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Chemical Plant (Module II) - EHCAY 3C

Test 1 (2nd Opportunity)

Date: 20 September 2016 Marks: 80
Question 1 (45)

1.1 What are the two different ways in which the composition of coal is reported? Give the
components measured and the units of measurement.

1.2 List and discuss the advantages and disadvantages of fluidized bed combustion, in comparison
to pulverised coal combustion?

1.3 What are the principles involved in the combustion of liquid fuels? Name 2 types of liquid fuel

1.4 Explain the principles involved in the combustion of gaseous fuels? Name 2 type of gas burner.

Question 2 (37 marks)

2.1 Complete the statement below to explain the general functions and general design criteria for
steam generating equipment :

Steam generators are designed to _____________________________________. In each case

the goal is to _____________________________________.

2.2 Fuel characteristics are an important variable for both boiler design and the sizing and
configuration of the furnace. Discuss the coal characteristics, which are important.

2.3 Industrial boiler designs are tailored to the fuels and firing systems involved. Discuss the criteria
considered when designing an industrial boiler.

2.4 Explain how a flame tube boiler works and give the advantages and disadvantages of this boiler

2.5 Explain how a Non-condensing Automatic-Extraction-Induction turbine works.

Chemical Plant (Module II) - EHCAY 3C
MEMO Test 1 (2nd Opportunity)
Date: 20 September 2016 Marks: 80
Question 1 (45)

1.1 What are the two different ways in which the composition of coal is reported? Give the components measured and
the units of measurement.
Proximate analyses and Ultimate analyses

 moisture
 volatile matter
 ash
 carbon
 hydrogen
 nitrogen
 sulphur
 oxygen

Weight %

1.2 List and discuss the advantages and disadvantages of fluidized bed combustion, in comparison to pulverised coal
Inherently good heat transfer characteristics
– ensures even temperatures within the combustion chamber
– high flux rates for steam/water cooling circuits
Good gas/solids contacting
– effective sulphur capture (**less SO2 emissions)
– high combustion efficiency at lower temperatures (compared to PC furnaces)
 reduced slagging and fouling
 **lower NOx formation
In situ pollution control, eliminating the need for back-en clean-up and reduced plant capital
cost, while increasing thermal efficiency.
Better fuel flexibility (compared to PC furnaces)
Particulate emissions more difficult to contain (compared to PC furnaces)

1.5 What are the principles involved in the combustion of liquid fuels? Name 2 types of liquid fuel burners.
Oil is typically burned as a suspension of droplets generated by atomizing the fuel.
As the droplets pass from the atomizer into the flame zone, they are heated both by radiation from the
flame and by convection from the hot gasses that surround them, and the lighter fuel components
The vapours mix with the surrounding air and ignite.
Depending on the fuel type, the fuel droplet may be completely vaporized or it may be partially
vaporized, leaving a residual char or coke particle.

High intensity
1.6 Explain the principles involved in the combustion of gaseous fuels? Name 2 type of gas burner.
Combustion of gas takes place in two ways, depending upon when gas and air are mixed.
When gas and air are mixed before ignition, burning proceeds by hydroxylation.
The hydrocarbons and oxygen form hydroxylated compounds that become aldehydes;
the addition of heat and additional oxygen breaks down the aldehydes to H2, CO, CO2 and H2O.
Cracking occurs when oxygen is added to hydrocarbons after they have been heated,
decomposing the hydrocarbons into carbon and hydrogen,
which when combined with sufficient oxygen, form CO2 and H2O.

Pre-mix burners
Nozzle mix burners

Question 2 (37 marks)

2.1 Complete the statement below to explain the general functions and general design criteria for steam generating
equipment :

Steam generators are designed to _____________________________________. In each case the goal is to

Steam generators are designed to produce steam for process requirements (Heating and as a Reagent),
for process needs along with electric power generation or solely for electric power generation. In each
case the goal is to design the most efficient and reliable boiler for the least cost.

2.2 Fuel characteristics are an important variable for both boiler design and the sizing and configuration of the furnace.
Discuss the coal characteristics, which are important.
Ash constituents and quantity of ash in the coal
heat transfer resistance offered by ash deposits in the furnace chamber in a coal fired boiler, the
mean absorbed heat flux is lower than in gas- or oil-fired boilers so a greater surface area must be
High-ash coal may present problems with ignition and stabilization
Coal having low volatile-matter content usually requires higher ignition temperatures or if the
volatile matter is less than 12-14% supplementary fuel may be required to stabilize ignition.
Coal with high moisture content requires higher air temperatures to the mills for drying to achieve
proper pulverisation.
2.3 Industrial boiler designs are tailored to the fuels and firing systems involved. Discuss the criteria considered when
designing an industrial boiler.
 Furnace heat-release rates - establish maximum local absorption rates within safe limits and
have a bearing on completeness of combustion and therefore on efficiency and particulate
 Heat release on grates – Limiting the heat release on grates (stoker firing), minimizes carbon
loss, control smoke and avoid excessive fly ash.
 Flue gas velocities through tube banks – design gas velocities (coal fired), are established to
minimize fouling and plugging of tube banks in high temperature zones and erosion in low
temperature zones.
 Tube spacing – is affected by the amount of ash and characteristics of the ash. (Problem – low
ash-fusion or high ash-fouling tendencies)

2.4 Explain how a flame tube boiler works and give the advantages and disadvantages of this boiler type.
 It has a number of smoke tubes through which heat radiates, heating the water flow through the
body of the boiler
 used where smaller quantities of steam is required (less than 18200kg/h).
 Works at lower pressures,
 portable units are often simpler flame tube units,
 Shop assembled units can be bought, having a cost benefit,
 slower steam generation,
 lower efficiency.

2.5 Explain how a Non-condensing Automatic-Extraction-Induction turbine works.

Steam is extracted from or inducted into one or more stages, with means of controlling the pressure
of the extracted and/or inducted steam, and all steam leaves the turbine exhaust at a pressure equal
to or greater than atmosphere.

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