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Collection of Usage Statistics for the Online Import Check Report

Start the report /SDF/OI_ADMIN in the target or production system. You see the following screen

If UPL is not yet running, click on the button “Control UPL”. This button starts the program
/SDF/UPL_CONTROL in which you can start and stop the Usage and Procedure Logging. Start the Usage
and Procedure Logging if it is not yet running.

Then click on “Collect data”. It schedules a number of background jobs which are running every hour for
a whole week. As a result the table call statistics (ST10) and the statistics from the Usage and Procedure
Logging are captured on an hourly basis and written into database tables. After one week the statistics
should be complete.

For more information on the usage statistics collection, press the info button in report /SDF/OI_ADMIN.


If the system must be restarted during the week in which the data collection is running, then the data
will not be complete. In this case you should cancel all data collection jobs and restart the data
collection. The jobs have the name “Onlineimport”.

You should use a week with typical workload for the system. There should be no holidays within this

If you do not collect usage statistics, then the Online Import Check report can still be used, but you will
only see the average number of table accesses per hour for the last week. You will not see the number of
table accesses and report executions for each hour of the week in which the collection was running.

Maintenance of Critical Objects for the Online Import

You can enter transport objects which are critical for the online import into the table /SDF/OI_CRITOBJ in
the target or production system. This is particularly important for objects with after import methods,
because these objects are not identified automatically as critical by the usage statistics.

The table /SDF/OI_CRITOBJ can be maintained in the target or production system in transaction SM30.
The following objects are already pre-delivered by SAP as critical objects.

• R3TR SF01 *
• R3TR SF02 *

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