Principle Licence

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Writing Factory

Dedicated Fandom and Fantasy Outlet

The Scriptorium

Attn: Surviving Department

Copy: Mrs. Jen Wordhappy

Your ref.: Frascati, 7 June, 2006


Responsible Licensing Officer: Miss N. Spacedlaw

Subject: ARCH Licence

Dear Sirs,

The Alan Rickman Cerebral Hens Network (hereinafter referred to as "the Network" or “ARCH”)
as infringer of the “General Getting-On With Your Real Life” Principle, which has not been
developed by the Network, grants to Mrs. Jen Wordhappy, hereafter referred to as “the licensee”,
the use of this Principle under the following conditions:

1. The use of the Principle by the licensee shall be limited to the licensee’s own life, with a
particular dedication in the applications of peaceful writing and making Alan Rickman fans
happy over at TARF.

2. The licence shall be granted more or less free of charge, but against a global sum of pictures,
articles, replies and other nice goodies to be deposited at the Network at irregular intervals.

3. The licensee shall not make use of the Principle for any other purposes than stated above, and
shall not grant further licences, without the prior written consent of the Network, both during
and after the duration of the licence. The Licensee may choose as a compensatory measure to
disclose the intimate and outrageous details of the Principle or any part thereof to her green-
with-envy ex fellow-hens, provided it is just for larks.

4. This licence is non exclusive. The Network retains the right to grant other licences.

5. The licensee shall not adapt or modify the Principle in any way without obtaining the
Network's prior approval in writing. The Network shall be entitled to use and/or grant
licences of such modifications free of charge.
page 2

6. The Network gives no undertaking as to the adequacy or suitability of the Principle for the
proposed application and shall not be held liable for the consequences of it being used.

7. The Network shall not be held liable for any infringement of third party rights through the
exercise of the licence by the licensee. The licensee shall furthermore indemnify the Network
from and against all claims, proceedings, damages, costs and expenses arising from the
infringement of third party rights by the exercise of this licence by the licensee, or from the
wrongful disclosure by the licensee of the Principle, contrary to the terms of this licence.
Indemnification shall be discharged in pictures, articles, words and other goodies, as
appropriate, payable at ARCH.

8. This licence shall enter into force on the date of signature by the licensee and shall remain in
force for a life time period thereafter.

If the licensee wishes to obtain an extension of the licence (for after-life purposes, for
instance), she shall request this in writing to the Network, stating the intended utilisation of
the Principle. This request must be in the possession of the Network by the time of expire of
the licence, provided the Network still exists at the time. Upon the written approval by the
Network of such request, the duration of this licence will be extended by an appropriate
period for the intended use, against another batch of goodies.

Further extensions will be granted unless the scope of utilisation or other circumstances have
altered substantially, in which case the Network reserves the right to disrupt the licence
agreement or alter the conditions thereof.

It shall terminate immediately and automatically upon breach by the licensee of the conditions
stated in sections 1 and 3 above or upon declared wish by the Licensee to come back into the
Network’s nest.

9. On termination of this agreement the licensee shall either settle the fees for this license by
paying all above mentioned goodies to the Network, or shall certify to the Network that she
has disposed of the Principle and that there are no further goodies in her possession.

10. This agreement is subject to the laws of The Internet.

11. This agreement is subject to arbitration in accordance with the provisions of the UNCITRAL
Arbitration Rules of 1976, not attached hereto but deemed known to both parties.

Arbitration proceedings shall be held in TARF.

12. During the application of the Principle, all short comings (if any) must NOT be reported to the
Network immediately. Gossips are however most welcome. Suitable concern will be provided
on a best effort basis. At the end of the application period, a report of said application shall be
delivered to the Network, in the form of a batch of freshly written goodies, in the format agreed
with the Network’s representative mentioned hereafter.

13. For any questions concerning this licence, your correspondent for both technical and
contractual matters will be Miss N. Spacedlaw (ARCH General Nonsense Division).
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The Principle will be bestowed unto the licensee within three weeks of receipt by the Network of a
copy of this letter, duly signed on behalf of the licensee to signify acceptance of its terms and

Yours faithfully,

Nathalie Spacedlaw
Licensing Officer
ARCH General Nonsense Division

Signed on behalf of the licensee in TARF

Jen Wordhappy

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