Marriage and Family Life - Pastor DR William .F. Kumuyi

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Getting the Best

- Getting

the Best

Pastor W.F. Kumuyi


Getting the Best

Pastor W.F. Kumuyi

Copyright © 1993

Life Press Limited,

P.M.B. 1004. Yaba. Lagos.

Reg. No. RC. 30268

All Rights Reserved

First Edition 1985

Second Edition 1993

Third Edition 2014

National Library of Nigeria Cataloguing In

Publication Data

KUMUYI, William F.

Marriage And Family Life: Getting The Best.

1. Marriage

2. Family Life, Education.

3. Marriage Counselling.

835.K96 1993

ISBN 978-2367-18-14





The Beginning


Finding, Knowing and Doing

God’s Will



Period of Courtship



Journey into Marriage


5. Help for the Newly Married


What Couples Should Know



Money in Marriage



Child Training - Building for




Guide to Child Training


10. Living Together




arriage is the hub of human life. It is the

basic unit and foundation of the church and

the world. Rapid universal deterioration ensues

when marriage is faulty and family life is rusty.

My assertion is drawn from many years of intensive

study, counselling and pastoring. These are my

major sources of material for this book. My priority

is twofold: to prepare those eligible for marriage for

their nuptials and to provide lasting and permanent

solutions to the destructive plagues that eat off the

essence of family life.

The final product is ‘MARRIAGE and FAMILY LIFE:

GETTING THE BEST’. No area of marriage and

family life is left unattended. Life pulsates through

every page. The counsels are comforting and

creative. They are given in the orbits of Scripture

and holiness.



The truths set forth in this book are relevant to all -

non-Christians, Christians, Christian workers,

pastors, parents, husbands, wives, bachelors,

spinsters, widows, widowers, divorcees; the list is

interminable. The underaged might, however, let it

lie till they are of age.

It is my conviction that no marriage is so bad that it

cannot be rebuilt and toned; none so good that it

cannot be improved. No matter how fine the silver,

it can always be polished.

Plunge into these priceless pages. Read them, write

down the chief points, practise them and watch

your marriage and family life take a new shape.


astor .F


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. umuyi

December, 2014


arriage is a God-ordained institution

and the bedrock of life. It is central to God’s

plan for man. It is the ring that encircles the

spiritual, social, psychological and physical

aspects of human life. Marriage is a major factor

that determines whether a person would live a

happy or sorrowful life. Teaching in this area,

therefore, is pivotal to the health and well-being of

the Church and the transformation of the world.

It is important to state from the outset that all you

will be reading in this book are to help you get the

best in your marriage and family life. The book is

aimed at revealing the standard of God for marriage

and family. It is to help you reach out to the

neglected promises of God for the family. When

God saves a man from sin, He takes him off all

works of the flesh. As God and Father, He needs to

reveal His mind and will to us so that we can rightly

yield as He helps us plan or replan our marriage in



order to correct whatever might have gone wrong in

the past.


The teachings here might reveal where you went

wrong. Understand that when God reveals where

you went wrong, He does it for your good; to secure

your cooperation so He can repair or supply what is

lacking or needed. When the government sets up a

panel or committee to probe into a given situation,

it does so to determine whom to indict or absolve.

With God, the opposite is the case. When He probes

you, He does so to help you, not to condemn you.

The Lord knows that many church members are

ignorant of the truth. He knows a good number have

just come into the Kingdom and need to learn many

things. They have not, as yet, known all He wants

them to know. You do not have to condemn yourself

if you discover that you have fallen short of God’s

standard of an ideal husband. Do not hate yourself

for falling far below the standard of an ideal wife.

Do not dislike your husband for his dismal failure

as a husband. The same goes for the wife. Do not see

yourself as a failure yet. See yourself as God sees

you – a learner at Jesus’ feet. Appreciate the fact that

He is in the business of making you better. Forget

your ignorance of the past because there is a great

opportunity for you to improve. “Remember ye not

the former things, neither consider the things of

The Beginning


old. Behold, I will do a new thing; now it shall

spring forth; shall ye not know It? I will even

make a way in the wilderness, and rivers in the

desert” (Isaiah 43:18,19).

What then should be your attitude?


“And the LORD came, and stood, and called as at

other times, Samuel, Samuel. Then Samuel

answered, Speak; for thy servant heareth” (1

Samuel 3:10). Though you are reading to hear God

now, remember that in the past you were sincerely

ignorant. That ignorance brought suffering.

Sincerity does not shield anyone from suffering

when costly mistakes are made. Think of a situation

at home when the wife used the pressing iron. She

had finished ironing her clothes but forgot to switch

off the current. Her husband unknowingly touched

the iron and was hurt. He assumed his wife had

switched off the current and probably disconnected

the pressing iron. It is obvious that he acted

ignorantly, and sincerely too. But his sincerity did

not prevent his palm and fingers from being hurt.

It is the same with marriage. There are some things

you do ignorantly, innocently and sincerely but you

still reap unpleasant results. “There is a way that

seemeth right unto a man, but the end thereof are

the ways of death” (Proverbs 16:25).


This means that one can die in one’s sincerity. You

may feel a way is right, a method is tested and

proven, a procedure of marriage is result-oriented,

yet it can lead you into difficulties, despair and


Ecclesiastes 11:9 says, “Rejoice, O young man, in

thy youth; and let thy heart cheer thee in the days

of thy youth, and walk in the ways of thine heart,

and in the sight of thine eyes but know thou, that

for all these things God will bring thee into

judgment”. This talks about your sincerity in

plunging into some actions. God, therefore, says

that though you are sincere, He will bring you to

judgment if you do anything wrong. But thank God,

this is not the day of judgment; it is the day of grace

and correction. You can make your life right today.


I said earlier that marriage is common to all, but one

truth still stands: we are different one from another

as humans. A Nigerian is different from a Ghanaian.

Even within a country the citizens are different one

from the other. There are differences amongst

people within a state, town or village. Among

members of the same family, differences abound.

Just like differences are found in individuals, they

are found in marriages too. One marriage cannot be

approached the same way as another.

The way Peter treads his way through marriage may

The Beginning | 11
be different from the way Paul will tread through

marriage. They are two distinct individuals and

God has different plans for each of them. Samson

and Samuel, Elijah and Elisha, Jacob and Jabez,

Hezekiah and Nehemiah; Rehoboam and Jeroboam,

John and James, Mary and Martha, Matthew and

Matthias are similar pairs of names and some of

them were even relatives. But each of them was

unique and distinctive. God has a plan for everyone

of His Spirit-begotten children – a different but

suitable plan for each one. You must seek to know

what plan He has for you. You cannot have a better

plan for your life.


I believe you know that believers do not belong to

themselves. You are not your own if you are a

believer. Do not dispute that. It is a fact in the Bible.

“What! know ye not that your body is the temple

of the Holy Ghost which is in you, which ye have

of God, and ye are not your own? ” (1 Corinthians

6:19,20). An amplification of this verse of Scripture

will drive home its meaning. It is saying that your

biological sister might have gone into the sin of

fornication and is pregnant for a man. From her own

point of view, she is married. Or, your cousin might

have run away with a boy for some time and she

eventually came back home to introduce the boy as

her husband.


You cannot marry like any of such people. You must

keep on reminding yourself that “I am no longer my

own”. You are different from the unbeliever –

whether your pal, your parents or your people.

There are reasons God does not want you to live

like the unbeliever, especially in marriage.

First, God has made it clear in His word (the Bible)

that Christians do not belong to themselves. They

are God’s own people. He thinks about them and

has the best plan for their future.

Second, He knows there are problems in the world.

He does not want the problems in the world to tint

His plan for any of His people.

Third, the devil controls the world. The pace of the

systems of the world, including marriage, is set by

the devil. God does not want the devil to have any

influence on His people.

Fourth, the people of the world are ignorant and

foolish. In their ignorance, they make a lot of

mistakes, some of which have tragic consequences.

God knows this and consequently dissuades His

people from copying the people of the world.

Fifth, the people of the world follow the traditions

of the world. In this state, they transgress the

commandment of God. Christians are not to be

bound by the traditions of the world. Therefore,

God would have His people purge their minds of

worldly traditions.

The Beginning | 13

Sixth, the people of the world suffer dearly for their

mistakes. They cry inwardly, saying, “Who shall

deliver us from the errors we have plunged

ourselves into”. If you are going to follow anyone, it

should not be someone who lives in regret. So, God

would have you sever every connection with the

world especially in your marriage and family life.

Finally, God does not want you to imitate the

unbeliever because his values are the opposite of

the believer’s. The unbeliever places a high

premium on riches, beauty and family background.

These have least values to the church. “Trust not in

oppression, and become not vain in robbery: If

riches increase, set not your heart upon them”

(Psalm 62:10). Riches and physical attraction are

what the people of the world give priority to when

they are considering whom to marry. Yet, the word

of God says that the Christian must not set his heart

on riches because they are transient. “He that

loveth silver shall not be satisfied with silver; nor

he that loveth abundance with increase: this is

also vanity” (Ecclesiastes 5:10). “For the love of

money is the root of all evil: which while some

coveted after, they have erred from the faith, and

pierced themselves through with many sorrows”

(1 Timothy 6:10). “Favour is deceitful, and beauty

is vain: but a woman that feareth the LORD, she

shall be praised” (Proverbs 31:30).

Thus, what the world esteems in their


consideration of whom to marry are quite different

from what the believer looks for.



“Marriage is honourable in all” (Hebrews 13:4).

The word ‘is’ in this Scripture is not in the Greek

version of the Bible. That is why it is written in

italics. In the original Greek version, it reads:

“Marriage honourable in all”. It is an interjectory

and exciting statement. It brings joy.

So, the desire to marry is legitimate, proper and

scriptural. As soon as a male or female child begins

to grow, he unconsciously begins to think about

marriage. That is the normal functioning of the

human mind. But the thought of and desire for

marriage should not drive you into an improper

way of getting married. When you are hungry, there

is a desire in you to eat. That desire does not lead

you to steal but it leads you to want to find food in a

legitimate way. Likewise, when you are thirsty, you

naturally desire water. That desire is legitimate. But

its legitimacy does not lead you to steal except you

have always been a thief. The normal thing is to

look for water in a proper, acceptable and legitimate


Hunger and thirst are comparable to the desire to

get married. As we seek legitimate and proper ways

to satisfy our hunger or thirst, so should we seek

The Beginning | 15

legitimate and scriptural ways to satisfy our desire

to marry. “Marriage is honourable in all, and the

bed undefiled: but whoremongers and adulterers

God will judge” (Hebrews 13:4). This Scripture

teaches that though marriage is honourable in all,

the bed must not be defiled. The point here is

unmistakable. It is saying that though marriage is

good and lovely, there is a way to go about it. All

who digress from this way (adulterers and

whoremongers) will suffer the consequences. That

is why it is disastrous to lack the teachings of the

Bible on marriage.

If you think God’s standard is too high, ponder on

the following questions: each time you feel like

eating, do you just go to the roadside and pick up

whatever chewable thing you see? Or, each time

you are thirsty do you just go to a nearby public

drainage and drink till you are filled? If anyone does

that, he would be dead within a short period.

If you obey, everytime, the urge to pounce on and

beat anyone who offends you, you will be cooling

your feet frequently behind the bars of prison. If

you obey your every urge to go into intimate

relationship with the opposite sex, you will get

infected with venereal disease and lose the

kingdom of God. So, if you are that fastidious in

eating and drinking, God should be justified for

setting standards in marriage. It is all for your good.

I have given the above illustrations to show you that


though marriage is legitimate and scriptural, it

should be properly handled. Let this truth be

ingrained in your mind: just as unclean water and

bad food will hurt and make you unhealthy, a

strange woman or man who comes into your life out

of your own whim will strangle and render you


But I am persuaded of better things for you. I am

persuaded you will not bring a destroyer (man or

woman) into your house. I know there is something

in you yearning and hankering after the will of God;

something that is making you to seek the proper

way to marry. I believe you will not obey your

whim. I am persuaded you will keep human

opinion and fleshly outcry under subjection.

God has so created you to be able to do whatever

you set your will, mind, emotion and heart to do. He

has put a great degree of self-control in the human

being. As a believer, you must have at one time or

the other turned away from alcoholic drinks. It was

not because you did not feel like drinking but

because you controlled yourself. Grace, coupled

with your own determination, made you to resist it.

How many times have you seen delicious food

while you were waiting upon the Lord (fasting) and

you tuned off your mind from it? If God is able to

control you in those areas, I believe He is able to

control you in the area of marriage too.

Never say, “I am too weak”. Do not say, “I cannot”.

The Beginning | 17

That is wrong. You are not weak. You only think

that you are weak. Once you eat at the right time,

sleep at the right time, wash your clothes at the right

time, you can marry at the right time and follow the

perfect will of God.


You must have noticed that I pointed out in the

introduction that this book is strictly for adults.

This is because the consequences of having

teenagers read it can be grave. After reading, he may

go to pick a girl from Sunday School class and get

married to her. After all, “Marriage is honourable

in all”, he will quote.

Before you contemplate marriage, you must be

mature. You must have grown to an age that you can

think and plan independently. You must be able to

make decisions and own up to your mistakes. You

must be emotionally mature. You need to be able to

guide, lead, comfort and help a woman. Mature

people almost always make mature marriages.

Besides, you need some social and material

preparation. For instance, you need your own

accommodation, bed and other household items.

Over and above all, there should be a steady supply

of money that would keep the prospective family

going. The viability of marriage is usually an

indication of the stability and maturity of marriage




“For there are some eunuchs, which were so born

from their mother’s womb: and there are some

eunuchs, which were made eunuchs of men: and

there be eunuchs, which have made themselves

eunuchs for the kingdom of heaven’s sake. He

that is able to receive it, let him receive it”

(Matthew 19:12). Here, Jesus spoke to His disciples.

He is the Creator. He knows all things. He says that

not all people who are normal on the superficial are

actually wholly normal in all respects.

Christ makes it clear that people could be eunuchs.

While some are congenital eunuchs, others are

man-made eunuchs. With God, it is not

extraordinary or outrageous to be a eunuch. Just

like someone can lose a toe in a fight, an arm in an

accident, a limb in a war, a person can lose his

manhood too. And just as God miraculously

replaces any lost part of the body when we beseech

Him to do so, He restores the eunuch’s manhood

when he asks Him to do so.

A eunuch cannot meet the obligations of a husband

to his wife. If he marries, the marriage will be very

unpleasant for the wife because she will not be

satisfied in one area of her marriage. This is the area

of procreation. If you are a eunuch, don’t delay to

disclose the problem to your partner before

marriage. If you do, you are entertaining two evils.

One, the woman will be disappointed and perhaps

The Beginning | 19

despaired all through life. Two, you will be laying

steels of problems at the foundation of your home.

The story is the same with a woman who has some

major defects in her body. Go to God in prayer and

see your pastor about it before you marry. God can

do all things. This, however, applies only to those

who are contemplating marriage. For those who

have married and discovered the presence of this

problem in their lives, they should know that there

is solution for every problem. With God, all things

are possible.


Having made up your mind to get married and

checked up your preparedness, you then think of

who to marry. Who should you marry? Who will

seek her or him out for you? Who is the best

matchmaker - mother, father, friend, pastor or you?

Hear the best Matchmaker: “I am God and there is

none else: I am God, and there is none like me,

Declaring the end from the beginning, and from

ancient times the things that are not yet done,

saying. My counsel shall stand, and I will do all

my pleasure” (Isaiah 46:9,10). That is the peerless

Matchmaker counselling. We cannot compare our

concerned friends and neighbours with the

omniscient God. Our Pastor-counsellor could be

deceived into encouraging you to marry a brother or

a sister based on what you tell him. God cannot be

deceived. He knows all things inside out. You


cannot go to your friends, parents and pastor when

problems arise in your marriage and family life.

God is the only Comforter and Guide in marriage. It

is only reasonable to start with Him. Let Him seek

out a ‘helpmeet’ for you.

There are various problems and responsibilities in

marriage. Roles and life change after marriage.

Hidden, dark and unseen forces know marriage and

actually try to dominate it. The problems of in-laws,

childlessness, squabbles between partners,

infidelity, divorce, frustration, rebellious children,

all threaten marriage. Who will you marry and be

free from all these problems? Only God knows that

person. “Whoso findeth a wife [husband] findeth

a good thing, and obtaineth favour of the LORD”

(Proverbs 18:22). “House and riches are the

inheritance of fathers: and a prudent wife is from

the LORD” (Proverbs 19:14). Before God chooses a

person for you to marry, He considers your life, your

future, your temperament, your disposition and

everything that will make you happy. God knows all

virtuous women. They are in His custody. You

cannot get one outside the counsel of God. You just

go to God in purposeful prayer and ask for the

virtuous woman who fits you. That is the only way

of finding and knowing who to marry. He will not

deny you if you have a relationship with Him. If He

knows you as His child, He will promptly heed and

grant your desire. God will honour the people who

The Beginning | 21

wait on Him. God respects those who respect Him.

He appreciates those who appreciate Him.

This chapter is a foretaste. The remaining part of

this book is devoted to showing you how to find out

that virtuous woman [man] whom God wants you

to marry and how to obtain or give consent. Other

important areas handled are courtship and

wedding, journey into marriage, helps for the

newly married, meaning of partnership and how to

solve problems that arise in the family, handling

financial matters in the family, how to raise good

children and the secret of living happily together.


| 22



ife is literally composed of decision-making

moments. There is always a cause to make a

decision or cancel one.

Everyone, from the toddler to the aged, makes

decision. Sometimes, the decision borders on the

kind of career you should pursue. At other times, it

is the kind of accommodation you would like to

take up, who to marry, what make of car to buy or

the college/higher institution to attend.

As a husband, you must have had cause to make

decisions. It could be on the number of children

you would like to have; whether to have your wife

be a full-time housewife or get her gainfully

employed on a job; whether you should have your

parents live with you or keep them in the Old

People’s Home; and whether to have a maid or

steward. The point is that, you are always in the

business of making decisions.


We start making decisions early in life. Little

children make decisions: they decide on what to do

on certain occasions. At times, they run into

difficulty and on such occasions, they go to their

parents. They know daddy and mummy are wiser

and their decisions are more dependable. Adults

too are not left out. They also have the same

difficulty. The tragedy is that very few adults are

humble enough to concede their ignorance or

difficulty. Few adults admit that they cannot make

right decisions. It is however surprising to discover

they act and make decisions like children. How do

children make decisions?

Little children go for whatever gives them

temporary satisfaction, no matter how temporal the

satisfaction may be. For instance, a child prefers to

run into a hail just because the doors are open even

if that leads to death to exercising some patience

where doors are temporarily closed but ultimately

leads into the arms of angels. This is the common

characteristic of children.

It is not too different with adults. Many people

follow the open door and just take decisions on

temporal, transient promises. On some other

occasions, it is the ‘majority carries the vote’

method. Majority of the Israelites once said they

were not going to Canaan and the decision of the

nation anchored on that. Christ knew He should go

to the cross. He knew it was the Father’s will. He

Finding, Knowing And Doing God’s Will | 25

stood by what He knew to be God’s will. If He gave

the apostles a chance to vote and allowed the

majority to carry the vote, He would have been

dissuaded from dying on the cross.

Some psychologists, interested in knowing how

decisions are reached, conducted a survey covering

many people from age five and above. Their scope

covered how decisions in marriage, education,

child upbringing and many other areas of life are

made. The result was shocking. They discovered

that with majority of people, the method by which

decisions are made at five years of age is the same

way by which decisions are taken at either twelve,

twenty, thirty or fifty years of age.

They realised that decisions made by adults, like

those of children, are based on the following


1. Do I have feelings of temporary satisfaction?

2. Is there any door of circumstance open? If the

answer is ‘Yes’, then I must forge ahead.

3. What do others advise me to do? Majority

carries the vote!

4. If the object or project is attractive, I must have

and keep it.

5. If friends and peer group do it, I must do it



6. I want to stem the fear of doing nothing, so I

must do something.

7. If sudden impulse and immediate action is

required and present satisfaction is promised,

it’s alright.

Once you start taking personal decisions, you use

the same system throughout your life except

something happens. This shows that one cannot

make a right decision on his own without God’s

guidance. If men would be humble to accept that

they are ignorant, wisdom and knowledge will

begin to flood their lives. God resists the proud and

gives grace to the humble.

If you can tell God that you do not know how to go

about finding the virtuous woman or man you

desire to marry, He will help you. Turn to God now

and He will help you irrespective of past failures.

The Bible says, “Surely it is meet to be said unto

God, I have borne chastisements, I will not offend

any more: That which I see not teach thou me: If I

have done iniquity, I will do no more” (Job

34:31,32). “But there is a spirit in man: and the

inspiration of the Almighty giveth them

understanding. Great men are not always wise:

neither do the aged understand judgment” (Job


Old people do not even know how to make right

decisions. I will show you three great men in the

Finding, Knowing And Doing God’s Will | 27

Bible to buttress this point.

“And king Rehoboam consulted with the old men,

that stood before Solomon his father while he yet

lived, and said, How do ye advise that I may

answer this people?” (1 Kings 12:6). This is a king

who had a major decision to make. Instead of asking

God, he sought the counsel of human beings. To be

specific, he went to old men. This king did not

realise the fact that older men have experienced

more failures than the younger people.

In the race of life, older people have fallen more

often than the younger people. They have gained

experience through their series of failure and they

base their counsel on the failures they have

experienced in the past. True, older people can tell

younger people where they are likely to fall into

error, but we know that there is Somebody older

than the oldest of men in the book of Daniel. He is

called “the Ancient of Days”. Isaiah calls Him the

Father of eternity; “The Everlasting Father”. He is

the One that has been from the beginning. “In the
beginning was the Word, and the Word was with

God, and the Word was God”. He is called Alpha

and Omega, the beginning and the end. He is the

Ancient of Days. Go and talk to Him. He has much

more wisdom than all the old people of this world

put together. Talk to Him in prayer and He will lead


you aright. Rehoboam failed in this point and he

failed in all others. He lost the kingdom which his

grandfather David built.


“Then they told David, saying. Behold, the

Philistines fight against Keilah, and they rob the

threshingfloors. Therefore David inquired of the

LORD, saying, Shall I go and smite these

Philistines? And the LORD said unto David, Go,

and smite the Philistines, and save Keilah” (1

Samuel 23:1,2). Here is king David. He had a

problem and he needed to make a decision. He went

to God in prayer. It was a simple, unpretentious


There are lessons to learn here. One, when you

desire to know the will of God in marriage or in any

other venture, you go to God in a simple way. David

knew that he should approach God just as a son

goes to his father when he needs something. So, he

went to God with the confidence of a son and said,

“Shall I go and smite these Philistines?” David is

quite unlike some Christians who look for

denominational prayer books. Prayer books are not

helpful when you want to find the will of God. Do

not use them. Go to God in a simple way and use

your natural voice. Do not copy a great man of God

down town. David did it in a natural way and God

answered him.

Finding, Knowing And Doing God’s Will | 29


“And the Philistines gathered themselves

together, and came and pitched in Shunem: and

Saul gathered all Israel together, and they

pitched in Gilboa. And when Saul saw the host of

the Philistines, he was afraid, and his heart

greatly trembled. And when Saul inquired of the

LORD, the LORD answered him not, neither by

dreams, nor by Urim, nor by prophets” (1 Samuel 28:4-

6). Here are three kings: Rehoboam, David and

Saul. These three kings found themselves in similar

situations that require decision making.

Rehoboam sought the counsel of the elders and

failed woefully. David sought the counsel of God

and he heard from Him; God spoke to him. Saul

sought the counsel of God but there was no reply.

This is shocking. Why did God answer one and

there was no word for the other person? I am going

to show you why some people’s prayers are




“If I regard iniquity in my heart, the Lord will not

hear me” (Psalm 66:18). This was the first problem

in Saul’s life. This is also the hindrance to the

ascension of your prayer. If there is sin in your life,

God’s counsel will remain hidden to you. The only

way out of this is to take the sin away. Confess it to


the Lord, repent and forsake it.

Take care of every shade of sin in your life and

heaven will open for you. Your spirit also will easily

receive from the Spirit of God.

The second problem is self-will. God does not

reveal His will when He knows that you are

unwilling to do it. He does not talk to you when He

knows you are self-willed.

The third problem is unbelief. There is the danger

of misunderstanding this point. Generally,

Christians have ups and downs in their prayer life.

Sometimes, they are strong in faith; at other times,

they are weak in it. In Saul’s case, he was not weak

in faith. He was actually backslidden. He turned his

heart away from God. He was in a state of unbelief;

and in that state, he would not be able to hear from

God. It is possible to have a heart of unbelief. If you

have found it difficult to believe God on so many

issues, it will hinder you from receiving from Him.

The fourth problem in Saul’s life was the presence

of idol in his heart. According to Colossians 3:5,

covetousness is idolatry. This problem masks a

seeker from seeing or hearing from God. “Son of

man, these men have set up their idols in their

heart, and put the stumbling block of their

iniquity before their face: should I be inquired of

at all by them? Therefore speak unto them, and

say unto them, Thus saith the Lord GOD; Every

Finding, Knowing And Doing God’s Will | 31

man of the house of Israel that setteth up his idols

in his heart, and putteth the stumbling block of

his iniquity before his face, and cometh to the

prophet; I the Lord will answer him that cometh

according to the multitude of his idols” (Ezekiel

14:3,4). So, if you want to know the will of God

concerning your marriage, take away idols from

your heart.

Your idol could be a particular man who is a non-

Christian; that is, he is not born again. It could also

be some human qualities which came from your

carnal mind. For instance, as a lady, you might be

looking out for a man who is well-read for a

husband. If you harbour any of these idols in your

heart when you go to ask God for His will in

marriage, the Lord says He “will answer you

according to the multitude of the idols in your

heart”. Don’t idolise a man or woman. If you bring

an idol in the person of a man or a woman into your

house, your idol will turn out to be a thorn in your

flesh. He or she might come into your house and

become pricks in your eyes. Do not idolise any

person. The idol might turn your heart away from

God. Remove every idol from your heart if you have

any, and God will reveal His will to you.

In summary, four things must be kept away from

your heart in order to know the will of God for you.

The first is sin, the second is self-will, the third is

unbelief and the fourth is the idol in your heart.

Having kept all these away, you can be sure that


God will reveal His will to you, for this is “your

Father’s good pleasure”.


God is interested in your life. He knows you are

liable to make mistakes. He knows you will make a

shipwreck of your life and faith if there is no

guidance. He knows many mistakes leave

unpleasant marks on the lives of people. He is not

oblivious of the consequences of some mistakes. He

does not want you to live a trial-and-error life. He

wants to guide you. His promises cover this area of

your life. I will take you through some scriptures to

ingrain this in your heart. “I will instruct thee and

teach thee in the way which thou shalt go: I will

guide thee with mine eyes” (Psalm 32:8). God

loves you and He has given you the promise “I will

guide you”. Stand on that promise; hold on to that

promise; believe it and God will perform it. “The

steps of a good man are ordered by the Lord: and

he delighteth in his way” (Psalm 37:23). And in

Psalm seventy-three, verse eighty-four, we are

assured that God shall guide us with His counsel

and afterward receive us to glory. “Trust in the

LORD with all thine heart, and lean not unto

thine own understanding. In all thy ways

acknowledge him, and he shall direct thy paths.

Be not wise in thine own eyes: fear the LORD, and

depart from evil” (Proverbs 3:5-7). “Thus saith the

LORD, thy Redeemer, the Holy One of Israel; I am

Finding, Knowing And Doing God’s Will | 33

the LORD thy God which teacheth thee to profit,

which leadeth thee by the way that thou

shouldest go” (Isaiah 48:17). So, the Lord has

promised to guide you. I believe the time has come

when you will see His guidance and leading in your

choice of a life partner.


I will show you four different tools on the

procedure of guidance when you want to take a

major decision. The tools will be of immense

benefit to you if you want to know the will of God in

marriage, or if you are already married and there is a

major family decision to make.

The four tools centre on the prerequisite, pitfalls,

prayer pattern and principles of testing.


Before you can know the will of God, you must be a

child of God. Already, you have seen the difference

between Saul and David. You have seen that God

expressly attends to the voice of His children. The

opposite is true of a seeker who has no relationship

with God. This should not annoy you. The logic is

easy. It is nonsensical to give the children’s precious

privilege to dogs. Jesus says. “It is not meet to take

the children’s bread, and to cast it to dogs” . So,

the first prerequisite is that you must be a disciple

of Christ, the sheep of His pasture.


The second prerequisite is that you must act on

what you have already known. If you do not act on

what you know for now, God will not reveal the next

step to you. In the sciences, you do the practicals of

what you learn in theory before you make progress

to a new topic. This is God’s pattern too. He expects

you to live out, act out, perform whatever He has

shown you in the Bible. For instance, after a

teaching on Christian forgiveness, God will like to

see you forgive all those who have offended you

before He goes on to reveal His mind concerning the

pitfalls to avoid to you.


At this juncture, I have a word for Christian men

and women who made mistakes in the past. That is,

you felt led by God to someone only to realise that

the leading was not quite true. People, not God,

sometimes say that God will no longer guide

anyone who made a mistake in the past. This is

erroneous. Samuel made a mistake when he went to

choose David and God did not reject Samuel. He

simply told him he was mistaken. If you have made

a mistake in the past, cheer up and go back to God.

But you must know and avoid some pitfalls. The

possible pitfalls are:


Making decisions based on prevailing

circumstances only.


Depending on human knowledge.

Finding, Knowing And Doing God’s Will | 35

3. Trying to use God’s will like a wheelbarrow

which you push wherever you want it to go.

4. Tendency to be self-willed. God may give you

your will but with fearful consequences.

5. Doubting God after receiving His will just

because some problems surfaced.

6. Relapsing into the flesh after commencement

in the Spirit. If you began in the Spirit then

continue in the Spirit. Don’t walk after the flesh

or by sight.

7. Don’t put feeling for fact – don’t take a leap in

the dark; let your relationship with the Lord

put you beyond the reach of doubt and


As you avoid these pitfalls, put your trust and

confidence in God. He will make things better for

you. He is your Father and He cares.


“Now faith is the substance of things hoped for,

the evidence of things not seen. But without faith

it is impossible to please him: for he that cometh

to God must believe that he is, and that he is a

rewarder of them that diligently seek him”

(Hebrews 11:1,6). “If any of you lack wisdom, let

him ask of God, that giveth to all men liberally,


and upbraideth not; and it shall be given him”

(James 1:5).

Whenever you are praying, you must do so in faith.

Even when doubts creep into your heart while

praying, don’t be swept off your feet. Reassure

yourself of the love of God. Rehearse scripture

verses that assure you of God’s love. Remember that

God is thinking about you. He will neither leave nor

forsake you. You are precious in His sight.

Remember the promises of God and recall His past

answers to your prayers. This will inspire faith in

you as you go back and pray to know the will of God.

There is a way you pray and receive answer to your

prayer. You must not be pretentious. You must be

natural and simple. Strip yourself of every

affectation when going to God in prayer. Don’t read

your prayer from any book. Let your prayer flow

from the depths of your burdened heart. Use your

own words. Pray in the language you understand.

Moreover, you must be prepared to receive what the

Lord gives you. God knows what you need. You do

not need to tell God that “I think a light

complexioned person will match me because I am

dark”. When the Lord makes a provision for you, it

will be alright in every sense. So, tell God to give

you the best He deems fit. Finally, believe that God

will show you His will.

Finding, Knowing And Doing God’s Will |37

When the answer to your prayer comes, how will

you know?


Having fulfilled the prerequisites, prayed and

known what you believe to be the will of God, you

should test your decision. There are four principles

of testing God’s will in marriage. They are: promise

test, purpose test, peace test and pastor’s test.

Thus, your decision would be subjected to some

tests. As to the promise test, you should see

whether your decision is based on faith or

assumption, feeling and presumption. Does the

promise of God cover the revealed will?

Under purpose test, you should ask yourself if your

union with the prospective partner will help you

fulfil the purpose and objective of God for your life.

You need to ask yourself if God will be glorified by

the decision.

Also, picture yourself in the home as the life partner

of the person you are led to and see if you have an

abiding rest and peace. Does the idea of living with

this partner give you freedom from strain, worry,

anxiety and stress? Does the decision give you

peace? This is what is referred to as the peace test.

Finally, you will need to apply the pastor’s test.

Don’t act like an orphan. God has a representative in

the church. He is the pastor. Tell your pastor about


your decision and he will cross-check it for you.

When your decision has passed through the

promise, purpose, peace and pastor’s tests and

come out clean and unshakable, you can then take

the next step. At the end of these scriptural and

proven principles, you would have got rid of all

doubts. You will emerge unshakable in the will of

God. All doubts will disappear. Confusions and

conflicts will be crowded out of your heart.

But there is a big caution here. When a believer

decides to marry an unbeliever and he (the believer)

claims that his decision has passed through the four

tests, does his decision agree with the Scripture?


When God leads a man to a lady, He does so

intelligently. He puts everything necessary into

consideration. Let this truth be indelibly printed on

your mind: When God leads a believer to a life

partner, He will never lead him or her to an

unbeliever. God leads a believer to another believer

of similar precious faith and love for the Lord Jesus

Christ. The leading will be to someone having

similar life goals so that they can share and live

their lives together. God will lead one believer to

another believer of similar spiritual commitment. It

would be to someone with whom you can build a

big, profound and meaningful companionship in


Finding, Knowing And Doing God’s Will | 39

One fact is firmly established – God never allows a

believer (born again Christian) to marry an

unbeliever. God has no interest in such union.

Pastors who bring such couples together in a ‘holy’

matrimony are disobedient to the Bible teaching on


In Deuteronomy 7:3, the Bible says: “Neither shalt

thou make marriages with them, thy daughter

thou shalt not give unto his son, nor his daughter

shalt thou take unto thy son. For they will turn

away thy son from following me, that they may

serve other gods: so will the anger of the LORD be

kindled against you, and destroy thee suddenly”.

Also in Joshua 23:12,13, the Bible says: “Else if ye

do in any wise go back, and cleave unto the

remnant of these nations, even these that remain

among you, and shall make marriages with them,

and go in unto them, and they to you: Know for a

certainty that the LORD your God will no more

drive out any of these nations from before you;

but they shall be snares and traps unto you, and

scourges in your sides, and thorns in your eyes,

until ye perish from off this good land which the

LORD your God hath given you”. “Be ye not

unequally yoked together with unbelievers” (2

Corinthians 6:14). This verse is so clear and

straightforward. Don’t do it. Do not allow anything

to lead you into it. There are seven major reasons

why a believer should not make marriage plans,

arrangements or covenant with an unbeliever.


Believers walk by faith and unbelievers walk by

sight. Therefore, you will never be able to get along

together. He who walks by sight is easily tired. He

who walks by faith affirms he will get anywhere

Christ leads him to go. “Can two walk together,

except they be agreed?” (Amos 3:3). Believers

have complete allegiance to God, to the Church and

to the Word of God. Unbelievers have their own

allegiance to the world, their families and the

traditions of men. If these two – a believer and an

unbeliever – come together in marriage, there will

be divided loyalty in the home. While the believing

partner is loyal to God, the unbelieving partner is

loyal to the world. While the believing partner is

interested and delighted in the family of God, the

unbelieving partner is interested in the affairs and

lifestyle of the world. While the word of God guides

the believing partner, the traditions of the world

guides the unbelieving partner. Consequently,

there will be sharp disagreement, bitterness and

division in everything. That home will be in chaos.

There will be bad blood between both partners.

That is why God said, “they shall be snares and

traps unto you, and scourges in your sides, and

thorns in your eyes”.

The third reason a believer should not marry an

unbeliever is that there would be conflict in making

decisions. While the word of God provides the

believing partner solution, the unbeliever’s carnal

mind gives him his own solution. They have

Finding, Knowing And Doing God’s Will | 41

different sources of information. The believing

partner gets his information from above. The

unbelieving partner gets his information from

below. So, the two cannot walk together.

The fourth reason a believer should not marry an

unbeliever is that they both have different goals,

pursuits and ambitions in life. So, they would be,

literally, tearing the family apart if they come

together in marriage.

The fifth reason is that both are possessed by

different spirits. The unbeliever walks according to

dictate of the spirit of the power of the air. The

believer is controlled by the Holy Spirit. When a

believer marries an unbeliever, two different

spirits, diametrically opposed to each other in

nature and works, begin a long struggle.

The sixth reason is the nature in both of them. The

unbeliever has a stony heart whereas the believer

has a heart of flesh. When a person who has a soft,

gentle and tender heart lives with a person who has

a stony heart, life becomes very difficult.

A further examination of the names, titles and

symbols used for believers and unbelievers in the

Bible shows why they must not come together in

marriage. Believers, according to Matthew 25:32,

are sheep while unbelievers, in the same passage,

are referred to as stubborn ‘goats’. It is very difficult

for a sheep and a goat to come together in marriage.


In Jeremiah 13:23, the unbeliever is referred to as

leopard, and in John 21:15, the believer is referred

to as lamb. You can imagine what will happen if a

harmless and helpless lamb is housed in the same

cage with a wild and terrible leopard. The leopard is

by nature a devourer, while the lamb is gentle. They

cannot live together. Jesus calls unbelievers

poisonous and harmful vipers while he calls the

believers ‘doves, harmless and gentle’ in Matthew

10:15. That is why Jesus warned His followers that

unbelievers are wolves in sheep’s clothing.

They are deceptive and destructive.


“The road should be accident-free when I am in the

will of God”, someone may say. Yes, to a large

extent. Challenges and problems that arise when

you are in the will of God are stepping stones to

greater heights. After knowing the will of God in

marriage, problems could arise in getting the

consent of the parents. The person you are led to

might get ill. You can discover during courtship that

she is sickly or he is out of job. Friends could

aggravate ill-feeling at this juncture. Their counsel

might inject doubts and fears into your heart. You

will begin to doubt God’s leading.

We know that God called Abraham. It was the will

of God for Abraham to come out of his kindred. On

coming out in obedience to His will, the first

Finding, Knowing And Doing God’s Will | 43

experience he had was a problem – great famine.

What was that meant to do? Of course, to challenge

his faith. Problems do not come because you are

wrong or weak but to develop and strengthen your



| 44


n all ventures, there is usually a waiting

and planning time. A successful candidate in

Ipost-primary school entrance examination does not

rush to the school he has been admitted into. He

waits until the day of resumption. The period

between the time he got the notice of his admission

and the actual date of resumption is meant for

planning, waiting and preparation. During this

period, the successful candidate does not use the

school library or go to the dining hall to eat. He does

not enjoy the privileges of a student.

The story is the same with a job seeker. He does not

necessarily resume work the very day he receives

the letter of appointment. He will be given a date of

resumption. The period between the time he got the

letter of appointment and the actual date he

assumes duty is for waiting and planning and

perhaps praying. During this period, the

prospective worker does not go to claim the


company’s luncheon voucher or use the company’s

car. He does not enjoy the privileges of a member of

staff of the company.

The story is not too different in marriage. Having

known the will of God in marriage, and received the

lady’s consent to your proposal, you do not get

married immediately. There is a waiting, praying,

and planning time. That time is called the period of

courtship. Courtship is a period given to planning

and praying together. You must plan for your

prospective home during courtship. Remember

that if you fail to plan, you are planning to fail.

During this period, you cannot enjoy the benefits of

marriage. This is your waiting time. What do you do

during courtship? This is what we will be looking

into in this chapter.


Every right-thinking person, especially a Christian,

must have a propelling goal. Note that when two

people come together in courtship, they still have

their individual goals in mind. The man has his

goals and the lady has hers too. The time of

courtship is the period in which both of them will

come together and share these goals. The goals

might be spiritual, social, academic or physical.

You bring the goals of the two of you together and

harmonise them so much so that they will become

family goals.

Period Of Courtship | 47

This harmonisation of goals will take some time.

There are rules to observe as you harmonise your

different goals. “And the LORD God said, it is not

good that the man should be alone; I will make

him an help meet for him” (Genesis 2:18). This

verse of scripture must be our focus in planning.

This scripture makes it clear that the person you

want to marry is a partner not a piece of property.

Secondly, you are coming together as companions,

not competitors.

The period of courtship is the time you discuss as

partners and companions; it is a time of discussion,

sharing and examination of how best you can both

fulfil your goals and ideals in life. You examine how

both of you can tread the same path with the least

friction. You look into how you will be literal

helpmeet for each other. This is the first goal you

will harmonise. “That our sons may be as plants

grown up in their youth; that our daughters may

be as corner stones, polished after the similitude

of a palace” (Psalm 144:12). This spells out a

second goal. You should aim at building a home

where the children that will come through you will

develop and live a fulfilled life. “That our garners

may be full, affording all manner of store: that

our sheep may bring forth thousands and ten

thousands in our streets” (Psalm 144:13). This

talks about the harmonisation of your different

professions. If the woman works in a different town

from where the man works, during courtship, they


are both to decide on how to harmonise the

locations of their places of work. If either of them is

engaged in a profession that will not help in

fulfilling the purpose of God in marriage and family

goals, both of them will discuss what to do during

courtship. “That our oxen may be strong to

labour; that there be no breaking in, nor going

out; that there be no complaining in our streets”

(Psalm 144:14). This scripture clinches the thought

of the overall fulfilment of all marriage goals. “I

have glorified thee on the earth: I have finished

the work which thou gavest me to do” (John 17:4).

Your purpose in life is to glorify God. Your plan and

goal must therefore include how to glorify God in

your marriage.

Also, you must know that marriage is for pleasure;

you must think about this in your courtship. God

wants you to enjoy your marriage. Marriage is not a

curse. In Hebrews 13:4, we are told that “Marriage

is honourable in all”. In Proverbs 5:18, “Let thy

fountain be blessed: and rejoice with the wife of

thy youth”. You must harmonise this purpose

during courtship too.

Another marriage goal you should harmonise

during courtship is provision. Marriage is for

provision of care, love, security, and the needs of

each partner. “So ought men to love their wives as

their own bodies. He that loveth his wife loveth

himself. For no man ever yet hated his own flesh;

Period Of Courtship | 49

but nourisheth and cherisheth it, even as the Lord

the church. Nevertheless let every one of you in

particular so love his wife even as himself; and

the wife see that she reverence her husband”

(Ephesians 5:28,29,33). Think and discuss during

courtship how you can provide love and care for

your partner.

In Genesis chapter one verse twenty-eight, the Bible

says: “And God blessed them, and God said unto

them, Be fruitful, and multiply, and replenish the

earth, and subdue it: and have dominion over the

fish of the sea, and over the fowl of the air, and

over every living thing that moveth upon the

earth”. Another marriage goal you will harmonise

during courtship is procreation. God wants you to

have children. During courtship, you are to discuss

the number of children you should have and how

they will have fulfilled lives. This point is re-

echoed in Psalm 127:3-5, “Lo, children are the

heritage of the Lord: and the fruit of the womb is

his reward. As arrows are in the hand of a mighty

man; so are children of the youth. Happy is the

man that hath his quiver full of them: they shall

not be ashamed, but they shall speak with the

enemies in the gate”.

Finally, purity is another marriage goal you should

harmonise during courtship. “Nevertheless, to

avoid fornication, let every man have his own

wife, and let every woman have her own


husband” (1 Corinthians 7:2). This is part of the

purpose of marriage. Your marriage must enhance

purity. You must plan on how you will be purer in

thought and action, free from all entanglements

with other women or men outside your

matrimonial home and be closer to God. In

Ecclesiastes 4:9, we learn that “Two are better than

one; because they have a good reward for their

labour”. And in 1 Timothy 5:22, we see an express

injunction “...keep thyself pure”. You must both

harmonise how you will help in keeping yourselves


There seems to be a big question in the hearts of

many believers on how to ‘keep thyself pure’ during

courtship. Christians of all leanings – evangelical,

conservative, Pentecostal, orthodox, holiness,

liberal – have problems in varying degrees in this

area. Here are seven scriptural helps on how to keep

yourself pure during courtship.


The place of meeting must not engender or

encourage any evil. It must neither be a secret place

or behind locked doors. Your choice of the place of

meeting should, preferably, be an open place where

other people can see you. Why so much care about

the choice of place?

Understand that the devil is not asleep. Apostle

Paul in Ephesians 4:27 counsels that we should

Period Of Courtship | 51

“Neither give place to the devil”. If you seek any

dark or secret place to meet, you are giving place to

the devil. If you give the devil an inch, he will go a

mile. “Lest Satan should get an advantage of us:

for we are not ignorant of his devices” (2

Corinthians 2:11). If you meet in dark places, your

mind will be prone to think of the things done in



The posture of the man and the woman when they

meet for courtship is important. During your

meeting, your posture must not be one that can play

on your partner’s emotion. You are not supposed to

sit or recline in a way that will cause your partner’s

heart to stray from purity and holiness. The

dressing of the woman especially, should be

modest; “For after this manner in the old time the

holy women also, who trusted in God, adorned

themselves”. If these hints on posture are

neglected, you might become a stumbling block to

your partner. “Let us therefore not judge one

another any more: but judge this rather, that no

man put a stumbling block or an occasion to fall

in his brother’s way” (Romans 14:13). Some

Christians who are not thoroughly schooled in the

teaching on marriage put on a mast and fly a flag of

liberty during courtship. Some contend that since

they have known the will of God, there should be no

constraint to their show of appreciation because the


Bible says, “where the Spirit of God is there is

liberty”. Let such people read 1 Corinthians 8:9

which says, “But take heed lest by any means this

liberty of yours become a stumbling block to them

that are weak”.


“Let all things be done decently and in order” (1

Corinthians 14:40). Your discussion and meeting

will be unfruitful if there is no deliberate and well-

planned scheme of how things should go. During

courtship, plan and prepare for the things you

would like to discuss in your meeting. It is good to

be meticulous at this point. It is advisable to write

out the plan of all you would like to discuss. As you

do this, think of your priorities and the areas you

will like to emphasize. If this is properly done, you

can be sure of an orderly, meaningful and fulfilling


You must, however, be realistic in your planning.

Do not be idealistic. Do not fly too high in your

planning. Patience is profitable. “Also, that the soul

be without knowledge, it is not good; and he that

hasteth with his feet sinneth” (Proverbs 19:2).


In your meeting, you must “Abstain from all

appearance of evil” . Let the air of purity wrap up

your conduct. Avoid every questionable act.

Period Of Courtship | 53
Whatever you cannot do if God were physically

present in your midst, avoid doing during your

meeting. Whatever you cannot do in the name of

Jesus, avoid it during your meeting. If you cannot

kiss your partner if God were physically present, do

not kiss her during your meeting. A kiss is

questionable during courtship. If you do that you

are yielding to the flesh and swallowing the bait of

the devil. It will stir up unholy desires in your

emotions. And a simple bait like a kiss during

courtship drains Christians of all fruit of the Spirit.

The next step might be to sup into the deeds of the

flesh. During your courtship, no other counsel can

be as helpful as “Abstain from all appearance of



All problems must be brought to God in prayer

during courtship. There are diverse problems that

could arise from both ends. The parents of either

the man or the woman, or both, might delay in

giving consent. The man or the woman might have

had a child or children in the days of sinful living.

There could be financial difficulties in building the

new home of your dream. You could be

apprehensive of the demands of your would-be

parents in-law. You might like to pray about the

wedding day. You want to tell God to rebuke all

unseen forces that wreck new families on your

behalf. You need all the promises of God for the


budding family. You should ask for guidance and

wisdom in planning your home. You should ask

God to grant you favour before members of your

extended families. You should ask God to keep you

throughout your time of courtship, that you might

not fall from the faith. You must constantly take all

these to the Lord in prayer. As you do this,

remember the word of God that, “If any of you lack

wisdom, let him ask of God, that giveth to all men

liberally, and upbraideth not; and it shall be

given him. But let him ask in faith, nothing

wavering...” (James 1:5,6). So, be free to ask God

what you desire for your new home.


During your meeting, the presence of God will help

in keeping you pure. The compelling presence of

God is all you need to keep you in the track of

holiness. If you recognise the presence of God, there

will be no conflict, no disagreement, no backbiting

and no questionable act will transpire between you.

The abiding presence of God is a great asset to

success in courtship. “And he said, My presence

shall go with thee, and I will give you rest. And he

said unto him, If thy presence go not with me,

carry us not up hence” (Exodus 33:14,15). The

presence of God is indispensable in your meetings

during courtship. You had better not meet if God’s

presence is lacking. The reason is obvious. If the

presence of God is found wanting, the devil, with

Period Of Courtship | 55
his host, will be present to make it a ‘blood-and-

thunder’ meeting.


How should meetings during courtship end? If

things have gone on well and both of you have had a

nice time, it is befitting to lift up holy hands and

praise the Lord. Perhaps knotty issues have been

raised and solutions were very evasive, it is still

good to lift up holy hands and praise the Lord. Even

if the woman came to the meeting only to repeat her

parents’ objection to the marriage, there is still

reason for both to give praises to the Lord. If you

have spent a couple of hours in the meeting and the

choice of place was ideal, the posture was edifying,

the prayer was powerful, the presence of God was

obvious, the purity was transparent and the plan

was really helpful, how should you end the

meeting? It is certainly with praise to the Lord. “In

every thing give thanks: for this is the will of

God”. “Let every thing that has breath praise the

LORD...” (1 Thessalonians 5:18; Psalm 150:6).


This is a major and broad area of examination in the

teaching on courtship. Courtship is not altogether a

friction-free time. Though your partner is the will of

God for you, and there is assurance and peace in

your heart that he or she is the will of God, conflicts


may arise between the two of you. This does not

mean that you are not consecrated or that your

partner is not sanctified. You need to know that the

more spiritual you are, the more problems and

conflicts you are likely to have during courtship.

Even if an angel, in his perfect state, marries a

human being, problems and heartaches will pester

that person out of his normal mind. The angel will

be too perfect for the human being. And the

human’s best conduct will be a horrible sight for the

angel. Corrections will come in quick successions.

They will be incompatible. Yet, he is an angel and

the other person is a Christian, washed in the blood

of the Lamb. The truth is that, you are different one

from the other.

It is the same in courtship between two Christians.

Two people from different family backgrounds,

with different educational attainments, life goals

and ideals, and different levels of Christian

commitment, have come together in obedience to

know God’s will, and want to share the remaining of

their lifetime together. It cannot be that easy.

Sometimes, the partners in courtship are torn

between the ideas of their parents and their own

ideas. It is, as if one is assembling parts of a car and

an aircraft together. They are not quite congruous.

There certainly, will be problems.

The expected problem of conflict in courtship can,

however, be complicated. This happens when one

Period Of Courtship | 57

of the partners, or both of them are selfish, proud,

harsh or impatient. This fact might trouble some

minds. Can a Christian be selfish, proud, harsh or

impatient? Yes.

This kind of selfishness however is stirred up by

over-excitement and enthusiasm. When they meet

for discussion, each came armed with a catalogue of

questions. Out of excitement, each wants the other

to keep quiet and listen to his or her own questions.

This is selfishness. It will cause conflict.

Sometimes, it is pride that causes conflict. The man

does not want the woman to know that he is

ignorant of some issues. He therefore explains off

every issue that appears strange to him as


At other times, it is the problem of harshness,

impatience and insensitivity to the need of the

other partner that cause conflict. Unwholesome

criticism from either partner also is enough to

cause conflict. Cold comments on coming late to

your meetings could cause conflicts too.

These problems of conflict are to be faced squarely

and resolved. There are lots of proven ways of

resolving conflicts.

The prerequisite for resolving conflict in your

courtship is the possession of a meek, lowly and


humble spirit. Be very honest with yourself and

your partner. Let your sincerity be transparent. You

must be willing to admit it when you are at fault. In

all humility, ask for forgiveness from your partner

when you are wrong. As much as possible, never

hurt your partner’s feeling or take revenge on your

partner. Respect, trust and admiration must reign in

the midst of both of you. “Recompense to no man

evil for evil. Provide things honest in the sight of

all men. If it be possible, as much as lieth in you,

live peaceably with all men” (Romans 12:17,18).

When an offence is fresh and the desire to strike

back comes to you, STOP! Gracefully and carefully

withdraw all statements and attitude that will

aggravate the offence. Then, go to pray and allow

Jesus Christ to help you regain your perspective and

restore your self-control.

Whenever there is a conflict, whoever may be

wrong between both of you, whether you like to say

it or not, whether it is convenient or inconvenient,

you must both learn to say, ‘I forgive you’. And you

must say this with proper decorum. Do not say it

with a coarse and roaring voice. Say it with all the

gentleness and love that Jesus Christ displayed

when He told Peter, “Feed my sheep”.

Avoid impossible and unreasonable demands. This

leans towards selfishness. Such demands

overstretch the patience of your partner and

eventually cause irritation.

Period Of Courtship | 59



In evading conflicts, you could ask yourself some

questions before offering some major and decisive

statements. Some possible questions for such

occasions are:

1. Is what I am saying really true? (Ephesians

4:25; Proverbs 18:13).

2. Is what I would like to say profitable to my

partner? Will it help or hurt him or her?

(Proverbs 20:15; Romans 15:12).

3. Is this the right time to say what I have to say?

Or do I wait for a more opportuned time?

(Proverbs 15:23,28a; 25:11).

4. Is my attitude right? (1 Corinthians 16:14:

Ephesians 4:15).

5. Is my choice of words the best in putting the

ideas I have across? (Proverbs 15:l,2;16:23).

6. Have I prayed about the matter and am I

trusting God to help me in my communi-

cation? (Proverbs 35.6; Psalm 19:14).

You will find these questions rewarding if they are

asked and rightly answered before going into

sensitive areas of discussion during courtship.

Besides these areas of general conflicts, there is the

problem of getting into the hearts of women during


courtship. Women are usually reticent during

courtship. Why is this so?


Men, generally, are ignorant in courtship whereas

women are very intelligent, observant and sharp.

Women in courtship have seven unspoken

questions. They do not ask these questions. They

ask other questions which look irrelevant and at

times nonsensical. These spoken questions are

intended to trigger the man’s mind into giving

answers to the unspoken questions.

The first of the unspoken questions is, in what way

does he respect me? The woman, in her search for

answer to this question, would do all kinds of

things to see your response. She might deliberately

come late to your meetings for discussion. She

might disagree on your choice of a tentative date of

wedding. Your response and reaction are the

answers to the unspoken question: “In what way

does he respect me?”

Other questions are:

(b) How does he esteem my parents?

(c) How will he treat me after we are married?

(d) Does he have any habit that irritates me? Is he

willing to change?

Period Of Courtship | 61

(e) How decided is he to wait until marriage before

asking for close marital intimacy?

(f) Is he totally committed to God, His work, and

His people?

(g) Why am I afraid to tell him who I am? Is he able

to handle my personal private affairs


When these unspoken questions receive observable

answers, the woman becomes happy, frank and

cooperative. Certainly, you cannot know

everything about a woman in courtship. All you do

during courtship is to soften the ground of her

heart. How do you then get the best in your


“Trust in the Lord with all thine heart and lean

not unto thine own understanding. In all thy ways

acknowledge him, and he shall direct thy path”.

The going might not be too good in your courtship

but if you trust the Lord, all will be well.


| 62


arriage can be likened to a journey. You begin

to think about a journey when the desire first

comes into your heart. That is why this book begins

with an overview of marriage as a God-ordained

institution. We have also been taken through some

of the milestones along the road to marriage. You

now know how to find, know and do the will of God

in marriage. The preceding chapter concentrates on

courtship. This new chapter will focus on the

consummation of your courtship.

By now, you know that marriage is for life.

Consequently, there is every reason for you to know

the perfect will of God with regard to the person you

should marry. Having done this, you will now go

through the following stages: parents’ consent,

price of marriage and pattern of marriage.



Christians must follow a principle of respect for

parents in their marriage plans. You cannot just

pick a woman in church and drag her to the altar.

When a believer does that, he is courting problem

from the woman’s parents. The law of the land does

not support such method of marriage and it should

not be done by believers. We are told in 1

Corinthians 14:40 that, “Let all things be done

decently and in order”.

The next thing a man does (after testing the will of

God with all the principles of testing, getting the

pastor’s approval, telling the woman and receiving

her consent) is to tell his parents about this virtuous

woman which God has given him. The woman does

the same thing also. The man and the woman must

talk to their individual parents with enthusiasm,

confidence and persuasion. Tell them lovingly and

assuringly, not with shaky voice that is devoid of

conviction. Anything short of assurance and self-

confidence will attract criticism. Paint the picture

of the partner in the best and most sincere way you

can. Assure them of his or her love. Tell them God

has a hand in it. Make them see that they need to see

him or her as soon as possible. Heighten their

expectation and do this with all love, respect and


Sometimes, parents may not accept the God-given

partner. Their objections sometimes border on

Journey Into Marriage

| 65

tribal sentiments. Most mothers desire that their

daughters remain within their reach. Some parents

like their daughters or sons to marry someone from

their tribe. At other times, parents talk about the

social status or parental background of the partner.

Though some parents go as far as threatening not to

have hand in the marriage, such threats are always

meant to elicit our conviction and proofs that the

acclaimed partner is credible. Such threats and

resistance don’t last but give way to the heat of joint

fervent prayer of faith.

This stage is transitional in the journey towards

marriage. The question is, how does one handle this

stage? First, never get frightened or weep when you

get to this stage. And do not resort to doubt and

unbelief. Do not think that, perhaps, God’s hand is

not in it. Learn from Jesus’ experience.


“Now when Jesus saw great multitudes about

him, he gave commandment to depart unto the

other side. And when he was entered into a ship,

his disciples followed him. And, behold, there

arose a great tempest in the sea, insomuch that

the ship was covered with the waves: but he was

asleep. And his disciples came to him, and awoke

him, saying, Lord, save us: we perish. And he

saith unto them, Why are ye fearful. O ye of little

faith? Then he arose, and rebuked the wind and


the sea; and there was a great calm” (Matthew

8:18,23-26). Jesus “gave commandment to depart

unto the other side”. The disciples did not get to

the other side in verse nineteen, not even in verse

twenty but in verse twenty-eight. Between the time

Christ gave the go-ahead and the fulfilment of the

commandment were a chain of traumatic


There was a great tempest in the sea “and the ship

was covered with waves”. There were thoughts of

doom, destruction and death. There was a rebuke

from the Master, “Why are ye fearful, O ye of little

faith?” There was the stilling of the tempest and

finally, they came “to the other side”. It might be

the same in your courtship. So, you should stand

firm in the will of God. Observe that in the tempest

and trial, Jesus did not say: ‘perhaps, it is not the

will of God that I go to the other side’. Take a leaf

from Jesus. Never doubt after the will of God has

been revealed to you. The parents’ objections are

like a tempest, trial or threat of doom. If you stand

your ground, you will get to the other side. “The

king’s heart is in the hand of the LORD, as the

rivers of water: he turneth it whithersoever he

will” (Proverbs 21:1). This is true of Pharaoh’s heart

and it will be the same with the hearts of your

parents too.

Journey Into Marriage

| 67

“And afterward Moses and Aaron went in, and

told Pharaoh, Thus saith the LORD God of Israel,

Let my people go, that they may hold a feast unto

me in the wilderness. And Pharaoh said, Who is

the LORD, that I should obey his voice to let Israel

go? I know not the LORD, neither will I let Israel

go” (Exodus 5:1,2). Before the Lord gave you His

will in marriage, He knew your parents may go

against it, and He has prepared for that battle.

Before God revealed to Moses His perfect will (to

lead the children of Israel out of Egypt), He knew

that Pharaoh would resist it and He was ready for

the battle.

So, from the moment Pharaoh objected to the divine

will, God began to work. In Exodus 8:19: “Then the

magicians said unto Pharaoh, This is the finger of

God”. In spite of all this, Pharaoh did not accept

immediately. “And Moses and Aaron were

brought again unto Pharaoh: and he said unto

them, Go, serve the LORD your God: but who are

they that shall go?” (Exodus 10:8). Pharaoh began

to yield and surrender. But that was a partial and

halfhearted concession. The Lord neither goes for

halfhearted concession nor would He concede

anything to those who object to His will.

Your prospective in-laws might agree to give their

son or daughter in marriage but demand that you

leave the Bible-believing church that you attend.


They might request that you begin to worship in

their own church. They might even demand that

you come to perform some rituals at the family

shrine. You must resist them vehemently. Be a

Moses. Take a cue from him. “And Pharaoh called

unto Moses, and said, Go ye, serve the LORD; only

let your flocks and your herds be stayed: let your

little ones also go with you. And Moses said, Thou

must give us also sacrifices and burnt offerings,

that we may sacrifice unto the LORD our God.

Our cattle also shall go with us; there shall not an

hoof be left behind...” (Exodus 10:24-26). But in

Exodus 12:31,32, “And he called for Moses and

Aaron by night, and said, Rise up, and get you

forth from among my people, both ye and the

children of Israel; and go, serve the LORD, as ye

have said, and be gone; and bless me also”.

So, Pharaoh agreed eventually to let the children of

Israel go because Moses and Aaron held on to their

faith. Hold on to your faith. If you believe, all things

are possible. The Bible says: “...What things soever

ye desire, when ye pray, believe that ye receive

them, and ye shall have them” (Mark 11:24). Also,

“Cast not away therefore your confidence, which

hath great recompense of reward. For ye have

need of patience, that, after ye have done the will

of God, ye might receive the promise. Now the

just shall live by faith” (Hebrews 10:35,36,38).

While processing your marriage, remain in the

Journey Into Marriage

| 69

faith. Though parents may be difficult, remain in

the faith. “The just shall live by faith: but if any

man draw back, my soul shall have no pleasure in

him” (Hebrews 10:38).

If you go back and begin to murmur: ‘I didn’t know

that it would be so difficult’, God says He is not

happy with you. If that person is the will of God for

you, things will turn out right. Depend on God.


As a man, after you have got the parents’ consent,

they (the bride’s parents) will want you to pay

something. The Bible calls it ‘dowry’. The custom of

paying dowry is as old as the world. You must be

prepared to pay the bride-price or dowry.

Sometimes, they may ask for money and at other

times they may ask for other things that are not

monetary. Dowry varies from culture to culture.

“And Jacob loved Rachel; and said, I will serve

thee seven years for Rachel thy younger

daughter” (Genesis 29:18).

Here is Jacob’s dowry –seven years of hard labour. It

would have been easier if they told him to pay

money. But he had to pay in a non-monetary form.

“And Shechem said unto her father and unto her

brethren, Let me find grace in your eyes, and

what ye shall say unto me I will give. Ask me

never so much dowry and gift, and I will give

according as ye shall say unto me: but give me the


damsel to wife” (Genesis 34:11.12). Here is a man

who really wanted to get married. He said he would

pay whatever the bride price was. You should

prepare to pay whatever is demanded of you as

dowry, provided it is scriptural and reasonable.

Do not allow the demand of the bride’s parents

discourage you. David wanted to get married and

Saul demanded for dowry. “And Michal Saul’s

daughter loved David: and they told Saul, and

the thing pleased him. And Saul commanded his

servants, saying, Commune with David secretly,

and say, Behold, the king hath delight in thee,

and all his servants love thee: now therefore be

the king’s son-in-law. And Saul said, Thus shall ye

say to David, The king desireth not any dowry,

but an hundred foreskins of the Philistines, to be

avenged of the king’s enemies” (1 Samuel 18:20-

25a). This was a great price! But David went out and

brought what Saul demanded.

Dowry may be in cash or in kind. It is clear the

parents of the woman are going to ask for dowry and

you must pay it. If it is too high, you can negotiate

for it to be reduced with persistent prayer and

pressure. But do not be scared.

If they ask for something that will cause them harm

(physically or spiritually), you should not give that.

You cannot give what would do them harm because

of your obedience to God and His word. The

principle in 1 Corinthians 10:31-33 will be helpful

Journey Into Marriage

| 71

here: “Whether therefore ye eat, or drink, or

whatsoever ye do, do all to the glory of God. Give

none offence, neither to the Jews, nor to the

Gentiles, nor to the church of God: Even as I

please all men in all things, not seeking mine own

profit, but the profit of many, that they may be


We have three groups of people referred to in this

scripture. They are: the Church, the Gentiles and

the Jews. As a Christian in the Church, you are

either a Jew or a Gentile. You must not deliberately

offend your people, your partner’s relatives or the

Church. A man or woman who wants to marry is

dealing with these three groups of people. But,

much as you must not deliberately offend any of

these three, you must obey God. You must not

compromise your faith in God at such a time. You

must assert that “...We ought to obey God rather

than men” (Acts 5:29). If you run into any difficulty,

go back to your pastor for counsel and help.

After settling your dowry, you do not need to waste

time delaying the marriage ceremony. In most cases

in the Bible, dowry and wedding closely go

together. Unnecessary delay may cause problems.

Samson’s experience in Judges 14:10-20 shows this.

Samson paid the dowry of a Philistine lady but

delayed in taking the lady in as his wife. And in

Judges 14:20, we read that ‘Samson’s wife was

given to his companion, whom he had used as his




Let us end up this chapter with the pattern of

marriage and wedding. You have known the will of

God, and you have already spoken to the woman.

Both of you are in agreement and have discussed

with the parents on both sides who in turn have

given their consent. In most countries, you are

expected to go to the Marriage Registry. You inform

the public through the Registry that you want to get

married. The Registry will put up a notice on their

Notice Board informing the public of your intention

and requesting that if anybody has anything against

the intending couple, they should come and lodge

their complaint(s). After some time, they will call

you and join you together or tell you to go to the

Church so that the Church can finalise the

ceremony. There might be slight variations in this

from country to country. “And Jacob said unto

Laban, Give me my wife, for my days are fulfilled,

that I may go in unto her. And Laban gathered

together all the men of the place, and made a

feast. And it came to pass in the evening, that he

took Leah his daughter, and brought her to him;

and he went in unto her” (Genesis 29:21-23). “And

Boaz said unto the elders, and unto all the people.

Ye are witnesses this day, that I have bought all...

Ruth the Moabitess... to be my wife.... So Boaz

took Ruth, and she was his wife: and when he

went in unto her, the LORD gave her conception,

and she bare a son” (Ruth 4:9-13). “The kingdom

Journey Into Marriage

| 73

of heaven is like unto a certain king, which made

a marriage for his son, And sent forth his servants

to call them that were bidden to the wedding: and

they would not come. Again, he sent forth other

servants, saying, Tell them which are bidden,

Behold, I have prepared my dinner: my oxen and

my fatlings are killed, and all things are ready:

come unto the marriage. But they made light of

it,... Then saith he to his servants, The wedding is

ready, but they which were bidden were not

worthy. Go ye therefore into the highways, and as

many as ye shall find, bid to the marriage.... And

when the king came in to see the guests, he saw

there a man which had not on a wedding

garment: And he saith unto him, Friend, how

camest thou in hither not having a wedding

garment?” (Matthew 22:2-12).

A study of the marriage ceremonies in the Old and

New Testaments of the Bible reveal that today’s way

of conducting marriage is different. Bible days’

wedding ceremonies were done at home, not in the

synagogues or temples. The weddings were

arranged by the parents of the man, not by the

Church. The wedding ceremonies were done at

night, and dinner was served. Also, there would be

a feast and ceremony performed at the house of the

bride’s parents. Wedding garments were sometimes

provided for even the invitees who came for the

marriage and sometimes there were some virgins

who would follow the bridegroom, like the ten


virgins we read about in Matthew 25:1-12. There

was also a lot of eating and drinking. Jesus alluded

to this when He said that in the last days, people

will be “marrying and giving in marriage,

drinking and eating”.

Let us see some guides which are scriptural and will

be profitable to you as you plan your marriage.

Many Christians are wrong in their attitude to

marriage ceremonies and the Lord wants all of us to

go back to scriptural standards. There are no rules

as to the pattern marriage ceremony should take.

Rules are not needed in the New Testament because

we are under grace. But then, there are five biblical

principles which you can apply to your wedding:

1. The wedding day should be a joyful one.

Therefore, rejoice with your friends. Generally,

you cannot wed twice in a life time – it is only

one day of your life span. The Bible makes this

clear In Isaiah 62:5, “For as a young man

marrieth a virgin, so shall thy sons marry

thee: and as the bridegroom rejoiceth over

the bride, so shall thy God rejoice over thee” .

And in John 3:29, “He that hath the bride is

the bridegroom: but the friend of the

bridegroom, which standeth and heareth

him, rejoiceth greatly because of the

bridegroom’s voice: this my joy therefore is

fulfilled”. So, the wedding day is a day to

rejoice. Do not come to the wedding ceremony

Journey Into Marriage

| 75

as if you are unhappy. Do not wear a long face

on your wedding day. Everybody expects you

to be happy and God expects you to rejoice on

your wedding day. “Which is as a bridegroom

coming out of his chamber, and rejoiceth as a

strong man to run a race” (Psalm 19:5).

2. This second principle is close to the first. As

you rejoice, be careful that you do not fall or

cause others to stumble. In Psalm 2:11, we are

told to “Serve the LORD with fear, and

rejoice with trembling”.

3. Spend money on your wedding day but do not

spend all that you have. It is impossible for you

to do your wedding without spending money.

You might need to cook food, but do not spend

all the money you have on feeding your guests.

There is no commandment that you must feed

everybody but there is a commandment that

you must feed your wife. So, watch how you

spend money on your wedding.

4. Do not begin the foundation of your marriage,

home and family with borrowing. Do not give

more than you have. Remember that “The rich

ruleth over the poor, and the borrower is

servant to the lender” (Proverbs 22:7).

5. Pray in faith but plan with thoughtfulness. You

should not plan to spend the money you do not

have. Do not strive to compete with the Joneses


in your wedding plan. Rather, strive at all times

to bring glory to God. Avoid vanities and

remember 2 Corinthians 10:12, “For we dare

not make ourselves of the number, or

compare ourselves with some that commend

themselves: but they, measuring themselves

by themselves, and comparing themselves

among themselves, are not wise”.

6. Avoid useless traditions of men and do not be

bound by the unwritten law of your society.

7. Do not try to impress people through lavish

spending. If a woman wants to marry and she

goes to borrow all the fad, fancies and fashions

of a relative who married recently, the wedding

will be an aberration from scriptural standard.

The point here is that you should cut your coat

according to your cloth. Do not impress people

by spending lavishly only to bring suffering on

the new family. “And be not conformed to this

world...” (Romans 12:2).

8. Be modest in your dressing. Do all things to the

glory of God (Colossians 3:17; Philippians

4:5.6; 1 Timothy 2:9).

“When a man hath taken a new wife he shall not

go out to war, neither shall he be charged with

any business: but he shall be free at home one

year, and shall cheer up his wife which he hath

taken” (Deuteronomy 24:5). In the sight of God,

Journey Into Marriage

| 77

wedding is a joyful thing; marriage is a beautiful

thing. In Israel, the newly-wed stays indoor for a

period of twelve months. That implies they have

their sustenance and all necessary things ready for

that period. Today, God does not expect you to stay

indoors for twelve months. The Lord, however,

expects that after wedding you would spend time

with your partner. When you are newly married,

live together. Do not start globetrotting in search of

fortune. Do not go on a study leave in a foreign

country. Live together to know each other, and get

adjusted to each other. The period immediately

after the wedding is for adjustment. The standard of

God is high and beautiful. If you stand by it, joy and

blessings will flow unceasingly in your marriage.


| 78



arriage is beautiful and family life is also

wonderful. When scripturally guided, there

will be systematic progress from one stage to

another. Marriage and family life are not supposed

to be composed of a clumsy, jumbled string of trial-

and-error experiences. Marriage is a growth

experience characterised by progression in the

knowledge of a new life. The transition from the

single life to the married life is a leap from one step

to another. This transition brings about a turning

point in the life of a man or woman.

The beginning of every worthwhile venture is very

important. The beginning of a new home is most

important. It requires all the skill, talent, effort and

prayer that you can muster. The beginning of

marriage is likened to a foundation and its

importance is underscored in Psalm 11:3: “If the

foundations be destroyed, what can the righteous

do?” You would need all the help that the Bible can


offer at the beginning of your married life. The Bible

has sound and proven counsel for you as you get

married. “Hear counsel, and receive instruction,

that thou mayest be wise in thy latter end”

(Proverbs 19:20). This scripture is saying that you

will have lasting and permanent rest, joy and peace

in your new family if you hear instruction and

receive counsel from the Bible. Here are some solid

scriptural counsels for the newly married:


“And the LORD God caused a deep sleep to fall

upon Adam, and he slept: and he took one of his

ribs, and closed up the flesh instead thereof; And

the rib, which the LORD God had taken from

man, made he a woman, and brought her unto the

man. And Adam said, This is now bone of my

bones, and flesh of my flesh: she shall be called

Woman, because she was taken out of Man.

Therefore shall a man leave his father and his

mother, and shall cleave unto his wife: and they

shall be one flesh” (Genesis 2:21-24). This is the

first stage in the progression of the newly married’s

life. You leave one group of people for another

person. You will have to be separated from some

people in order to be joined to another person. The

tendency, though, is for the woman to remain

attached to her mother, and for the man to remain

close to his pals and pastor. But this is wrong. After

you are married, God expects you to quit intimate

Help For The Newly Married | 81

friendship and sharing with all those who hitherto

enjoyed such relationships with you. There are

scriptural examples and injunctions to support

this. “And Isaac brought her into his mother

Sarah’s tent, and took Rebekah, and she became

his wife; and he loved her: and Isaac was

comforted after his mother’s death” (Genesis


As soon as Isaac got married to Rebekah, he had to

leave his father’s tent. Sarah died before Isaac’s

marriage, so he (Isaac) used Sarah’s tent,

independent of Abraham’s authority. Any other

person besides the two of you in your new home is

regarded as a stranger. “Drink waters out of thine

own cistern, and running waters out of thine own

well. Let thy fountains be dispersed abroad, and

rivers of waters in the streets. Let them be only

thine own, and not strangers’ with thee. Let thy

fountain be blessed: and rejoice with the wife of

thy youth” (Proverbs 5:15-18). In plain modern

language, this verse is saying that a married man

must cleave to his wife. The word of God says in

Song of Solomon 2:14, “O my dove, that art in the

cleft of the rock, in the secret places of the stairs,

let me see thy countenance, let me hear thy voice;

for sweet is thy voice, and thy countenance is

comely.” This calls for total cleaving.

But note that before you can cleave, you must leave

all those you will be tempted to give yourself to.


There are three categories of people you must leave:

caring parents, concerned people, and counselling



As you plan to go into marriage, remember that your

parents who have been caring for you still have

their hearts on you. They still think about you and

would like to oversee or monitor your life, even

after marriage. They have interest in your marriage

and will nuzzle every little detail of it. They see it as

their exclusive duty to care for you and your

spouse. They expect feedback from your

experiences in your new home.

But you should not have anything to tell them yet.

You have just entered the marriage and everything

is new. You are learning. You need to deliberately

plan on how to make the marriage successful. This

is a singular task which must be singularly done. So

do not run to give your caring parents report about

your new home. Tell everything you find new to

God and discuss it with your newly married wife or



The concerned people are your friends and well-

wishers. The people in this category are close and

free with either of you or both of you. They will ask

questions varying from minute, insignificant

Help For The Newly Married | 83

matters to weighty marital ones. They might be

concerned about how you are doing in your home

or how you are making ends meet with your meagre

income. At times, they may even want to know if

your wife is submissive at home. Some concerned

friends would like to know how spiritual your

spouse is. What do you do as the questions of

concerned people cascade? Your response should

be a simple one. Ask the concerned people whether

they have anything at stake if your wife or husband

performs below their expectation. The concerned

friends cannot nurture, care for and train your wife

for you. They cannot help you in understanding

your husband. So, the best bet is to leave them and

cleave to your spouse.


It sounds queer that you have to leave your

counselling pastor. Without any doubt, you would

have got used to your pastor before your wedding.

Your series of visits to him for counselling might

have encouraged you to repose a lot of confidence

in him. He knows almost every detail of your life.

This is alright as a spinster or bachelor.

After you are married however, you cannot

continue with the counselling pastor. His counsel

might make a woman a domestic misfit. He might

still counsel you to spend the greater portion of

your time praying like he used to counsel you as a

spinster. He might not have come to the full


realisation of your new life and responsibility. By

oversight, he might forget that you need to cook,

wash and do other chores.

The husband is the head of the home and every

matter should be reported to him, not to the pastor.

He is to spell out how the home should be built. The

husband is closer to the wife’s heart. The wife

should take all discouragements, disappointments

and distress to him. You must leave your

counselling pastor and cleave to your loving

husband or wife.



There are, however, difficult areas where you need

to see your pastor for counselling. I will draw an

analogy here. A student in the college or university

does not need to go to the university teaching

hospital for a slight headache or a minor bruise. But

when there is a major accident and the student

sustains a serious injury, he cannot take care of that

all by himself in the hall of residence. He has to visit

the hospital for adequate treatment.

It is the same in the day-to-day handling of marital

problems. There are innumerable minor problems

and misunderstandings which the newly married

couple should sit together to talk over. But if there is

a major problem that seems beyond their control,

Help For The Newly Married | 85

they should mutually consider seeing the pastor or

wherever help can be sought scripturally.



“And said, for this cause shall a man leave father

and mother, and shall cleave to his wife: and they

twain shall be one flesh? Wherefore they are no

more twain, but one flesh. What therefore God

hath joined together, let not man put asunder”

(Matthew 19:5,6). The word “cleave” means to have

a bond that cannot be broken. The most effective

type of gum is called “glue”. And in Hebrew,

“cleave” means one is glued together in a covenant

relationship with another person. It is the total

commitment of two hearts one to the other. It is not

a joining together to be seen on the outside only.

The two who cleave together must be joined in the

will, emotion, spirit, heart, ambition, desire,

thought and life of each other. The Hebrew word for

marriage is ‘‘kiddushin’’ which also means

“consecration” or “state of being set apart”.

Marriage, then, is a consecration of two people to

each other. This is made clear in 1 Corinthians

7:3,4: “Let the husband render unto the wife due

benevolence: and likewise also the wife unto the

husband. The wife hath not power of her own

body, but the husband: and likewise also the

husband hath not power of his own body, but the

wife”. In marriage, you become totally yielded and


submitted to each other. Even your bodies will be

yielded and submitted to each other.

This relationship is a mutual one. Many people, in

their ignorance, say that the wife must be

committed and yielded, while the husband can

remain indifferent. But this is wrong. The scripture

makes us know that it is very wrong. Commitment

between a couple is a reciprocal affair. “But he that

is married careth for the things that are of the

world, how he may please his wife” (1 Corinthians

7:33). It is scriptural for the husband to please his

wife. It is not a sign of weakness as many who lack

understanding say. Always remember that the wife

is not a servant. “... but she that is married careth

for the things of the world, how she may please

her husband”. The wife, in reciprocation, must be

diligent and careful to please her husband. She

must please him in all things. If the advice of

friends and parents go contrary to the injunction

that wives should please their husbands, such

advice is wrong and unprofitable.


Marriage is a growth experience characterised by

progression in the knowledge of a new life. In

marriage, the couple learn and study. The husband

needs to learn many things about the wife. The wife

also must patiently study the lifestyle, conduct,

taste, habit and culture of the husband. The success

Help For The Newly Married | 87

of the marriage is pivotal on the learning process.

Some husbands allow their hobbies to take more of

their time than their wives do. Some spend more

hours with their cars or their business partners than

they spend with their wives. This stifles a couple’s

relationship and the wife may feel emotionally


Husband and wife have many things to learn about

each other. The wife is not like any other woman

you meet at college, a higher institution or in the

office. She is unique in every sense. She has her

individual traits which must not be mistaken for

any other woman’s: you therefore need to take time

off to learn and know her. The husband is also

different from every other man on the face of the

earth. He has soft spots. His taste might be queer

and that makes him stand out from other men. Both

of you have a lot to learn. But there is something

significant about this learning.


As you learn, cover up your knowledge. You must

never share the knowledge you have of your wife or

husband with any other person, no matter how

close the person is to you. Do not expose your

partner to the world. You may learn that your wife is

lazy, selfish, dirty, lacking proper decorum or

wasteful in spending. Cover it up! See yourself as

the teacher and what you do during your learning


process is compilation of a syllabus of family

fellowship. All you learn about your wife forms the

body of that syllabus. You are the only person

competent enough to handle your wife and take her

through the syllabus successfully.

In this process of learning and trying to compile a

syllabus, you might discover staggering things.

Some of your discoveries might be outrageous. Do

not be irritated or over-excited to the point of going

to share it with a friend. Do not wonder whether

this is how all women look like. You should

understand that every man does this in his home

but they never bring it to you. Do not take yours to


The same principle goes for the wife. As you learn

and acquire knowledge of who your husband is, do

not go to expose him. Cover him up! Your parents

and friends may ask questions about your husband.

Answer their questions but never tell them the

faults you see in your husband. When you expose

his faults, you bring shame upon your husband and

household. Do not wash your dirty linen in the


What does God say about this in the Bible? “Hatred

stirreth up strifes: but love covereth all sins”

(Proverbs 10:12). “A fool’s wrath is presently

known: but a prudent man covereth shame”

(Proverbs 12:16). “He that covereth a

transgression seeketh love; but he that repeateth

Help For The Newly Married | 89

a matter separateth very friends” (Proverbs 17:9).

As you wade through the early years of marriage –

leaving, cleaving, loving, caring and going into a

lifetime mutual commitment, the ultimate goal is

how to make of your spouse a husband or wife who

is worth his or her salt. The motivating factor is to

make you the wife or husband of your dream. You

want your life, not your lips to tell your husband

and neighbours that you are an accomplished wife.

Who is an accomplished wife? Simply put, it is a

woman whose life spells the word “wife” in the

form of this acrostic:

Wise in communication

Industrious in caring, innocent in character

Faithful in companionship, forgiving in conflict

Excellent in counsel and comfort.

If your life spells this, you are an accomplished



Wisdom in communication is needed in building a

home. Many women wreck their homes because of

evil communication. A wife needs wisdom to

communicate with her husband. “Every wise

woman buildeth her house: but the foolish

plucketh it down with her hands” (Proverbs 14:1).

“The tongue of the wise useth knowledge aright:

but the mouth of fools poureth out foolishness”. A


wholesome tongue is a tree of life” (Proverbs


If you want your husband to enjoy the tree of life,

your communication will show it. “She openeth

her mouth with wisdom and in her tongue is the

law of kindness” (Proverbs 31:26).

An accomplished wife should allow wisdom to

guide her communication with her husband.



The wife must be above reproach in her attitude to

domestic chores. Cleanliness contributes to

happiness at home. The wife who is industrious in

caring will be careful in housekeeping. “She

looketh well to the ways of her household, and

eateth not the bread of idleness” (Proverbs

31:27).That is the blessing of the wife who is

industrious in caring.

The wife is not only expected to be industrious and

caring, she must be innocent in character. The

innocent wife exclusively belongs and keeps

herself for her husband no matter how strong the

temptations from neighbours and colleagues are.

She must not conduct herself in a way to stir up

suspicion in the heart of her husband. The innocent

wife does not keep letters, text messages and social

media addresses away from her husband because of

Help For The Newly Married | 91

the filthy messages they contain. “Who can find a

virtuous woman? for her price is far above rubies.

The heart of her husband doth safely trust in her,

so that he shall have no need of spoil. She will do

him good and not evil all the days of her life”

(Proverbs 31:10-12).



A wife should strive to be her husband’s burden-

sharer. In her role as wife, she should support,

comfort, and care for her husband. Things might be

rough in the office, yet the wife should be a faithful

companion in such trying moments. When he has

problems with the in-laws, the wife must be close

enough to comfort him. Any time the husband

comes home, the wife should make the home

homely for him. It is helpful to be sensitive to your

husband’s emotional feelings.

When there is conflict, let there be forgiveness from

your end. Whenever you have conflict, remember

Ephesians 4:32: “And be ye kind one to another,

tender-hearted, forgiving one another, even as

God for Christ’s sake hath forgiven you”.


Journeying through the married life can be

chequered. Fluctuations of joy, dread, and


sometimes fear characterise the married life. When

the heart is heavy on this journey, a wife, excellent

in counsel and comfort, is of great price. David

exemplifies a burdened husband without a

counselling and comforting wife. “Reproach hath

broken my heart; and I am full of heaviness; and I

looked for some to take pity, but there was none;

and for comforters, but I found none” (Psalm

69:20). This is the husband’s lot when there is no

comforting wife. And if you are the kind of wife you

should be, your husband should not have this



How about the husband? The accomplished

husband must also be able to live a life that will

spell the word “husband” in this acrostic:

Holy in conscience

Understanding in conversation, criticism and


Strong in caring and compassion

Blameless at home and abroad

Abiding in the covenant of marriage

Noble in courage and

Dependable in contributing to family needs.

The newly married man will spend time learning

how his life will say and demonstrate what is

contained in this acrostic.

Help For The Newly Married | 94

After you are married, God wants you to stay with

your wife alone. A worthy husband does not go into

extramarital affair. You must not think upon a maid

after you are married. “I MADE a covenant with

mine eyes; why then should I think upon a maid?”

(Job 31:1). If you do, you can neither be innocent

nor holy in conscience. “So he that goeth in to his

neighbour’s wife; whosoever toucheth her shall

not be innocent” (Proverbs 6:29).



Conversation, criticism and correction are

lubricants in the wheel of marriage. They help to

build the couple and the home. But they work like a

two-edged sword. If used properly, they will build

and make your home what it should be. If crudely

applied, they will make a mess of your marriage.

The husband stands in the position to use these

three factors to the benefit of the home. A husband,

who is worth his sort, must understand the art of

conversation, correction and criticism. What you

say in conversation, correction and criticism go a

long way in shaping your wife and winning her

confidence. “The heart of the wise teacheth his

mouth, and addeth learning to his lips” (Proverbs

16:23). “A man hath joy by the answer of his

mouth: and a word spoken in due season, how

good is it!” (Proverbs 15:23).


Many husbands become dumbfounded when they

are counselled to change their mode of

conversation, correction and criticism. They

believe they are at their best. But this is false. There

are crucial points to consider before you criticise

your wife:

1. When something goes wrong at home, don’t

assume you know who is at fault.

2. Get all facts right before you say a word in

condemnation or commendation.

3. Don’t bring past offences into the present

situation. Treat every situation as isolated case,

except where they evolve from the past.

4. Manifest love and self-control in your temper

while you are correcting your wife. Don’t

criticise in pride.

5. When correcting or criticising, do it in private.

Don’t allow a third party hear the correction or

criticism. Never correct your wife openly.

6. Criticism and correction should be like an

operation in which anaesthetic is first applied

to the diseased part. Your correction will be

very bitter and painful if anaesthetic is not

applied. Love her, commend her good points

and show genuine interest in her welfare.

Having done all this, you gently and lovingly

criticise and correct.

Help For The Newly Married | 95

7. Own up where you are wrong and do so


8. Create a good atmosphere for her to talk. Listen

to her part of the story and defend her if this is


9. Protect her dignity and personality.

10. Suggest specific steps to prevent the recurrence

of the mistake.

11. Pray for and with her in faith.

12. Forgive and forget. Bear no grudge with her. Let

love continue.



Care compels love to flow from the heart. A loving

husband makes himself lovable. “So ought men to

love their wives as their own bodies. He that

loveth his wife loveth himself” (Ephesians 5:28).


In all things and in all places (home or abroad), the

husband must be blameless. His conduct must be

above reproach and worthy of emulation. The

husband must “Do all things without murmurings

and disputings: That ye may be blameless and

harmless...” (Philippians 2:14.15).




Christ reminds every husband what the covenant of

marriage entails: “And he answered and said unto

them, Have ye not read, that he which made them

at the beginning made them male and female,

And said, For this cause shall a man leave father

and mother, and shall cleave to his wife: and they

twain shall be one flesh? Wherefore they are no

more twain, but one flesh. What therefore God

hath joined together, let not man put asunder”

(Matthew 19:4-6). The Bible equation for the

marriage union is 1+1=1. The husband must abide

in the covenant of this union.


Courage is a virtue which must be found in

husbands. David’s show of courage as a shepherd

was exemplary. “And David said unto Saul, Thy

servant kept his father’s sheep, and there came a

lion, and a bear, and took a lamb out of the flock:

And I went out after him, and smote him, and

delivered it out of his mouth: and when he arose

against me, I caught him by his beard, and smote

him, and slew him” (1 Samuel 17:34,35).

If David protected animals so courageously, how

well should you protect your wife? You are

supposed to protect her against all nagging and

gossips of neighbours and in-laws.

Help For The Newly Married | 97



This is required of all faithful husbands. “But if any

provide not for his own, and specially for those of

his own house, he hath denied the faith, and is

worse than an infidel” (1 Timothy 5:8).

The husband must provide for every member of the



Love is the most essential ingredient in marriage.

This is as profitable and priceless for the newly

married as it is for old couples.

1 Corinthians chapter 13 must be a mirror for both

partners as you relate with each other day after day.

You must see yourself in it and observe if you fall

below its precepts. Fluency in speaking, prophetic

and positive utterances, knowledge, faith in

provision of material needs are not sufficient in the

family. LOVE is the one indispensable ingredient: it

must be practical. Love must be evident in action

and attitude in the home as we endeavour to please

and edify one another. Forgiveness must be a daily

experience. Confession of each other’s fault must be

practised daily. There must be a conscious effort to

love and care one for another. “And be ye kind one

to another, tender-hearted, forgiving one

another, even as God for Christ’s sake hath


forgiven you” (Ephesians 4:32). “Bear ye one

another’s burdens, and so fulfil the law of Christ”

(Galatians 6:2).


If you are an old couple, Christ has some word for

you: “Nevertheless I have somewhat against

thee, because thou hast left thy first love.

Remember therefore from whence thou art

fallen, and repent, and do the first work; or else I

will come unto thee quickly, and will remove thy

candlestick out of his place, except thou repent”

(Revelation 2:4.5). The light of the fainting goes out

when LOVE is absent. Everybody in the family will

begin to walk in darkness and stumble, offend and

take offence, when LOVE (the light) goes out. Let

love come into the family again and light will also

come in. Love is the principal thing in marriage.

Marriage cannot thrive without love.


As a newly married husband or wife you must

ensure that you contribute to your marriage

ingredients that will make it a success. You must

possess all these qualities at the beginning of your

married life. Begin on a good note. Put your best into

your marriage. There is another important task that

you have to perform: keep the ingredients there all

through your marital life – never let them slip.



arriage is a partnership and it takes the grace

of God for two people to make marriage

work. It is an exhilarating experience to get married.

Thus, marriage is usually entered into with high

expectations. Excitement of the marriage ceremony

takes on a new turn as the couple begins to

fellowship together, love, learn and appreciate each

other with every passing day. But they soon

discover that the journey through marriage is full of

ups and downs, high and low spirits, delight and

despair, darkness and daylight.

This chequered marital experience works for good.

God permits this in His wisdom so that the marriage

bond will be strengthened. On the other hand,

variegated marital experiences can weaken and

destroy the couple and their marriage. To guard

against this marriage misfortune, let us discuss

some vital points in this chapter.


| 100

It is good to re-emphasise the fact that the success of

a marriage depends on the two partners. The wife

must be willing to give her best to meet the needs of

her husband and make their marriage work. The

husband must also give his all – his utmost – to

make the marriage work. This expressly cancels

selfishness out of the couple’s life. When you are

self-centred and demanding, you are not working

towards the success of your marriage. Neither the

husband nor the wife should be self-centred. Self-

centredness is, however, just one of the factors

which couples should be careful of. Each partner

must know his/her individual role. Both of you

should know the areas where problems arise and

the mature and scriptural approach to solve them.

Let us first focus on what the husband should know

in order to fulfil his own part in making the

marriage work.



The number one task of the husband is to

understand and appreciate his wife. The Bible calls

her the ‘weaker vessel’. What does this mean?

“Likewise, ye husbands, dwell with them

according to knowledge, giving honour unto the

wife, as unto the weaker vessel... ” (1 Peter 3:7). A

“weaker vessel” does not mean a useless and

unprofitable vessel. It means a “tender” vessel. The

What Couples Should Know | 101

parallel can be drawn of the breakable and

unbreakable plates used in homes. Breakable plates

are weaker and fragile but by no means useless.

Breakable plates are precious and serviceable. It is

the same with the wife. She is precious, tender and


If the wife is therefore precious and tender, what are

the things the husband should bear in mind in

relating with her?

1. Tenderness: The husband must be tender

toward his wife. He must not display his physical

strength but spiritual strength. Do not demand from

your wife what you are not willing to give. The

Bible says you should treat her as a “weaker vessel”.

This demands that you avoid a domineering


2. Politeness: A marriage will be successful if the

husband is polite towards his wife. When you meet

a stranger, what do you do? You will welcome him

with a smile. You will want to entertain and help the

person. Husbands need to show this kind of

common politeness to their wives. Be considerate

towards her.

3. Sociability: You must be sociable, cheerful and

inviting at home. The cheerful disposition you

show toward your colleagues in the office and your

friends on the street must be seen in you at home.

When you get to the office as a man, you greet


| 102

everybody with cheerfulness. You are humorous

and make everybody happy outside. When you

come home, bring that happiness, cheerfulness and

humour with you. A lighthearted word here and a

chat there must characterise your relationship with

your wife. This is real companionship. Bring this

sanctified entertainment into your home.

4. Understanding: As a husband, strive to

understand the fluctuations in the mood of your

wife. Her temperament and feelings change. She

has peculiarities that are unique to her. Different

women have different reactions to the same

problem. You must know your wife’s reactions to

certain things.

Sometimes, your wife might be moody. She might

appear sullen and incommunicable. This is not

necessarily because something went wrong with

her spiritually or morally. The problem could be a

physical one. She might be having her monthly

menstrual cycle. So, you must understand your

wife’s temperaments and peculiarities and be

observant, patient and understanding.

5. Fairness in Financial Matters: You must be fair

in financial matters. You must be realistic in

domestic budget. Do not give her less than she

requires. If you give her anything less than she

requires, the likelihood is that you will receive less

than you are worth. Moreover, do not expect too

much out of what you give her.

What Couples Should Know | 103

6. Private Correction and Public Commendation:

Never rebuke your wife openly. When you want to

correct her, do it in private. If you do not want your

children to disrespect their mother, do not correct

her while they (the children) are around. Do not

correct her in the presence of your parents either,

lest they make derogatory remarks about her. If you

want to correct your wife, make sure no other ear is

listening. As you correct your wife in private, you

need to commend her in the public. Do not run your

wife down before anyone. No matter how low she

falls below your expectation, bring her good aspects

out and highlight them in the public – before your

children, parents, friends, pastor and neighbours.

There is blessing in doing this. First, she will be

hopeful of some improvement and there will be

better understanding between both of you. She will

be confident of herself in the public and she will

respect you for the role you are playing in making

her the wife she dreamt to be.

7. Honesty And Truthfulness: A husband should

not be deceitful or diplomatic. If a wife cannot trust

her husband, she will find it difficult to love him. A

woman needs to feel secured in her husband’s

home. The husband should show honour and

courtesy to the wife under every conceivable



| 104


In Ephesians chapter 5, the Holy Spirit, through the

pen of Paul the apostle tells Christian husbands

how to love their wives: “For the husband is the

head of the wife, even as Christ is the head of the

church: and he is the saviour of the body.

Therefore as the church is subject unto Christ, so

let the wives be to their own husbands in every

thing. Husbands, love your wives, even as Christ

also loved the church, and gave himself for it”

(Ephesians 5:23-25) . “So ought men to love their

wives as their own bodies. He that loveth his wife

loveth himself. For no man ever yet hated his own

flesh; but nourisheth and cherisheth it, even as

the Lord the church” (Ephesians 5:28,29). “For this

cause shall a man leave his father and mother,

and shall be joined unto his wife, and they two

shall be one flesh. This is a great mystery: but I

speak concerning Christ and the church”

(Ephesians 5:31,32).

In the above Scriptures, we see that the husband-

wife relationship should be patterned after that of

Christ and His Church. In other words, the husband

should be to the wife what Christ is to the Church.

The question is: what kind of relationship exists

between Christ and the Church?

(a) Christ loves the church REALISTICALLY.

Christ’s love for the church is neither fake nor

feigned. Consequent upon this realistic love,

What Couples Should Know | 105

He never withholds anything from the Church.

The love of Christ for the Church never

diminishes even when the Church is not worth

His love. So, the husband is expected to love

his wife realistically too. Whatever the

condition of the wife, the husband is expected

to love her.

(b) Christ loves the Church SACRIFICIALLY. In

the manifestation of His love to the Church,

Christ gave up great glory. He sacrificed eternal

glory for the sake of the Church. How

sacrificial should the love of the husband for

the wife be? The husband must be willing to

give up everything to love his wife. He must

give up interest, time, pleasure, hobbies,

friends and parents to love and care for his


(c) Christ loves the Church PURPOSEFULLY. We

are told that Christ loves the Church that He

“might sanctify and cleanse it with the

washing of Water by the word”. This is Christ’s

purpose for loving the Church. Your love for

your wife must have a purpose, and the

purpose must not be selfish.

(d) Christ loves the Church WILLINGLY. Have you

ever realised that there was no motivating force

in the Church to compel the love of Christ? All

the motivation of loving the Church came from


| 106

Christ. He decided, determined and purposed

to love.

Where there is the will to love, there will be

affection and feeling to love. Your love for your

wife must be willing love. You must determine

and purposefully love your wife. You must

always tell yourself: “I have no alternative;

this is my wife. I must love her”.

(e) Christ loves the Church ABSOLUTELY. This, in

its simple form, means that Christ neither has

limits nor reservation in His love for the

Church. The husband should love his wife

without any reservation, limit or condition.

Your love for her must be absolute. Do not

submit to people’s derision that you are too

fond of your wife.


The wife generally feels she should be understood.

If her husband does not understand her, she

becomes unhappy. She feels neglected and empty if

her husband does not give her attention. She

becomes demanding and critical because her need

for love and affection is not met. This situation is


The wife, in the right perspective, needs to be

understanding rather than demanding. Women are

taught to “be in subjection to your own husbands;

What Couples Should Know | 107

...For after this manner in the old time the holy

women also, who trusted in God, adorned

themselves, being in subjection unto their own

husbands: Even as Sarah obeyed Abraham, calling

him lord...” (1 Peter 3:1-6). In Ephesians chapter 5,

the wife is told to “see that she reverence her

husband”. These Scriptures make it clear that the

wife should be understanding.

You should, however, note that love between

husband and wife is more than smiling or grinning;

it includes patience with your husband, tolerating

his shortcomings, meeting his needs in every way

possible and avoiding criticisms at home.

A good wife is known by her discrete relationship

with her parents and in-laws. You should,

therefore, stop dependence on your own parents

and discountenance all criticism of your in-laws.

Your husband may sometimes show resentment

against your own parents. Your attitude should be a

meek and quiet one.

As much as possible, do not sputter domestic

problems at your husband as soon as he comes in.

You should not tell him news which will upset him

while he is just arriving home and tired. Reserve

every unpleasant news till he has had his meal.

Give praise and show appreciation for his effort

hitherto before saying whatever you have to say. Be

courteous, careful and compassionate when you

are telling him what you have to say.


| 108

As a wife, you need a radical change. If you really

want to be loved, you must make yourself lovable.

Learn the real meaning of love. Do not let a day go

by without showing love to your husband. Rejoice,

be patient and tolerate all his problems. Neither

criticise, complain, condemn nor attempt to control



Types and forms of family problems which tend to

threaten marriages and wreck homes are quite

inexhaustible. They include:

1. Infidelity in the home: The wife or the husband

may resent Christianity and teach the children

to do so.

2. Idolatry: Either of the partners may have the desire to worship

idols and motivate the other

partner to join him.

3. Infirmity: This borders on physical or mental

sicknesses and diseases.

4. Immorality: One of the partners may be living

in sin with other people secretly.

5. In-laws’ problem: The in-laws, at times, put up

a show of hostility.

6. Insecurity: One or both partners could feel

insecure in the home.

What Couples Should Know | 109

7. Impotence: One of the partners might be

incapable of having intimate relationship.


Although we cannot give a single mathematical

solution to these problems one after another,

patience, prayer, tenacity of purpose, faith and

confidence in God are imperative requirements for

solving these problems. Besides, we need to apply

the ABC to Z of solving problems.

1. Announcing the problems or attacking the

partner will either lead to the destruction of

your home or marriage. Do not absorb them

either. Approach God and present your

challenges to Him.

2. Blaming others will not solve the problem.

Burying the problems will not help you either

because they will grow as a planted seed

naturally does. Brave them with God’s help

and you will see the end of them.

3. Create a conducive atmosphere to solve your

problems. If you give anger a place, you cannot

do this; so, refrain from angry outbursts.

4. Defending yourself will compound issues.

Own up where you are wrong and talk it over

with your partner.

5. Examine the problem and yourselves and the

problem will decrease and disappear.


| 110

6. Face the problem squarely and you will

successfully handle it. When you discard self-

pity and apologise where you are wrong, you

are handling the issue with maturity.

7. Good fighting is a fight of faith; and like every

other fight, it has its aim, weapon, rules and

place. You have a noble aim for ‘fighting’ – to

deepen your understanding of love. The

weapon of this ‘fight’ is spiritual – the word of

God and verbal, cordial discourse. The rule is

to lower your voices. This leads to the next

point which is the place of the fight. You

should remember that it is a private ‘fight’ that

the public must not know about.

8. Hostility is bred as problems are allowed to

accumulate. If last week’s conflicts and

misunderstanding are left to incubate,

hostility and bitterness will arise. So, make a

habit of solving your problems before the day

runs out. Make sure you solve the problems as

they arise.

9. Identify your problems. When there are

problems, do not just generalise them. Identify

and pinpoint the problems as well as the


10. Jealousy must be avoided in the home.

Jealousy is as cruel as the grave. It affects a

couple’s relationship and colours the situation

What Couples Should Know | 111

negatively. If it is given a place in your home,

the result will be anger, cruelty and malice.

11. Kneel down and pray together after resolving

your conflicts, otherwise, shame and guilt will

remain in your heart. If you pray together after

solving the problem, Christ will give you the

grace to forgive, forget and forge ahead in your


12. Learn from the challenges you have been

through. Such lessons will help you to

improve relationship in marriage.

13. Meditate on the positive qualities of your

partner rather than on the problems you have

settled. Do not magnify your problem beyond

the actual size.

14. Negligence in handling problems will

empower the problems to bind and enslave

you without your permission or recognition.

15. Open the problems to each other and there will

be the possibility of solving them.

16. Prayer, patience and perseverance will always

overcome problems. Exercise yourself in these


17. Quietness is the quality you must manifest

while your partner is talking about the

problem at home. Listen, learn and love your


| 112

partner. Quietness helps you understand how

far the problem has eaten deep into your

partner. This puts you in a position to really


18. Recognise that Satan has an interest in seeing

your problems grow worse if you are not

careful. So, be watchful.

19. Study the problems and think of a permanent

solution. Do not act under pressure without

the promise of God lest you find it difficult to

come out of it.

20. Take away the problems between you

otherwise they will form a barrier or a wall

which will hinder your prayers.

21. Understand your partner. Always put a

positive construction on your partner’s

actions. Ask yourself “why does he/she, do

what he/she does?”

22. Vacating the house whenever there is a

problem is cowardice. If you vacate the house,

the problem will remain right in your home.

So, do not leave the house when problems

arise. Stay put. Face the problem in the power

of the Spirit and you will overcome.

23. Worrying about problems will double the

poisonous effects of the problems on you.

Never worry about problems; pray them away

with the promises of God.

What Couples Should Know | 113

24. X is formed with two antithetical lines which

implies a crossroad. Crossroads will occur in

your life when you refuse to face the same

direction with your husband or wife. You must

bring Jesus, the Prince of peace, into such a


25. Yesterday’s problems can spoil the prospect,

privileges and pleasures of today. So, do not

concentrate on yesterday’s problems.

Concentrate on today’s pleasures and


26. Zealously bring your tongue under control

while thinking through on your problems.

These are possible methods of solving problems

which arise among couples. “If ye know these

things, happy are ye if ye do them” (John 13:17).

You now have the solution in your hands. The

promises of God are accessible. The word of God is

still true today. If you desire to solve your marital

problems, you know how to do it; you know how to

handle the challenges bedevilling your marriage.

God will give you the grace to solve them and He

will be glorified in your marriage and family.


| 114



rom the beginning of this book, we have

been poring over marriage and family life. You

Fmust have seen that God has made great provision

in the Bible to make your marriage glorious. God

created it to be glorious though many marriages fall

short of this divine design. Instead of claiming and

enjoying promises concerning marriage, many

couples unconsciously court the problems

associated with it. How to handle money is one

problem that often crop up in the family.

This chapter dwells on the issue of money in the

family. It reveals family finance as the springboard

of many problems in the family, how to assess your

family’s financial performance, steps to financial

freedom and how faith can fund your family.


| 116


Money occupies a crucial position in the family. It is

one of the strongest lubricating factors of a radiant


Experience confirms the scriptural stand that

money assumes a great importance in marriage. Its

primary and pivotal position has unfortunately

diverted many husbands and wives from their

marriage covenants. Apostle Paul makes it more

exquisite in 1 Timothy 6:9,10 that; “They that will

be rich fall into temptation and a snare, and into

many foolish and hurtful lusts, which drown men

in destruction and perdition. For the love of

money is the root of all evil... ”.

The message here is simple: that the love of money

causes problems. Below are some ways the love of

money could cause problems in the family.


The ambition to accumulate wealth keeps the

man or woman outside the home. He/she

consequently robs the family of the love, time

and care they cherish and share together. This

causes dissatisfaction and dryness among

members of the family.

Envy – the desire to be like the Joneses leads to

irrational spending, thus draining the family

purse. When you try to measure your standard

of living with your neighbour’s, you will

Money In Marriage | 117

import their problems into your home. You

need to desist from that. Learn from David who

said, “But as for me, my feet were almost gone;

my steps had well nigh slipped. For I was

envious at the foolish, when I saw the

prosperity of the wicked” (Psalm 73:2,3).


Pride also causes problems in the family.

Solomon hit the nail on the head when he said,

“Pride goeth before destruction and a haughty

spirit before a fall” (Proverbs 16:18).


Couples’ fear of old age generally plunges them

into endless hours of labour in the early years

of their marriage.

Disagreement between husband and wife on

the use of fund also creates problem in the

family. Each member has a different

perspective, different set of priorities and

different interests. Therefore, there is a split in

deciding how family fund should be



Selfishness in the handling of money creates

problems in the family. The desire of the

husband or wife to care for himself or herself at

the expense of the family drains the home of

needed care.


Over-indulgence and covetousness lead to

poverty in the family. “He that loveth pleasure

shall be a poor man” (Proverbs 2 1:17). Poverty


| 118
arises as a result of the husband or wife’s desire

to satisfy every want. When the husband tries

to impress others before impressing his wife

and children, problems arise in the family.


Shaky and shady investment also causes

problems in the family. Investments made on

the spur of the moment almost always lead to

loss of money. “A faithful man shall abound

with blessings: but he that maketh haste to

be rich shall not be innocent” and “He that

hasteth to be rich hath an evil eye, and

considereth not that poverty shall come

upon him” (Proverbs 28:20,22). These verses of

Scripture, in present-day English, means that

crave to get-rich-quick leads to dubious

practices and poverty.

9. Love of materialism is unprofitable to the

family and it causes problems in the home.

10. Unwise purchases make family financial plans

to fail. Purchases based on a couple’s whims,

spurred by advertisers’ method and message

are unwise and they end up crippling the

family financially.

11. At the other extreme of unwise purchase is the

preference to save and suffer. This also poses

some problems. Bulky bank accounts at the

expense of lack of basic conveniences at home

is undesirable.

Money In Marriage | 119

12. When a husband loves money more than his

family, there is no joy in that home. It is unwise

to keep money nearer your heart than your

wife. It is disgusting to have fat bank account

while family members are lean. That implies

that you rate money above your family.

13. Carnal, sinful spending on women outside the

home is a canker on the family finance. It eats

deep into the family purse and creates

problems in the home.

14. The idea of operating, habitually, a credit

system and borrowing makes the family

perpetually imbalanced financially. This is a

problem to the family.

15. Problems will also arise if the partners fail to

discuss family financial undertakings

mutually, learn from the Bible and from past


16. The absence of a family budget leads to

uncontrolled spending, unplanned

expenditure and squandering.

17. Pressure from parents and friends that drives a

partner into living a possessive life creates

problems in the family.

A panoramic view of family financial problems has

been given for you to identify the ones peculiar to

your family and get them solved. God desires to


| 120

solve all financial problems in the family. You are

not supposed to walk on the waters of austerity,

bankruptcy and debt. Whatever your income is,

you and your family can live well.

The irony is that many couples cannot see a speck

of truth in this assertion. Most couples lack the

ability to handle money wisely.


Here is a test to help you see how you have been

spending money. Check each statement and circle T

or F as it applies to you.

1. T F: I owe for small day-to-day expenditures

such as groceries because I don’t have money to

pay for them.

2. T F: I have to borrow money to pay fixed

expenses such as house rent, water supply and

electricity bills.

3. T F: I am unable to say how much money I

need for my monthly regular expenses.

4. T F: I shuffle funds around, using cash

originally set aside for other purposes.

5. T F: I now borrow money to buy items which I

used to buy with cash

6. T F: I take new loans to settle old loans.

Money In Marriage | 121

7. T F: I find it necessary to rely on extra income

to make ends meet.

8. T F: I have been repeatedly unsuccessful in

saving for future needs.

9. T F: I have been having frequent arguments

arising from money with my partner.

10. T F: I engage in suspicious or dishonest money

dealings in order to provide for myself and the


11. T F: My list of “things-I’ve-just-got-to-have”

keeps growing, no matter how many of the

items I have bought.

12. T F: I find myself hesitant and unwilling to

tithe my income or give to someone in need.

Having completed the test, sum up the number of Ts

and the number of Fs you have and enter it under: T

and F. If the answers for T are more than the answers

for F, you have problems in family spending. You

need, with every sense of urgency, to do something

about learning more concerning financial

management in the family. Increased pay is not

necessarily the solution. More money has a way of

generating more spending if wisdom is not applied.


| 122


God desires that every family is free from the

anxieties, worry and heartaches which spring from

money. He wants you to know the wise way of

spending whatever you earn. God wants you to see

money as a blessing, not a problem. Let us discuss

four steps to freedom from family financial


1. DISCUSS IT: The husband and his wife must sit

down to discuss financial matters together. Poor

communication about family spending leads to

financial foolishness. Discussion should address:

(a) Priorities in the family; things to spend money

on and how to save.

(b) Pinpoint any areas where you have recently

spent foolishly.

(c) Agree on some rules you will both follow for

better family budgeting.

If you never sat down with your partner to discuss

the family budget, that may be why there are

problems in financial matters in your family. You

can begin today. If there is no money, you can sit

down and talk about it. Be frank, open and down-to-

earth in your discussion.


MANAGEMENT: You should study the principles

of spending money. Materials for such study

Money In Marriage | 123

abound in the Bible. Two-third of the parables of

Jesus Christ talk about money, the book of Proverbs

offers much to study on money.

You need to know about BUDGETING. Budgeting,

in its simplest form, is the analysis of needs before

embarking on expenditure. So, the couple must do

some analysis of family needs before spending.

You need to know about TAX RELIEF MEASURES.

The government of each country has devised means

and measures of relieving financially burdened

families. You need to know how to fill the Tax Relief

Form. It is your right and you should make the best

use of it.


total of what you owe is more than the sum total of

what you have, you are in debt. Debts must be

avoided. If you are in debt, you should sit down to

plan how you will pay back. If the debt is so much

that you cannot pay at a time, you can reach an

agreement with the creditor to pay the money on

monthly instalments. Based on your income, self-

denial and self-control, you could set aside a sum of

money every month to defray part of the debt. In

this way, you will settle all your debts.

Debt is likened to bondage in Scripture. It makes

you feel uneasy at the approach of your creditor-

friends. Debt drains a Christian of joy. Strive to

settle your debts and live a free and joyful life.


| 124

Having settled your debts, begin to spend with

prudence. Agree on a family priority list and stick to

it. Make a comprehensive list of items that are

needed at home. From the comprehensive list,

determine the most urgent and indispensable

items. Use “list shopping” to resist the impulse

items. Target “sale seasons”. Avoid browsing in

stores with a large sum of money in your wallet.

Avoid borrowing heavily on depreciating and

consumable items.


Budgeting provides for current needs and surplus

funds for the future. You must make a budget for

your family. Four questions are helpful as you

weigh the facts and figures of making your family


(a) What do we have as the take-home pay, gifts,

bonuses, commissions, etc.?

(b) What are our fixed expenses? This includes

tithes and offerings, house rent, meal

allowance, car maintenance, transportation,

tax and savings.

(c) What are your variable expenses? This is your

monthly take-home pay minus the total

monthly fixed expenditure. In a simple


Variable expenses = Monthly take-home pay – total

Money In Marriage | 125

monthly fixed expenditure.

(d) How can you most wisely spend the money left

for your variable expenses?


The Tax Authorities/Personnel usually deduct taxes

from the gross salary before we are paid the net. You

should know the amount you pay as tax every


Tithes and offerings are your obligatory but

personal commitment to God. You should make

provision for this too. “Honour the Lord with thy

substance, and with the firstfruits of all thine

increase” (Proverbs 3:9). If you owed any debts,

you should settle all at once or a part of it every

month. You should also save for the future. Your

savings are the funds for the future. Every family

needs one. But I am sure you will begin to wonder

how to do all these within your meagre income.

The answer is simple: you can do it. The first thing

you must know and get ingrained in your mind is

that you can live a good, settled and promising life.

A financial counsellor has devised a system of

doing all you need to do within the limits of your

income. Under this system, you first deduct your

tax and tithe from your salary. You are at freedom to

spend the remaining but do this wisely. The best

income disbursement system you can adopt is the

10-20-70 system.


| 126

10% of your income goes into your savings

20% of your income goes for the

settlement of debt

70% of your income goes for variable

spending – normal regular living





Debt Elimination 20%

Living Expenses 70%


Savings 10%

Debt Elimination 20%

Living Expenses


Money In Marriage | 127


“I have been young, and now am old; yet have I

not seen the righteous forsaken nor his seed

begging bread” (Psalm 37:25). God has a grand

plan for the provision of your family if you depend

upon Him. God has promised that He will provide

for you. “Every man also to whom God hath given

riches and wealth, and hath given him power to

eat thereof, and to take his portion, and to rejoice

in his labour; this is the gift of God” (Ecclesiastes

5:19). There is a salient point here. God has given

power to every man to rejoice in his LABOUR. This

talks about faithful service.


Every Christian must be fervent in his work. There

is a blessing for this. “He becometh poor that

dealeth with a slack hand: but the hand of the

diligent maketh rich. He that gathereth in

summer is a wise son: but he that sleepeth in

harvest is a son that causeth shame” (Proverbs


God esteems labour, especially among His children.

“A man shall be satisfied with good by the fruit of

his mouth: and the recompense of a man’s hands

shall be rendered unto him”. “Wealth gotten by

vanity shall be diminished: but he that gathereth

by labour shall increase” (Proverbs 12:14; 13:11).


| 128
God is willing to provide a job for any earnest seeker

because He has commanded that “...if any would

not work, neither should he eat” (2 Thessalonians


God also provides funds for the family through

PRAYER. “But my God shall supply all your need

according to his riches in glory by Christ Jesus”

(Philippians 4:19). His riches are inexhaustible and

dependable. If you pray in faith about your family

needs, God will surely answer.

Finally, God provides for family needs through the


CHURCH. God made this very obvious and

practicable in Bible days. “And thou say in thine

heart, My power and the might of mine hand hath

gotten me this wealth. But thou shalt remember the

LORD thy God: for it is he that giveth thee power to

get wealth, that he may establish his covenant

which he sware unto thy fathers, as it is this day”

(Deuteronomy 8:17,18). God gives riches; He has

the power, knowledge and provision to supply our


When you have got the money, remember it is

simply a tool with which to meet needs, share and

care for family members and others, serve God and

enjoy life. It will be unwise to allow money to get

into your head and heart that it begins to control

you. Money is precious but do not love it. Whatever

you have, manage it with care and prudence. God

Money In Marriage | 129

will help you and your family to attain financial



| 130



hild-training is another milestone in the

Clandscape of marriage and family life. This

chapter and the next will examine the various

facets of child training in the family. The central

thought of this chapter is simply this: a child who is

well trained today will be an asset for the Church,

the nation and the family tomorrow. The seeds of

tomorrow’s joy are sown today as the sweat of

yesterday is serving as the source of provision for

today. What parents do for the children will be the

platform of living tomorrow and in the next

generation. The importance of child-training in the

family cannot be overemphasized.

Six different areas of child-upbringing are

expounded in this chapter and the next. This

chapter deals with the first four areas namely, gift of

children, goals for children, grief of neglect and the

gain of child-training.


| 132


The Bible makes it clear that children are gifts from

the Lord. The first child the earth knew, Cain, was a
gift from the Lord. At his birth, his mother said, “I

have gotten a man from the Lord” (Genesis 4:1). On

another occasion, Eve had a child and said: “For

God, ... hath appointed me another seed instead of

Abel, whom Cain slew” (Genesis 4:25).

Rachel also saw Bilha’s child as a gift from God.

“And Rachel said, God hath judged me, and hath

also heard my voice, and hath given me a son:

therefore called she his name Dan” (Genesis 30:6).

Joseph said the same thing concerning his children

when his father met him in Egypt. “And Joseph said

unto his father, They are my sons, whom God hath

given me in this place. And he said, Bring them, I

pray thee, unto me, and I will bless them” (Genesis


And David, during rendition of his songs of praise,

echoed that God gives children to all. “He maketh

the barren woman to keep house, and to be a joyful

mother of children. Praise ye the LORD” (Psalm

We have seen from the Scriptures that children are

gifts from God. He is always willing to take away the

reproach of barrenness and give children to


Child Training: Building For Tomorrow | 133


A diligent study of Scripture reveals that there are

only seven women referred to as barren in the Bible.

Though once barren, God gave all of them children

miraculously. Note that the figure “seven” is

symbolic. It symbolises completeness, totality and

wholeness. The seven barren women cured of their

barrenness in the Bible typifies the totality of all

barren women in the world. Let us take a look at

these seven women:

ONE: SARAH was the first woman with the

problem of barrenness. God took away the

reproach, gave her a child and made her “mother of


TWO: REBECCA was the second barren woman

we read about in the Old Testament. God took away

her reproach and blessed her with a child who grew

to become the nation of Israel.

THREE: RACHEL was dejected and her soul was

cast down because of the problem of barrenness. At

a time in her life, she turned to her husband, Jacob,

and said, “Give me children, or else I die”. God

visited her and she was blessed with the fruit of the

womb. She gave birth to Joseph, a man of great


FOUR: Manoah’s wife, the mother of Samson, was

also barren for some years. But the Lord sent His

angel to comfort her. A child was promised and

later she bare a son. The son was Samson, the


| 134

scourge of the Philistines and deliverer of the


FIVE: HANNAH was also barren for some years.

She called unto the Lord and He heard her. She

begat Samuel, one of the greatest prophets the

world ever knew.


The Shunammite woman was another

barren woman whom God gave a child through the

ministry of the great prophet, Elisha.

SEVEN: ELIZABETH, in the New Testament, was

also without child for many years. The Bible says

she was “well-stricken in years”. But God visited

her, promised her a child and fulfilled the promise.

She brought forth John, the forerunner of Jesus


God attended to all these women. He proved His

might, love and mercy on behalf of these seven

barren women in the Bible. If He heard the cries of

these women in Bible days, He will hear yours


Children are gifts from God. If you look up to Him,

He will give you that gift. You need to know that

when God offers a gift, it is free. You do not need to

pay for it. You do not invest time or energy in trying

to get God’s gift. Reach out in simple faith by

believing what He has said concerning you.

Remember that there is nothing impossible with


Child Training: Building For Tomorrow | 135


“Lo, children are an heritage of the LORD: and

the fruit of the womb is his reward. As arrows are

in the hand of a mighty man; so are children of the

youth. Happy is the man that hath his quiver full

of them: they shall not be ashamed, but they shall

speak with the enemies in the gate” (Psalm 127:3-

5). The fifth verse reveals that sterilization is

contrary to God’s perfect will for the family.

Families in the United States, Africa, Asia and many

other parts of the world could rationalise it but it is

crystal clear from the plan of God for the family, that

sterilization is contrary to His will. This idea is

driven home in a more forceful tone in another

passage of the Bible: “Blessed is every one that

feareth the LORD; that walketh in his ways. For

thou shalt eat the labour of thine hands: happy

shall thou be, and it shall be well with thee. Thy

wife shall be as a fruitful vine by the sides of thine

house: thy children like olive plants round about

thy table... Yea, thou shall see thy children’s

children, and peace upon Israel” (Psalm 128:1-

3,6). This seems difficult for some people to receive.

But you need to pore over it and meditate on it.

It is obvious that children are gifts from God and

that impotence is contrary to His will in

childbearing. The nature of these gifts we receive

from God requires careful handling. Graciously

received, parents must possess attributes of love,

care, comfort, security and confidence in handling


| 136

their children. This is not to say that you, as

parents, must indulge your children. Caring is not


There are seven reasons you should care well for

your children. First, you must take care of your

children to show appreciation to God who has

given them to you. Just as you take care of gifts –

clothes, shoes, books and flowers - in appreciation

of the care and love of the person who gave them to

you, so you must take care of your children who are

the gifts of God.

Second, you should take care of your children

because of their value. The value and potentials of

children for the gospel of Christ, the society and

humanity as a whole is simply great. It is by taking

care of them that their potentials are developed and

they become useful in life to themselves, the

church and the entire society.

Third, the pains and heartaches of losing them to

devourers and deceivers is another reason you

should take care of them. Do not stop at taking care

of them but take good care of them.

The fourth reason you must take care of your

children lies in the judgment which will befall you

if you neglect them. Eli was punished because of his

neglect of his children. Anyone who does the same

will be punished too. In order to escape this

Child Training: Building For Tomorrow | 137

punishment and judgment, you need to take care of

your children.

The fifth reason you should take good care of your

children is highlighted in Proverbs 23:24,25: “The

father of the righteous shall greatly rejoice: and

he that begetteth a wise child shall have joy of

him. Thy father and thy mother shall be glad, and

she that bare thee shall rejoice”. This Scripture

talks about the father’s REWARD. The parents will

be happy and joyful.

Sixth, as you take care of your children, you are

providing precious and unforgettable gifts for your

family, the church and the nation. Your children

may become university lecturers and in that

capacity influence many people. They may become

church leaders and pastors of thousands of people

in future. The truth is that the gifts of God (your

children) to you might be gifts to the world in

future. For instance, John Wesley, Martin Luther

and Moses are their parents’ gifts to the world. Your

children can be gifts to the world too but you owe it

a duty to bring them up in the nurture and

admonition of the Lord.

Seventh, the ultimate purpose of spending eternity

in joy and glory with the children whom God has

given you should compel you to take good care of

them. God does not want any of your children to

perish. “Even so it is not the will of your Father

which is in heaven, that one of these little ones


| 138

should perish” (Matthew 18:14). With these seven

reasons in mind, you must take very good care of

your children. If you have been neglecting your

children, repent and turn a new leaf.


There must be clearly defined goals for your

children. Lack of defined goals makes child

upbringing a jumbled, haphazard and undirected

affair. Remember that a child cannot set goals for

himself. As a baby, the child is perfectly selfish and

self-centred. If you deny him his desires, he

becomes angry and aggressive. If he is not

restrained, he will become extremely destructive. If

the child is permitted to continue in the self-

centred world of infancy, he will grow up to become

a social misfit. That is why God wants you to set

goals for your children. God also has goals for

children. God, in the Bible, talks about the goals,

aims and objectives in child-training. He stated this

explicitly when talking about Abraham. “For I

know him, that he will command his children and

his household after him, and they shall keep the

way of the LORD, to do justice and judgment; that

the LORD may bring upon Abraham that which

he hath spoken of him” (Genesis 18:19). This is the

singular purpose or goal of child training. You

should bring up your children with an eye on their

Christian life, devotion and love for justice and

Child Training: Building For Tomorrow | 139

judgment. This is your spiritual goal for your

children. “Rid me, and deliver me from the hand

of strange children, whose mouth speaketh

vanity, and their right hand is a right hand of

falsehood: That our sons may be as plants grown

up in their youth; that our daughters may be as

corner stones, polished after the similitude of a

palace” (Psalm 144:11,12). Children are seen as

plants here. Plants do not move towards where they

will receive nourishment. They get nourishment

wherever they are. The case is the same when we

talk about children. God has sent them into your

family. They must find nourishment there. They

must be led and directed there.

Also, they must fare well socially and physically.

Your children must be as cornerstones (brilliant,

reliable and promising) polished after the

similitude of a palace. They must be fully

developed in every sense. This should be part of

your goal for your children. God wants your

children to be as steady, established and shining as

cornerstones. It is for this reason that parents have

been told to: “Train up a child in the way he should

go; and when he is old, he will not depart from it”

(Proverbs 22:6).

In training your children, ensure that they are

mentally stable and mature. You also need to bring

them up to make right decisions as they grow into



| 140

Jesus had a balanced, all-round growth from

childhood that believing parents should learn from.

“And the child grew, and waxed strong in spirit,

filled with wisdom; and the grace of God was upon

him. And Jesus increased in wisdom and stature,

and in favour with God and man” (Luke 2:40,52).

Christ “waxed strong in spirit”; He grew spiritually.

This should be your spiritual goal for your children.

Your children should wax strong in spirit.

Jesus also grew mentally as He was “filled with

wisdom”. This is the mental goal we should set for

our children.

Christ’s spiritual and mental growth did not hinder

his social life. He “Increased in favour with God

and man”. That is the fulfilment of a social goal.

Your children must be trained with the purpose of

making them fit into the social structure of the

community. Your children should be loved and

lovable. These are biblical goals parents should set

in training their children. It will be good to allow

the Bible to guide and aid you in fulfilling them.

“And that from a child thou hast known the holy

scriptures, which are able to make thee wise unto

salvation through faith which is in Christ Jesus” (2

Timothy 3:15). Children brought up in the way of

God always live for His glory.

Child Training: Building For Tomorrow | 141


Every child is full of himself. It is the responsibility

of the family to reform the child. Untold sorrow and

grief will weigh down the heart of parents who

neglect their children. Parents must wake up to this

responsibility to avoid shame and sorrow that will

result from neglect of children. The parents of a

neglected child will know no joy. The writer of the

book of Proverbs tells mothers the consequence of

neglecting their children. “The rod and reproof

give wisdom: but a child left to himself bringeth

his mother to shame” (Proverbs 29:15). The

emphasis here is that child neglect causes sorrow

for the mother. We learn from Proverbs 17:25 that,

“A foolish son is a grief to his father, and bitterness

to her that bare him”. In verse twenty-one of the

same chapter, we read that “He that begetteth a fool

doeth it to his sorrow: and the father of a fool hath

no joy”. And still on the grief that comes with an

unruly child, the Scripture affirms that: “A foolish

son is the calamity of his father: and the

contentions of a wife are a continual dropping”

(Proverbs 19:13).

It is clear from the foregoing that a spoilt child

grows to become foolish and cause pain, sorrow

and grief for the parents. The reasonable course

therefore is to keep an eye on the children God has

given you. You must not leave your children to

themselves. Experience, observations and

revelation from Scripture all agree to the fact that


| 142

children must not be left to themselves.

There are several ways in which parents can leave

the children to themselves. Some of them are:


To begin from infancy to satisfy every

want of the child.


To avoid correcting the child when

he picks up bad words from friends

because, “he”, according to the

parents, ‘is a nice, little innocent



To protect the child from the father

and all teachers who may want to

discipline him from time to time.


To take all decisions for him so that

he will not make mistakes.


To blame others for his misdemeanor

and always bailing him out of

trouble. Never letting him suffer the

consequences of his own mistakes.

To criticise his father or mother

openly so that he will have no

respect for him or her or any elderly



To indulge him with food.


To give him too much for weekly

Child Training: Building For Tomorrow | 143

allowance and excuse him from

gainful employment through which

he will learn how to earn money.

This will give him a false impression

that he does not need to work for a



To pick up everything the child drops

carelessly around the home: never

allowing him to shoulder

responsibilities or bother him with

household chores.


To disallow him from getting

involved with other children in

outdoor games so that he does not

hurt himself.


To allow him express himself to you

and neighbours the way he chooses.


To always praise the child for his

looks but never for his character.

To put a mirror on every wall of

your apartment so that he can

continually admire himself.


To b e c r i t i c a l , s n o b b i s h ,

domineering and harsh with

everybody around you. If you do

this, you indirectly teach him by



| 144


To give in always when he throws a

temper tantrum and becomes

angry. This gives the child room to

rule you by his temper, control and

get what he wants by his cries.


To believe his lies and never bother

to find out the truth on your own.


Not to enforce household rules. Be

sure that when he grows up he will

break the laws of the society

without fear of consequences.

SEVENTEEN: To spare the rod and not

discipline him/her even when he/

she errs.
These are ways parents leave their children to

themselves with grave consequences. Usually,

parents who leave their children to themselves

loose the children. The experiences of Eli (a priest),

Samuel (a prophet) and David (a king) exemplify

the unpleasant consequences of leaving children to

themselves. Eli, the priest, failed to discipline or

rebuke his children for their faults. The

consequences were terrible. Samuel, the prophet,

failed to instruct his children and they grew to live a

corrupt life. “And it came to pass, when Samuel

was old, that he made his sons judges over Israel.

Now the name of his first born was Joel; and the

name of his second, Abiah: they were judges in

Child Training: Building For Tomorrow | 145

Beer-sheba. And his sons walked not in his ways

but turned aside after lucre, and took bribes, and

perverted judgment” (1 Samuel 8:1-3).

David strove to please his children in all things.

“Then Adonijah the son of Haggith exalted himself,

saying, I will be king: and he prepared him

chariots and horsemen, and fifty men to run before

him. And his father had not displeased him at any

time in saying, Why hast thou done so? (1 Kings

1:5-7). The consequences of David’s neglect were

grief, sorrow and calamity. If these could happen to

David, a man after God’s heart, you should take

heed and learn from his experience.


If there is grief for neglecting your children, there

must be gain for nurturing and caring for them. The

Scripture unmistakably points out the blessings

which accrue to parents who train their children.

The first gain in child training is that parents will

have peace of mind and joy over their children.

“The father of the righteous shall greatly rejoice:

and he that begetteth a wise child shall have joy of

him. Thy father and thy mother shall be glad, and

she that bare thee shall rejoice” (Proverbs

Secondly, well-groomed children will fetch the

parents a good name. This is certainly the desire of


| 146

every family because “A good name is rather to be

chosen than great riches, and loving favour rather

than silver and gold” (Proverbs 22:1).

The third gain parents have when their children are

properly brought up is that the children will respect

them. Love, respect and unity will permeate the

home. That is why we are told that “Her children

arise up, and call her blessed; her husband also,

and he praiseth her” (Proverbs 31:28).

Over and above the respect the children and society

has for the caring parents is the reward and blessing

from God. God did not mince words when He

conferred blessings on parents who are diligent in

training their children. “Therefore shall ye lay up

these my words in your heart and in your soul,

and bind them for a sign upon your hand, that

they may be as frontlets between your eyes. And

ye shall teach them your children.... And thou

shalt write them upon the door posts of thine

house, and upon thy gates: That your days may be

multiplied, and the days of your children, in the

land which the LORD sware unto your fathers to

give them, as the days of heaven upon the earth

(Deuteronomy 11:18-21).

Another gain in child training is that a solid

foundation is laid for the next generation. In His

dealing with the children of Israel, the Lord spells

out why He wants children to be taught in His law:

“For he established a testimony in Jacob, and

Child Training: Building For Tomorrow | 147

appointed a law in Israel, which he commanded

our fathers, that they should make them known

to their children: THAT THE GENERATION TO




THEIR CHILDREN” (Psalm 78:5-7).

Children also have something to gain when they are

well-trained. The Bible makes it clear that children

who are nurtured in the fear and admonition of the

Lord will live long. When they are trained and live

obedient lifestyle, they will be blessed. “Hear, O my

son, and receive my sayings; and the years of thy

life shall be many” (Proverbs 4:10). “Children,

obey your parents in the Lord: for this is right.

Honour thy father and mother; which is the first

commandment with promise; That it may be well

with thee, and thou mayest live long on the earth”

(Ephesians 6:1-3).

Finally, there is eternal inheritance for a child who

is well-trained. We see a classic example in the

person of Timothy. “And that from a child thou hast

known the holy scriptures, which are able to make

thee wise unto salvation through faith which is in

Christ Jesus” (2 Timothy 3:15).


| 148



ocus on training of children continues

in this chapter. Many parents are at a loss as to

Fhow to train their children. They have failed in this

all-important area of marriage and family life. The

result is that, the world, today, is filled with


Child training is very important. Its neglect is

always catastrophic – lives are ruined and

heartaches are suffered by many parents.

Neglecting child training has present and eternal


Any parent reading this book will do well to

meditate and act on all the guidelines that will be

given on child training in this chapter. The reason

for this guidelines is that most parents have little or

no understanding of how to train children. If you

really give attention to your children in the seven

areas outlined in this chapter, they will turn out to


| 150

be happy, successful, godly and useful children.

You will be sure of experiencing what the Bible

promises in Proverbs 22:6: “Train up a child in the

way he should go: and when he is old, he will not

depart from it”. The seven areas of training are:

parental example, persuasive exhortation, positive

encouragement, prompt explanation, pleasant

experiences, profitable exercise and practical



“Behold, every one that useth proverbs shall use

this proverb against thee, saying, As is the mother,

so is her daughter” (Ezekiel 16:44). The first step in

child training is parental example. “Like father, like

son”, goes a popular adage. The power of parental

example should not be undermined. Children learn

from the example of their parents’ lives. The point

overlooked by parents but which you will do well to

note is this: your child will begin to learn from your

actions before he begins to learn from your words. If

a child lives with criticism, he learns to condemn. If

he lives in an atmosphere of hostility, he learns to

fight. If a child lives with ridicule, he learns to be

shy. If a child lives with shame, he learns to feel


On the other hand, if the atmosphere is changed

and the child lives with tolerance, he learns to be

patient. If a child lives with encouragement, he

Guide To Child Training | 151

learns to be confident. If a child lives with

appreciation, he learns to appreciate things and

people. If a child lives with fairness, he learns

justice. If a child lives with security, he learns to

have faith. If a child lives with acceptance and

friendship, he learns to radiate love everywhere he

goes when he becomes older.


“My son, hear the instruction of thy father, and

forsake not the law of thy mother” (Proverbs 1:8).

The child should not be left untaught. Give the

child exhortation, instruction and teaching. But

this must be done persuasively. When should this


We start teaching, exhorting, instructing and

helping children to understand the word of God

when they are still babes. You must teach the child

the difference between right and wrong. Teach him,

“Precept upon precept, line upon line, here a

little... ” As we give the child persuasive

exhortation, we must follow up by positive



“And, ye fathers, provoke not your children to

wrath: but bring them up in the nurture and

admonition of the Lord” (Ephesians 6:4). You

should not deliberately discourage your children


| 152

with criticism, bitter words, cruel physical

punishment or refusal to show love. A perfect

example in this area is God, our Father. He never

discourages us. Many parents have discouraged

their children and these children have been

embittered rather than encouraged.

When children are confined to the house and are

never given opportunity to play, they become

discouraged. The attitude of comparing a particular

child with another child is also wrong. Many

parents never say anything positive, they are

always negative. Someone might say ‘I never tell my

child that there is something good about him. If I do

so, I will spoil that child’. Some may even add: “if I

tell the child ‘I love you, I appreciate you, aren’t you

lucky that I am your father?’ that will spoil him”. So,

they do not encourage their children.

As a parent, you should know that children thrive

on positive encouragement. They are not spoilt by

it. Even Jesus Christ, the Son of God, received a

positive encouragement while He was here on

earth. When He was coming out of the water after

His baptism, God the Father spoke to encourage

Him. Your children also need encouragement when

they are making progress in their spiritual,

academic, social and every other aspects of their

lives. God did not mince words about His

appreciation and love for His Son. He said “This is

my beloved son... ” As a parent, cultivate the habit

Guide To Child Training | 153

of encouraging your children.


“For whom the Lord loveth he chasteneth, and

scourgeth every son whom he receiveth” (Hebrews

12:6). It is wrong to correct or discipline a child

without explaining to him what is wrong with his

action. Neglecting your child or withdrawing your

love from him after correction could be disastrous.

We should learn from God. He takes the pain to

explain to us whenever we are wrong and He

chastises us.

When you correct or punish a child, do not leave

him/her without explanation. Sacrifice the time

and take the pain to explain the reason for

punishing him/her. This will make the child not to

look at you as being wicked.


“And when be came to himself, he said, How many

hired servants of my father’s have bread enough

and to spare, and I perish with hunger! ” (Luke

15:17). Genuine parental love for children leave

unforgettable pleasant experiences in their memory

when they grow older or when they go away from

the home. Do you know why the prodigal son came

back from where he went? It was because he

remembered the pleasant experiences he had while

at home.


| 154

A child whose life has been filled with pleasant

experiences will grow up to find fulfilment in life.

Planting little flowers of pleasant experiences in the

lives of our children is part of the training which we

are supposed to give them. They will never forget

these experiences when they grow older.

It is your duty as a Christian parent to create in the

home a proper context for the development of your

children. The home should be, to the children, the

most attractive place in the world, and the mother’s

presence, the greatest attraction.


“For bodily exercise profiteth little: but godliness

is profitable unto all things, having promise of the

life that now is, and of that which is to come” (1

Timothy 4:8). Children need to exercise both the

body and the mind. To do this profitably, they need

parental guidance and supervision. With parental

direction, supervision and sometimes

participation, they can become strong and well

coordinated as well as develop team spirit and

important social values.

They also learn to be creative through purposeful,

profitable and guided exercise. If we deny our

children the opportunity to train bodily and

mentally, we are denying them the opportunity of

growing up properly. We should allow our children

Guide To Child Training | 155

to participate in activities that can build them up

physically and mentally. It is profitable to them.


There is an acronym for the two words ‘Practical

Education’. This can be seen below:

P -

Provision, Protection

R -

Restriction, Replacement

A -

C -


T -

Tenderness, Thankfulness

I -


C -


A -


L -


E -


D -


U -


C -

A -

Attitude development

T -

Tactfulness (wisdom)


| 156



O -


N -


In the final analysis, you need to put all the

ingredients contained in the acronym into training

your children. You surely need God’s grace to do

this effectively. Let’s examine each of the points



As Christian parents, we must provide food,

clothing, housing and other material and physical

needs for our children (1 Timothy 5:8). We have the

responsibility of protecting them from corrupting

influences, moral impurity and worldliness. We

protect most what we value most. Children are

valuable assets; we must protect them.


Closely connected with our responsibility of

protecting our children is the task of restricting

them from any involvement that is dangerous and

harmful to them. We should restrict our children

from any contact that can expose them to abuse,

corrupting influences, evil association and sinful

attitudes. Joining bad gangs and watching blue

films or other forms of porn are some examples.

Guide To Child Training | 157

However, when we restrict children from harmful

involvement there should be some form of

replacement. And the replacement should be a

positive alternative. Make that which is helpful

available in order to divert their attention from

what is harmful to a harmless one.


Parental authority over the child should start early

in life. It is for the development, not for the

destruction, of the child. Parents must exercise

authority with caution. Our exercise of authority

must not deny the child of things that are

legitimate. Christian parents have the

responsibility of helping their children cultivate

respect for authority – parental, church and civil.


In exercising authority over children, we need to be

consistent. As parents, we have to say “No”

sometimes to our children.

“How to say “No”

1. Say ‘No’ unitedly. If there is division between

parents, the child will take advantage of it.

2. Say ‘No’ consistently. Children are confused

when parents say ‘no’ today and ‘yes’ tomorrow in

the same situation and on the same matter. Let there


| 158

be no inconsistencies in your dealings with your


3. Say ‘No’ reasonably. Regardless of the age of

your child, you should be very careful about saying

no or criticising him sharply in the presence of


4. Say ‘No’ expectantly. God expects you to object

to somethings that are contrary to His word. As you

do, expect that your child will emulate your


5. Say ‘No’ firmly. Your child must know that you

mean what you say. If you say ‘no’ thoughtlessly

and forget it, and never check on it, you are

encouraging your child to disobey you the next time

you say ‘no’.

6. Say ‘No’ lovingly. Love must be the basis of all

our dealings with our children. When you say ‘no’,

say it in such a way as to make the child know that

you love him.


We must be tender with our children. We must

remember that they are fragile and helpless. We

must not drive them too hard.

We should teach them, early in life, how to be

thankful, show appreciation or gratitude for help

Guide To Child Training | 159

received from either man or God. Children should

be taught to say “thank you, daddy”, “thank you,

mummy”. They should also be taught to give

praises to God for blessings and mercies received.


Parents need to be involved in their children’s lives

to know the effect different influences are having

upon them. We need to be able to sense when the

children are in danger. This also helps us to discern

problems before they develop. Whether it is work,

play, household chores or recreation, your children

will enjoy doing it with you and will be open to

learn through your involvement.


Communication is basic and essential in every

relationship. When communication breaks down,

the result is chaos. The components of

communication are interest, talking, listening and


Interest: The interest and desire to communicate

cannot be overemphasised in child training.

Interest makes communication a pleasant

experience. When this is lacking among parents

and children, withdrawal, distance, rejection,

silence and passivity ensue.

Talking: For talking to be effective, the tone of your

voice and your facial expression matter much.


| 160

Adjust them appropriately in line with the subject


Listening: Listening is an essential aspect of

communication. Listening to children is not an easy

thing. Yet, the habit must be cultivated. Show

willingness and readiness to listen. Listening may

be casual, friendly, intense, random or

sympathetic. When listening to your child, listen to

the words as well as the feeling or emotion behind

what he/she says.

Understanding: This is another important aspect of

communication. When you instruct your children,

don’t just assume that they understand what you

mean. And when a child talks to you, seek to really

understand what the child means. The meaning

you attribute to what is said may be totally different

from what the child really means.


Let your children feel accepted and loved. Let each

child know that he belongs to the family and is

wanted there. When a child knows that he is not a

stranger but an accepted member of the family, he

becomes confident and fulfilled.

Guide To Child Training | 161


Parental love is as needful to the spiritual and

emotional growth of the child as food is to the body.

When a child knows that he is loved, he gains a

sense of security which makes him grow up in a

wholesome atmosphere.


Children are imitators. The lifestyle and habits of

parents get easily transmitted to their children.

Parent’s bad habits will induce waywardness in the

child while avoidance of evil deeds and wrong

habits will teach the child to live a morally clean

life. You owe it a duty to children to be a perfect

example before them.


The family altar or the family worship time must be

the backbone that supports family activities. Every

family ought to create time, daily, for the family

altar. The family altar should be centred on praying,

Bible reading, sharing/admonition.

Family Prayer: It is a time for praying together as a

family unit. The prayer could be personal or

intercessory; it could be a prayer of submission, a

prayer of petition or even a prayer of praise.


| 162

Family Bible Reading: The family is enriched as the

Bible is read, meditated upon and memorised.

Story-telling is also exciting as well as edifying for

all the members of the family, especially the


Family Sharing: The family can take time to share

testimonies of God’s goodness and miracles

together. Children should be encouraged,

admonished and allowed to share their testimonies

with the family. Singing together and learning of

new songs is another profitable activity the family

can share together.

However, people generally give excuses. Below are

some of the excuses generally given:


“I don’t have time”. No matter how busy you

are, you have no excuse for neglecting the

family altar. As a parent, you must realise that

you are leading your family astray if you don’t

create time for family worship.


“It is not convenient to get the family together”.

In life, some things are not easy or convenient;

yet, we do them because we realise the

importance of such things. Worship and

service must cost you something (2 Samuel



“I don’t know how to do it”. This is another

Guide To Child Training | 163

common excuse. You will discover that the

family altar is very simple when you see it as a

time for prayer, Bible reading and sharing/



“We are alright without it”. You cannot afford

to feel satisfied without apportioning time for

family altar. It is such an invaluable activity

that your family cannot afford to miss, even for

a day.

If for any of the above reasons you have been

neglecting the family altar or the family worship

time, there is need for a change. Start immediately,

be regular and be brief. Let there be variety to make

it interesting to the children. At the beginning, you

may not be able to conduct it perfectly, but with

time, your family will grow to love, enjoy and profit

from it.


We must help our children to understand and have

a strong sense of right and wrong. Through our

meticulous attention and training, they should be

able to demonstrate good understanding as well as

practise upright behaviour.


Correction is as necessary as love. You must correct

your children. However, you need to know how to

correct them in an effective and wholesome


| 164

manner. Note the following guidelines as you

correct or discipline your children.

1. Do not wait until a child’s behaviour is wrong

before you teach him correct behaviour. Teach

correct behaviour even where the child is

doing what is right.

2. Be in agreement with your spouse before you


3. Never use humiliation or bad name as a means

of punishment, correction or discipline.

4. The time to discipline is at the time of

misbehaviour. The mother should not wait

until the father comes home to enforce

discipline. This makes the child dread his

father’s homecoming.

5. Discipline should fit the misdeed and the age

of the child involved.

6. It is horrifying and dangerous to use God in

threatening your child. Don’t scare your

children with Bible verses or God’s name.

Such a procedure creates resentment toward

God and His Word.

7. Don’t threaten your children, especially with

things you have no intention of fulfilling.

Threatening your children with words like “I

will break your head”, “I will keep you outside

Guide To Child Training | 165

for the whole night”, will make your child to

lose confidence in your words when he

discovers that they are mere threats.

8. Do not ask your child “why did you do that?”

You will encourage him to find an excuse. Ask,

“what did you do that was wrong?

9. Never correct with your hand. Use a rod

(Proverbs 23:13). Use your hands to show love.

Never raise your voice when you correct.

10. Never use the “eye for eye” method (biting,

pulling the hair, scratching, etc.).

11. Avoid injury. Never slap the face or any part of

the body susceptible to injury.

12. When you discipline the child, be firm. Do not

let his crying stop you. Let the child associate

wrongdoing with pain. Show love without

nullifying discipline. Remember, discipline is

love in action (Hebrews 12:6).

13. After correction, pray with your child and lead

him to pray for forgiveness.

14. If there is a need for restitution, let him do it in

an attitude of penitence and humility.

15. Never restrict the child from participating in

church activities as a means of discipline.

16. After correcting the child, explain again to the


| 166

child the reason for the discipline. Lack of

explanation does not allow the child to profit

from discipline.


It is the duty of every parent to help his child to

develop positive attitudes. The child should be

taught how to respond to problems, people, peers

and parents, positively. The parents should also

help the child to develop right attitude and regard

for others to avoid growing up self-centred. Let each

parent inculcate in his child, early in life, principles

of relationships – how to love, appreciate, serve and

forgive others; how to be hospitable, kind and

considerate and how to put others first. Also, let the

child learn habits of healthy living early in life.


Children know nothing at birth. It is the

responsibility of parents to guide their children in

life. As a parent, aid your children in decision-

making processes by contributing your wisdom and

experience. However, you need to exercise caution

as you do this. Do it tactfully – at the right time, in

the right measure, and with the right approach.


A child’s mind is like a clean piece of paper; the

parents have a responsibility to supervise and be

Guide To Child Training | 167

involved in what is written on it. Equip your child

to take up a vocation and be successful at whatever

he chooses to do later in life. Help your child to

develop work habits and ensure that he is given

proper vocational training for the job in which he

has the greatest aptitude.


As you train up your child, you need to inculcate in

him/her obedience and submission to authority.

The child should be trained to be obedient and

submissive to the authority of God, his parents and

that of his pastor. He should also learn obedience

and submission to the rulers, the government and

his boss later in life. The child should be helped to

cultivate this habit early in life. Any effort

expended will surely be rewarded.


Parents should instil nationalism in their children.

The child should be taught about his dual

citizenship. It will be the joy of your life as a parent

to see your children grow up to be loyal, useful,

submissive and dependable members of two

nationalities – the earthly nation and the heavenly.

As a parent, you will do well to help your child

strike a balance and develop a healthy allegiance to

both nations.


| 168


All these require time, sacrifice, thoughtfulness

and attention. If you will resolve to pay the price of

training your children today, you will reap a

bountiful harvest tomorrow.

Children are gifts from God and we should lavish

our concern, care, love on them so that they can

follow our godly example and instruction. If we do

this according to the guidelines provided in the

Bible, through the support of the Holy Spirit and by

the grace of God from Calvary, our children will be

well trained and they will grow up to become godly,

healthy, useful and good children. We will enjoy

them on earth and in heaven and they will be with

us all through eternity. “If ye know these things,

happy are ye if ye do them” (John 13:17).



arriage is God’s making. He designed it

to be enjoyed. But its joys and bliss cannot be

realised without our active participation as

explained in the preceding chapters. In this

chapter, we shall consider another important

aspect of marriage and family life which is ‘staying



In Psalm chapter 133, the Lord shows the beauty of

unity, affection, love and harmony in the home.

“Behold, how good and how pleasant it is for

brethren to dwell together in unity! It is like the

precious ointment upon the head, that ran down

upon the beard, even Aaron’s beard: that went

down to the skirts of his garments: As the dew of

Hermon, and as the dew that descended upon the

mountains of Zion: for there the LORD

commanded the blessing, even life for evermore.”


| 170


In this short Psalm, the Lord reveals ten different

things about unity – unity in the family:

First, it tells us that unity (in the family) is good:

“how good... it is for brethren (husband, wife and

their children) to dwell together in unity”. Family

oneness and harmony is good. It is good for the

husband, wife and their children; it is good for the

Church and profitable to the nation.

Dwelling together implies that those involved are

united in purpose. They are not mere tenants living

in the same house. The husband and wife are not

just two business partners running a business

enterprise. They are not caretakers taking care of a

set of little kids together: neither are they two co-

workers working in the business of life production


The husband and wife are people who are united in

heart, aim and objectives. They share mutual

comfort and true fellowship in an atmosphere that

is totally free – free from conflict, strife and

division. So, the first thing you must know about

unity in the home is that it is a very good thing!

The word “good” appears in the first chapter of

Genesis. It occurred at the end of each day’s work to

compliment the creation. After completing each

day’s creation, it is recorded that “God saw that it

Living Together | 171

was good.” It is the same word, ‘good’ the Scripture

used for unity.

The second thing revealed in the Psalm is that unity

and harmony in the home is pleasant. It gives

pleasure and enjoyment. The psalmist says:

“Behold, how good and how pleasant it is for

brethren to dwell together in unity. ” You can then

know that you are missing a lot of pleasure when

you miss unity and harmony in your home.

Verse 2 reads: “It is like the precious ointment... ”.

This shows that unity is precious. If a good,

pleasant and precious thing is within your reach,

prudence dictates you seek after it. This is the third

attribute of unity.

Again, we can see that from the reference, unity is

not only good, pleasant and precious, it is also holy.

It is holy because it is likened to the ointment that

was used to anoint the first high priest. This

ointment was poured upon the first high priest to

ordain him and to consecrate him for the holy

service of God.

It was a strict law in Israel that the oil used to anoint

the high priest must not be applied on a stranger or

ordinary person. It was supposed to be holy and

sacred. That shows that the unity and harmony in

the family is so holy that you cannot pour that type

of affection upon a stranger or any ordinary person.


| 172

There is a precious and holy type of unity and

togetherness that can only be found in marriage. It

is good, pleasant and holy only within the bonds of

marriage; outside marriage, it is unholy. You must

not give it to a stranger. If this type of unity is given

to a stranger, it becomes bad, evil and unpleasant.

The unity in marriage diffuses. The ointment

poured upon Aaron during his anointing flowed

down to his beard, his garment – even the very

fringe of it, so the unity in marriage should flow and

diffuse through the family.

This affection, when manifested in the home,

affects everybody in the family. Let the husband

and the wife start it (love one another, live together,

pray together, eat together, plan together, go out

together, come in together); and that good and

pleasant unity and fellowship will soon spread to

all the children. The partners will benefit and the

children under the influence of such unity and

harmony will be blessed. Everybody will be happy.

This unity is also special. The anointing oil to

which it is likened is that which separated Aaron

from others for his special services unto God. So the

psalmist is implying that the unity he is talking

about is so special that the only thing it can be

likened to is the ointment that sets Aaron apart for

special services.
He tells us also that it is flowing: once it is set in

Living Together | 173

motion, it will never stop. This type of unity and

love starts from the wedding day and it goes on till

death parts the partners. The longer you are in that

marriage, the sweeter it is. It becomes richer and

better, as the days go by. If you have missed this type

of unity in your marriage, you have to rediscover it

as quickly as possible.

It is flowing because once it is set in motion, it will

neither stop nor cease until it reaches everybody in

the family. The effect of unity in the home has no

limit. It flows naturally to all the members of the

family without partiality or favouritism.

Let us go through that Psalm again to discover the

picture of the ideal marriage yours should be, if you

are married. If you are not married yet, develop a

mental picture of how your marriage would be.

Envision that you are living together with a man or

with a woman in such blessed unity. It will be

heaven on earth for you!

“Behold, how good and how pleasant it is for

brethren (husband and wife) to dwell together in

unity! It is like the precious ointment upon the

head, that ran down upon the beard, even Aaron’s

beard: that went down to the skirts of his

garments.” This psalm opens with the word

“Behold”. The Psalmist alerts you to look up and see

an uncommon sight. If you are looking for

something which will give you enjoyment and

pleasure, something that will leave an


| 174

unforgettable memory in you, cast your eye on


“As the dew of Hermon, and as the dew that

descended upon the mountains of Zion…” Here,

the Psalmist tells us that the wonderful attribute of

unity is that it is descending. This gives the

impression that it goes from the top to the bottom;

from the strong to the weak; from the highest to the

lowest. The strongest member of the family is the

husband. This means, therefore, that unity

descends from him to the wife, and from the wife to

the children, including the newly-born babe and

the least lovable among the children.

When dew falls upon plants, it refreshes them and

supplies them with water in good measure. This

then means that unity is refreshing. In its course, it

comes upon the members of the family and

refreshes them. It relaxes the tension of life which

they face outside. It contributes to their physical,

emotional, spiritual, social, intellectual growth.

To cap it all, the second part of verse three reads: “...

for there the Lord commanded the blessing, even

life evermore”. This is the great attribute of unity:

God blesses it. It imparts blessing from God. How

beautiful a sight to see families dwell together in

unity! Unity has such a force that among whichever

set of people it is found, such cannot be separated

by sword, famine, misunderstanding or any offence

whatsoever. The husband and wife who are united

Living Together | 175

never have time to think of separation or divorce

because nothing ever prompts such an action.

Instead, they just live together and love each other.

No wonder the Psalmist exclaims: “how good and

how pleasant it is ... to dwell together in unity”!

As we consider “Living Together”, we shall look at it

from two angles: Divine Presentation and Human

Realization. Marriage is a divine institution, and so

there is a divine presentation of it.


“And the rib, which the LORD God had taken

from man, made he a woman, and brought her

unto the man. And Adam said, This is now bone of

my bones, and flesh of my flesh: she shall be

called Woman, because she was taken out of Man.

Therefore shall a man leave his father and his

mother, and shall cleave unto his wife: and they

shall be one flesh” (Genesis 2:22-24).

The plan of God from the beginning of the world

(and which will remain till the end of the world) is

seen in the above passage. In His wisdom, God

instituted marriage. In His power, He made Adam

and Eve. In His programme, He joined both of them

together and put them in the garden of Eden.

Through Thick and Thin

When Adam was in Eden, Eve was with him. The

day Adam changed accommodation – left Eden, the


| 176

next place he went, Eve was also there. When things

were better in Eden, they were together. When the

curse came and it was worse, they were together.

When family problems came and Cain killed Abel,

they stayed together. When they were young (as

they were created) they were together. When they

were old, they stayed together. This example

manifestly reveals God’s plan in marriage from the

beginning of the world. And His plan from the

beginning is the same through all human

dispensations to the very end of the world. He is the

eternal, unchanging God.

No Spare Part

If God had contemplated or planned for any

incidence of “divorce” between Adam and Eve, He

would have created another female who would be

waiting in the line while Eve experiments with

Adam. God would have christened the person

Esther or Elizabeth. God would have also told

Adam: “If you have any problem with Eve, push her

out, Esther or Elizabeth is an alternative”. He could

also have created a man, possibly Albert, and told

Eve: “Should you have any difficulty relating with

Adam, quit; just tell him ‘Sorry, I’ll now go to

Albert”. But God never did anything like that,

revealing that they must live together. We can infer

God was telling them that they should remain

together throughout their lifetime.

When God created Adam and Eve, and joined them

Living Together | 177

together, He meant they were to CLEAVE together in

marriage. It was to be a strong bond. They became

one flesh and had an indissoluble union. This

shows that marriage is indissoluble.

Plan immutable

“For I am the Lord, I change not... ” (Malachi 3:6). To

the children of Israel, God affirms that though

human laws may change, His plan concerning

marriage has not changed. God is wise and His laws

are products of His ageless wisdom. Suffice it to say

that His laws never change. So, as He told the

children of Israel in the passage, He is telling us

now: “I am the Lord, I change not. My initial plan,

decision and condition for marriage are still the

same today.”

Hypocrisy Rejected

“And this have ye done again, covering the altar

of the Lord with tears, with weeping, and with

crying out, insomuch that he regardeth not the

offering any more, or receiveth it with good will

at your hand” (Malachi 2:13). These Israelites,

having changed the plan of God for marriage, would

go to the altar of God and cry, weep, shout and

make a number of requests from God. But His reply

is: “I will not answer you. I will not even do so much

as throw a glance at you until you do the right thing

concerning marriage”.

But they did not understand God. “Yet ye say,


| 178

Wherefore (What have we done)? Because the

LORD hath been witness between thee and the

wife of thy youth, against whom thou hast dealt

treacherously: yet is she thy companion, and the

wife of thy covenant. And did not he make one?

Yet had he the residue of the spirit. And

wherefore one? That he might seek a godly seed.

Therefore take heed to your spirit, and let none

deal treacherously... ” (Malachi 2:14-16). This

passage is very clear and straightforward. God says

He hates separation. He loathes divorce.

It is obvious from verse fourteen that they had

already trespassed. While some had already

separated from their wives, others had divorced

their wives. But God made it known that even

though they thought they had separated, their first

wives (“wives of thy youth”) were still their

companions as long as those women remained

alive. God calls every woman who is rightly

married to a husband: “The wife of thy covenant”

and “the wife of thy youth”. Therefore God was

saying that husbands and wives must live together.

And if they have separated, they must come

together. “Know ye not, brethren, (for I speak to

them that know the law), how that the law hath

dominion over a man as long as he liveth? For the

woman which hath an husband is bound by the

law to her husband so long as he liveth; but if the

husband be dead, she is loosed from the law of

her husband” (Romans 7:1,2). This passage is

Living Together | 179

saying as long as the man you first married (never

married anyone else before you) remains alive, you

cannot be separated from him. He is the husband of

thy youth, the husband of thy covenant. As long as

he remains alive, you two have to live together. The

woman (wife) is released or loosed only if her

husband dies. Whether the husband is sick, weak,

poor or physically handicapped, as long as he is

alive, the wife must live together with him. “So

then if, while her husband liveth, she be married

to another man, she shall be called an adulteress:

but if her husband be dead, she is free from that

law... ” (Romans 7:3). This is the clear and perfect

plan of God.


“The Pharisees also came unto him... saying unto

him, is it lawful for a man to put away his wife for

every cause? ” These people asked Jesus a question

concerning marriage. They might have thought He

was going to teach them something contradictory to

God’s plan. But we know that Jesus and His Father

are one. He was not going to, at any time, make a

fool of His Father by perverting His word. God said,

‘I hate putting away’. So we can presume the Son’s

answer will not, by any means, contradict the

Father’s plan.

Back to the Scriptures

“And he answered and said unto them, Have ye


| 180

not read, that he which made them at the

beginning made them male and female, And said,

For this cause shall a man leave father and

mother, and shall cleave to his wife: and they

twain shall be one flesh? ” (Matthew 19:4,5). Jesus

confirmed the plan and provision of God for

marriage. He, by His answer, confirmed that as long

as the world stands, the plan of the Father

concerning marriage will never be changed. He

confirmed the plan of one man to one woman

relationship in marriage. He confirmed the fact that

marriage is an indissoluble relationship.

Since God is the Source of marriage, He warned the

Pharisees that no one had the right to tamper with

it: “Wherefore they are no more twain, but one

flesh. What therefore God hath joined together, let

not man put asunder” (Matthew 19:6).


“And unto the married I command, yet not I, but

the Lord, Let not the wife depart from her husband:

But and if she depart, let her remain unmarried, or

be reconciled to her husband: and let not the

husband put away his wife” (1 Corinthians

7:10,11). Here, Paul reminds us of the preaching of

Christ. He said, “unto the married I command, yet

not I, BUT THE LORD…”. We have to note

something in this reference: “... unto the married I

COMMAND”. This is a straightforward command

scarcely giving room to any option. He further

Living Together | 181

stated that if any of the married should separate

from the other, such should stay single for as long as

the other partner remains alive, otherwise, he or she

should be reconciled to the other partner.

You have tried separation as a husband and you

find it more difficult than forgiving your wife, be

reconciled. As a wife, you have tried separation and

you find it tougher than forgiving and overlooking

your husband’s faults, get reconciled. It is a


Wonder of God’s Plan

This issue of marriage is one thing that

differentiates human beings from animals.

Monkeys, dogs, cows, horse, etc., do not get

married. Anytime they feel like mating, they do that

anywhere and afterwards go their separate ways. In

many places today, people just behave like animals.

They do not follow the plan of God. No wonder

scientists say human beings are just higher animals.

The fact that they put on clothes, drive cars, and do

some thinking only upgraded them for the title:

“Higher Animals”. Some human beings are not

different from animals.


“Husbands, love your wives, even as Christ also

loved the church, and gave himself for it; That he

might sanctify and cleanse it with the washing of


| 182

water by the word. That he might present it to

himself a glorious church, not having spot, or

wrinkle, or any such thing; but that it should be

holy and without blemish. So ought men to love

their wives as their own bodies. He that loveth his

wife loveth himself. For no man ever yet hated his

own flesh; but nourisheth and cherisheth it, even

as the Lord the church. For we are members of his

body, of his flesh, and of his bones” (Ephesians 5:25-30).

Oneness of married couple is affirmed by the Holy

Spirit. This is exactly what Adam said concerning

Eve: “This is now bone of my bones, and flesh of my

flesh”). For this cause shall a man leave his father

and mother, and shall be joined unto his wife, and

they two shall be one flesh” (Ephesians 5:31). This

is the picture of marriage presented by the Holy


Agreement of the Trinity

According to God the Father, when a man and his

wife come together, they become one flesh. The

Son, Jesus Christ, confirmed it. The Holy Spirit

emphasized it. It is clear that the plan of God is an

indivisible and indissoluble marital union. Jesus

preached on one-man-one-woman marriage

relationship, and said that it is only death that can

separate the married couple. The Holy Spirit

compared this one-man-one-woman relationship

in marriage to what exists between Christ and the


Living Together | 183

The picture given by the Holy Spirit is also clear. As

long as Christ and the Church are alive, they remain

together; and as long as the husband and his wife

are alive, they must live together. When the Church

was weak, Jesus was the head of that Church. When

the Church was (and is) being persecuted, Jesus did

(and does) not separate from her.

In all conditions and circumstances, the Church

stays together with Christ. The Holy Spirit’s picture

of marriage implies that in all circumstances and

situations in life, the wife and her husband must

remain in union.


“This is a great mystery, but I speak concerning

Christ and the Church.” It is such a mystery that an

ordinary human, carnal mind cannot understand

the indissoluble nature of the union. It remains a

In our understanding, one plus one equals two. But

in marriage, one added to one equals one! This is

also a mystery that mathematicians cannot solve.

God does not see one plus one as two in marriage.

Rather, He sees one plus one as one. You say, “I don’t

understand”, God answers, “it is a mystery. You

don’t need to understand, you just practise it”. This

is the divine presentation of marriage.


| 184


The Bible’s command that a man and a woman

joined together in marriage must live together as

long as the world lasts, must be obeyed. Human

realization of this divine imperative requires that

we do away with all hindrances in order to

experience the peace of God in the home.

Destroyers of Marriage

Below are some things that mar marriages. “Now

the works of the flesh are manifest, which are

these: adultery, fornication, uncleanness,

lasciviousness, Idolatry, witchcraft, hatred,

variance, emulations, wrath, strife, seditions,

heresies, Envyings, murder, drunkenness,

revellings... ” (Galatians 5:19-21). Of what

relevance are these? you may ask. These things

keep you away from achieving God’s best in your

marriage. If you, as a married man or woman, get

into any of these, you miss God’s best for your

marriage. If you get into adultery, you lose your

peace, dignity, self-respect, and of course, God’s


The things listed above are veritable destroyers of

marriage. Uncleanness breaks the home; idolatry

rips the family of unity; sorcery is a hindrance to the

manifestation of God’s glory in marriage; self-

centredness removes love from the family;

drunkenness ruins the home. There are many more

Living Together | 185

consequences of the vices listed above. Ultimately,

they keep the evildoers away from God’s kingdom.

Getting The Best

What then can be done about these destructive evils

that stand in the way of having God’s best realised

in marriage? “Flee also youthful lusts... ” (2 Timothy

2:22). Whether or not you are married, the Bible

expressly commands that you must keep away from

lusts of the eyes and of the flesh. How do you flee

youthful lusts? Get saved. The moment you do this,

your life, home and everything will be changed.

“But the fruit of the spirit is love, joy, peace,

longsuffering, gentleness, goodness, faith,

meekness, temperance: against such there is no

law” (Galatians 5:22,23). You need the fruit of the

Spirit to make your marriage a grand success.

When you have love, your family will stand. The

joy of the Lord will be the strength of your marriage.

The peace of God in your heart will not be disturbed

by any circumstance (austerity, unemployment,

etc.). Longsuffering paves way for being patient

with members of the family. Gentleness is centred

on the husband’s kindness to his wife and the wife’s

ability to tolerate her husband’s weaknesses.

Goodness calls for mutual caring and sharing in

love. Faith in God brings fidelity into the hearts of

partners in marriage and faithfulness towards each

other. Marriage becomes interesting when the fruits

of the Spirit are manifested.


| 186

The Bible is very clear in its teachings. If you

possess the fruit of the Spirit, you will not need to

go to any law court to settle quarrels or even

dissolve your marriage. The fact that you cannot

live peaceably and harmoniously with your wife is

an indication that the fruit of the Spirit is lacking in

your life. If you are meek and temperate, you will

avoid fighting and warring with your wife.

“For the husband is the head of the wife, even as

Christ is the head of the church: and he is the

Saviour of the body”. What makes Jesus the Head of

the Church is love. He is an embodiment of true

love – sacrificial love; the type of love that made

Him to shed His blood for the redemption of the

Church. The love of Jesus for the Church is unique.

The Church was dirty and filthy; yet, the Lord so

much loved her that He went to the cross at Calvary

and shed His blood in order to purify her. In the

same way, you become the successful head of your

family through love.

“Husbands, love your wives, even as Christ also

loved the church, and gave himself for it.” This is a

good commandment. You do not need any other

thing. Love will not do anything evil. Love is not

selfish or self-centred. Love is caring, kind, good

and charitable.

The standard with which the love of a husband for

his wife must be measured is given: “... even as

Christ also loved the church”. Husbands therefore

Living Together | 187

need to know that when the Church was unholy,

Christ was holy. When the Church was weak, Christ

was strong. When the Church was prayerless,

Christ was prayerful. When Christ was in agony on

the cross, the Church was hiding away behind

closed doors. When Christ was dying for the

Church, the Church was denying Christ. Yet, when

He rose on the third day, He went to the fearful,

faithless Church and greeted her, “peace be unto


Your wife may close and lock the door of her heart

against you. But when you manifest this Christ-like

love, the door will be opened. When Christ loved

the Church, He did not give her something

perishable – He gave Himself for her! You too can

give yourself to your wife and be committed to it.

That means you give her all that you possess

(energy, money, clothes etc.). Then, you can wait

and see whether your wife will be transformed by

your action or not.

“So ought men to love their wives as their own

bodies. He that loveth his wife loveth himself”

(Ephesians 5:28). Here, the Scripture enjoins every

husband to love his wife. By keeping to this

scriptural injunction, the man will do himself a lot

of favour.

As God Has Forgiven You

“And be ye kind one to another, tender-hearted,


| 188

forgiving one another, even as God for Christ’s

sake hath forgiven you” . (Ephesians 4:32). Know

that since both of you are human beings, there are

bound to be minor offences against each other as a

married couple. You do not need to start keeping a

register of offences committed against you by your


Supposing since you came to the Lord Jesus, He

keeps record of your mistakes: the time you did not

pray enough; the time you did not read the Bible
enough; the time you did not witness as you ought

to – and things like that, and on account of those

offences, any time you go to God with a regret as you

kneel down to pray, He reminds you of your mistake

and says, “remember you did not witness to that

man I told you of five months ago”. You go to

worship on Sunday and as you want to start

singing, He tells you: “not yet, remember what you

said two weeks ago”. How would you feel? Would

you have remained a Christian if God had treated

you that way? Since God has graciously forgiven

you, forgive your partner also.


Joseph was sold into slavery by his own brothers.

They were jealous of him. And when he took food to

them to care for them, they said, “Let us slay him”.

But one of them persuaded the others that they

should not do so. Eventually, he was sold into

slavery. To cover up their wicked deed, they

Living Together | 189

slaughtered an animal and poured its blood on his

garment. They got home and lied to their father “we

saw this on the road. Look at it and see whether or

not it is your child’s”. That was how Joseph, the

beloved of his father, was sold into slavery. He

became a servant in a strange land. While in slavery,

his master’s wife wanted to commit sin with him

but he refused. As a result, he was thrown into

prison. He suffered for years but was eventually

exalted by God.

Reunion with his family came through the

incidence of famine. His brothers went to his

domain to buy food. Immediately he saw them, he

recognised them. He gave them food to eat. He put

all their money back into their sacks together with

the food they bought. He asked them of the welfare

of their father. But he did not disclose his identity to

them. When his brothers got back home, they told

their father how they were well-received in Egypt.

They went back again to buy food. This time,

Joseph told all visitors except his brothers to leave

his presence and he shed love-motivated tears. He

told them he was their brother whom they had sold

into slavery. He did not retain their offence. He just

told them God has sent him ahead of them to Egypt.

He further told them to go and bring their families

that they may all be together. He spoke to calm their



| 190

Supposing your wife had fought and deserted you

because of your state of penury and now things

have changed. You now have a house, a car and

even servants. On hearing that you are now well-

off, she comes back to you. If you are told that she is

at the gate of your house, won’t you command your

servants to beat her up? But remember Joseph.


How about David, a young boy who killed Goliath

and delivered Israel from fear and defeat? He was

the person who, anytime he played on his musical

instrument, the evil spirit that tormented Saul

departed from him. But Saul became jealous of him

and hated him with passion. David had to run into

the wilderness for his dear life . Even there, Saul

sought to kill him.

But there was a day David and his men ran into Saul

when he was asleep. Joab told David, “Let me kill

this your enemy who all this while has been

pestering your life”. But David refused. He said,

“no, I must not touch the anointed of the Lord.” All

he did was to cut part of his garment. He said

“Moreover, my father, see, yea, see the skirt of thy

robe in my hand: for in that I cut off the skirt of thy

robe, and killed thee not... yet thou huntest my

soul to take it” (1 Samuel 24:11). Saul answered:

“...Is this thy voice, my son David?... ” (1 Samuel


Living Together | 191

Eventually, Saul died in a battle. When David heard

about it, he took his garment and tore it. He cried

bitterly. The king of Israel who was his greatest

enemy had died; yet, he began to cry. When he

ascended the throne, he asked his servants to

search for any relative of Saul so that he will do him

good. This happened in the Old Testament – the

time when the grace of Christ was not fully


Our Lord

How about Jesus Christ? He healed the sick and

cleansed the leper. He was good to virtually all men.

Yet, the people condemned and nailed Him to the

cross. While in the throes of death, He said: “Father,

forgive them; for they know not what they do”.

Are you not going to forgive your wife even though

she has pestered your life? Will you not forgive your

husband though he has troubled you? Are you

separated already? Come together again. Are you

divorced? Be reconciled. Obtain the grace of God

and be reconciled.
Why can’t you forgive? If Joseph could forgive his

brothers; if David could forgive Saul; if Jesus could

forgive those who crucified Him, you ought to do

likewise. The Holy Ghost through Apostle Paul

said, “forgiving one another, even as God for

Christ’s sake hath forgiven you”. Jesus Himself told

us to forgive those who offend us seventy times

seven, daily.


| 192

Do you find it hard to forgive like Christ? Ask for the

grace of God to fill your heart. Erase the offences

you have recorded in your diary against your

spouse. Forgive. Begin, henceforth, to live together

and love each other. As long as you live, stay with

your spouse. Stick to your marriage covenant till

death part both of you.

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