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Few months ago when selling Markauteur a reply guy snarked & pounded his chest like Donkey

Kong in the forest about the price:


1108? Youre fucking nuts

Whos going to read that whole page and throw 1108 at it?

Jesus save this man with a value ladder…


Reply guy must new around here.

Wait’ll he sees the price tag on my book about World-Building later this year…

Anyway, I don’t bring this up to talk about Markauteur.

(It’s not even for sale right now, and is turned off in the cart)

No, I bring this up because this email you are reading now is an example of what I call the
“Troll eye poke method”

Reply guy didn’t really give me much to work with as far as monetizing him. Yes, he’s an idiot,
that much is obvious. And he’s also your typical reply guy who thinks anyone gives a shyt what
they think about anything, which nobody does, and that’s why they reply guy — for relevance
and attention.

Really, there is no other reason.

And unfortunately, there’s no passion in those types.

No long rants into the ether.

No desperate plea for social media clout and likes.

i.e., the above reply guy is not a very useful troll and it is much harder to monetize them types.
Although I do teach a way inside the March Email Players issue for potentially turning the kind
of snarking and sniping this reply guy did into potential sales, and even higher inbox
deliverability, if you choose. But there is not much to go on beyond that.

Thus, the eye poke.

A few years ago I remember asking Sifu about this.

I asked what if some idiot is in your face, barking and ankle-biting, but doesn’t really give you
anything to work with. No force coming at you to use back at him. Just a weakling guy with a
weak grip and does nothing but shove, yell, talk shyt, but clearly has intent to do harm if he can.

His reply:

“Just poke him in the eye”

And so it goes…

That’s what this email is.

You can always repeat someone’s dumb reply guy comment, mock it a little, with a CTA.

i.e., poke the idiot in the eye

Like this email just did

And on that note:

Tomorrow is the deadline to get in on the March Email Players issue which is all about the
pathology of the typical online troll — so you can better monetize them, use them to grow your
business, and, yes, have some fun at the same time. The idea of having fun with trolls is
completely foreign to a lot of people — especially businesses who just want to be left alone,
can’t understand why some idiot is barking at the social media moon about them, and is fixated
on them to the point of trying to humiliate, dox, even (in some rare cases) harm them.
The March issue explains all this.

A lot of people think this won't apply to them, but it does.

If you have anything to say or sell worth saying and selling, I beliee you will have trolls

Just a matter of time.

Something a lot of "good people" who think they have no enemies find out the hard way.

And while the March issue is long on psychology and low on “tactics” I do still teach:

1. A “turn-by-turn” case study of how I have been — and continue to — profiting from my all-time
favorite troll to the tune of probably 6-figures so far and counting, including one of the emails I
wrote for doing it

2. A clever way FDR used his trolls to win landslide elections

3. How to potentially profit and grow your business without ever even interacting with, talking
about, or so much as acknowledging the existence of your trolls, snarky drive-by commenters,
and other assorted reply guys who probably lower your IQ every time you waste time reading
something they send

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