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Social Work and Social Development

Course Code : MSW-004
Total marks : 100
Note: (i) Answer all the five questions.
(ii) All questions carry equal marks.
(iii) Answers to question no. 1 and 2 should not exceed 600 words each.

1) Highlight the impact of globalization in the Indian context. 20

Discuss the critiques of sustainable development. 20

2) Explain the linkages of social work with three generations of human rights. 20
Critically analyse the provisions of juvenile justice system. 20

3) Answer any two of the following questions in about 300 words each:

a) Briefly explain any two models of migration. 10

b) Highlight some of the key issues of the human development report. 10
c) Enlist the key features of the fundamental rights enshrined in our constitution. 10
d) Critically appraise the law of dowry. 10

4) Answer any four of the following questions in about 150 words each:

a) Enlist the features of urban society. 5

b) Explain any one critique of Industrialisation. . 5
c) Distinguish between WID and GAD? 5
d) What is demographic transition theory 5
e) Explain the criminal procedure in India 5
f) Discuss the preventive measures of sexual harrasment at work place 5

5) Write short notes on any five of the following questions in about 100 words each:

a) Urbanisation 4
b) Work Participation Rate 4
c) Liptons's theory 4
d) Malthusian View 4
e) Pareto Optimality 4
f) Writs 4
g) Advocacy 4
h) Social Activism 4

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MSW-04 Social Work and Social Development

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--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -------------------------------------

1) Highlight the impact of globalization in the Indian context.

The impact of globalization on India has been profound and multifaceted,

touching various aspects of its economy, society, culture, and politics. India's

50 NT
journey from a closed economy to a globalized one, particularly since the early
1990s, has brought both opportunities and challenges. Here, we highlight some of

80 E
the key impacts of globalization in the Indian context: 26 NM
Economic Growth and Development: Globalization has accelerated economic
growth in India. The liberalization of the Indian economy, marked by reduced
91 IG

trade barriers and increased foreign investment, has led to higher GDP growth
rates. India has become one of the world's fastest-growing major economies,
98 S

attracting foreign direct investment (FDI) across various sectors.


Information Technology and Outsourcing: The IT and software services sector

has been a notable beneficiary of globalization. India is known as the "IT

outsourcing hub of the world," with its skilled workforce providing cost-effective

and high-quality services to global corporations. This has created jobs and boosted

India's reputation as a technological powerhouse.


Employment Opportunities: Globalization has led to the growth of industries such

as manufacturing, services, and telecommunications. As a result, India has seen an
expansion in job opportunities, especially in urban areas. However, there is also a
growing concern about the quality of jobs, as many are informal and lack job

Trade and Export Growth: India's exports have expanded significantly due to
globalization. The country has benefited from access to international markets, and

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its merchandise exports include textiles, pharmaceuticals, and engineering goods.

However, India's trade balance has been a subject of concern, with imports often
exceeding exports.

Urbanization and Infrastructure Development: The growth of cities and

urbanization has been a prominent feature of globalization in India. Urban centers
have seen significant investments in infrastructure, including transportation,
housing, and information technology, although challenges such as inadequate

urban planning persist.

Cultural Exchange and Influence: Globalization has facilitated cultural exchange
and the spread of Indian culture worldwide. Bollywood films, Indian cuisine, yoga,

50 NT
and traditional clothing have gained international popularity. However, concerns
about cultural homogenization and the loss of cultural diversity are also raised.

80 E
Education and Skill Development: Globalization has opened doors for Indian
26 NM
students to study abroad, contributing to a global pool of highly skilled Indian
professionals. Indian institutions have also benefited from international
91 IG

collaborations, enhancing the quality of education and research.

98 S

Foreign Policy and Geopolitical Considerations: Globalization has influenced

India's foreign policy and international relations. India seeks to strengthen

economic and political ties with major global players, including the United States,
the European Union, and neighboring countries. It has become an active

participant in international organizations and forums.


Inequality and Social Disparities: While globalization has brought prosperity to


many, it has also exacerbated income inequality in India. The benefits have not

been evenly distributed, and marginalized communities in rural areas often do not
have access to the advantages of globalization. This has led to social disparities
and tensions.

Environmental Challenges: Globalization has contributed to environmental

challenges in India. Increased industrialization and consumption have put pressure
on natural resources, leading to pollution, deforestation, and climate change
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Healthcare and Public Health: The globalization of healthcare has improved

access to medical advancements and treatments in India. However, it has also
raised concerns about the affordability and accessibility of healthcare for all
segments of the population.

In conclusion, globalization has significantly impacted India's economic, social,

cultural, and political landscape. While it has brought economic growth,
technological advancement, and cultural exchange, it has also posed challenges,

including inequality, environmental degradation, and cultural homogenization.
The Indian government and society must continue to navigate this complex

landscape to maximize the benefits of globalization while addressing its
downsides to ensure inclusive and sustainable development.

50 NT
80 E
2) Explain the linkages of social work with three generations of human rights.
26 NM
Social work is closely intertwined with the evolution of human rights and has
played a crucial role in advancing and advocating for these rights over the years.
91 IG

The linkages between social work and three generations of human rights can be
98 S

understood as follows:

First Generation: Civil and Political Rights The first generation of human rights,
often referred to as civil and political rights, encompasses the rights to life, liberty,

and security of the person. Social work's link to these rights is evident in several


 Social Justice Advocacy: Social workers have historically been advocates for

the rights of marginalized and vulnerable populations. They work to ensure

that individuals have equal access to justice and are protected from
discrimination, arbitrary arrest, and other violations of their civil and
political rights.

 Legal Aid and Assistance: Social workers often provide legal support and
assistance to individuals who cannot afford legal representation. This

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ensures that people have access to due process and can defend their civil
and political rights in legal proceedings.

 Victim Support and Advocacy: In cases of human rights abuses, social

workers provide support to victims and survivors. They help them navigate
the legal system, access services, and cope with the trauma associated with
civil and political rights violations.

 Community Education: Social workers engage in community education and

awareness campaigns to inform people about their civil and political rights.

They empower individuals to exercise their rights and participate in
democratic processes.

50 NT
Second Generation: Economic, Social, and Cultural Rights The second generation
of human rights includes economic, social, and cultural rights, such as the right to

80 E
education, health, work, and social security. Social work is deeply connected to
26 NM
these rights in the following ways:

 Social Services and Welfare: Social workers are instrumental in the

91 IG

provision of social services and welfare programs that address economic

98 S

and social rights. They work to ensure that individuals have access to

education, healthcare, housing, and social safety nets.

 Poverty Alleviation: Poverty is a major barrier to the enjoyment of


economic and social rights. Social workers are often at the forefront of

poverty alleviation efforts, working to improve living conditions and


economic opportunities for disadvantaged populations.


 Education and Skill Development: Social workers engage in educational and

skill development programs to empower individuals to access better
employment opportunities and achieve economic self-sufficiency.

 Advocacy for Healthcare Access: Social workers advocate for equitable

access to healthcare services and support individuals in navigating
healthcare systems to ensure their right to health is upheld.

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 Housing and Homelessness: Addressing homelessness and advocating for

adequate housing are key concerns for social workers in their efforts to
protect economic, social, and cultural rights.

Third Generation: Collective Rights The third generation of human rights includes
collective rights, such as the right to self-determination, a healthy environment,
and peace. Social work intersects with these rights through:

 Community Development: Social workers engage in community

development projects that empower communities to advocate for their

collective rights. They support efforts to protect the environment, preserve
cultural heritage, and promote peace and reconciliation.

50 NT
 Conflict Resolution and Peacebuilding: Social workers play roles in conflict
resolution and peacebuilding initiatives, working to address the underlying

80 E
social and economic factors contributing to conflicts that violate collective
26 NM

 Environmental Justice: Advocating for environmental justice and

91 IG

sustainable practices is a growing area of social work. Social workers work

98 S

to ensure that communities have clean air, water, and a safe environment in

line with their collective rights.

 Indigenous Rights: Social workers often collaborate with indigenous


communities to uphold their rights to self-determination, cultural


preservation, and land sovereignty.


In summary, social work is intricately connected to the three generations of


human rights, as it involves advocacy, support, and empowerment efforts that

directly impact the realization of these rights. Social workers are on the front lines,
working with individuals, communities, and societies to ensure that civil, political,
economic, social, cultural, and collective rights are protected, promoted, and
respected for all. They are instrumental in advancing the cause of human rights

3) Answer any two of the following questions in about 300 words each:

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a) Briefly explain any two models of migration.

Models of Migration:

Migration models help us understand the factors and patterns associated with the
movement of people from one place to another. Here are brief explanations of
two migration models:

1. Push-Pull Model: The Push-Pull model, also known as the Push-Pull theory, is a

classic explanation of migration that considers the forces pushing people away
from their origin (push factors) and those pulling them toward a destination (pull


50 NT
 Push Factors: These are conditions in the home country that make people
want to leave. Common push factors include economic hardship, political

80 E
instability, conflict, environmental disasters, lack of job opportunities, and
26 NM
persecution. These factors create the impetus for individuals or families to
seek better prospects elsewhere.
91 IG

 Pull Factors: Pull factors, on the other hand, are conditions in the
destination country that attract migrants. These factors often include better
98 S

economic opportunities, higher wages, improved living conditions, political


stability, safety, and access to education and healthcare. The promise of a

higher quality of life motivates individuals to move to these destinations.

2. Lee's Model of Migration: Ravenstein's Laws of Migration, proposed by Ernst


Ravenstein in the late 19th century, were foundational to understanding


migration. One of the contemporary adaptations of his work is the model by


Everett Lee, which adds depth to our understanding of migration motivations.

 Intervening Obstacles: Lee's model emphasizes the presence of intervening

obstacles or factors that may disrupt the migration flow between the origin
and destination. These obstacles can be physical (geographical barriers),
financial (lack of resources for migration), or legal (immigration policies).
Migrants must overcome these obstacles to reach their intended

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 Personal Factors: Lee also incorporates personal factors into the migration
decision-making process. These factors include individual characteristics
such as age, gender, education, skills, and family ties. Personal factors
influence the decision to migrate and the choice of destination.

 Intervening Opportunities: Lee introduces the concept of intervening

opportunities, which refers to places that offer attractive alternatives to the
original destination. Migrants may change their plans and settle in these

intermediate locations if they find better opportunities or face difficulties
reaching their initial destination.

 Cumulative Causation: Lee's model acknowledges the cumulative causation

50 NT
of migration. As migrants move to a new destination, they may contribute
to economic growth and development in that area. This, in turn, attracts

80 E
more migrants, creating a cycle of migration and development.
26 NM
In summary, these models provide insights into the complex dynamics of
migration, considering both the factors that drive people to leave their home
91 IG

countries and the factors that attract them to new destinations. Migration is
influenced by a web of interconnected economic, social, political, and individual
98 S

factors, and these models help us make sense of these intricacies.


b) Highlight some of the key issues of the human development report


The Human Development Report (HDR), published annually by the United Nations

Development Programme (UNDP), examines human development issues and


provides insights into global development trends. Some of the key issues
highlighted in the HDR include:

Inequality: The HDR consistently underscores the growing global income and
wealth inequality. It examines how disparities in income, education, healthcare,
and opportunities hinder human development and impede progress toward
achieving the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).

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Poverty: The report addresses the multidimensional nature of poverty,

emphasizing that poverty is not merely about income but also about access to
basic services, opportunities, and rights. It highlights the need for targeted policies
to reduce poverty and promote inclusive development.

Gender Inequality: Gender inequality remains a critical concern. The HDR

assesses gender disparities in areas such as education, employment, political
participation, and access to healthcare. It advocates for gender-sensitive policies

and initiatives to empower women and promote gender equality.

Environmental Sustainability: The HDR acknowledges the urgent need to address
environmental challenges, including climate change and environmental

50 NT
degradation. It emphasizes the interlinkages between environmental sustainability
and human development, advocating for sustainable development practices.

80 E
Education: The report assesses the quality and accessibility of education globally.
26 NM
It highlights the importance of education in improving human development
outcomes and calls for equitable access to quality education for all.
91 IG

Health and Healthcare: Health is a central component of human development.

98 S

The HDR examines healthcare access, disease burden, and healthcare systems'
effectiveness. It advocates for universal healthcare coverage and improved health


Migration and Displacement: The HDR addresses migration and displacement


issues, including the challenges faced by migrants, refugees, and internally

displaced persons. It emphasizes the need for policies that protect the rights and

well-being of vulnerable populations on the move.


Technology and Innovation: The report explores the role of technology and
innovation in human development. It assesses how technological advancements
can enhance access to information, economic opportunities, and social

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Governance and Political Participation: The HDR analyzes the role of governance,
political participation, and institutions in fostering human development. It
advocates for transparent, inclusive, and accountable governance systems.

Global Partnerships: The report underscores the importance of global

cooperation and partnerships to address complex global challenges. It emphasizes
the need for international collaboration to achieve the SDGs and advance human
development worldwide.

In essence, the Human Development Report serves as a comprehensive resource

for policymakers, researchers, and advocates, shedding light on critical issues that
impact human development and offering insights into strategies for achieving a

50 NT
more equitable, sustainable, and prosperous world.

4) Answer any four of the following questions in about 150 words each:

80 E
26 NM
a) Enlist the features of urban society.

Features of Urban Society:

91 IG

Urban society is characterized by various distinctive features that distinguish it

98 S

from rural or agrarian society. Some of these features include:


 Population Density: Urban areas have a significantly higher population

density compared to rural areas. This high concentration of people often

leads to crowded living conditions.


 Diversity: Urban society is typically more diverse in terms of culture,


ethnicity, religion, and socioeconomic backgrounds. Cities attract people


from various regions and backgrounds, leading to cultural pluralism.

 Industrialization and Economic Activities: Urban areas are hubs of

economic activity and industrialization. They house factories, businesses,
and service industries, contributing significantly to a nation's economy.

 Infrastructure and Services: Urban areas tend to have better infrastructure

and access to essential services such as healthcare, education,

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transportation, and utilities. This attracts people seeking improved


 Specialization of Labor: Urban society encourages specialization of labor,

with individuals pursuing specific professions and careers. This diversity of
occupations leads to a complex division of labor.

 Technological Advancement: Urban areas often adopt and adapt to new

technologies more quickly than rural areas. This technological

advancement drives economic growth and innovation.

 Social Mobility: Cities provide greater opportunities for social mobility.

50 NT
People migrate to urban areas in search of better education, employment,
and upward mobility.

80 E
 Social Heterogeneity: Urban societies are characterized by social
26 NM
heterogeneity, where people from different backgrounds coexist. This
diversity can lead to both social integration and conflicts.
91 IG

 Access to Education: Urban areas tend to have better access to

educational institutions, including universities, colleges, and specialized
98 S

training centers. This facilitates higher levels of education and


professional development.

 Cultural and Recreational Activities: Cities offer a wide range of cultural


and recreational activities, such as theaters, museums, sports events, and


entertainment venues, contributing to a vibrant cultural scene.


b) Explain any one critique of Industrialisation. .

One of the most significant critiques of industrialization is based on the concept of

alienation, which was prominently developed by Karl Marx and Friedrich Engels.
Alienation theory argues that industrialization and capitalist modes of production
can lead to the alienation of workers from various aspects of their lives. Here's an
explanation of this critique:

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1. Alienation from Work: In industrialized and capitalist settings, workers often

perform repetitive, specialized tasks on assembly lines. This monotony can lead to
a sense of alienation from their labor, as they have little control over the
production process and may feel disconnected from the final product.

Alienation from the Product: Workers may not have a personal connection to the
products they help create. This detachment from the final outcome of their labor
can lead to a feeling of estrangement from the products they produce.

Alienation from Others: Industrial workplaces can be highly competitive and

individualistic. Workers may view their colleagues as competitors rather than
collaborators. This lack of solidarity and cooperation can result in social alienation.

50 NT
Alienation from Self: Alienation theory posits that individuals may experience a
sense of estrangement from themselves. The repetitive and dehumanizing nature

80 E
of industrial work can lead to a loss of personal identity and fulfillment.
26 NM
Alienation from Nature: Industrialization often involves the exploitation of natural
resources on a large scale, leading to environmental degradation. This alienation
91 IG

from nature can result in ecological crises and disconnection from the natural
98 S


Critics argue that these forms of alienation are inherent in industrialized and
capitalist systems, where profit maximization and efficiency often take precedence

over the well-being and fulfillment of workers. The alienation critique has spurred

discussions on the need for more humane and worker-centric approaches to

industrialization and economic systems, such as worker cooperatives, job

enrichment programs, and greater workplace democracy.


c) Distinguish between WID and GAD?

Women in Development (WID): Women in Development emerged as an approach

during the 1970s and 1980s. It primarily focuses on integrating women into
existing development processes. The core idea behind WID is to recognize that
women have been historically marginalized and excluded from economic and
social development activities. To address this, WID emphasizes the need to

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provide women with equal access to resources, opportunities, and benefits within
the established development framework. This approach often involves targeted
interventions such as vocational training and microcredit programs. WID is
characterized by its practical and measurable outcomes, with a primary goal of
improving the socio-economic status of women.

Gender and Development (GAD): Gender and Development evolved in the 1990s
as a more comprehensive and transformative approach. GAD acknowledges that

gender is a complex social construct that influences power dynamics, roles, and
expectations in society. Instead of merely integrating women into existing

structures, GAD seeks to challenge and change these structures by addressing the
root causes of gender inequality. It emphasizes the importance of gender

50 NT
mainstreaming, which means considering gender issues in all aspects of
development, including policy analysis, planning, and implementation. GAD goes

80 E
beyond focusing solely on women and aims to transform the entire development
26 NM
process, striving for a more equitable and just society by challenging traditional
gender norms and stereotypes.
91 IG
98 S

d) What is demographic transition theory


Demographic Transition Theory is a framework used to explain how societies'

population structures change as they undergo economic and social development.

Here's an expansion of each stage:


 Stage 1: High Birth and Death Rates: In this stage, typically observed in pre-

industrial societies, both birth and death rates are high. Limited access to

healthcare, lack of education, and high infant mortality result in slow

population growth.

 Stage 2: High Birth, Low Death Rates: With improvements in healthcare,

sanitation, and living conditions, death rates decline while birth rates
remain high. This leads to rapid population growth, a characteristic of many
developing nations.

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 Stage 3: Declining Birth Rates: Industrialization and urbanization lead to

increased access to education, job opportunities, and changing societal
norms. This results in a decline in birth rates while death rates continue to
decrease, causing continued population growth, albeit at a slower pace.

 Stage 4: Low Birth and Death Rates: In the post-industrial phase, both birth
and death rates are low. Access to family planning, women's
empowerment, and changing family structures contribute to a stable

population with little to no growth.

 Stage 5 (Optional): Some advanced countries may reach a stage where birth

rates fall below replacement levels. This can lead to concerns about

50 NT
population decline and its potential economic and social consequences.

Understanding the Demographic Transition Theory is crucial for governments and

80 E
policymakers to plan for future demographic changes, such as aging populations,
26 NM
and make informed decisions about healthcare, education, and social services. It
also plays a significant role in discussions about sustainability and resource
91 IG

98 S

5) Write short notes on any five of the following questions in about 100 words

a) Urbanization: Urbanization refers to the process of the increasing population


shift from rural to urban areas. It involves the growth and expansion of cities and

towns, driven by factors such as industrialization, economic opportunities,


improved infrastructure, and better living standards in urban centers.

Urbanization has several social, economic, and environmental implications. It can
lead to increased job opportunities, better access to education and healthcare,
and enhanced cultural and recreational offerings. However, it can also result in
challenges like overcrowding, inadequate infrastructure, pollution, and disparities
in living standards. Managing urbanization effectively is crucial for sustainable
development and improving the quality of life in urban areas.

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b) Work Participation Rate: Work Participation Rate (WPR) is a demographic and

labor market indicator that measures the proportion of the working-age
population (typically defined as those aged 15 to 64) who are either employed or
actively seeking employment. It is a crucial statistic for analyzing labor force
dynamics and employment trends in a population. A high WPR indicates a greater
percentage of people actively participating in the labor force, while a low WPR
may suggest issues like unemployment, underemployment, or labor market
challenges. WPR is essential for policymakers and economists to assess the

economic productivity of a nation and to design policies that address employment

c) Lipton's Theory: Lipton's Theory, developed by Michael Lipton, is an economic

50 NT
theory that focuses on the relationship between landownership and poverty in
agrarian societies. The theory suggests that land concentration (few individuals or

80 E
entities owning a significant portion of land) can lead to widespread poverty
26 NM
among landless or land-poor peasants. Lipton argues that land reforms, such as
land redistribution or land tenure reform, can be effective strategies for reducing
91 IG

poverty by providing land to those without access. The theory underscores the
importance of equitable land distribution as a means to address rural poverty and
98 S

promote economic development in agrarian economies.


d) Malthusian View: The Malthusian View, attributed to Thomas Malthus, is a

theory that predicts population growth will eventually outstrip the available

resources, leading to catastrophic consequences such as famine, disease, and


population checks. Malthus argued that population grows geometrically


(exponentially) while food production grows arithmetically (linearly), resulting in a


population "crisis" when resources become insufficient to sustain the population.

Although Malthus' predictions have not fully materialized due to advancements in
agriculture and technology, his ideas continue to influence discussions on
population, resources, and sustainability, particularly in the context of global
population growth and resource constraints.

e) Pareto Optimality: Pareto Optimality, named after Italian economist Vilfredo

Pareto, is a concept in welfare economics that represents a state of resource

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allocation in which no individual can be made better off without making someone
else worse off. In other words, it's a situation where resources are allocated
efficiently, and there is no way to redistribute them to improve the well-being of
one person without diminishing the well-being of another. Pareto Optimality is
often used to evaluate the efficiency of market outcomes and the potential for
economic policies to make society better off as a whole without harming any
individual. However, achieving Pareto Optimality doesn't guarantee equity or
fairness, as it focuses solely on efficiency and not on the distribution of resources

or benefits.

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