Bright 11 - Cuối kỳ 2 - 2025 format - Test 1

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Tiếng Anh 11 Bright 2025 Format Biên soạn bởi Nguyễn Thị Lương


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Mark the letter A, B, C or D on your answer sheet to indicate the word whose underlined part
differs from the other three in pronunciation in each of the following questions.
1. A. control B. portion C. conduct D. custom
2. A. depression B. shelter C. strengthen D. obesity
Mark the letter A, B, C or D on your answer sheet to indicate the word that differs from the other
three in the position of the main stress in each of the following questions.
3. A. pollution B. poverty C. remedy D. mineral
4. A. economy B. delivery C. malaria D. argument
Mark the letter A, B, C or D on your answer sheet to indicate the correct answer to each of the
following sentences.
5. Students _____ complete their assignments before the deadline.
A. might B. had to C. can D. must
6. Tony is the smartest boy _____ difficult questions easily.
A. answers B. to answer C. answering D. to answering
7. She's looking forward to _____ her family during the holidays.
A. see B. saw C. seeing D. sees
8. She's been feeling sick all day. I think she _____ stay home tomorrow.
A. is going to B. will C. has D. were
9. Nobody has seen him since yesterday, _____?
A. does he B. haven't they C. do they D. have they
Read the following advertisement/ school announcement and mark the letter A, B, C, or D on
your answer sheet to indicate the correct option that best fits each of the numbered blanks from
10 to 15.


Grade 11 Students!
Ready (10) ___________ your community? Join our public service program! Develop essential
skills and contribute to the welfare of your fellow citizens. No qualifications needed. Your
community needs you!
Take the first step towards (11) ________________a public helper today! Visit our center or
contact us for (12) ______________ information.
Contact Information:
 Email:
 Address: 123 Main Street, Cityville, USA

10. A. assisted B. assisting C. assists D. to assist

11. A. became B. becoming C. to become D. becomes

Tiếng Anh 11 Bright 2025 Format Biên soạn bởi Nguyễn Thị Lương
12. A. many B. some C. more D. little

Exciting news!
 Join our Sport Club and promote health and fitness at school.
 Engage (13) ____________sports events, fitness challenges, and educational sessions on
(14) ___________ and exercise.
Together, let's build a healthier school community. Your participation is vital!
Visit the school office or sign up now by (15) _________ us at

13. A. in B. at C. with D. under

14. A. nutritious B. nutritionists C. nutritional D. nutrition
15. A. to email B. emailing C. emails D. emailed
Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the correct arrangement of the
sentences to make a meaningful paragraph in each of the following questions.
Question 16:
a. Also, make sure to drink plenty of water and avoid sugary drinks.
b. Hope you're all doing well! I just wanted to share some tips on staying healthy with you.
c. Lastly, it's important to sleep around 8 hours each night. Take care of yourselves!
d. Firstly, try to eat lots of fruits and veggies every day, they're super good for you!
e. Moreover, getting active is important too - even a short walk or some fun dancing counts!
A. a-e-b-d-c B. e-d-b-e-a C. b-d-c-e-a D. b-d-a-e-c
Question 17:
a. For instance, people might use virtual reality for work and play, making life more fun and
b. In addition, buildings might be made from eco-friendly materials to help the environment.
c. In conclusion, future cities could be fantastic places to live, but we need to plan carefully to
make them sustainable and enjoyable for everyone.
d. Future cities are full of exciting possibilities. To begin with, they will likely have amazing
technology, like self-driving cars.
e. Secondly, future cities could have lots of green spaces, like parks and gardens, to keep the air
clean and fresh.
f. However, we must also think about problems like traffic and pollution.
A. f-a-e-b-d-c B. d-a-e-b-f-c C. b-f-d-c-e-a D. d-b-a-e-c-f
Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the correct option that best fits
each of the numbered blanks 18 to 23.
In the future, education will play a crucial role in shaping society. People are going to need
more skills to do jobs (18)____________. Schools are going to be more interactive with students
(19)___________. Teachers will use innovative methods to engage students, such as incorporating
technology into lessons. Students will have to adapt to new ways of learning, like using computers
Tiếng Anh 11 Bright 2025 Format Biên soạn bởi Nguyễn Thị Lương
and online resources. They will also be encouraged to work collaboratively in groups, learning from
one another's experiences. In addition, students will have (20) ____________their own learning,
setting goals and tracking their progress.
Teachers (21) ___________and supportive, guiding students through their educational journey.
Furthermore, schools will have to provide equal opportunities for all students, regardless of their
background or abilities. By fostering a supportive and inclusive learning environment,
(22)___________the challenges of the future.
In conclusion, education will continue to evolve to meet the needs of society. Through
collaboration, innovation, and adaptability, schools will empower students to (23)__________in an
ever-changing world.

18. A. because technology has changing so fast

B. because technology was changing so fast
C. because technology is changing so fast
D. because technology change so fast
19. A. participated in hands-on activities and projects
B. participates in hands-on activities and projects
C. who participating in hands-on activities and projects
D. participating in hands-on activities and projects
20. A. take responsibility of
B. to take responsibility for
C. taken responsibility of
D. takes responsibility for
21. A. be must patient
B. must is patient
C. must be patience
D. must be patient
22. A. schools will prepare students for
B. schools will preparing students of
C. schools will be prepared students for
D. schools prepared students of
23. A. successful
B. success
C. succeed
D. successfully
Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the correct option that best fits
each of the numbered blanks from 24 to 28.
A part-time job is generally considered to be employment that is less than 40 hours of work
per week. Some employers consider between 32 and 40 hours of work per week to be full-time, (24)
____ part-time jobs are usually classified as anything less than 40 hours.
Working on a part-time schedule has many perks and provides the optimal flexibility needed
by some individuals. For example, parents (25) ____ young children, students, and people who have
out-of-work responsibilities often find that part-time work is their only option. Others work in part-
time jobs because they are (26) ____ to find full-time positions - and working part-time is better for
them than not working at all. In some situations, part-time employees can earn as much as full-time
Tiếng Anh 11 Bright 2025 Format Biên soạn bởi Nguyễn Thị Lương
employees on an hourly basis, but most employers do not offer (27) ____ such as health insurance,
vacation time, and paid holidays to their part-time employees.
There are many pros and cons to working part-time and there are also several specific
industries that are known to have many part-time positions available. You should (28) ____ the
factors before deciding if a part-time or a full-time position will work better for your specific
Question 24: A. because B. since C. furthermore D. but
Question 25: A. with B. without C. for D. among
Question 26: A. impossible B. powerless C. unable D. incapable
Question 27: A. profits B. benefits C. earnings D. takings
Question 28: A. think B. consider C. regard D. believe
Read the following passages and mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate
the correct answer to each of the questions from 29 to 33.
Long life expectancy can be attributed to a person’s diet - a healthy, balanced diet has been
proven to improve longevity. Experts recommend eating at least five portions of a variety of fruit
and vegetables every day, basing meals on higher starchy foods like potatoes, bread and rice, having
some dairy or dairy alternatives, eating some protein, choosing unsaturated oils and spreads, and
drinking plenty of fluids.
But new research, published this week, has found the times of day a person eats holding the
most benefits. Dr Mark Mattson, a professor of neuroscience at John Hopkins University School of
Medicine, in the US, has said “intermittent fasting could be part of a healthy lifestyle.” Intermittent
fasting diets usually involve daily time-restricted feeding, which narrows eating times to six to eight
hours per day and so-called 5:2 intermittent fasting, in which people limit themselves to one
moderate-sized meal two days each week.
A range of human and animal studies have shown that alternating between times of fasting
and eating supports cellular health, probably by triggering an age-old adaptation to periods of food
scarcity called metabolic switching. Such a switch occurs when cells use up their stores of rapidly
accessible, sugar-based fuel, and begin converting fat into energy in a slower metabolic process. Dr
Mattson says studies have shown that this switch improves blood sugar regulation, increases
resistance to stress and suppresses inflammation. Because most Americans eat three meals plus
snacks each day, they do not experience the switch, or the suggested benefits. In an article in the
New England Journal of Medicine, Dr Mattson said four studies in both animals and people found
intermittent fasting also decreased blood pressure, blood lipid levels and resting heart rates.
Question 29: Which best serves as the title for the passage?
A. The best diet to increase life expectancy. B. Beverage proven to increase life
C. Ageing populations invest in their health. D. The perfect longevity recipe does not
Question 30: The word “attributed” in paragraph 1 is closest in meaning to ________.
A. appointed B. endorsed C. licensed D. ascribed
Question 31: According to paragraph 2, what does intermittent fasting involve?
A. It involves weekly abandonment of all intake of sugar.
B. It involves a month-long abstinence from alcoholic drinks.
C. It involves alternating periods of restriction and normal eating.
D. It involves elimination of all kinds of meat and animal products.
Tiếng Anh 11 Bright 2025 Format Biên soạn bởi Nguyễn Thị Lương
Question 32: The word “they” in paragraph 3 refers to _______.
A. snacks B. Americans C. studies D. meals
Question 33: According to paragraph 3, how can practicing intermittent fasting benefit a person’s
A. Though the effect of our metabolism syncing with circadian rhythm.
B. Through metabolic switch from ready sources to fat storage.
C. Through the physiological responses of major organ systems.
D. Through the enzymes responsible for breaking down food in our guts.
Read the following passages and mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate
the correct answer to each of the questions from 34 to 40.
Hardly a week goes by without some advance in technology that would have seemed
incredible 50 years ago. And we can expect the rate of change to accelerate rather than slow down
within our lifetime. The developments in technology are bound to have a dramatic effect on the
future of work. By 2010, new technology will have revolutionized communications. People will be
transmitting messages down telephone lines that previously would have been sent by post. Not only
postmen but also clerks and secretaries will vanish in a paper-free society. All the routine tasks they
perform. will be carried on a tiny silicon chip so that they will be as obsolete as the horse and cart
after the invention of the motor car. one change will make thousands, if not millions, redundant.
Even people in traditional professions, where expert knowledge has been the key, are
unlikely to escape the effects of new technology. Instead of going to a solicitor, you might go to a
computer which is programmed with all the most up-to-date legal information. Doctors, too, will
find that an electronic competitor will be able to carry out a much quicker and more accurate
diagnosis and recommend more efficient courses of treatment. In education, teachers will be largely
replaced by teaching machines far more knowledgeable than any human being. Most learning will
take place in the home via video conferencing. Children will still go to school though, until another
place is created where they can make friends and develop social skills.
What can we do to avoid the threat of unemployment? We shouldn’t hide our heads in the
sand. Unions will try to stop change but they will be fighting a losing battle. People should get
computer literate as this just might save them from professional extinction. After all, there will be a
few jobs left in law, education and medicine for those few individuals who are capable of writing
and programming the software of the future. Strangely enough, there will still be jobs like rubbish
collection and cleaning as it is tough to programme tasks which are largely unpredictable.
Question 34: According to the writer, the rate of change in technology______.
A. will remain the same B. will slow down
C. will speed up D. cannot be predicted
Question 35: The word “obsolete” in the first paragraph is closet in meaning to ______.
A. out of date B. out of work C. out of order D. out of practice
Question 36: From the passage, we can infer that ______.
A. professionals won’t be affected by new technology
B. doctors won’t be as efficient as computers in the future
C. computers cannot replace lawyers in the future
D. experts will know less in the future
Question 37: Which is NOT one of the writer’s predictions?
Tiếng Anh 11 Bright 2025 Format Biên soạn bởi Nguyễn Thị Lương
A. Professionals won’t escape change.
B. Children will probably not be taught in schools.
C. Professionals will know less than today.
D. Computers could make fairer judgments.
Question 38: According to the passage, in the future children ______.
A. won’t be taught in schools B. will learn more than at present
C. won’t have contact with teachers D. will still learn life skills at schools.
Question 39: According to the writer of the passage, people should right now ______.
A. join a union B. become cleaners
C. change their jobs D. prepare for the future
Question 40: The phrase “hide our heads in the sand” in the passage probably means ______.
A. take care of our heads B. ignore an unpleasant situation and wait
C. look ahead and get ready D. refuse to fight a battle with others

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