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Content suggestions to
increase revenue growth
Group Members

Okta Ndaru Alvin Fabian

Sulistiyo Budiarjo Afdaniel
Table of Content

1 Company Profile & History

2 Business Problem

3 Data Insights

4 Suggestions
Data Gathering
Data used for this deck are:
Netflix Movies & TV Shows Dataset
Netflix Financial Report

Data Preparation & Data Insight

We removed several irrelevant data such as Director name and Show Casts
With those data cleared we ended up with 7.226 rows from 8.807 rows.

Data Analysis
Netflix revenue and growth over the years
Netflix content distribution
Netflix regional revenue
Netflix genre pairings

Data Visualitation
Visualization in deck is using Pyhton charting and Excel Charts
Charts in this deck will show Netflix's content distribution and regional performances
alongside content genre pairing
Key Activities Area of Operation
To provide streaming Netflix's services are
services and content available in over 190
production in the form Countries spread
of Movies and TV across 5 Regions
series for it's users worldwide

Achievements Milestone
In 2018 Netflix
In 2017 Netflix
achieved a milestone
managed to cross the
of 1 million USD in Net
100 Million
Income across all of
Subscribers mark.
it's operational
Company History
Netflix creates its first Netflix achieved yet
original series, another milestone of 5
"Lilyhammer," and later million USD in Net
launches its critically Income, the highest net
acclaimed series "House Netflix crossed the 100 income growth since it's
of Cards." million subscriber mark first 1 million USD Net
globally. Income.

2012 2017 2021

2007 2015 2018

Netflix introduces Netflix expands its service Netflix achieved a
streaming, allowing to Japan, Italy, Spain, and milestone of 1 million
subscribers to instantly Portugal, increasing its USD in Net Income
watch movies and TV global reach. across all of it's
shows online operational regions.
Revenue is growing since 2017 but revenue growth has been
fluctuating and declining in 2021
Marketing Cost has spiked several times and has been exceeding Net Income
throughout 2017 - 2021, but it has a positive effect on Net Income by 2020.
What should be the next
focus to boost revenue
The majority of Netflix's content are filled with Movies
while the rest are TV Shows

77% 23%
Content are Content are
Movies TV Shows
Total Show

Total Movies

Total TV Shows

USA is the country with
the most content in
Netflix, but Asia
placed at the 2nd, 4th,
and 5th country with
the most content

Netflix Movie genres
pairings shows that
Independent Movies and
International Movies tends
to be Dramas.

Sci-Fi Fantasy tends to be

Action & Adventure

And Thrillers tends to be

Horror Movies.
2019 is a good performing
year for us in terms of revenue
growth and we will be using
this year as a base KPI.

A quarterly revenue growth of 10% from 2019 numbers will

increase quarterly revenue by about 3.68% which will
contribute to a yearly growth of 14,73% for all region.
Content Suggestions
Content Suggestions

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