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507.1 General Provisions Two methods of calculating shear sirongth are presented Tine method presented in Section $07.2 does not utilize the post huckling strength of the member (tension Field action). The method presented in Section 507.3 wiizes tension field action below: The design shear strength.PpVq, and the allowable shear strength, V/My, shall be determined as follows, Por all provisions inthis scction except Section S07.2.1(1) by = 0.90 (LRFD) a, 67 (ASD) 507.2. Members with Unstiffened or Stitfened Webs 07.2.1 Nominal Shear Strength This soetion applies to webs of singly or doubly symmetric niombers ad channels subject o shear in the plane of the web, The nominal shear strength, Vy, of unstitfened or stiffened swebs, according to the limit stares oF sheur yielding andl shear buckling, is Vy = 0.6FAyC, 1, For webs of rolled L-shaped members — vith Wty $2.24 E/E, 1.00 (LRFD) , = 1.50 (ASD) 2. For webs of all ther doubly symmetric su singly symnmetvic shapes and channels, except round HSS, the weh shear coelficient, Cy, is determined 2s follows: a For h/ty $1.10 fk, B/ 1.0 cy (50723) Assovialion of Sicuclural Engine bro 140 feo e/F, eens (502.24) " h/tw For h/ty > 1.37 [ky E/Fy c= bt he Pity Fy where: Aug ~ se overall depth times the web thickness, ty, mm? smined as The web plate buckling cvetticient, Key is det Follows: 4. Forunstifiened webs with A/ty < 260, ky = 5 except forthe stem of tee shapes where Key = 1.2, b. For stitened webs, ky =5+ 8 vee ashy? Swhena/h > 3.0 or af > [202/" when a/h > 3.0 or a/h> [E>] where fa. = clear distance between transverse sifeness, mm Ih ~ foe rolled shapes, he clear dstnee hetween anges es the fillet or come rac, mm = for builup welded sections, the clear di between Mages, wm = for builtup bolted. sections, the disanee between raster Fines, for tees, the overall depth, nen 5072.2 Transverse Stiffeners Transverse sti hh/ty £2.46VE/F, «or where the required shear strength is lens than or el fo the available shear strength poviced in accordance with Section $07.21 for ky = 5. ners are required Trasvene stents usd to develop the available web shear Stents proiced in Seton 5072.1 shall have oma inert about an axis inthe web cei or seer pairs ce fice in eonluc with the web plate Tor angle shih shall noe fess than af, hee shout stiffen sof the Philippines, Ine. (ASEP) at) 2205 (507.26) (ajay 8 8° Transverse silfenes are permitted 19 be kopped short ofthe tension flange, provided bearing is not needed to tsansmit & cconcentrated load oF reaction. The weld hy which transverse sliffeners are attached to the web shall he terminated not less than four times nor more thas six times the web thickiess trom the near toe to the wehstoeflange weld When single stitteners ate used, they shall he attached to the compression flange, if it consists of a rectangular plat to torsion in the Mange. Whe stiffener, or a pair of sti ‘connected to the compeession Mange to transi the tral Mange force, unless the th angles. ‘orresist any uplift tendency due Jovoral racing 36 attached to a ners, these, in tum, Shall he percent of is compossé only af [Bolts connecting stilfeners to the girder web shall be spaoed ‘ol more han 305 mim on center. [Finkemnitent fillet welds ace used, the clear disance between welds shall note more thar Lo times the web thickness nor more than 250 em 507.3 Tension Field Action 507.3.1 Limits om the Use of Tension Field Actin) (Consideration of tension field getion is permitted for flanged members when the web plate is supported on all four sides by flanges Considesation of tension ele action is not permitted for Lend panels in all membei 2. members when aA exeveds 3.0 or [260/(h/t,,)]?5 3 2Aw/(Ape + Aye) > 2.5: 08 4 Alby ov h/by > 6.0 Ag ~ aren of compression flange, mmm? Ag © aren of tension Flange. bye ~ width of compression Mange, mm by, ~ width of tension flange, om Tn these eases, the nominal shear strength, Vy. shall be {termined aceording to the provisions af Section $07.2. CHAPTERS 07.3.2 Nominal Shear Str Actio nth with Tension Field When tension Held aetion is permitted aecarding to Section S07.3.1, the nomial shear stengih, Vy. ith tension field action, accord field yielding, shall be For h/ty = 1.40 ky B/Fy the limit state of tension Ve (5023.0 2 For h/t, > 1.10 fk, BYP, Vp = 0.6F Ay (6, ¢-— ATE ) sw Pit a Key and Cy are a8 defined sn Section SU.2.1. 5073.3. Transverse Stiffeners Transverse stil the requirements ofS Himitauons: subj ction 507.2 to tension field action shill mee and the following 1. (b/Dyy = 0.56 oe Fs 2 aye Pe fo.ss0.ney—c)"" reed] > 0 2 Aye [OADM Cy 18tE (30733) where: (b/t)gy — the wiotickness ratio ofthe stiffener Frys specified minimuen yield stress of the stiffener ” ial, MPa G& = 1 defined in Section 5072.1 D, 1.0 fon stifeners in pais = 1S for single angle stiffeners = 2.4 for single plate stiffeners V, = required sheur strength at the location of the stiffener, N ¢—= available shear strength; GyWy(LRFD) or Viy/, (ASD) wit Vy as define in Section 30732, National Structural Gode of the Philippines Volume I, 7th Eettion, 2015, S074 Single Angles The nominal shear siren se leg shall be dletersined using Equation (50 1.0. Ay be where B= width of the leg resisting the shear force, mm and ky = 1.2 with Cy 507.5. Rectangular HSS and Box Members ‘The nominal shear siength, Vi, of cectangular HSS and box. members shal} he determined using the provisions of Section $07.2.) with Ay = 2h where At for the wid sting dhe shear Force shall be tok netween the flanges less the inside comer radius on each side and ty = and k, = 5. If the comer radius 38 not Known, shall be taken as the corresponding outside dimension minus three tnnes the thickness 507.6 Round TSS, “The nominal shear strength, Vq. of round HSS, uccarding 10 the limit states of shear yielding and shear buekling, is Vy = Fer Ag? (507641) Peep sali be the larger of 1.608 Fu [,/D Ble) (5076-20), and (5076-26), bt shall not exceed 0. 6F ‘Ag = _ #2056 area of seetion based on design wail thickness, eam? D_ = outside digmeter, mm Ly. = the distance trom maximum to-zero shear force, mm t= design wall thickness, equal to 0193. times the hosvinal wall shickness for ERW HSS ané equel to tive nominal thickness for SAW HSS, mm User Note: The shear buckling equations, Equations 507,6-2a and 507.6-2b, will control for D/t over 100, high Strength: steels, and long lengths. If the shear strength for standard sections is desired, shear yielding will usualty control Association of Structural Engin 507.7 Weak sy Shear in Singly and Doubly snyetrie Shapes For singly and doubly symmetrie shares Yoaded in the weak sirength, Vy. for shall be determined “using 07.2,112) with Ay = Byty and axis without torsion, the nominal shea feach shear bq. 507 2-1 and Section 2 suing. clea User Note: Forall ASTM A6 W, 8. and HP shapes, when 45 MPa. C, = 1.0 ns and Girders with Web Openings The effect of all webs openings en the nominsl shear strength of sieet and composite beams shall be determined Adequate reinforcement shall be provided when the required steengsh exceeds the available sirength of the member al the opening ilippines, Inc. (ASEP)

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