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Theme Symbolism

Science and Ethics: The novel questions Frankenstein incorporates several symbolic elements, including:
the dangers of science when pursued without
The Creature: The creature symbolizes raw power, both good and bad.
regard for consequences.
Snow: Snow symbolizes death and coldness.
Human Nature: The novel delves into human Fire: Fire symbolizes life and creation.
nature, encompassing both good and evil,
and the capacity for empathy.
Frankenstein presents various conflicts, including:
Isolation and Acceptance: The novel
Internal Conflict: Victor Frankenstein
explores the themes of isolation and
struggles with the internal conflict between
acceptance, examining how rejection
his scientific ambition and the fear of its
can lead to violence.
Quotes External Conflict: Victor Frankenstein faces
"I desired to be a god among men, but I was an external conflict with his creation, who
the devil instead!" - Victor Frankenstein seeks revenge for his abandonment.
This quote highlights the pride and arrogance that led to
the creation of the creature. Victor Frankenstein believes he
can transcend nature, but ultimately, he fails to control the Atmosphere
consequences of his actions. Frankenstein is permeated by an atmosphere
of horror and mystery.
"I came into the world, but the world was not
kind to me." - The Creature Questions
This quote conveys the creature's sense of isolation and rejection. 1. How does Frankenstein explore the consequences 2.Why does the creature's rejection by
of unchecked scientific ambition? Frankenstein society contribute to his tragic
demonstrates the dangers of science when pursued downfall? The creature's isolation
"I am an outcast, a pariah. I have no place in the world." - The Creature without regard for ethical implications and the
potential harm it can cause.
and rejection by society lead to his
feelings of alienation, anger, and a
desire for revenge, ultimately
This quote underscores the creature's profound sense of loss and displacement. 3.What is the significance of Victor Frankenstein's driving him to commit acts of
pursuit of knowledge and his creation of the violence.
creature? Victor Frankenstein's obsession with
knowledge and his creation of the creature represent the boundless potential of science,

but also the hubris and ethical dilemmas that arise when scientific ambitions surpass
moral considerations.

By: Mary Shelley

Hamzah Alsamra

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