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Edu Blin
999 O’Connell Street – Dublin 1 – Dublin
+353 87 292 1109

Your summary should be no more than 3/4 lines. It should highlight relevant experience, skills and achievements.
Use the C.A.R format to help. Also, make sure to tailor your summary for each job you are targeting.


E-Dublin Inc.
Dublin, Ireland
Social Media Manager / SEO Specialist
February 2020 – Present

 Manage strategy, optimization, and growth for a portfolio of ~20 Fortune 500 companies and top tier agencies
 Exceeded annual account growth quota by 457% (#1 in my department), responsible for 80% of department-
wide upselling in Q4 of 2014
 Received annual SHAMROCK award for upholding core company values
 Acted as a technical resource for our sales team. Day-to-day efforts include generating and managing
agency/publisher partnerships as well as creating and pitching customized strategic solutions aimed at
maximizing net revenue for our clients. Some examples include:
o A partnership with leveraging display advertising to drive users to a gamified experience. The goal
was to drive acquisitions into an F500 client’s CRM database as a pilot program for our platform. The
campaign resulted in over 30,00 acquisitions and laid the groundwork for the 2nd largest deal in
company history
o A partnership with a top tier agency aimed at increasing conversions for a client by improving user
experience and upgrading tracking during a company-wide website overhaul (the client has ~20 brand
sites). Our efforts over 6 months resulted in a contract extension worth 316% more than their original
 Spearheaded the creation of an internal group dedicated to SEO, usability, and lead generation. We increased
traffic by 30% and conversions by 117% over a 3 months period with a limited budget
 Led a series of company-wide trainings on search engine optimization and Google Analytics

Digital Marketing Consultant

São Paulo, Brazil
Madness Generation & Digital Coffee Barista
May 2017 – December 2019
 Generated my own coffee beans through a specific framework that included cold brewing, free competitive scent
smelling, and projections of lead bean costs
 Most recently, leveraged AdWords to sell every listing on a private community’s website all for less than the
realtor’s commission on one listing (including ad spend).
 Services include delightfulness hot chocs, SEC (Sales, Entertainment & Coffee), flower design on top of the
coffee, and conversion optimization

EduPro Certified Individual

January 2014

Machinery Assembly Certified

December 2014

General Assembly
October 2014 - December 2014
Front End Web Development

DCU University
Dublin, Ireland
Bachelor of Science and Entrepreneurship
Jun 2014 - Jul 2018


Solo traveling (visited over 150 countries), E-Dublin’s Podcasts (self-improvement passionate) and running
(completed 8 marathons and six 10K charity runs)

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