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MENTOR : Yeni Suarni, S.Pd.

CHAIRMAN : - Dimas SECRETARY : - Supia


1. Dimas Dwi Ramadani

2. Badai Anggara

3. Supia Mariyana

4. Wahid Aditya

5. Mario Obert S



YEAR 2023


PAGE TITTLE .........................................................................................................i

LIST OF CONTENTS ............................................................................................ii


A. BACKGROUND..................................................................................................1

B. PURPOSE ...........................................................................................................1

C. PROBLEM ..........................................................................................................1


A. LEARNING THEORY.........................................................................................3


A. CONCLUSION....................................................................................................7

B. SUGGESTION.....................................................................................................7



A. Background
We often hear slogans in various places, especially at school, whose contents invite
us to keep the environment clean. Seringkali kita mendengar slogan-slogan di berbagai
tempat terutama di sekolah, yang isinya mengajak kita untuk menjaga kebersihan
However, we didn't care about the slogan earlier, the slogan function was just like a
decoration without any contents, even though the contents of a slogan were very important
to us. Many slogans invite to keep clean, but what is the reality? Students still litter,
besides this students also tear the paper in the classroom and when eating snacks in place
A the wrapper is also placed in place A, even though in these places the trash has been
Of course we don't want our school to be dirty, slum and full of trash. Besides that,
the trash we threw away earlier can also pollute the environment, both in class and outside
the classroom and can also cause our learning atmosphere to be uncomfortable.

B. Purpose
On this topic, we want to build an important role in creating a healthy environment.
Because, if the environment is healthy, all living creatures around us will be able to
breathe well. Especially we as students can receive learning materials well. Because if the
classroom is clean, the air will be cool. And therefore the brain can run its functions and
uses perfectly. The brain can work quickly. If the environment is healthy and clean, brain
can work more than any quick object ever. Because the brain has millions of stimuli that
include and protect the brain so that the brain can work optimally.
At least, by maintaining cleanliness, we have also preserved and maintained and
appreciated our talents in Iptek. Because successful people must come from a healthy and
clean environment. So that he can focus on the learning he receives.

C . Problem
There are several important issues that we must discuss in this paper, including:
1) Environmental cleanliness encourages students' enthusiasm for learning
In every aspect and behavior of students, this can be seen from their daily habits. This is
the case with the classroom environment and even the school environment. If the school
environment and classroom environment, including classrooms, are clean and well-
organized, then the motivation to learn that will arise will encourage friends to be
enthusiastic about participating in learning.
2) Environmental cleanliness is a school advantage
We know that the cleanliness of the school environment also has a big impact and
influence on students, especially the school itself. Because everyone must investigate the
situation and circumstances of the school before becoming a student at that school. So, to
maintain the good name of the school, every mover must maintain cleanliness and comfort
in the school as well as school safety. First of all, for students at SMK N 10 Muaro Jambi.
3) Behavior as a mirror of the school
In every aspect, an individual's behavior influences his future character. In this way,
schools are assessed by the local community by looking at the various characteristics of a
student or a group of students at SMK N 10 Muaro Jambi. This is what is called a
personality mirror. Namely showing the characteristics of a student at SMK N 10 Muaro
4) Cleanliness can facilitate the human brain
We need to know that whether the environment is clean or not has a big impact on the
human brain. Because oxygen in the form of O2 that is inhaled through the lungs mostly
functions to facilitate blood circulation through the human brain nerves. This is what
humans always worry about. So they can keep the environment around them clean.
5) Planting trees is good for the environment
Replanting trees or what is most synonymous with reforestation can affect the amount of
oxygen that humans can breathe. If shady trees are planted in the school environment, then
there will definitely be lots of clean and fresh oxygen. And trees can also reduce pollution
and direct sunlight.


A . Learning Theory
According to Sukmadinata (2004: 167) learning theories originate from theories or schools
of psychology. Broadly speaking, it is known that there are three large families of
psychology, namely: mental discipline theory, behaviorism, and cognitive-gestalt-field.
1. Mental discipline theory
According to this family of psychology, individuals have certain strengths, abilities, or
potentials. Learning is the development of these strengths, abilities and potentials. What is
the process of developing these strengths? Each school or theory expresses a different

2. Behaviorism theory
This family of theories is called behaviorism because it places great emphasis on behavior
or behavior that can be observed. The theories in this family are molecular in nature,
because they view individual life as consisting of elements such as molecules.

3. Cognitive-gestalt-field theory
The third group is cognitive-gestalt-field. If the family of behaviorism is molecular
(emphasizing elements), then this family is molar or whole and integrated. Cognitive
theory, developed by cognitive psychologists, this theory is different from behaviorism, in
that the main thing in human life is knowing and not response.

However, to start all this, we need to first know the principles of system management,
where there are differences in the top-down paradigm and bottom-up paradigm approaches
in various layers. Among them, in the education system, the top-down paradigm approach
is in the form of determining provisions to civilize students, while the bottom-up paradigm
guarantees basic rules and the availability of resources.

Management systems according to the top-down paradigm must be able to provide

operational instructions, while the bottom-up paradigm only provides existing information
and organizes the necessary resources without needing to provide operational instructions.
In the top-down paradigm, the learning system must be able to carry out instructions and
supervise so that everything is in accordance with the instructions
which exists. However, according to the bottom-up paradigm, the learning system must be
able to design in advance the guidelines that will be implemented and manage learning

resources so that they can attract students' interest so that the students' learning experience
is capable.
After understanding the top-down and bottom-up paradigms, a teacher, in using effective
educational media, must have sufficient knowledge and understanding of
educational/teaching media. This knowledge according to Oemar Hamalik (1985: 16), in
Asnawir & Usman (2002: 18):
1. Media as a communication tool to make the teaching and learning process more
2. Media functions as a tool to achieve educational goals,
3. Use of media in the teaching and learning process,
4. The relationship between teaching methods and educational methods,
5. The value and benefits of educational media,
6. Select and use educational media,
7. Know various types of educational media tools and techniques,
8. Know the use of educational media in each subject taught,
9 Carry out innovation efforts in educational media. Because it is an educational medium
It is very important to support the achievement of the goals of education itself.

The environment is a natural phenomenon that exists around us, where there is an
interaction between biotic (living) factors and abiotic (non-living) factors. The
environment provides stimulation (stimulus) for individuals and vice versa, individuals
respond to the environment. In the process of interaction, changes can occur in the
individual in the form of changes in behavior. Oemar Hamalik (2004: 194) in his theory
"Back to Nature" shows how important the influence of nature is on the development of
students. According to Oemar Hamalik (2004: 195) The environment as a basis for
teaching is a conditional factor that influences individual behavior and is an important
learning factor. The environment around us can be used as a learning resource. The
environment includes: The community surrounding the school; The physical environment
around the school, remaining or unused materials and used materials which, when
processed, can be used as resources or aids in learning; and Natural events and events that
occur in society.
So environmental learning media is an understanding of certain symptoms or behavior of
objects or scientific observations of things around them as teaching material for students
before and after receiving material from school by bringing experiences and discoveries
with what they encounter in their environment. By using the environment as a learning
medium, the teacher hopes that students will become more familiar with the environment,
thereby fostering a sense of love for the surrounding environment. Initial steps that can be
taken (Asnawir & Usman, 2002: 109):

1. Plant the school yard with plants and flowers;
2. Bring plants and animals into the classroom;
3. Try to collect grass and leaves (herbarium), insects Try to collect grass and leaves
(herbarium), insects (insectarium), fish and aquatic animals (aquarium);
4. Using rocks and shells, all of this can be used as
lesson resources.

The use of the environment as a learning medium is more meaningful because students are
exposed directly to actual events and situations in a natural way, so that they are more real,
more factual, and the truth can be accounted for. There are many benefits to be gained
from studying the environment in the teaching and learning process (Sudjana & Rivai,
2002: 208):4.
1. Learning activities are more interesting and less boring for students sitting in class for
hours, so students' learning motivation will be higher,
2. The essence of learning will be more meaningful because students are faced directly
with actual or natural situations and conditions,
3. The materials that can be studied are richer and more factual so that the truth is more
4. Learning activities are more comprehensive and more active because they can be done
in various ways such as observing, asking or interviewing, proving or demonstrating,
testing facts,
5. Learning resources become richer because the environment that can be studied can be
diverse, such as the social environment, natural environment, artificial environment, etc.,
and students can understand and appreciate the aspects of life in their environment, so that
they can form a person who is not unfamiliar with the life around him, and can foster a
sense of love for the environment.
Apart from that, to take advantage of the surrounding environment, certain conditions must
be met, including:
 Must be in accordance with the outline of the teaching program,
 Can attract students' attention,
 Live and develop in the midst of society,
 Can develop children's skills in interacting with the environment,
 Closely connected with the student environment, and
 Can develop students' experience and knowledge.

Basically, reporting learning outcomes activities is an activity to communicate and explain
the results of a teacher's assessment of student development. Then information regarding
the results of the assessment process and learning outcomes as well as teaching results,
namely in the form of mastery of predetermined indicators, by students, information on the
results of this assessment can be used as a means to motivate students in learning
achievement, in order to improve the quality of learning. The form of report on the results
of the assessment of learning processes and outcomes includes cognitive, affective and
psychomotor aspects. Haryati (2007: 115)

According to Sudjana (2002: 45) in the teaching and learning process, it is important for
the teacher to know the type of learning outcomes that students are expected to achieve, so
that the teacher can plan or design teaching appropriately and meaningfully. The success of
every teaching and learning process is measured by how far the learning outcomes
achieved by students are, as well as being measured in terms of the process. This means
how many types of learning outcomes the students have. The type of learning outcome
must be visible in the objectives that will be achieved by the teaching and learning process.


A. Conclusion
The conclusion of the survey from our assessment can be said through the survey method
that the school environment is still not clean and can still be said to interfere with learning
concentration Apart from that, there is a lack of awareness among students to maintain the
cleanliness of the school environment. Lots of rubbish around the school really interferes
with student concentration and comfort The causes of the large amount of rubbish being
thrown carelessly by students include:
1. The large number of snacks that create rubbish.
2. Lack of student awareness.
3. Students are lazy about maintaining cleanliness.
4. Lack of regulations.
5. there is no cleaning staff

B . Suggestion
Some suggestions that might be accepted or considered by the school include
1. holding rotating field pickets
2. establishing regulations regarding cleanliness of the school environment
3. building students' awareness to maintain
4. maintaining or adding cleaning facilities


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