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Task 2: Organized tours to remote areas and communities are increasingly

popular. Is it a positive or negative development for the local people and the
It is a popular trend to individuals to go on a tour to remote areas and communities
for leisure activities. This trend would create certain benefits but there will also be
some drawbacks.
On the one hand, it is clear that organized tours to remote areas and communities
would bring about several advantages. One evident strength is that it would helps
to improve the standard of living. In the other words, a rise in holiday maker lead
to a creates in employment in many services like accommodation, transport and
entertainment which can help local people enhance their living-standard and make
money. Another reason is that, local people who live in remote areas who out dated
information of knowledge can update the latest news about the world by contact
with vacationer.
On the other hand, there are some obvious disadvantages to the natural
environment that would arise. First, the reason contribute the most impact to the
environment was the disposal facilities, it is more simple and inefficient than the
modern one in the city. Trippers after enjoy cuisine, food or service release their
rubbish directly to the environment. It means that caused significantly influence on
water. Second, a rise in vacationer caused a shortage demand of accommodation
lead to beautiful beaches or forest are spoilt by the building of hotels. Last but not
least, crafting souvenir bought for friends or relatives after the trip also created a
small segment to destroy a forest.
In conclusion, the organized tours to remote areas and communities benefits
enormously from holiday maker . However, the downside would emerge
consequently in term of trash can not be deal in the right way.

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