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Am AI Your Friend?

Read the scenario and then answer the reflection questions below.

"Am AI Your Friend?" Scenario

Logan just moved to a new town and is feeling lonely. Logan is having a hard time making friends or finding people
who share her interests. Logan discovers a new AI chatbot feature on her social media, and begins to chat, sharing
personal thoughts and feelings with the AI chatbot. Logan discusses her experience moving to a new town, going to a
new school, and the struggles of making new friends. Over time, Logan's interactions with the AI chatbot become a part
of her daily routine. Logan is starting to feel really connected to the AI chatbot because it always replies back with
kindness and no judgment, and is always available, day or night.

How is the AI chatbot helping Logan? Please explain.

The AI chatbot is helping Logan because it helps her feel less lonely since she hasn’t made any new friends yet in the
town that she has just shifted. It makes her feel good about herself since it treats her with kindness and cares about her.
The AI chatbot has all the qualities of a friend and hence makes Logan feel homely.

Should Logan consider the AI chatbot to be a friend? Why or why not?

Logan should not get emotionally connected with the AI chatbot and should start making new friends since she cant
physically spend time with the AI chatbot. If Logan makes a new friend who is not a AI chatbot, she should not loose
her patience with the friend since he or she may not reply as quick as the AI chatbot did.
She might use it for certain situations, but she should not depend on it. NO emotional connection.

What are qualities of friendship that the AI chatbot is missing?

The AI chatbot cannot feel the emotions Logan shares with her in real life. It has been coded onto and therefore may
just be sympathetic or reply in a way Logan doesn’t want it to. It may also not work when the internet has been turned
off and therefore is not dependable. It doesn’t let you interact physically.
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