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Twice upon a time, I was dating a girl who was getting very aggressive about me giving her my

precious & ever-elusive commitment. We had dated for maybe a few weeks, and it sounded like
she wanted some kind of security.

But, she simply wasn’t at the level for me to want to girlfriend her up.

So, I told her — insisted — she go see other people.

But she didn’t want to see these other people, she only wanted to see me.

“Mr. Email Player, why do you have to keep seeing these other girls?” she asked.

My response?

I Ben-splained to her how every company has a human resources department that is always
taking applications. Even if I am not hiring, and have a good employee as my assistant, for
example, I’m still always taking applications from other would-be assistants.


Many reasons.

For example:
If my assistant starts getting complacent and repeatedly disrespects me or her position… or if I
catch her embezzling funds… or she’s caught also working for a competitor… or if she just ups
and leaves without even giving her two week notice... I have to have someone I can pull out of
the drink at a moment’s notice.

To her credit, she understood where I was coming from well enough.

She understood her position at the time was my intern.

She was not yet a full time employee on the payroll.

She also realized she could be one if she worked hard, kept her nose clean, and I was ready to
fill that position. But at that time, she was an intern. Most interns, of course, move on to other
jobs if for no other reason than to get paid or paid more. But sometimes a dedicated intern
hangs around long enough, proves themselves exceptional, doesn't get seduced away by
another company's benefits, and demonstrates a fiery determination to only work for the
company who gave them an internship.

And eventually?

Becomes a full time employee.

And if that employee proves to be irreplaceable & vital to the company's future?

They get offered a stake in the business.

And then, eventually… partnership.

I can hear the weeping & gnashing of teeth already.

“elBenbo! You asshole!”

No, it’s not asshole-ish, it's smart.

Every good company takes applications at all times, just as valuable employees constantly keep
their eye out for better jobs at all times, whether they admit it or not, or want to or not. It keeps
everyone on their toes and from becoming complacent.

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