P of T Matrix

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Principles of Teaching

John Dewey James Mursell Tiberius and Tipping Eberly Center for Teaching Excellence Edward Thorndike
Teaching is considered good when… Principle of Content Principles of Teaching Effective teaching involves… Principles of Learning
- The child is made the center of the Level 1 - Textbook only 1. acquiring relevant knowledge about 1. Readiness
educative process Level 2 - Textbook with supplemental 1. Teachers' knowledge of the subject students and using that knowledge to - learning occurs when an individual is
- it is well-planned materials matter is essential to the implementation inform our course design and classroom prepared or ready to learn, and the
- the learner is made conscious of the Level 3 - Non-academic and current of important teaching tasks teaching readiness to learn is determined by
goals or aims to be accomplished materials 2. Active involvement of the learner 2. aligning the three major components of the individual's past experiences and
- it provides learning experiences Level 4 - Multi-sensory aids enhances learning instruction: learning objectives, the reinforcement they receive for
- there is provision to meet individual Level 5 - Demonstration and presentation 3. Interaction between teachers and assessments, and instructional activities their actions.
differences by experts students is the most important factor in (c.f. Understanding by Design by Wiggins 2. Exercise
- it utilizes the past experiences of the Level 6 - Field experiences student motivation and involvement and McTighe) - the more an individual practices a
learner 4. Students benefit from taking 3. articulating explicit expectations behavior, the stronger that behavior
- the learner is stimulated to think and Principle of Focus responsibility for their learning regarding learning objectives and policies becomes
reason Level 1 - Page assignment 5. There are many roads to learning 4. prioritizing the knowledge and skills we 3. Effect
- it is governed by democratic principles Level 2 - Announced topic togerther with 6. Expect more and you will achieve more choose to focus on - based on the principle that behavior
- the method used is supplemented by page or chapter references 7. Learning is enhanced in an atmosphere 5. recognizing and overcoming our expert that is followed by a positive
another method and instructional devices Level 3 - Broad concepts of cooperation blind spots consequence is more likely to be
- evaluation is made an integral part of the Level 4 - Specific concepts, problems, skills 8. Material must be meaningful 6. adopting appropriate teaching roles to repeated in the future.
teaching process acquisition 9. Both teaching and learning are support our learning goals 4. Primacy
- drill/review is made an integral part of enhanced by descriptive feedback 7. progressively refining our courses based - what is learned first often creates a
teaching and learning Principle of Socialization 10. Critical feedback is only useful if the on reflection and feedback strong, almost unshakeable
Level 1 - Submission learner has alternatives to pursue impression
Level 2 - Contribution 11. Time plus energy equals learning 5. Recency
Level 3 - Cooperation and Collaboration - things most recently learned are best
Principle of Individualization 6. Intensity
Level 1 - Uniform tasks - immediate, exciting, or dramatic
Level 2 - Homogenous grouping learning connected to a real situation
Level 3 - Contract plan teaches a learner more than a routine
Level 4 - Individual instruction or boring experience.
Level 5 - Large units with optional related
Level 6 - Individual undertakings

Principle of Sequence
Level 1 - Logical succession of blocks of
Level 2 - Connecting
Learning/lesson/course through
introductions, reviews
Level 3 - Building learner's readiness
Level 4 - Building for emerging means

Prepared by AJCMamaril

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