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Head Start Book 5A

Assessment Task 2 (Units 4–6)


Name: _______________________ ( ) Class: _________
Date: ________________________

Part Language focus and skills Score

1  Identify the gist or main ideas in a simple spoken text with the / 26
help of cues
2  Recognise keywords and locate specific information / 24

Total score / 50

© Educational Publishing House Ltd 2021 1

Head Start Book 5A

Part 1 (26 marks, 3 marks each for questions 1–6, 4 marks each for questions 7–

Tracy is listening to an interview on the radio. Listen to the interview. For

questions 1 to 6, blacken the correct circles. For questions 7 and 8, fill in the

1. Which of the following is NOT true about Andy Chow?

 A. He is a famous singer.
 B. He had a lot of problems after his success.
 C. He gained success after releasing his first album.
 D. His latest hit is about his love story.

2. Why was Andy under a lot of stress?

 A. He could not write good songs.
 B. He did not like being famous.
 C. He was worried about his future.
 D. He had a busy work schedule.

3. How did the counsellor help Andy?

 A. He invited Andy to ask him questions.
 B. He listened to Andy patiently.
 C. He guided Andy to express himself through writing.
 D. He helped Andy build up his confidence.

4. What advice did the nutritionist give Andy?

i. ‘Do sport.’ ii. ‘Stop eating potato chips and sweets.’
iii. ‘Reduce the amount of snacks.’ iv. ‘Replace sweets with fruit.’
 A. i and iv
 B. ii and iii
 C. i, iii and iv
 D. ii, iii and iv

5. What is Andy’s favourite sport?

 A.  B.  C.  D.
© Educational Publishing House Ltd 2021 2 Assessment Task 2 Listening 
Head Start Book 5A

© Educational Publishing House Ltd 2021 2 Assessment Task 2 Listening 

Head Start Book 5A

6. What is Andy’s second goal in improving his diet?

 A. cooking with less salt and sugar
 B. eating more vegetables
 C. learning how to cook tasty dishes
 D. giving up on snacks

7. How many times does Andy cook every week?

He cooks ___________________________ a week.

8. How does Andy’s past experience help him at work?

It helps him __________________________________.

© Educational Publishing House Ltd 2021 3 Assessment Task 2 Listening 
Head Start Book 5A

Part 2 (24 marks, 3 marks each)

Tracy is asking her dad about how to make a dessert. Listen to the conversation
and complete the recipe.

Chocolate lava cakes

Serving size: 6 Preparation time: 20 min Cooking time: 20 min

 170 g (1) __________________ chocolate
 ½ cup unsalted butter
 ½ cup flour
 20 g sugar
 (2) _________________________
 a little salt
 a little powdered sugar

1. First, put the butter and the chocolate in a bowl, and heat in a
(3) _________________________.
2. Next, preheat the oven to (4) __________________ for 15 minutes.
Use a brush to apply a little oil on the inside of the baking cups.
3. Then, crack the eggs into another bowl. Beat the eggs with
(5) _________________________ by hand or with an electric mixer.
4. After that, mix the chocolate with the egg mixture and flour. Pour the
batter into the baking cups and bake for 10 minutes.
5. Then, cover each baking cup with an inverted (6) _________________.
Flip each set of them over carefully and let the cakes stand for 10
seconds before removing the baking cups.
6. Finally, sprinkle a little powdered sugar on top and serve immediately.

 The baking time changes according to the (7) ____________________
__________ and the oven.
 You can serve the lava cakes with (8) __________________.

─ End of Paper ─
© Educational Publishing House Ltd 2021 4 Assessment Task 2 Listening 

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