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NAMA : Desi Novita Sari

Kelas : II.EA
Mata Kuliah : Bahasa Inggris
Dosen Pengampu : Drs. Yarlisman, M.Pd

GOVERNMENT of Indragiri Hulu Regency moves quickly in handling pandemic corona. To

further maximize steps and efforts, Regent of Indragiri Hulu H Yopi Arianto SE through
Decree number KPTS 270 / IV / 2020 dated 16 April 2020 concerning Amendment to Decree
of Regent of Indragiri Hulu number KPTS 183 / III / 2020 concerning Determination of Non-
Natural Disaster Emergency Preparedness Status As a result of Corona Virus, establishing an
emergency alert status is valid for 44 days from April 16, 2020 to May 29, 2020.

Through the Task Force Acceleration Handling Team Covid-19 Inhu has prepared funds of
Rp. 90.2 billion. The funds are alerted to the worst case scenario or estimate of the impact of
the corona virus pandemic as a cause of Covid-19 disease. The budget has also been reported
to the Ministry of Home Affairs as a form of reporting on regional budget readiness in
handling the corona virus pandemic.
Regent H Yopi Arianto SE said, since the corona pandemic broke out including in Indonesia,
the Government of Indragiri Hulu Regency made efforts especially in preventing the Inhu
community from becoming infected with the corona virus. Until now, the latest update
released by the task force team from the Health Service has not been any community in Inhu
who is positive about corona. Inhu is also still an area that has zero patient numbers under
surveillance (PDP). While the number of people in monitoring has continued to decline to
around 40 people.

‘’ We need to continue to work together, the task force team consisting of all elements, local
government, DPRD, Polres, Kodim, District Court, District Attorney, community
organizations and all components must jointly overcome the corona pandemic. God willing,
Inhu can be free from this corona, '' said Yopi.
However, as an anticipation step with the worst-case scenario, a budget of Rp. 90.2 billion
has been prepared which is distributed to various work units and task force teams. The figure
is the second stage of calculation funds after the previous calculation of Rp5.2 billion.
Deputy Regent of Khairizal said, the figure of Rp5.2 billion was a budget figure that had
previously existed in the Department of Health and Regional Hospital. But because there is a
corona pandemic, the funds are allocated for handling corona.
‘’ That does not mean that the funds have been used up, then we add more to Rp90.2 billion.
Not like that. The funds are still there, even we still use little, to buy health equipment and so
on. The budget is the initial stages when we focus on handling health. Then it developed there
were instructions from the president, from the Minister of Health, Minister of Social Affairs
and so on for overcoming this impact, '' said Khairizal.
He continued, the president said that the government should focus on activities for health,
social safety nets, and stimuli for micro, small and medium businesses. The team thinks and
presupposes the toughest conditions, the worst possibility so the team needs to set up
hospitals, puskesmas, rooms, medical personnel who handle and so on. ‘’ We have now
prepared a room in RSUD if there are patients who must be treated with incentives for the
medical. The incentive was also given to the paramedics who did deal with Covid-19
patients, '' said Khairizal.
Khairizal said that the budget was proportional to the record for the worst conditions. He
gave an example, for personal protective equipment (PPE) that must be used by paramedics.
In a calculation, if there were 2-3 positive corona patients, they would need at least 45 sets of
PPE per day. ‘’ If that happens for example within a period of 3 months, it means that our
estimate requires PPE of 45 x 90 sets. Because PPE is the standard for one time use, it must
be changed, '' he said.
Then the social safety network, if in Inhu there is a PSBB (large-scale social restrictions),
many people will be affected. For example those who earn daily. Wanted to be used that
same day. The government must also bear the burden.

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