Hs - At2 - 5a - S (A) - Ans (Set 6) - C

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Lighthouse for Hong Kong Book 9

Head Start Book 5A

Assessment Task 2 (Units 4–6)

Speaking (A)

Answer Key

Part 2
Suggested answers:
1. Japanese cuisine / It is delicious and beautiful.
2. Sushi, udon and tempura. (Accept all reasonable answers.)
3. Yes, I have. I first tried it in a Japanese restaurant in Causeway Bay. / No, I haven’t.
Yes, I’d like to try it.
4. Yes, it is. There are always long queues outside Japanese restaurants.
5. Yes, I do because I like cooking. / No, I don’t because the training takes too long.

Marking Scheme

Part 1
Marks Scoring Guide
17–20  Read fluently and clearly with appropriate pausing and intonation.
 Make very few or no pronunciation mistakes.
13–16  Read fluently and clearly.
 Make very few or no pronunciation mistakes.
9–12  Read quite clearly.
 Make some mistakes in pronunciation.
5–8  Read hesitantly with many mistakes in pronunciation.
 Skip words occasionally.
0–4  Able to read only a few words.
 Skip some words or phrases.

© Educational Publishing House Ltd 2021 1 Assessment Task 2 Speaking (A) 
Head Start Book 5A
Part 2
Marks Scoring Guide
14–16  Provide relevant answers to most of the questions and give elaboration
to some of the questions.
11–13  Provide relevant answers to most of the questions.
8–10  Provide relevant answers to some of the questions.
4–7  Provide relevant answers to some of the questions with prompting.
0–3  Give no comprehensible responses to the questions.
 Practically make no attempt at all.

- Although ‘Yes/No’ questions can be used to prompt students, they are not counted if
students merely provide ‘Yes/No’ answers without elaboration.
- Do not penalise students for pronunciation or grammatical mistakes that do not
interfere with the communication of ideas.

Marks Scoring Guide
12–14  Use a range of vocabulary, sentence patterns and cohesive devices
with few grammatical mistakes.
8–11  Use a small range of vocabulary and sentence patterns with some
grammatical mistakes.
4–7  Use a very limited range of vocabulary and sentence patterns with
many grammatical mistakes.
0–3  Practically make no attempt at all.

- Award no score if the information or ideas provided are irrelevant to the topic.

© Educational Publishing House Ltd 2021 2 Assessment Task 2 Speaking (A) 

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