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Dashiel III R.


Reflection on Johari Window and SWOT Analysis Activity

One of my beliefs is that everyone deserves love and should not be treated with hate just because
of a mistake. I lead my life believing in this statement and have created numerous fulfilling relationships
that were helpful and made me grateful in the long run. Moreover, I have a lot of core values, but some
notable ones include integrity, kindness, respect, equality, compassion, loyalty, and trust. These values
shape my personality and have great influence on my thoughts, actions, decisions and how I would do or
approach things. These values are the foundation of what I am, and I have witnessed outcomes that lead
me to believe that these values could bring happiness and fulfillment to myself and to others.
In terms of strengths, I can be resilient in difficult situations, I have great social skills, I can
accept people’s opinion of me easily, and that I prefer to communicate immediately than to elongate the
problem. These strengths aid me in my day-to-day interactions with my friends or family and that brings
no loose ends. These strengths also help me whenever I face challenges since I can be resilient and adapt
easily to overcome them. On the contrary, I recognize that I may sometimes make offensive jokes, speak
without careful consideration, or overlook others' feelings, creating challenges and altering how people
perceive me.
To lessen these problems, I cultivate self-awareness and self-compassion in my daily life where I
employed several habits that could support my journey to self-discovery and personal growth. For
example, I tried to lessen my offensive jokes and focused more on being careful and to always think
before I speak. Whenever I fail at something, I would always think on the bright side and take it as a
lesson to further improve myself without destroying my confidence, self-esteem, and mental health.
When it comes to feedback, I actively seek it out to improve. If the feedback aligns with my self-
perception, I express gratitude. On the occasions where feedback contradicts or challenges my beliefs, I
approach it with an open mind, viewing it as an opportunity for personal growth. Listening attentively,
remaining open-minded, and never dismissing feedback are critical aspects to my approach, recognizing
others' perspectives as valuable insights into my actions and behaviors.
Given my tendency to be unaware or dense in my approach to others, I actively await feedback to
gain a clearer understanding of how my actions impact those around me. Whether the feedback aligns
with my self-perception or challenges with my beliefs, I will appreciate the opportunity for growth and
improvement that it will bring. In conclusion, feedback is not merely a reflection of others' opinions but a
vital tool for self-reflection and continuous personal development. It serves as a valuable resource for
learning and improving, contributing to our ongoing journey of self-discovery.

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