experience)
177. He has _______________ his precious land to make charcoal for profit. (forest)
178. He gradually lost contact with all his old ____________. (acquaint)
179. Have you seen the new ______________ for Double Rich shampoo? (advertise)
180. Green energy is one option that is becoming more and more __________________. (attract)
181. Fuel________________ can be cut down by having fewer cars on the roads. (consume)
182. First prize is five days of ………………. in a top health spa. ( relax )
183. Everyone should take ________________ for proctecting the envionment. (respond)
184. Environmental ___________ is everybody’s responsibility. (protect)
185. English is ___________________ spoken in many countries. (wide)
186. Energy-saving bulbs help ___________________ save money. (consume)
187. Easter is a ______________ holiday for Christians. (religion)
188. Do you have any kind of ………………………….of purchase? ( prove)
189. Do you believe in the................................. of UFOs? (exist)
190. Do ….………….….…………. vegetables have as many vitamins as fresh ones? (can)
191. Deforestation can do _______________ to the envornment. (harmful)
192. Customers made a formal _______________ about the way they were treated. (complain)
193. Companies often spend large sums of money making ___________________ to sell their products. (advertise)
194. Clean water is an absolute __________________________ (necessary)
195. BKAV is a famous ___________________ software or application (virus)
196. Because it snowed ________________, we couldn’t go out yesterday. (heavy)
197. As plastic bags are very hard to dissolve, they will cause …………….. (pollute)
198. Around the year 600, the ….………….….…………. of a nearby volcano buried Ceren's buildings. (erupt)
199. Animals don’t breed well in ……………………………….(capture)
200. Although she was unsuccessful, she felt ____________________. (satisfy)
201. After some ____________________ , we've decided to sell the house.(consider)
202. Accidents are almost a daily ….………….….…………. on this road. (occur)
203. Access to this information is ….………….….…………. restricted. (severe)
204. A ….………….….…………. eruption occurs when hot rocks and lava burst from a volcano. (volcano)
205. ……………..........….have never met aliens during their voyages ( spaceship )
206. ………….......………..flying objects have always attracted scientists. (identity )
207. ……………………………… are interested in protection of environment. (conserve)
208. ….………….….…………. currents make the seas around the islands very rough. (tide)
209. ….………….….…………. are being made for the President’s visit. (prepare)
210. ………………………….., there are no such so-called ghosts. (science)
211. _______________, our environment must be protected (ultimate)
212. __________________, very few people were injured and wounded during the war. (luck)
213. A helmet affords the cyclist some degree of __________________ against injury. (protect)
214. A lot of …………………..crowd the museum everyday. ( sight )
215. A stay in a country will be ___________________ to his health. (benefit)
216. A tidal surge caused severe flooding in ….………….….…………. areas.(coast)
217. A wide ______________ of products is mainly consumed by the young. (vary)
218. __________________, the mummy got up and smiled at the viewers. (sudden)
219. ____________________are concerned about the use of dynamite to catch fish. (environment)
220. _____________________ friendly products should be encouraged to produce. (environment)
221. ____________________ is now a serious problem in Vietnam. (forest)
222. ___________________ is better than cure. (prevent)
223. ___________________ air is one of the many problems we have to solve. (pollute)
224. ________________ children should be sent to school free of charge. (advantage)

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